1982-06-01 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 1,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Logo and Slogan Contest Entries. 3. Discussion: Possibility of a Flea Market in Southlake. Dave and Sharon Martin. 4. Consider: Amendment to Ordinance No. 198. Mass Gatherings and Outdoor music Festivals. Continuation of Public Hearing. 5. Consider: Annexation of a 5.32 acre tract of land out of the Barnett Hollingsworth Survey, Abstract 797. Grady Perry. Public Hearing. 6. ZA 82-10 Zoning request for Lot 15, Block 1 of the Lakewood Acres Subdivision. Present zoning is A-3 Single Family District, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owners: Burger and Eakins Custom Builders. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 82-11 Final plat of a replat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Harbor Oaks Addition. Thus making Lot 1R and 2R of Block 1 and Lots 11R and 12R of Block 3. Developer: Ann Hardy 8. Consider: Ordinance No. 271. Flood Hazard Prevention. 9. Consider: Bid Opening for Fire Truck. 10. Consider: Approval for purchase of two radios for Water Department. Also, approval for purchase of Caution Light for water truck. 11. Consider: Bills for Approval I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, May 28,1982 t 3 p.m. City Secretary ` Cn Y __1 c (1111'Y 0I1, SOUTII_AKI:, 'HXAS e n cn a °a Regular C I TY COUNCIL M 0 r1 M MI NlIT1;5 01" TIII: 1: a- d d Ml: l N(j, d y -n 1) ATI June 1,1982 M d d y o 7:30 p.m. I' I NI: Pt,ACI~: CITY Ql~ SOUTIILAKI:, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 N01011 CARROI.L AUN111:, SOUTIILAKE NAMI? 01' o a TI'XAS . COUNC I L.t'L'RSON t'A(l 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: *Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Bruce McCombs, Marion Bone, Johnny Westerholm, Tom Loris * Mayor Sparger arrived for the last half of the meeting, he was late due to illness in the family. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Latta. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Randy Martin, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Bill Smith INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm iris x The Minutes of the May 18, City Westerholm x x Council meeting were approved as McCombs x x presented. Bone x MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Pro Tem Latta presented the FY83 Budget Policy and Calendar to the Council. He explained the budget procedure to the new council- persons. Latta informed Council of a letter he received from Mr. James A. Spriggs Manager of General Telephone Company. The letter indicated that GTE is go- ing to exercise its right to raise the telephone rates. The increase will be effective June 14. Latta indicated he had several un- answered questions concerning the letter. Mr. Paul Pennington, a representative of GTE, was present for the meeting and indicated he would talk to Mr. Spriggs in an effor, to get the questions answered for Mr. Latta. y -71 ('1TY OF S0L1T1h_.A0:, '1'1?XAS Y m rz~ o o d C-) U' 'A -A M I N D `t' I? S O t" `1' 11 L' Regular (:1'I'Y COUNCIL m o a rn rn . y d d h1 [ l:11' I N(I d y rn DAT E:, : June 1,1982 rd a rh o I, I M 17:30 p.m. t~ v 01' SOU'I'IILAKE) COUNCIL CIIAM13ERS -A 0 a 6b7 NOW111 CAIZIZOLL AUNUI:, SOUTHLAKE NAME 01' o o TEXAS . COUNC I LI'1:RSON 2 INll1X Chief Martin addressed Council in the form of a request to purchase, at a large savings, a light bar and siren. Latta polled Council and all Councilmen indicated they were in favor of the purchase under the current budget. The savings will be $510.35. Latta gave a report concerning the status of the Motorola Communications System. He indicated repairs have still not been made as agreed. A status report on the facilities project revealed that the drawings are nearly complete and the project should be almost ready for bids. Loris x Westerholm x An amendment to Ordinance No. 198 ORDINANCE McCombs x x was approved as presented by the City NO. 198-1 Bone x x Attorney. The Ordinance No. 198-1, APPROVED concerns Mass Gatherings and Outdoor Music Festivals. ZA 82-10. The zoning request for ZA 82-10 Lot 15, Block 1, of the Lake Wood ZONING Acres Addition, was approved. Curren APPROVED zoning was A-3 Single Family, it was LT. COMM. changed to Light Commercial. There were no comments from the audience during the continuation of the public hearing. Developers Burger and Eakin were not present for the hearing. Loris x Approval was given with the condition Westerholm x x that access be restricted to Carroll McCombs x Avenue. Bone x x ZA 82-11. Approval was given to the ZA 82-11 Voris x x replat of Lots 1 & 2 Block 1, and Lot REPLAT .esterholm x 11 & 12, Block 3 of the Harbor Oaks APPROVED McCombs x x Addition, as recommended by the Plan- Bone x ning and Zoning Commission. There were no objections from persons in the subdivision. 1, y CITY OF S01jT11 „A1~:1! , TI.XAS ° ° I Regular C I'1'Y ('OUNCI L r~ o ~ r1 m MINl17'liS O1~ 1'l ll. 1 t:j d M1:1A'IN(; . June 1,1982 ~z rn rn I) A'1' 1 : rn d rn 0 7:30 p.m. [11,A('I 1'1'Y OF SOU`CIII.AhI;, COUN(:11, CHAMBERS o ° oo7 NOWHI C,~1z1:OI,L AV{ NU1?, SOUTIILAKE NAMI' 01: o u 1'I:XAS' COUN(:1 1,11I:IZSON I'A(;I:: 3 INI*X The request for annexation made by Mr. Grady Perry for a 5.32 acre tract of land out of the Barrett Hollings- worth Survey, Abstract 797, was discussed. Mr. Perry made the formal request of June 1,1982. Mr. Perry stated that the persons owning lots within the 5.32 acres want to be annexed into the City only on the condition that the property can be zoned as it is used today. He did not agree with the non-conforming use. Comments during the public hearing were made by Jackie Wisner, a propert owner within the land in questions, and Virginia Clow. It was announced that the next public hearing will be held on the site on June 15, at 6 p.m. Latta x x Ordinance No. 271, A Flood Hazard ORDINANCE Loris x Prevention Ordinance was approved NO. 271 Westerholm x as presented. FLOOD McCombs x x HAZARD Bone x PREVENTI("`. Latta x x Approval was given for the purchase of two-low ban radios for the Water Loris x Department. The cost is not to Westerholm x exceed $1,500. installed. McCombs x x Bone x The bills presented, were approved Latta x for payment, (attached hereto and Loris x made a part hereof). Westerholm x McCombs x x Bone x x Y C I'1'Y OF SOU'1'I1 ~.AKI'. , 'I HAS MINII'1'I S OF 1'lll? Regular (;l'1'Y COUNCIL m o rn rn - z d NIH,`I' I NG . June 1,1982 rn DA'1' I' : x t~ ~ Y m r~ rn n 0 1' [P1l:: 7:30 p.m. d v ELAC? : ()I,' SOUT111,AKI) COUNC 1 I, CHAME -C I'l'Y S 0 0 607 NOR'T'H CAIZROLI. AVI NU[i, SOLIT1I1,AKE NAMl'. 01~ o o a 1'1_:XAS . COUNC 11,l'Ii1ZSON L 1 PAG I; : 4 I NDGX Latta x x Loris x Approval was also given for the purcha e Westerholm x of a visa-bar for the Water Department McCombs x x truck. Bone x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sam Sparger. Mayor LRA ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 1,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID General Telephone Co. 460.63 Lone Star Gas Co. 21.47 Dian Bell deed filings 25.00 TML workers comp. 426.00 General Office Supply 63.74 American Lift Truck and ractor,Inc. repairs to tractor 457.40 Jameson Pharmacy film Dennis Electric replace sockets in fixtur s 26.80 X-Press Printing 69.90 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,412.69 Motor Supply Co. 86.63 Aqua Utility misc.pipe 1,382.52 The Rohan Co. misc. pipe 1,537.54 Talem,Inc. sample analysis 49.10 Payton-Wright Ford Sales inspection sticker 5.00 Central Freight Lines 71.27 Dixie Petro-Chem,Inc. Chlorine 240.00 Eurroughs Corp. maintenance contract 479.10 TOTAL 6,860.71 Darrow McSpedden Sellars Inc. 7S% Completion Docu ents Phase 4,125.00