1982-07-20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Ordinance No. 274. Annexation of 5.32 acres of land out of the Hollingsworth and Barnett Survey, Abstract 797. Mr. Grady Perry. 3. ZA 82-15 Zoning request for a 1 acre tract of land out of the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Everett Aslin Continuation of Public Hearing. 4. ZA 82-16 Request for a Special Exception Use Permit for Heavy Construction Storage and Maintenance of Equipment Area. Location is a 1 acre tract of land out of the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686. Owner: Everett Aslin Continuation of Public Hearing. 5. ZA 82-20 Final plat of the "Cash Acres" Addition, under the Simplified Subdivision Procedure. The property is located in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract 581. Owner: Virgil N. Cash. 6. ZA 82-20 Zoning request for Lot 1 of the Cash Acres Addition. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Virgil N. Cash. Public Hearing. 7. Consider: Logo and Slogan Contest Entries. Welcome Committee. 8. Consider: Street Construction Standards for Residential Development. Eddie Cheatham, engineer. 9. Consider: Bids for City Hall/Fire Hall Facilities. 10. Consider: 5% Fee Raise for Rohne and Hoodenpyle, Attorneys for Delinquent Taxes. 11. Department Reports: Police: Fire: City Administration: Approval for seminar of Court Clerk. Water Building 12. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION Closed session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17. 1. Discussion: Land Purchase OPEN SESSION 13. Consider: Land Purchase. WORKSESSION (Following City Council Meeting) Discussion: Fiscal Year 1983 Budget I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, July 17,1982 at 5 p.m. CITY OF SO11'1'1h,AKL, TEXAS Y R~ Cd O O M o ~ rrnn M M I NUT S OF `I'111i Re ular CITY COUNCIL H d t7 M 1: I i T 1 N G. - m ~4 ~h DAT'E: July 20,1982 rn d M n O 1'[Ml?: 7:30 p.m. c7 v PLACE': CITY 01" SOUT11LAKti COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARIt01.11 AVLNIII:, SOUTI-1LAKE NAME O1; o o T1, . XAS COIINC I I,14i1"SON 11AG E : 1 1 NDI.X COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Bruce McCombs, Marion Bone, Johnny Westerholm and Tom Loris COUNCIPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Jeff Ault CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Randy Martin, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Bill Smith INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs The Minutes of the July 6, City Counci meeting were approved as presented. There were no items under the Mayor's Report. City Hall/Fire Hall renovation and BOND expansion project architect,Raymond PROGRAM Darrow, presented the bid tabulation ITEM list to the City Council members. REPORT He added that the project consists of 13,024 square feet of structure. Due to the fact that the bids were extremely over budget, Darrow recommen - ed the two low bidders review items of major cost differences and he will report to Council in about one week. Ordinance No. 274 was approved, which ORDINANCE annexed the 5.32 acres of land out of NO. 274 the Hollingsworth and Barnett Survey, ANNEXATIO1 Abstract 797. The land, which Mr. APPROVED Grady Perry originally owned, will GRADY come into the City with the zoning PERRY as spelled out in the Ordinance. The plat was approved as presented, and all other related documents were in order. y CITY OF SO11'T'11;.AK1:, TEXAS y- M1 W O O n CA m MLNU'T'ES OF '1,111: Regular_ CITY COUNCIL d o tI t7 MEETING. x ran 1- DA'T'E: July 20,1982 rr1 c~ rn c~ o d ;a TIN1t?: 7:30 p.m. ' Y 0 0 PLACE: CITY OF SOI)THLAKE, COl1N(:] L CHAMBERS 1 -3 W 667 NOR'T'H CARROLL AVENUE, SOIJTHLAKE NAME: OT~ o o TEXAS. COIJNC I1,111:RSON z PAGE: 2 1NDEX Loris x The motion was made and approved with Westerholm x the statement as proposed by the City McCombs x x Attorney, in regards to building Bone x x permits and inspections, as outlined in the Ordinance. ZA 82-1S. The zoning requested for ZA 82-15 Light Industrial Zoning District for DENIED a one acre tract of land out of the FOR RE- Loris L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, was ZONING X denied by the City Council, after Westerholm x x motion was made to deny the action. McCombs x During the continuation of the public Bone x x hearing, Norman Rowe, a property owner within 200' spoke strongly against the zoning change. Jeff Ault, spoke against its also, stating spot zoning as a reason. Gayle Aslin, property owner, asked Council to consider the zoning change, as did the Aslin attorney, Joe Gregory ZA 82-16. The request for a Special ZA 82-16 Exception Use Permit, by Everett TABLED Aslin, was discussed extensively. Motion was made by Westerholm to deny the request. The motion died for lack of a second. Loris made the motion to grant a Special Exception Use Permit, with stipulations as to size and time period of the permit. He later withdrew his motion. After more discussion, Mayor Sparger tabled the item until a worksession could be held for the item. ZA 82-20. The final plat of ZA 82-2( "Cash Acres" was reviewed by the City CASH ACI Council. The Simplified Subdivision APPROVED Procedure was used in the preparation FINAL of the plat. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil PLAT Cash, were present for the meeting. y (ATY OF S0UT11;.AKL, TEXAS rn O O d a ~ ~ M MINUTES OF 'L'llli Regular CITY COUNCIL Y d d M1:E`I'ING. x Can ~4 y DATE: July 20,1982 rn r~ rn n 0 cy 1'LMli: 7:30 p.m. v PL.ACI': CITY ON SOU''HLAKL.i, COUNCIL. CHAMBERS 0 0 607 NORTH CARROLL AVEN11F, SOUTHLAKE NAMI'. of; o o TEXAS. COUNC I [.PERSON PAGE: 4 INDEX CLOSED SESSION Closed session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes. Article 6252-17. Land Purchase OPEN SESSION The land purchase, discussed in closed session is still under negotiations. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. NIA Mayor ATTE-T: KC it L City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 20,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID Texas Power and Light Co. water wells 2,960.17 Texas Power and Light Co. city facilities 980.42 Pitney Bowes copier rental 129.95 Gulf Oil Corp. gasoline 602.70 Circle Communications 125.00 Southlake Volunteer Fire'Dept. patches 175.00 Carter and Burgess,Inc. 508.66 X-Press Printing fire response reports 130.50 A-OK Locksmith 79.45 Dearing Texaco prisoner food 8.45 Southwest Computer Maintenance 826.46 Donovan Uniform Company 102.60 Parker Exxon 7.50 Law Enforcement Equipment 650.00 Fort Worth Fire Extinguisher Co. 60.35 Diamond Shamrock gasoline 22.60 Motor Supply Company 50.22 Law Enforcement Equipment Co. 328.38 Aqua Utility Inc. 677.70 407.58 Universal East Total.......... $^$,833.69 I i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION July 29,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: Special Use Permit for Everett Aslin. 2. Discussion: Facilities Renovation Project. City Hall/Fire Hall. 3. Discussion: FY1983 Budget. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Monday, July 26,1982 at 4 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT July 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of July Tickets issued in June 245 Tickets issued in July 220 Persons in jail in June 26 Persons in jail in July 28 Traffic accidents in June 23 Traffic accidents in July 10 Burglaries reported in June 0 Burglaries reported in July 3 Approximate value taken in burglaries in June $625.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in July $1,916.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in June 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in July 00 Thefts reported in June 2 'hefts reported in July 1 Approximate value taken in thefts in June $25.45 Approximate value taken in thefts in July $2,500.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in June 00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in July 00 Total offenses to date for 1982 59 Number of calls in June Number of calls in July Speedometer reading on Unit 09 157,903 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 119,130 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 78,898 Speedometer reading on Unit 17 27,698 Respectfully subm'tted C. Ra dy Martin Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT x 4J b > , U) v + o Totals a o x z # Tickets 1 0 47 63 19 76 14 220 # Calls _ # Arrests 0 1 1 5 1 18 1 28 Accidents 2 2 2 2 1 10 Burglaxy 1 1 1 3 Thef t 1 1 es Driven 9,262 4J Reserves ro a cn # Tickets # Calls # Arrests 1 # Accidents 1 # Assists s Worked 13 65:50 15:30 37:23 Miles Driven Ending Mileage: Unit 09 157,903 Unit 12 119,130 Unit 16 78,898 Unit 17 27,698 v~ d W h W Y Q N J CO S Ql h r Cl N r C ,D h Q ~ U J LL- a, C` U W n Z - W ::D c C Q h U u: h J U oZf U Q F- F- D, O N r _ 00 <r_ O C U U r W J J J Q Q cn n_ n_ n U C~ N O z' Z Z ~ F- L-) LL1 7 W O m F- O cl~ ::D Q h ~ N Gl i a C\) a co CY) Ln M Ct Q) N M LO O tD J N r O LO r O O u') CD r r r C Z ~ F- Q DC c~ LA- LOV) z VI cY v c W )L- iir -0 UU.) Z .r- V) p r tU Vl O ~L - a K 1 2 V) W O W C1 w ' r,) m -tr v► w ~ w ~ 4/7 V7 m -j 0 K N LL. vi LLJ -Ic Ln m Vl U_ O U U VWl 2 O H ►t Q ry prt F - t11 IH Vi a E l/1 W = d L,) cn vW~ e~W W taJ N N ~ a o.. CK cr. V) 0 0 V TO: HOMORABLF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PFRSOMS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of__ - A. Responses: dumber of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------2 2. Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------------6 3. Auto & Truck Fires---------------------------------------------------2 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)---------------4 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Crapevine------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller----------------------------------------0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities-------------------------------------------0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)------------------------1 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits)-------------------------2 11. False Alarms in City-------------------------------------------------1 12. Rescue Unit Calls----------------------------------------------------7 A. Midway Rd. (Last Chance Gro. ) Dog bite B. Randall Mill Rd. North 1709, (Subject Possible Nervous breakdown). C. Boating Accident - Midway Camp - Lake Grapevine D. 2000 blk Continental Blvd. - Heat stroke Victim E. Catfish Hut - Injured Person F. 1211 Timber Crt - Possible Heart attack G. 612 Cimneron Trail - subject in insulin shock 13. Miscellaneous-------------------------------------------------------0 14. Trophy Club Calls---------------------------------------------------0 B. Total Fmeroency Calls for the Month of July -------------25 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 2. Meetings (4 for, Month) Average Men Per Meeting 120 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills----------------------------- 72 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time) D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month------ 328 hrs E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 18 Assist Chief Bradley 6 Capt. Brawn 17 Capt. Fuller ).6 Capt. Barnes 14 Lt. Tanner 10 Lt. Stacey 14 J. Vann 6 B. Jones 12 C. Dodson 3 T. Hunter 8 M. Miller 10 B. Pinson 9 D. Brown 12 J. Sullivan 10 R. Martin 7 C. Jones 3 C. Higgins 5 E. Reed 3 R. McCoy 3 Respectfully sub"g-tted, fl'. P. Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAF I: ICI PAI WtIT Fttt wr moll I 110I July 61I I 'W- I'wnljuII P1 UV luu~ MIAIl11 _ 14,277,800 (30 1 I '11 h uv i out, MolI111 _13,736 000 Nuw W,.iI(-i I jI) Iw,ta1 lull (2) 2° (2) 1~n F 1i a IIyJI Iud Mului I li'milt; Out - _ 1) MO. h i lik; kkAI 1., 1 _-__2.2340- + 2,17 nn = $465.00 I __fxatn_1=' line _MQv-e_d_ter Water Bacterilogy Repaired 2 water leaks Taken: 7-19-82 - Received: 7-21-82 _ Mini Sewer Analytical Report Taken: 7-21-82 Received: 7-29-82 r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL MEETING BILLS FOR APPROVAL AUGUST 17,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID Gulf Oil Corporation 1,540.35 General Office Supply 303.20 The Grapevine Sun classified ad 5.40 Tarrant County janitorial supplies 139.60 Fort Worth Star Telegram extra legals 315.51 Toms Portable Welding 20.00 Boise Cascade 12.43 Texas Power and Light Co municipal buildings 1,042.01 IBM machine repair 184.05 City of Grapevine ambulance bills 825.00 Pitney Bowes copier payment 129.95 IBM machine corrector tape 65.28 Group LIfe and Health insurance 55.10 The Circle E. Food Mkt. prisoner food 8.80 Grapevine Automatic unit 303 38.40 Village Grocery Store prisoner food 34.65 Crabtree and Powers 94.95 Cash's Garage Freon in pd car 8.30 Trans-Tex Company fire plugs 868.00 The Rohan Company 1,372.58 Universal East 534.04 Texas Power and Light Co water wells 4,123.01 TOTAL............ $11,720.61 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF July 1982 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELECIRIC 42 27 P1 UMB I N6 57 24 FRAMING 9 0 IILATING & AIR 34 12 FUUNOAfION 10 8 'j[PIIC SYSILM 7 7 UIHLR 12 9 IUTAL INSPECTIONS: 171 87 PLICMI [S 1111', MONTH FEE LAST MONTI FEE BUILDING 9 $865.52 12 $2,258.00 LL LCIkICAL 10 $241.60 14 320.50 PLUMBING 6 $147.75 14 339.00 III.AIING & AIR 10 $289.00 3 90.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 7 $175.00 4 100.00 OTHER 8 $ 80.00 4 40.00 101 A I. PE R M I T S - - - - 50 $1,798.87 51 $3,147.50 J. BUILDING VALUAIIUN THIS MONTII LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $344,100.00 $917,903.00 _$5.42,770.35 11. f'L ANNI NG & ZONING LL THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $807.00-- $ 2,482.00 - - ~ 22881 ' 0~ 5. IUTAL DEPOSITS IN BUIIIILNG FUND THIS MONTH - LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE _$.1,79$..87__ $1_7-,6 0.32 f kLSPLCfF.U..LLLY SUBMITTED, - - * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN BUILDING CLERK 3 Residences/Value $282,000.00 2 Pools $ 42,700.00 1 Patio $ 3,400.00 3 Garages $ 16,000.00 ALDIhG)ECIPARTMENT Total ,1 0.00 Of-FICIAL