1982-07-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting July 6,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Presentation: General Telephone Company. James Spriggs. 3. Consider: Ordinance No. 274. Annexation of 5.32 acres of land out of the Hollingsworth and Barnett Survey, Abstract 797. Mr. Grady Perry. 4. Discussion: State Highway. AC Urbanosky. 5. ZA 82-15. Zoning request for a 1 acre tract of land out of the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Everett Aslin. Public Hearing. 6. ZA 82-16. Request for a Special Exception Use Permit for Heavy Construction Storage and Maintenance of Equipment Area. Location is 1 acre of land out of the L.B.G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686. Owner: Everett Aslin. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 82-17. Final plat approval for a subdivision to be known as Shropshire Addition. The 1.96 acre tract of land is out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525. Owner: L.A. Shropshire. 8. ZA 82-17. Zoning request for Lot 2 of the Shropshire Addition. Owner: L.A. Shropshire. Present zoning is AG. Request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Public Hearing. 9. ZA 82-18. Zoning request for Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, Tract 1B3. Southlake Plaza. Present zoning is light commercial, request is for the Heavy Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Great Texas Development Company. Public Hearing. 10. ZA 82-19. Request for a Special Exception Use Permit for a Private Club. The location is Southlake Plaza, Restaurant. Permit is to be in the name of James M. Cook. Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, Tract 1B3. Public Hearing. 11. Consider: Request to send three officers to Instructors Certification School. Police Department. CLOSED SESSION (Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17) 1. Discussion: Land Purchase. OPEN SESSION 12. Consider: Land Purchase. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, July 2,1982 at 12 noon. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING--SUB-SESSION JULY 6, 1982 7:30 PM AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 2. Discussion: Approval of hiring Police Officer OPEN SESSION 13. Consider Approval for Police Officer I hereby certify that the above Sub-Session agenda was posted on the bulletin board and onthe front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas on Frjday July 2, 1982 at 4:00 PM. City Secretary /.mar \1 I NII'I'I S OI I'III: Regular CI I l" c;UIIN(' I I. , 'T1 P,1I I '1 1 N( . tj ;n I )A 1 1 : July 6,1982 I' I X11 7:30 p.m. I'I ACI:: 11'1• OI,' SOU I'll I-Ahl('OLIN(' 1 I. CII;ANIIiH'S 607 N01\111 C AIZh01,1. :AV'I NIII:, ~OII't'lil.~lhl: NANII: O!. ; TI:XAS. COUNC 11.1'1 I:`;ON COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Bruce McCombs and Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Johnny Wester- holm and Tom Loris. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jeff Ault and Lisle Shuping. CITY STAFF PRESENT; Police Chief; Randy Martin, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta The Minutes of the June 15, Special City Council meeting were approved as were the Minutes of the June 15, Regular City Council meeting. MAYORS REPORT: Under the Mayors report, Mayor Sparger ask Councilpersons to familiarize themselves with the street speculation as prepared by Eddie Cheatham, engineer, and be ready to make a decision on them at the July 20, City Council meeting. A presentation was given by James Spriggs, manager of General Telephone Company. Mr. Spriggs updated the Council on new services available within the city. Several citizens had questions for Mr. Spriggs. They include: Daryl Parker, Rita Cannella, Ed Rhodes and Rex Boteau. The passing of Ordinance No. 274, the annexation of the Grady Perry propert was tabled until the next meeting, du to the fact that the final plat had not been completed. b-~ Y (:ITY 0F SOU'11I-AK I 'I'I~.XAS d n CA ° ° Regular TY C:OUNC I L rn o --4 M M M I NIJII?S 01: 1 1: z y d d f1I:I'TIN(,. x M r ITI 1)ATE : July 6,1982 rn d r" ° `1' I N11: 7:30 p.m. t7 Y a7 s - 1'LACI:: C1'1'Y S0U'F[11,AK1:, (:O(JNC1L ('11ANI13ERS o 667 NOW111 ('A1:R01.1_, AVENUE, S011111LAKE NAME OF o o ~ TEXAS. COUNC i Ll'ERSON PACE: 2 INllEX A discussion was held concerning the STATE extreme traffic hazard that exists HIGHWAY on Highway 114, and Shady Lane. AC DISCUSS') Urbanosky, headed the discussion with a plan that would allow for a de-exhil- aration lane at Shady Lane. Citizens present, as well as Council members agreed that the lane would certainly help the problem. Mr. Urbanosky ask Council to contact the State Highway Department. Lloyd Latta, Liaison officer for the Highway Department agreed to draft a letter for the Mayors signature. ZA 82-15. Request to zone a one acre ZA 82-15 tract of land out of the L.B.G. Hall ZONING Survey, Abatract 686, was discussed ACTION by Council. The current zoning on TABLED the property owned by Everett Aslin is Agricultural, request is for the Light Industrial Zoning District. Everett Aslin was present as was his attorney, Joe Gregory. During the public hearing, Rick Stacy a property owner within 200"' voiced objection to the zoning change, and Marcus Wayland, also a property owner, spoke in favor of the request. Mayor Sparger tabled the action until the July 20, City Council meeting upon the request of the attorney for Everett Aslin. The public hearing wi 1 be continued at the next meeting. ZA 82-16. This item is also tabled until the July 20, City Council meeting where the public hearing will be continued. ZA 82-17. The final plat of the ZA 82-17 Shropshire Addition wt.s reviewed by SHROPSHI I the Council. After discussion, motio ADDITION was made and approved to approve the APPROVED i ~ y C t't'Y O1 SOU'1'I1LAh1? , TVXAS y ni W 0 0 M 0 M rn M I NIJTI'S OF 1'111: Regular COUNCIL z y d d Psi 1:'I' l NG . d cn z Y July 6,1982 ITI IlA'1'1.: rn d d y 1' I Nil- 7:30 p.m. hi,ACl:: C;I'I'Y OF S(_)111111,AKE, (:01)NCl1. CIIAMBERS 0 0 Cf) 667 N01:'I'll CAI:ROLI, AVENU1i, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o 1'F.XAS. CO[JNCILI'FiRSON 2-1 l'AGI! : 3 I NDEX Latta x x McCombs x x final plat with the provision that 3one x a 5- dedication be added on the plat for future road easement. Latta x x McCombs x Lot 2 of the final plat of Shropshire 3one x x Addition was approved for zoning from Agricultural to A-3 Single Family when the public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. ZA 82-18. A rezoning request for the ZA 82-18. property described as being in the ZONING Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, REQUEST Tract 1B3, was discussed. Present SOUTHLAKE zoning is Light Commercial for the PLAZA entire Southlake Plaza. Request is for the Heavy Commercial Zoning District. Several persons spoke during the presentation, including: Howard Hamilton, attorney for Great Texas Development Company; Henry Akins, Attorney, representing James Cook and Don Tate, persons wanting to establish a restaurant and club in the Southlake Plaza. Dr. Don Goldstein, a Urban Planning Consultant with UTA, discussed the growth in our region and also tax base. He stated, "This is the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, and it will grow". James Lewis, engineer, informed Council that he made a final inspection on the new "Clow System", septic system for the plaza and indicated it is operational. He added that it would serve a restaurant very well. James Cook, Clark East, and David East all spoke in favor of the zoning change. CITY OF SOU'TIiLAKE, TEXAS cn y rTI n to o M o M rn MINUTES OU THE --Regular CITY COUNCIL z y d d MEET I N( j, y 171 DAI'U : July 6,1982 M d rn c~ o TIME: 7:30 p.m. d v z~ PLACE: OU SOUTI I LAKE , COIINC I L CHAMBERS bb? NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTIILAKE NAME Ol,' o o TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 4 INDEX During the public hearing, Joe Sander gave a presentation in behalf of the property owners in the area and pre- sented a petition, signed by 269 persons opposing the zoning change. Persons who spoke against the zoning change include: George Kolb, C. Cooper, Marcus Wayland, Rex Potite, Bill Curb, Doug Wilbur, Winona Sanders, Tom Fuller, Paul Teas. Persons who spoke in favor of the zoning change are; Mike Wingo and Rick Stacy. After extensive discussion, Mayor Sparger closed the public hearing and read letters from Councilpersons Loris and Westerholm, who were not present for the meeting. The letters are hereby apart of the record. Latta x x Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem, McCombs x x Latta, stating "the traffic situation Bone x precludes Council from changing the zoning. Motion was approved. There was no action taken on ZA 82-19 due to improver zoning. CLOSED SESSION Closed session as per V.T.A.S. OPEN SESSION No action was taken on the purchase of land. Latta x x Motion was made and approved to McCombs x x employ Robert Nemesek as a Police Bone x Officer. The meeting was ia.d j ourned by Mayor Sparger. A May r AT T: AAA • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT JUNE 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of June Tickets issued in May 259 Tickets issued in June 245 Persons in jail in may 29 Persons in jail in June 26 Traffic accidents in May 26 Traffic accidents in June 23 Burglaries reported in May 2 Burglaries reported in June 0 Approximate value taken in burglaries in May $625.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in June 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in May 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in June 00 Thefts reported in May 6 Thefts reported in June 2 Approximate value taken in thefts in May $640.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in June $ 25.45 Approximate value recovered in thefts in May 00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in June 00 Total offenses to date for 1982 55 Number of calls in May 1,135 Number of calls in June Speedometer reading on Unit 09 157,737 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 119,000 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 74,246 Speedometer reading on unit 17 23,384 Respectfully submitted C. Randy Martin Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT Zbtals o # Tickets 5 42 8 32 18 60 70 245 # Calls # Arrests 1 5 1 9 9 26 _ Accidents 23 0 Burglary Theft 2 miles Driven _ Reserves # Tickets 10 # Calls # Arrests 1 # Accidents # Assists Hours Worked 5:27 62:2 5:05 19:30 56:57 Miles Driven Ending Mileage on Units: Unit 09 157,737 Unit 12 119,000 Unit 16 74,246 Unit 17 23,384 9,3T7 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPI.CTIUNS MONTH OF June 1982 C11R14N I LAST MUN tH IItCIIdL 27 22 PL Iftl I Nla 24 30 1 I(AMI Nu 0 6 IILAIING & AIR 12 17 1 WIN uAIION 8 5 LJI'IIL :)Y~)ILM 7 10 u1HE k 9 7 IOIAI. INSPLCI ION:,: 87 114 I'1 kmI IIII') MUN I I I ILL LASI MUNII FEE ISO IIDI Nu 12 $2,258.00 18 $1,721.00 l I L I It I ~.At 14 $ 320.50 12 $ 267.40 PI uttlt t NG 14 $ 339.00 7 $ 215.00 HE AI1NG K Alk 3 $ 90.00 9 $ 231.50 (A k I I t I LA IL OF OCCUPANCY 4 $ 100.00 5 $ 125.00 01111-k 4 40.00 4 $ 40.00 101At III: kMIIS 51 $3,147.50 55 $2,599.90 t. Bull DING VALUAIIUN _ THIS MONTH LAS! MONIII YEAR 10 DALE $917,903.00 $653,_35000. _ - - $5,085,67Q 35_ 4. PIANNING & !UNlNG I1.l5 1111 S MON TI I I AS I MUN III YL Alt 10 DATE $2,482.00 $960.,00 $12,074.00 IOIAI ULP_WI IS IN UIJI1 HING I IINU TIIIS MONTIt LAST MONTH YEAR IU DATE $3,147.50_ $15,801.45 RI-t)PE(.II ULI_Y SUBMI i IL I), P111I DING PERMIT BREAKDOWN till! L UI NG CLLkK 6-Residences/Value$585,120.00 1-Commercial/ $275,000.00 3-Pools / $ 48,283.00 1-Res.Add-On/ $ 3,500.00 1-Commercial ILDING DEPARTMENT Of F1ClAt Add-On/ $ 6,000.00 Total 17,903.00 TO: HONORABLF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of JUNE 1982__+ _ A. Responses: Mumher of calls 0 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 2 - - 2. Grass Fires 1 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 12 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)--------------- 0 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine------------------------------------- 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller----------------------------"'---------- 0 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------" 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 11. False Alarms in City 0 3 12. Rescue Unit Calls---------------------------------------------------- A. 1421 Brumlow- Subject was passed out. B. La Guna Vista Mobil Home Park - Subject with broken wrist. C. 180 W. Dove St. - Subject having difficulty in breathing. 2 13. Miscellaneous---------------------------------------------------- A. Wolf's Club - Electrical Pole Fire - Possible Lightning Strike. B. 1709/White Chapel - Power Line Down. 0 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- B. Total Fmeroency Calls for the Month of_JUNE 1982 --23 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of tiour~s 112 1. On Emergency CdIIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting ---I 4~ -----------114 None - Included- ~-~►eetiIIgs. _ 3. Special Training SeSSiOnS or gills------------- 4. Any Extrd Mdn Hrs. un Mdiiltenance (other than normal Maint. time)18 244 D. Tot.dl Man Iluurs Expended for Month---------------------------------- E. Firefighters Responding end Number of Tunes Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 15 Assist. Chief Bradley 6 Capt. Brown 14 Capt. Fuller 15 Capt. Barnes 10 Lt. Tamer 11 Lt. Stacey 16 J. Vann 8 B. Jones 12 R. Martin 7 D. Brown 15 M. Miller 14 T. Hunter 9 C. Jones 5 B. Pinson 3 J. Sullivan 5 R. Mc Coy 5 Res 'L (f IIX submitted, R. P. ~tee, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT VJAI I It I) I PAN-MI NI I&PO tf MOM 11 ')1 June_, 1982 7724-.000 _ p--- 1I II _ S 0 3L411AA P-S-- t M,; 1 ul 1.11.11i,1k: Oki 1 M,.,.Ilifit: I;:I1, I $362.00------- „111cl 1;' I,.. i --(2) Leaks Material --_$1,148.31 Water Bacteriology Taken: 6-21-82 - - - Received: 6-25-82 Waste water analysis Taken: 6-14-82 Received: 6-29-82 N CC h: W f- ~I N J OC M ~ r C Cn ~ u_ ~ C' ,7 v~ E-- a ~ U J Li J r+ C L> W Q- Z" r y W G Q U '7 Q. H U W F J U LZ U Q O Ol a ZD 4 O C CV U U 00 rn LLJ J J r J Q Q d O co N G Z r O =D C S ~ ~ r7 U W 7 W O co H- O cY Q F L" Cn n a c.~ N O 0) Q1 r N LA ~ r r O N r O l0 M 00 y M N O N N O O L!7 O r r r O Z N CC ~ CJ C..) U. r~ J a v cz rl W Z U V7 [Y C V N ILL) rte } I L I r l i-3 •L7 J W Vi o s. ra N O -L " ; a QC tic 13 d d Q w !s Lu C) w n a R N Ln V~ ~!I- w C) n ~~r N vi ry -4 W 'C u cy V) N G! eat vi W W uJ N z ~C bG oC1 V) U- O O U u vi W m F - F- 1- LM tA W K W W = F- N N V) V) ~ ~ V1 ~ as P ' D AL -e~z z~ .A4 "G , JV2, ~ .Z,wt- &Pkf O~,-4,OLL,~/ I 44 4 ,~~-yYL ~~pJLc~. Route 1, Box 85 Roanoke, Texas 76262 July 1, 1982 Mayor, Councilmen City of Southlake P.O.Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mayor, Fellowcouncilmen, and Citizens of Southlake, Normally when a Councilman is absent from the City during council sessions he leaves the issues for consideration to his peers and remains mute. However at this meeting are issues of such import- ance that I am takeing this unusual step to express my viewpoint as a citizen of our city. I attended the last Planning and Zoning Commissioners meeting and heard the expressions of the public regarding the plans of the Southlake Plaza developer and the restauant owner. There are two seperate issues: 1) the zoning issue which would change the Plaza zoning from Light Commercial to Heavy Commercial and , 2) the request for a Special Use Permit for a Club along with the new restauant. On the first issue relating to zoning I have a major concern. The property abuting SH 114 is shown in all our future land use maps as either heavy or light commercial as it should be along a major artery. However, specific use of land along the highway will be influenced by several factors; i.e. topography, traffic petterns, etc. In the case of Southlake Plaza which incidently is more along the lines of neighborhood services, the above mentioned factors play an important role. The small amount of land available for development, the steep drop off from the highway, the traffic patterns caused by one-way streets, and the speed of traffic along 114 must be considered. If larger setbacks were present, the center was at road level, and proper intersecting streets existed, then a heavy commercial zoning would be appropriate. Due to the fact that these do not exist the cur- rent zoning is appropriate. The second issue of a Special Use Permit for a restauant/club has other considerations. The plan presented for a seperate bar area ajoining the restauant I am very opposed to for the reasons of the shopping center location, the proximity to the lake, and the prob- lems relating to the control of food/liquor ratio. As a citizen I urge your negetive vote on both these i ues s th is how I would vote if present. Thank you r d lg ce h' variance from normal procedures. S'nce y, ohnny H. esterholm