1982-06-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas MEETING TO BE HELD AT: 981 East Continental Blvd. Southlake, Texas. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15,1982 6 p.m. AGENDA 1. Public Hearing in regards to the request for annexation of a 5.32 acre tract of land out of the Barnett Hollings- worth Survey, Abstract 797. Request made by Mr. Grady Perry. Discussion of Service Plan. I hereby certify that the above agenda for a Special City Council Meeting was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, June 11,1982 at 4 p.m. " . Y, A4_X_,4- City Secretary 14. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION: Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. 1. Potential land purchase. OPEN SESSION: 15. Consider: Land purchase. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, June 11,1982, p.m. a 0 / '-e A4:zer~ City Secretary y C 1 TY OF SOU'I'1I _Ah1l , '1'I:XAS 4~ U) rn O O y d o m m M I NUTI?S 01' '1'111: Special C I TY COUNCIL N11'.1 11 N(1, . ~i June 15,1982 x rn ~n D A' 1' 1'. : rn d c~ O I' t I~1 I 6 p.m. d Y T1 PI.ACIi: CITY ol,' SOUTIII.AKI:, Ak)kdxA3ii 3dkx cf~ NAMI 01: o o Ake 981 East Continental Blvd. COUNC T 1,11I:IZS0N Southlake, Texas I'AC1:: 1 I NDI:X COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Bruce McCombs, Tom Loris, Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Lloyd Latta, Johnny Westerholm CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, City Secretary; Sandy LeGrand INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs Mayor Sparger reviewed for persons present, the reason for the public hearing, which was in regards to the request for annexation of a 5.32 acre tract of land out of the Barnett Hollingsworth Survey, Abstract 797, made by Grady Perry. He explained that in order to be in compliance wit the Texas Statutes, one public hearin must be on the site of the property requesting to be annexed. The proposed service plan was reviewed. A copy is hereby attached to the minutes. Persons who spoke during the public hearing include: Eugene Wiseman, Keith Turner and also Mr. Perry. Mr. Wiseman was advised, when ask, that if he were in the process of building a structure when the land was annexed, he could continue with no building permit. Mayor Sparger explained that Mr. Perr has three (3) lots that will come into the City as commercial lots and that the lot with the apartments on it is a non-conforming use lot. The septic systems were discussed. It was varified by the County that septi systems for mobile homes require the same square feet of lateral lines y CI'T'Y OF SOL)TH:.AKL, TEXAS ~1- M1 to 0 0 o rn M MINU'1'I;S OF '1'111; Regular CITY COUNCIL r t7 r~ M I: F T I NG , x y DATE: June 15,1982 r~ ry rn n 0 7:30 p. m. 0 0 PLACE: CITY 01,' S011111 LAKE , COl1NC 1 1. CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOII'IHLAKE H -a NAME l)1' 0 0 0 TEXAS, COUNC 11.111:IZSON z 1 1'A('1:: INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Tom Loris, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Randy Martin, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Bill Smith INVOCATION: Mayor Sam Sparger The Minutes of the June 1,1982 meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: During the Mayors Report, Mayor Sparg r announced that IBM Corporation has requested a meeting with City Council members. The meeting will be June 18 at 6 p.m. Several citizens from the North Peytonville area addressed Council concerning a problem in their area which involves thiefs and vandalism by possible area children. Those who spoke include: Joe Thomas, Janie Vogal, Roxy Dodson, Elvie Skipper, Martin Cook, to name several. Mrs. Bettye Hart was on the agenda with a request to be released by the City of Southlake, thus allowing the City of Grapevine to furnish the "Wolfs Club" with water and sewer services. Mr. Bill Homer was also present and spoke for Mrs. Hart. Mayor Sparger informed Council of several conversations with Mr. Hart in which he said the Council would be willing to work with Harts if they would cooperate in running a 6" wate line from Wolfs Club to the Southlake water line, approximately 3,000 feet cn y CITY OF SOUT]E AKI:, 't HAS Y rn W (D O a o CA --A 1-4 M M MINIITF.S Of,' ,,,,,:Special Cl't'Y COUNCIL t~ t7 M I i F `t' I N G June 15,1982 txrl d C~rJ ~ p DA'l'l:: d z T INil: 6 p.m. 0 0 1) 1,AC1:: CITY OF SOUTH LAK F , (kqqkkkkxkRARkk§ ~ W#~x(xN 1x&x~VAIkW xxkgk# 04kMki NAM I: o F o o ANNA&- 981 East Continental Blvd. COUNCII,t'IiI:SON Southlake, Texas. I'AGG: 2 I NDIIA as homes as they are determined by the number of bedrooms in the dwelling times the rate on the percolation test. The public hearing was closed, as there were no further comments. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. May r ATT ST: City Secretary v, y CITY OF SOU'Hh,AK1:, TI:XAS e n ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL M o -A rn M M 1 NlJ'I'I?S OF 1'111: Regular d tz~ M l: ti `I' I NO . x ran 1)ATI:: June 15,1982 M d m C-) 0 7:30 p.m. r Y z~ T I M I: P1,ACU: CI'T'Y 01' SOIJ` 111,AK1:, (',01JNCII. CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROI.L. AUNUI:, SOU`IHLAKE NAMt 01; TEXAS. COUNCI1,1'1:1ZS0N t'AGI? : 2 I NUIiX to the west, along Highway 114. Loris x After extensive discussion, motion was Westerholm x x made and approved to deny the request McCombs x until action with Joe Hart concerning Bone x x the existing 1-211 water line was resolved. Mike McKinney, manager of Texas Power ORD. 273 and Light Company came before Council APPROVED Loris x with a request for rate increase. The TP&L Westerholm x want to put the increase into effect McCombs x x July 1. After discussion, Ordinance Bone x x No. 273 was approved. Ordinance No. 272, which will allow ORD. 272 oris x x for an increase in fees for delinquent APPROVED ~-cCombs holm x x x taxes, beginning with 1982 tax year TAX FEES McComb was approved. RAISED Bone x The guidelines for the request for annexation of a 5.32 acre tract of land out of the Barnett Hollingsworth Survey, Abstract 797 was discussed. CONDITIO CONCERNI The following three items were dis- ANNEXA- cussed during the second public heari g TION. which was held on the site earlier PERRY this evening and also discussed again PROPERTY in this meeting by City Council. 1. Septic System. The systems must comply with the County standards. The existing systems will be accepted, the faulty systems must change. 2. Zoning. The three lots on the west side of the property (apartments warehouse, and pool supply business) will come into the City as Heavy Commercial. The apartments will come in as a non-conforming use. If sold, the non-conforming use ceases, and th property will become Heavy Commercial 3. Road/Drive-Way. The existing road belongs to the property owners, the land will be resurveyed so that a 25' road is dedicated. W y --i CITY 01- S0UTII;.AKITEXAS y n7 to O O M 0 -A M M MINUTES OF Tilli `Regular I;1''Y COUNCIL a- t7 t7 M 1: 111 N G. can z y [)A'l' li : June 15,1982 rn d rn n 0 T[1`tE: 7:30 p.m. d Y ~ (:I'I'Y OF S01)'1'111,AK[:, COUNCII. CHAMBERS o O u 667 NORTH CARROI.11 AUNIW, SOUTHLAKE NAW' 01~ 0 0 TEXAS. COUNC I 1,11I:I:SON 3 PAGE: I N1)IiX Loris x x The following three items were voted Westerholm x upon and approved, if the land is to McCombs x x be annexed. Bone x ZA 82-8. The final plat of the ROYAL OAE Loris x x Royal Oaks Addition was approved, as FINAL Westerholm x it was established that the correctio PLAT McCombs x as per Carter and Burgess letter, were APPROVED Bone x x made to the final plat. Approval was however, with the condition that the words "centerline of creek" be changed to read, "centerline of ease- ment". The Developers Agreement for Royal Loris x Oaks was approved. The water line Westerholm x x extension'will be made as per previous IcCombs x x agreement between the Developers and 'one x the Mayor. Jim Burger and Richard Eakins, Developers were in attendance. ZA 82-12. The zoning change requeste by Bob Miron for a 5 acre tract of land out of the Miron Addition, was Loris x x approved from A-10 Multi-Family to ZA 82-12 Westerholm x the Heavy Commercial Zoning District. ZONING McCombs x x APPROVED Bone x There were no comments during the public hearing. ZA 82-13. The Simplified Subdivision ZA 82-13 Loris x Plat of Gorbutt Addition was approved GORBUTT Westerholm x as presented. The 19.807 acre tract ADDITION McCombs x x of land is out of the John A. Freeman APPROVED Bone x x Survey, Abstract 529. Owner, Newton Gorbutt was not present, however, he was represented by Milard Dilg. ZA 82-13. Zoning for Lot 2 of the ZA 82-13 Loris x x Gorbutt Addition was changed to Light ZONING r"esterholm x Industrial from Heavy Commercial, whe LOT 2 ;Combs x x the public hearing resulted with no GORBUTT Bone x comments from the audience. ADDITION y CI'T'Y OF S0UT1i,.AK1;, '1 HAS y n~ ay O O d o M M M I N[J'1'ES OF '1'111: Regular C I '1'Y COUNCIL z e d M I A-1' I N G x ran [)A'I'L' : June 15,1982 `:j d y ° T IM1i 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY 01-* S0UT111,AK1'., ('01JNC11.. CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CAIW01J., AUN[W, SOWITILAKE NAMI'. 01~ o o TEXAS . COUNC 11,1'IiIZSON 1'A(`: 4 1 N1)1:X Loris x ZA 82-14. The zoning on Lot 2R, Bloc ZA 82-14 Westerholm x x 4 of the Southlake Plark Addition #1 ZONING McCombs x x was changed from Agricultural to the APPROVED Bone X A-3 Single Family District, when there were no comments during the public hearing. Mary O'Brien was present, representing the owner, Courtland Bell. Engineer, Eddie Cheatham did a simple study of the existing bar ditch roads in Southlake and presented several plans for improvements for Council review. The information is hereby apart of the minutes. After extensiv discussion, motion was made and approved to use plan "C" with the condition that where clay exists, Loris x use a lime stabilization and hydromul h Westerholm x and patch standards in addition to McCombs x x "C". Bone x x Mr. Cheatham is to prepare a new street standard for bar-ditches. The Department Reports were reviewed. Approval was given, after the Mayor polled the Council, allowing for one fireman to attend a training school at Texas A&M. Cost will be $250.00. Loris x The Bills presented were approved Westerholm x x for payment (attached hereto and McCombs x made a part hereof). Bone x x CLOSED SESSION: Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. W y ~ CITY OF SOI)'I'II;.AKl:, TI' XAS d o Cf) o M f NUT'S 01,, 1'tll: Regular CITY COUNCIL r t7 d Nil: FTING. x can n UATI:: June 15,1982 rn c~ rn c) o T IMl:: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOII'1'HI.AKf:, COIINCl1. CIIAMl3ER_ 0 0 607 NORTH CARROLI, AUN111:, SOUTHLAKE NAMt Ol O o `I'I:XAS. COUNC 1 I.I'I:IZSON 2 PAGE: 5 1 NUI:X OPEN SESSION With the opening of the meeting, motion was made and approved to have an engineer provide background informa Loris x tion on the needed water tower hight McCombs x x x and on the recommended location of McCombs the site. Bone x x Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. f Ma r ATTEST: City Secretary TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PFRSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of MAY 1982 A. Responses: dumber of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 1 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 1 3. Auto & Truck Fires 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 9 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Crapevine------------------------------------- 1 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities -------0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)------------------------ 3 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 1 ?1.. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 1 12. Qescue Unit Calls ------------------------------------9 A. PONDEROSA MOBIL HOME PARK- Subject trouble breathing. B. 2755 RAINTREE- Child having convulsions. C. 114/ WHITE CHAPEL- Patient possible heart attack. D. 712 SOUTHLAKE BLVD.- Heart attack call. E. 780 SOUTH KIMBALL- Subject possible overdose. F. 500 N. KIMBALL(MESCO METAL BLD.)- Subject broken leg and ankle. G. 667 N. CARROLL ROAD- Treated Prisoner, City jail. H. TIMBER CT. IN CONTINENTAL ESTATES- Subject severe back pain. 1. 620 SOUTHLAKE BLVD.- Possible heart attack. 13. Miscellaneous----------------------------------------------------- 5 A. 509 N. KIMBALL- Power Lines down. B. Gun narrell Gro.- Elec. Fire, Breaker box. C. 2500 CARROLL- Call to remove skunk from under house. D. 11411 MILE EASE OF CARROIL RD.- Subject lying on side- of road. E. STANDBY STATION FOR SEVERE WEATHER ALERT. 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- 0 15. AIRCRAFT CRASH- GOODE AIRPORT, SOUTHLAKE BLVD. 1 B. Total Emernency Calls for the Month of MAY 32 Number of Hours C. Man Hours Expended: 201 1. On Emergency Calls - - - - - - - ` - - - - - ` 15 135 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills-01TE..~CHQL~I._S 54 4. Ar+y Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time) 28 418 D. Iota! Man Hours Expended for Month E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Tines Responding for Month----- CHIEF STEELE 20 ASSIST. CHIEF BRADLEY 2 CART. BROWN 2 CAPT. FULLER 21 CAPT. BARNES 17 LT. TATVN " 1 t LT. STACEY 22 `.r. HUNTER 14 D. BROWN 6 J. VANN 5 B. PINSON 6 M. MTLLFR 11 C. JONES 6 R. McCOY 2 R . MIA T I N 5 J . SU_,VAN 5 C. DODSON~ E. RF'T;ri RespectrulIy, submitted, ;r f- R.. Steele, Fire Chief SO'J1HCAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT MAY 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of May Tickets issued in April 149 Tickets issued in May 259 Persons in jail in April 26 Persons in jail in May 29 Traffic accidents in April 19 Traffic accidents in May 26 Burglaries-reported in April 5 Burglaries reported in May 2 Approximate value taken in burglaries in April $8,890.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in May $ 625.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in April $ 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in May $ 00 Thefts reported in April 10 Thefts reported in May 6 Approximate value taken in thefts in April $5,195.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in May $ 640.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in April $1,000.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in May $ 00 Total Offenses to date for 1982 53 Number of calls in April 950 Number of calls in May 1,135 Speedometer reading on Unit 09 157,586 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 118,937 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 68,677 Speedometer reading on Unit 17 19,770 Respectfully submitted C RandL Martin Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT Tbtal O # Tickets 37 37 37 35 91 259 # Calls 29 63 157 191 196 139 289 1135 # Arrests 2 1 4 8 3 7 29 Accidents 1 4 2 6 4 8 26 Burglary 1 1 2 Theft 2 1 2 1 6 Riles Driven 536 1902 1564 2085 1524 2257 10,286 4J Reserves ro U a cr, # Tickets 3 17 2 # Calls 10 4 9 1 7 4 # Arrests 1 3 # Accidents 1 # Assists Hours Worked 25:24 126:05 15:00 64:20 9:26 Miles Driven 701 51 297 Ending Mileage on Units: Unit 09 157,586 Unit 12 118,937 Unit 16 68,677 Unit 17 19,770 V`) W F-- Q J Z N 00 C r v_ T G rt5 u .J L1. J J ct C' L✓ W Q.. Z w 7-D < a c a F- - 7 U y C; o cz r L O C N _J <L Q dl Cl] Q. Q_ r . LO G r C 7 U O m F- U Q' ~ ~ a v R w N co J 0~ t- f r O Z T M F- d' Ol O V- M N N (17 r N N Ln O LC) GY M O r N O C N O N N LO K' r J N V s c~ Ix r, I,tJ s VJ U V) CY W J W ~ Z K t/1 p W V) O -L F- a K 1 I d W f W P- N N V? ttJ n n' Of F- F- 4/1 t/1 re _J ~ I 3 LLJ W Ls- O £ ►N.. iv u/ t-- W tJ_I Z U Li- ED U N N I'Mi Z W 0.4 to to ¢ W W W U _ C-) W W F- F- N to d U N N w W Lai W W t; vWi = cL v~ a cz eat 0 0 L-) 8L CL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBLR OF 1NSPLCTIUNS MONTH OF May 1982 _ CL►kRLN I LAST MON IH LILCIRIC 22 25 1' l- UMIi I N G 30 34 IkAMING 6 6 NLAIING & AIR 17 14 1 WIN DA [A ON 5 14 JLI'I1C SYSII.M 10 5 Of lit R 7 16 IOIAI_ INSPECTIONS' 87 114 III kM1 1 S 1111') MONIII FLE LAST MONII F L L B OILDING 18 $1,721.00 10 1,341.00 L I L c I ttl (,Al- 12 $ 267.40 14 306.60 I'I 01111 1 NG 7 $ 215.00 9 295.00 ULAIING & AIR g $ 231.50 5 137.50 CERTIFICAIL OF OCCUPANCY 5 $ 125.00 3 75.00 u I11LR 4 $ 40.00 7 70.00 IOIAI. PLRMIrS 55 $2,599.90 48 $2,225.10 hOl1 DING VAI (JAI l_U_N - TI►I S MONTH I AS T MON I11 YLAR TO DAI-L $653,350.00 4. I'IA14NING & /ONING ILLS 1111S MON TII I AST MON rH YLAR TO DATE $960.00 $676.00 $9,592.00 101-Al DLPOSI IS IN BUII DING Fl1ND THIS MONTH - - IAST- MONIH YLAR TO DATE $517,968.85 $2,225.10 _ X12,653.95 kl_SI'I C I I ULL Y SUBMI I II. D, b1JI t DI NG PERMIT BRLAKDOWN 1II111UtN6 CLLftK 6_Residences/Value$514,000.00 1-Commercial/ $ 6,400.00 1-Church / $ 65,000.00 2-Garage / $ 7,000.00 1-Fence / $ 1,300.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OfIICIAI 4-Barnes / $ 25,300.00 2-Add-On / $ 25,850.00 1-Pool / $ 8,500.00 18 Total 653,350.00 WATER 111. NAI(TMl tj1' RL t OR I_ MO Nl 11 (A May I I ,ii . I'unil u,l P[ ;V I uu` Ml,ll It h 9,876,600_ G~ I I ,i „I J I'[ i c,u'' Mali t 11 9,68_ 6,600 (2) (2) Now WoIC,f III)_. In,IuI Iu I 11 314 11____ 1" t i I I ; I I y I I,f(AI IUd None to 1" 3/4 Ghanae _ M~I~;, uur Change fromA4" 11 Breaks-Leaks Material/ $762.49 Water Bacteriology 5-24-82 5-27-82 Analytical Report -4 - Sewer Wo I or, ;ui~r~r i n tandant 5-24-82 6-2-82 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT MAY 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of May Tickets issued in April 149 Tickets issued in May 259 Persons in jail in April 26 Persons in jail in May 29 Traffic accidents in April 19 Traffic accidents in May 26 Burglaries--reported in April 5 Burglaries reported in May 2 Approximate value taken in burglaries in April $8,890.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in May $ 625.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in April $ 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in May $ 00 Thefts reported in April 10 Thefts reported in May 6 Approximate value taken in thefts in April $5,195.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in May $ 640.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in April $1,000.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in May $ 00 Total offenses to date for 1982 53 Number of calls in April 950 Number of calls in May 1,135 Speedometer reading on Unit 09 157,586 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 118,937 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 68,677 Speedometer reading on Unit 17 19,770 Respectfully submitted C Ran y Martin Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT Totals o # Tickets 37 37 37 35 91 259 # Calls 29 63 157 191 196 139 289 1135 # Arrests 2 1 4 8 3 7 29 Accidents 1 4 2 6 4 8 26 Burglary 1 1 2 Theft 2 1 2 1 6 Miles Driven 536 1902 1564 2085 1524 2257 10,286 Reserves ro ~ I IL o a cr, # Tickets 3 17 2 # Calls 10 49 1 7 4 # Arrests 1 3 # Accidents 1 # Assists Hours Worked 25:24 126:05 15:00 64:20 9:26 Miles Driven 70 51 297 Ending Mileage on Units: Unit 09 157,586 Unit 12 118,937 Unit 16 68,677 Unit 17 19,770 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 15,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID General Telephone Co. 6.45 Lone Star Gas Co. 10.23 Texas Power and Light Co. Water Wells 2,413.63 Texas Power and Light Co. City Services 624.25 Grapevine Publishing Co. Classified Ad 5.40 Pitney Bowes I Copier 138.95 General Office Supplies 70.50 Hearne Brothers Map 156.00 Shotwell Oil Co. Oil 190.30 Mays, Grady, & Burruss Ins. 6,179.00 X-Press Printing 1 Envelopes 96.50 Fort Worth Star Telegram i Legal Notices 398.77 Professional Appraisal Co. Title report 10.00 Pitney Bowes I Maint. Agreement 256.54 IBM ~ Machine Service call 71.00 Motor Supply Company 18.49 Group Life and Health 65.20 Dian Bell Deed filings 35.00 Don's Auto Repair 34.67 Boise Cascade I 64.00 Heathkit Electronic Center 95.89 i ,.ring and Son Texaco 81.40 .arrant County Purchasing Tires for PD 236.10 Don's Auto Repair I 117.84 t Thomas Rubber Stamp 25.71 NU Way Wrecker j 30.00 Crabtree and Powers 30.00 Circle Communications j 57.82 Talem,Inc. 37.10 479.10 Burroughs Corp. i Whites Auto ) 46.14 Aqua Utility,Inc. 2,437.56 j Universal Grapevine 39.79 TOTAL.......... $ 14,559.33