1982-09-07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 7,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Discussion: Report on the Citizens Advisory Group - Sewer. Harold Knight, Chairperson. 3. Discussion: Crime Stoppers Program. Lee Pitts, North Richland Hills. 4. Consider: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance No. 261. Maximum Height Restrictions in Heavy Commercial Zoning District. 5. Consider: Fiscal Year 1983 Budget. 6. ZA 82-22. Final plat of Woodland Heights Addition. The 60.78 acre tract of land is out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 529. Burger and Eakins Custom Builders, owners. Approval of Developers Agreement. 7. ZA 82-28. Final plat approval for "The Hill" Addition to the City of Southlake. The 10.9 acre tract of land is out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Owner: L.R. Pierce. 8. ZA 82-29. Zoning request for Lot 3R and 4R of Block 3, Southlake Park Addition. Present zoning is Agricul- tural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Joe L. Roberts. Public Hearing. 9. ZA 82-29. Replat of Lots 3R and 4R of Block 3, Southlake Park Addition. Purpose: Abandonment of easement. Owner: Joe L. Roberts. 10. ZA 82-30. Zoning request for Lot 1 Block 5, Southlake Park Addition #2. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Francis and Mary Martini. Public Hearing. 11. Consider: School for the Court Clerk. 12. Consider: School for Detective McCoy, Police Department. 13. Consider: Approval to purchase office furniture for City Administration and Building Department as per FY82 Budget. 14. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 3,1982 at 3 p. . e City Secretary cn v <i c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS v rri W 0 0 d o rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING. September 7,1982 x z DATE: r7l t~ rrl C) 0 7:30 p.m. d a TIME: PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 (D 3 czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o z TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Tro Tem; Lloyd 0. Latta Councilpersons: Tom Loris, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, and Marion Bone. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Randy Martin, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline and City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm The Minutes of the August 17, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: Under the Mayors Report, mention was made to the annual Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry, which will be held at the Catfish Hut in Grapevine, on October 18, from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Latta gave an update on the traffic situation on State Highway 114. Mayor Sparger announced that the City now ownes a 12 acre tract of land on the north/west corner of West Dove and North White Chapel Road. The purchase was made as a part of the Capital Improvement Program and paid for by the Series 1982 General Obligation Bond monies. Harold Knight, chairman of the Citize EWER Advisory Group, Sewer, was present COMMITTEE and gave a progress report on the REPORT committees activities during the past four years. He indicated that several businesses in Southlake have installed the Nutt-Shell type aerobic sewer systems and that they are work- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION September 7,1982 6:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: FY83 Budget. 2. Discussion: City Hall/Fire Hall Facilities Project. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 3, 982 at 3 p.m. City Secretary C < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS y rr7 W O o d o rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z v d d MEETING. ern z n DATE: September 7,1982 rn d TIME: 7:30 p.m. o a z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKL- NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNC i LPFRSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX satisfactorily. There are two residential systems in the City, as a result of the committees efforts. Mayor Sparger requested that Mr. Knigh and the Committee keep abreast of the TRA activities and also on the availa- bility of sewer grants to the City of Southlake. The newly formed Crime Stoppers Program CRIME was presented to Council by Lee Pitts STOPPERS of North Richland Hills Police Depart- PROGRAM ment and Dave McGrudy of the Grapevine Police Department. They explained that the program is a non-profit organization set up through the State of Texas. In the local program, there are eleven cities participating. The amendment to the-Zoning Ordinance, ORDINAN~_? Latta x x Ordinance No. 261-B, allowing for 85 NO. 261-B Loris x feet buildings in Heavy Commercial Westerholm x x zoning under a Special Exception Use McCombs x permit was approved by the City Counci . Ordinance No. 275, the FY83 Budget ORDINANCE Latta x x was approved by unanimous vote. The NO. 275 Loris x total budget, in the amount of, FY83 Westerholm x $865,042.50 was approved with no BUDGET McCombs x x comments from the audience during the public hearing. ZA 82-22. The final plat of ZA 82-2 Woo land Heights Addition was presente WOODLAN'V to the Council for approval by Bob HEIGHTS Rawley, engineer for the owners, Burg rADDITIO and Eakins Custom Builders. Engineer for the City, Eddie Cheatham, was present and indicated he had reviewed the plat and it was in order except for minor corrections. He indicated however, that the water, drainage and street layouts had not yet been submitted to him. After discussion, i- c CI'['Y OF sou'rll -AK 1: TEXAS y n7 tU O O d o M ~ MINUTES OF THE _Regular CITY COUNCIL ~el: y d d MVETING. September 7,1982 a d 1 y DA'TF.: rxn o rn O 7:30 p.m. T IME: PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKF, COUNCIL. CHAMBERS- a Cf) 667 NOW111 CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME 0 o o TEXAS. COUNCILPI;IZSON PAG t; : 3 I NI)I:X motion was made and approved to accept the final plat with the following Latta x x conditions: Loris x 1) A 30' dedication be given to the Westerholm x City between Lots 9 & 10 and that :.McCombs x x the Developer will have the right to move the property lines on Lots 10,11,& 12 to adjust those lots for footage to the city. 2) Add street name to the plat. 3) Drainage on the backs of Lots 20 &2 , 21 $ 22 show a 30' easement. ZA 82-28 The final plat of "The Hill" ZA 82-28 A ition was submitted for approval THE HILT by owner, L.A. Pierce. ADDITIO APPROVE, After discussion, the plat was approve subject to the corrections listed by Latta x x the P & Z, in there minutes of August Loris x 24,1982, meeting. Westerholm x Mr. Westerholm wished the minutes McCombs x x to reflect that he is dissatisfied with the plat as it is not the best use of the land. sZA 82-29. The zoning request for ZA 82-29 Lots 3R and 4R of Block 3, Southlake ZONING Park Addition was approved, as was CHANGE1, Latta x x lithe replat of the lots making Lot 3R2. AND REPLA Loris x R ,<.Westerholm x Purpose of the replat was to combine McCombs I x x Ithe lots abandoning the easement. N 'The zoning was changed from Agricultu Latta x al to A-3 Single Family District. Loris x x ~Westerholm x x Joe Roberts, owner, was not present McCombs x for the meeting in which there were no comments during the public hearing. cn y CITY OF SOUT11;,AKL, TVXAS b o .U'~ MI NU'I'I?S OF '1'H1: Regular` CITY COUNCIL r d t7 Ml?I I'lNG. x M z y 'n UA't'li: September 7,1982 Cri t~ to c) o T I Nil: : 7:30 p.m. PI.ACI': CI'T'Y 01-' SOUTHLAKF, COUNCIL CHAMBER- 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE., SOU'T'HLAKE NAME' OI. o o TEXAS. COUNCI I,11FRSON PAGE-:: 4 I NI)EX ZA 82-30 The zoning change requested ZA 82-30 or Lot 1 Block 5 of the Southlake ZONING Park Addition #2, was discussed. CHANGE Latta x x Loris x There were no comments during the publ c -Westerholm x x hearing. The zoning was changed from McCombs x Agricultural to the A-3 Single Family District. Latta x x Approval was given for the Court Clerk Loris x to attend a training school at .Westerholm x T.C.J.C. Cost is $85. for the 12 wee McCombs x x course. Latta x Captain McCoy was given approval to Loris x attend a pne day seminar in Huntsville, `"Westerholm x x at a fee of $80. :Combs x x Approval was given for the purchase Latta x x of office furniture for the City Loris x Administration Department, Building Westerholm x x Department and Water Department as McCombs x allowed for in the FY82 Budget. Latta x The bills presented, were approved fo Loris x x payment. Westerholm x x McCombs x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. r Mayo ATTEST: City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 276 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,1982, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,1983. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: 1. That the Mayor of said City has heretofore duly and timely filed, in accordance with the law, a Budget for the City covering the fiscal year running from October 1,1982 to September 30,1983, that due and timely public notice that a public hearing on such Budget would be held on August 17,1982 was given and made in accordance withthe law and within the time limits set forth by law; that such public hearing was held in accordance with the law on August 17,1982 and that it was the opinion and judgement of the City Council that such Budget which is attached hereto be, and same is hereby in all things approved and that same is proper and correct. 2. That said Budget is here and now, and hereby.in all things, approved and adopted and it shall be effective as of October 1,1982. 3. That this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure which shall have and take effect from and after its present reading for the reasons that the fiscal year commences October 1,1982 and fixing the rate and levy of taxes for the 1982 must be had prior to October 1,1982 and after approval and adoption of this Budget; it is for the immediate preserva- tion of public property and business, and provides for the daily operations of all municipal departments and lays a predicate for the appropriation of money to defray current and other expenses. PASSED AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE affirmative vote of a majority of said Council members present this 7th day of September 1982. CW1912'1'~ dlwx~',") May ATTE 1' City Secretary ITEM: Section No. III-F FUEL COST FACTOR SCHEDULE FCF Sheet No. Effective Date APPLICABLE: Fifth Revision APPLICABLE TO ALL RATE SCHEDULES Page 1 Of 3 The formula for calculation of the Fuel Cost Factor is as fellows: Fuel Cost Factor = (F S A) X L (Rounded to the nearest 0.0001c) DEFINITIONS I. F = Fuel costs estimated to be incurred by the Company for the current month and shall be composed of the cost of: (a) fossil and nuclear fuel consumed in the Company's own plants, excluding that supplied by customer, and the Company's share of fossil and nuclear fuel consumed in jointly owned or leased plants, and (b) plus the actual identifiable fossil. and nuclear fuel costs associated with energy purchased, and (c) plus the cost of economy energy purchased, and (d) plus fuel costs* for net interchange received, and (e) less fuel cost* for net interchange delivered, and (f) less the cost of all fossil and nuclear fuel recovered through off system sales to affiliates or unaffiliated companies. *Cumulative interchange shall be recorded in a deferred account. Fuel cost of net interchange energy received shall be calculated at the average cost of fuel associated with amounts of interchange energy previously delivered by the Company and deferred, or at the replacement cost of such energy when amounts of such previous deliveries are depleted. Fuel Cost of net energy delivered shall be calculated at the average cost associated with amounts of interchange energy previously received by the Company and deferred, or at the incremental fuel cost of such energy delivered when amounts of such previous receipts are depleted. ldgab~ Tiff TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ITEM: Section No. III-F FUEL COST FACTOR SCHEDULE FCF Sheet No. Effective Date APPLICABLE: Fifth Revision APPLICABLE TO ALL RATE SCHEDULES Page 2 Of 3 II. S = All kilowatthours estimated to be sold and recorded in the current month by the Company, excluding off system sales to affiliated and une.ffi.liated companies and sales associated with fuel as excluded under I(a) above. III. L = Loss Factor to account for differences in line losses corresponding to voltage level of service. Loss Service Factor Voltage Applicable to Rates (Including Riders) 1.017 Secondary RS, RTU, GS, LP20 without Pri. Service Cr., AL, GL, PS, WSP,MS, SLS, SHL. 0.981 Primary LP-20 with Pri. Service Cr.: REA and WP-500 for service not applicable to Transmission Service Credit. 0.951 Transmission LP-10,000; REA and WP-500 for service applicable to Transmission Service Credit. TV. A = Adjustment applied in the current billing month to correct for the difference between the actual and estimated fuel cost revenue derived from the Fuel Cost Factor of the second preceding billing month calculated by the formula: A = R - (C-D-A2), where: R = Revenue received from the application of the Fuel Cost Factor in the second preceding billing month. ff TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ITEM: FUEL COST FACTOR Section No. III-F SCHEDULE FCF Sheet No. 2 Effective Date APPLICABLE: Fifth Revision APPLICABLE TO ALL RATE SCHEMES Page 3 Of C = Recoverable fuel cost in the second preceding month as described in I. above. D = Under or over recovery of affiliate fuel expense determined in accordance with the approved Procedure for Approval of Payments to Affiliates A2 = The adjustment (A) applied to the Fuel Cost Factor in the second preceding billing month. TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FY83 BUDGET REVENUE WATER FUND Taps and Plugs 26,500.00 Garbage Franchise 5,000.00 Water Sales 189,210.50 Sewer Fees 2,000.00 TOTAL 222,710.50 GENERAL FUND Taxes: AD Valorem 280,000.00 Sales Tax 144,000.00 Franchise Tax 55,000.00 Fines and Forfeitures 82,000.00 Permits and Fees (Building) 44,239.00 Ambulance 2,000.00 Revenue Sharing 18,538.00 Parks and Wildlife 10,000.00 Tarrant County Fire 3,000.00 Library 2,750.00 Miscellaneous Sales 805.00 TOTAL 642,332.00 TOTAL REVENUE 865,042.50 FY83 BUDGET SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 343,245.00 OPERATING COSTS 98,861.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 181,790.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 105,789.00 DEBT SERVICE 135,357.50 TOTAL 865,042.50 FY83 BUDGET CITY ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 49,801.00 Magistrate City Administrator/City Secretary Court Clerk Bookkeeper/ Tax Clerk Utility Billing Clerk (30% wages) OPERATING COSTS Dues and Subscriptions 1,000.00 Election Supplies 500.00 Gasoline and Oil 20,000.00 Legal Notices 2,000.00 Classified Advertising 800.00 Postage 2,500.00 Supplies and Printing 7,000.00 Court Docket Books 1,000.00 Workshops and Travel 600.00 TOTAL 35,400.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Insurance 25,000.00 Audit 2,500.00 Copier 2,600.00 Extra Legal 6,000.00 Janitorial 2,400.00 Telephone 7,000.00 Planning and Engineering 5,000.00 Office Machine Repair 500.00 Tax Assessing 4,200.00 Utilities 10,000.00 Judge 2,500.00 Attorney/Prosecutor 3,840.00 Library Fund 2,750.00 TOTAL 74,290.00 DEBT SERVICE General Obligation Bond 172 Series 25,950.00 General Obligation Bond 182 Series 90,920.00 TOTAL. 116,870.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furniture 1,250.00 Bulletin Board 300.00 TOTAL 1,550.00 GRAND TOTAL 277,911.00 FY83 BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 179,797.00 Chief of Police Captain Patrolman II Patrolman I Patrolman I Patrolman I Patrolman I Chief Dispatcher Dispatcher II Dispatcher I Dispatcher Trainee & I Dispatcher-Clerk Trainee Sick Leave Pay 3,000.00 Over Time Pay 4,000.00 OPERATING COSTS Vehicle Maintenance 3,000.00 Vehicle Supplies 400.00 Misc. Supplies 1,700.00 Uniforms 1,200.00 Medical Expenses 500.00 School and Travel 800.00 TOTAL 7,600.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Patrol Cars (2) 18,500.00 One Radar Unit 1,700.00 Camera 250.00 One ICC 40+ Computer and Print Out 4,000.00 Office Furniture 2,504.00 TOTAL 26,954.00 GRAND TOTAL. 214,351.00 FY83 BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 18,050.00 Fire Chief/Fire Marshal Assistant Fire Chief OPERATING COSTS Ambulance 4,000.00 Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance 6,500.00 Dues, Badges, Patches etc. 400.00 Uniforms 400.00 Schools and Travel 900.00 Educational and Training Aids 300.00 Misc. Tools and Supplies 300.00 Arson Investigating 200.00 Oxygen 150.00 First Aid Equipment and Supplies 300.00 Special Oil-Lubricating etc. 325.00 TOTAL 13,775.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Chiefs Vehicle 3,000.00 Two (2) Red lens-areodynamic Light Bar for Unit 307 170.00 500' 22 inch Fire Hose 900.00 Four (4) 3/4" Plastic Booster Line Nozzles 100.00 Two (2) Slect-O-Steam 12" Nozzles 500.00 20 Gallon Light Water Foaming Agent 300.00 Four (4) Fire Bunker Coats 420.00 Four (4) Pair Fire Boots 220.00 Four (4) Helmets 180.00 Mobil Lubrication Set (Air Operated) 400.00 Bench Vise 50.00 Tool Set with Box 350.00 Office Furniture 2,000.00 One (1) Mobile Unit 1,525.00 One (1) Walkie-Talkie 970.00 Install Private Line Capabilities on Existing Police Mobile Radio Unit 307 200.00 TOTAL 11,285.00 GRAND TOTAL 43,110.00 FY83 BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 17,400.00 Director of Public Works (30% of wages-inspector) Building Clerk OPERATING COSTS Building Codes 150.00 SBCC Annual Dues 50.00 TOTAL 200.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Sign Installation 3,000.00 TOTAL 3,000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Street Signs 3,000.00 TOTAL 3,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 23,600.00 FY83 BUDGET PARK/FACILITIES DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 14,794.00 Mower Operator Street Worker OPERATING COSTS Tractor Mower Maintenance 1,000.00 Street Repair Materials 20,066.00 TOTAL 25,066.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Electricity for Ballfields 1,500.00 Land Payment 8,000.00 TOTAL 9,500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Street Maintenance Truck 10,000.00 Tractor/Mower/Loader 12,000.00 Folding Chairs for Councilroom 500.00 Weed Eater 300.00 PARK EXPENDITURES: 11,200.00 3rd Lighted Ballfield - Baseball Field Drag Misc. Park Equipment TOTAL 24,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 83,360.00