1982-05-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Amendment to Ordinance No. 198. Mass Gatherings and Outdoor Music Festivals. Public Hearing. 3. Discussion: Possibility of a Flea Market in Southlake. Dave and Sharon Martin. 4. Consider: Approval for expenditure for Booklet from Welcome Committee. Approval of Booklet. Appointment of two new members to the Committee. 5. Consider: Request for annexation for 5.32 acres of land out of the Barnett Hollingsworth Survey, Abstract 797. Grady Perry. 6. Consider: Amendment to Water Rate Structure in Southlake. Johnny Westerholm. 7. ZA 82-8 Preliminary Plat approval for "Royal Oaks" Addition. The 17.457 acres of land is located on Dove Road. Subdivision is zoned A-3 Single Family. Owner: Burger and Eakins Custom Builders. 8. ZA 82-9 Final plat of a replat of Lot 3 of the Crumbaker Addition. Making a Lot 3A and 3B. Owner: W.H. Crumbaker. 9. ZA 82-9 Zoning request for Lot 3A of the Crumbaker Addition. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Heavy Commercial Zoning District. Owner: W.H. Crumbaker. Public Hearing. 10. Consider: Approval for Reserve Police Officer. 11. Department Reports: Police: Approval for two officers to attend a seminar. Fire: Approval for purchase of patches for PD and Fire. Building: Court: Water: 12. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, May 14,1982 at 4 p.m. City Secretary U, y ~ (,1TY Of,' S011'1'I1„A1~1:, 'T'EXAS Y m tb O O Regular rn o rn ran MINU`I'I:S 01~ 'fill? C 1 TY COUNCIL ~r O d M l i 1:'1' 1 N G. - M o m o I)ATIi : May 18,1982 d y TIMC:: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 PC,A(J?: CITY OF SOII'I'111,AK1:, COUNCIL CHAMBERS (n 607 NOR`T'H CARROT-,L AVI NUT:, SOUTHLAKE NAMI: Ol, o o `T'EXAS . COUNCI 1,I11?1\'SON I'AG 1`: 1 C NDI.;X COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Tom Loris, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Marion Bone. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Chief; Randy Martin, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta The Minutes of the May 4, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Sparger informed the Council- members that the FY83 Budget Calendar will be presented at the next City Council meeting. Latta stated that the issue with Motorola services has still not been resolved. A lengthy discussion was held concern- ing an amendment to Ordinance No. 198 AMENDMENT Mass Gatherings, Outdoor Music TO ORD. Festivals. The City Attorney, Bill NO. 198 Smith explained that he incorporated DISCUSSED the old Ordinance No. 198 with the changesyto make one document. During the public hearing, Richard Eakins, a citizen spoke on the issue. Do to the fact that Council had not seen the document prior to the meet- ing, Mayor recommended that the item be tabled until the next meeting. The draft copy of the Booklet to Newcomers to Southlake, as prepared by the Welcome Committee, was discussed by Council. i i Y C I TY 0F SOUTH LAK1: , TI:XAS yu- n ~ Regular rn 0 •-3 M M M I NUT F S OF '1'l l l~ _ CITY COUNCIL d d MEETING, DA"' li : May 18 ,1982 d M C) ° d t'IM[? 7:30 p.m. o 111.AC1:: CITY OF SO111111.AKl.:, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cr, 667 N0I011 CAIZIZOLL AVLNUL', SOUTHLAKF NAMF 01: o n TEXAS, COUNCI 1,I'1;1ZS0N t'AGF : 2 INDEX Latta x WELCOME Loris x Motion was made and approved that all Westerholm x x Councilpersons who have comments con- COMMITT cerning the text of the booklet give BOOKLEZ McCombs x x them, in writing to the committee. Bone x Latta x Approval was given for the appointment Loris x of Shari Massey and Modine Stricker WELCOME Westerholm x x to the Welcome Committee. COMMIT? McCombs x x Bone x APPROII` IVIENTS. Mr. Grady Perry was present for the meeting and presented a petition to th Council, requesting annexation into ANNEXA- the City of Southlake, for a 5.32 TION acre tract of land in the Hollings- worth and Barnett Survey, Abstract 797 The property in question is currently owned by several persons, all of which signed the petition. Latta x x Motion was made and approved to Loris x x accept the Westerholm x petition, subject to the McCombs x petition being prepared by the City Bone x Attorney. The first public hearing will be held on June 1, at the Regular City Council meeting, and the second public hearing will be held at a Special City Council meeting, on June 10, on the property in question. Mr. Perry reviewed his deed restrictio s for the City Council. After a discussion concerning the amendment to the water rate structure for the City of Southlake, Councilpers n Westerholm asked that the item be tabled and turned over to Councilperso Loris, Water Liaison Officer, for consideration at Budget preparation time. y < CITY OF SOU`T'HLAKE, TEXAS rri, ay o 0 M o _q M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z Y C) a MEETING, x M ~4 Y DATE: May 18,1982 rn c~ M C) o TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CI'T'Y OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ° ° 667 NORTH CAItROLL AVENUE:, SOUTHLAKE NAME 01 0 0 TEXAS COUNCI t.t'EItSON ['AGE: 3 INDEX ZA 82-8. The preliminary plat for ZA 82-8 Royal Oaks Addition, a 17.457 acre PREM. tract of land located on East Dove PLAT Street, was reviewed. It was established that all items mentioned in the Carter and Burgess review Latta x x letter were corrected on the plat. Loris x Motion was made and approval given Westerholm x for the preliminary plat. McCombs x x Burger and Eakins were present for Bone x the meeting. Latta x x ZA 82-9. Approval was given for the ZA 82-9 Loris x replat of Lot 3.of the Crumbaker REPLAT Westerholm x Addition, making Lot 3A and 3B. Mr OF McCombs x x and Mrs. W.H. Crumbaker were present CRUMBAKE I e x for the meeting. ADDITION Latta x x Loris x Approval was also given for the zoning Westerholm x change of Lot 3A, of the Crumbaker McCombs x x Addition, for Heavy Commercial Zoning Bone District, when the public hearing x resulted with no comments from the public. Latta x David Scott was accepted into the Loris x x police reserve Westerholm x program, after being McCombs x x recommended by Chief Randy Martin. Bone x Two separate schools were approved Latta x x for police department personnel. One, Loris x a one day seminar at Huntsville, and t le Westerholm x other, a two man seminar. McCombs x Bone x Approval was given for the purchase Latta x of 100 patches for the Police and Loris x Fire Departments. Westerholm x x McCombs x i e x x C/) y c CITY OF SOU'THLAKE, TEXAS y M. ay o 0 e o M MINUTES OF THE Regular CI'T'Y COUNCIL z :r- e d MEETING, x ran :4 y DATE: May 18 ,1982 d d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 S PLACE: CITY OF SOUTH LAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ° czn 667 NOW111 CAIZROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAK. NAME OF o o ~ TEXAS, COUNC I 1.PERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX The Department Reports were reviewed bythe City Council. Latta x x Lo The bills presented were approved for Loris x Westerholm x payment. McCombs x x Bone x The meeting was adj rned y May &-r Sparger. M ATT T: City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY kLPOkl TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT I. NUMbLk Of [NifLCTIONS MONTH OF APRIL 1982 CORkLNI LAST MONIH IttCIItIC 25 19 I I I UMU I N G 34 27 1 I(AMI N(, 6 3 IILAIINU & All( 14 10 IOUNUAIION 14 12 ~t1'Ilt. SY~ILM 5 11 0111t k 16 1.3 IOIAI 1NiPLCHONS: 114 84 I'Ikm Ih 1111' MUNIII I[[ IA~) 1 MONII ILL lit) IIUING 10 $1,341.00 18 3,495.00 tlt(.IRI(.AI 14 $306.60 13 ,288.90 III 1111b I Nu 9 $295.00 14 345.55 IIIAIINu & AtR 5 $137.50 3 67.00 (.l. R 1 I I I CA 11 Of OCCUPANCY 3 $ 75.00 5 125.00 01IIt.It 7 $ 70.00 II 80.00 IUTAI PLItM11S 48 $2,225.10 59 $4,401.45 ~ . ISUI I Of NG VAI UA I I ON III IS MONTIt I AST MUNIII YLAR lU UAIt $517,968.85 $2,254,600.50 $3,514,417.35 4. PI ANN I Nu & !ON I N(; I L L'_, - - MIS MONTH I AS I MUNIII YI AR IU UAIE $676.00 $887.00 $8,A32.n0 IUTAI ULPU, I I~, IN 81)1t1) 1NG II,NU TIIIS MONTH - - LAST MUNIII Yl Alt 10 UA I L $2,225.10 $4,201.45 $10,054.05 Itl ~I'1 l- I I UL I Y SNISMI I ILO, bIJI 1 UI Nu CLLRh liNl t 01 N(, PI NMI I BREAKDOWN 6-Residences/Value$495,720.00 2-Pools / $ 18,000.00 1-Fence / $ 2,748.85 1-Storage Bldg/ 1,500.00 4 4N01BG PARTMLNT Of I ICIAt WA It 1'111 I'AI; ► MI Pal fd [ION I M011111 (A -Agri1 1982 ~~,I ►',.:vio,u, M-1,11, 8,749~QQQ~ - ' fJuw W, I I I n~ I I It--,'I ( -A __3L!1-tdV5-------- u h1L. 1U1 1.1 U r -~1-)-.-314u M., I.j I $291-.00 1 1,,,, I;, I,.1 11 ( 2) Leaks Replaced pump motor and cFheQLc.valve well #3 Materials $763.02 Bacterological Tests Water Samples Taken: 4-26-82 Received: 4-29-82 Neg. Sewer Samples Analytical Report Taken: 4-2-82/4-26-82 ~d,, 11 I t.ndaii i Received: 4-16-82/5-6-82 V) Q W h W Y N J 00 T: Ql N H tY G` Q V7 T I- Q c~ ' r C) LL- * F- C) w p_ Z + w G d F- F• 1 7 Lam' e.Z3 C_) Q ♦ F.- C tr' 2 ? ::D CV Q O C 00 27 U U Q) w .J J J Q Q CO 0- Lf) Cy H F~ I~ Cif f-J C) il >1 L Z ra U ::D ::D z ~ F I-- U Lit CD m F O ~ ~ Q 1- Li_ to Gl i L i U r Ib .J Z r- •r a ~ ~ d v I_ r lL O lp M N Cn r- N r- G Cn M N U, O M O N O O O of O O r- J O c7 cx w ~n z In IY f _7 IIJI l/I Il_ 111 *ti vI n fall ui r) W + ~ C IIJ Q_ n, Ql RS vl fl_ J W r - . Ike -a i INM Vl Itl l w U{ Z .1- ro IO . 1 r tA Ii. O u V. ll W w F- 3 Vp :r W ~K n m In In cn VQ) c~ V) `n TO: WMORAM F MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PFRSOMS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Pej)artment Monthly Report for the Month of April A. Responses : ~Iuirnber of calls 1 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 1 2. Grass Fires 1 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 9 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-bv (Fire & Rescue Unit)--------------- l 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 1 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------- 2 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 0 10. Calls in Penton County (outside city limits)------------------------- 1 11. False Alarms in City 2 12. Rescue Unit rails A. Possible Hear Attack - Farmer Res Rtl Box 64-A on 1938 B. Womack Res - Raintree Dr. Truck bed fell on subject 2 A. Gasoline Leak at Fina Tank Farm - No Fire B. Smoke Alarm - No fire 3540 Burney Lane 14. Trophy Cluh Calls--------------------------------------------------- 0 B. Total Fmernency Calls for the Month of April 21 C. Mari lours Expended: Number of Hours 86 1. On Emergency Ca 1 l s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l4- me Li -pp-r-uteg-t 84 2. Meetings (4 for Months Average Men Per Meeting 3. Special Tr•nining SesSiOlIS or' ssivrr------ 72 4. My Extra Man Hrs. un Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time 30 272 U. Total Man Hours Expended for Munth-------------- E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 15 Assist Chief Bradley Sr 5 Capt. Brown 10 Capt. Fuller 12 Lt. Barnes 11 Lt. Tanner 10 J. Joyce 1 R. Stacy 9 T. Hunter 10 D. Brown 6 R. Martin 5 C. Dodson 3 R. McCoy 4 B. Pinson 5 E. Reed 2 B. Austin 1 J. Vann 3 J. Sullivan 3 Respectful submitted, F'. Steele, Fire Chief SUUTIILAKE FIRE DEPARIMLNT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL MAY 18,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID General Telephone Co. 6.45 Texas Power and Light Co Municipal Buildings 432.70 Texas Power and Light Co Municipal Water Pumping 2,470.09 General Office Supply 45.84 Group Life and Health 65.20 City of Grapevine Ambulance 596.00 Gulf Oil Corp. 788.00 Pitney Bowes 129.95 Rohne and Hoodenpyle Collection Delinquent Taxes 197.43 Smith, Smith, and Rake Misc. Services/ 4/28/82 1,622.00 Fort Worth Star Telegram Extra Legal 152.66 Pease Engraving Name Plates/P & Z etc. 47.10 X-Press Printing 93.83 Tri County Electric 344.00 Southlake Custom Flowers Flowers for Jud Joyce 26.25 Dian Bell Deed Filings 25.00 Lind Paper Company Paper Towels 63.92 Mays, Flowers, Grady Insurance Sa-So 23.30 Dennis Electric Replace 2 8' Ballast 67.38 Village Grocery Store Police and Fire Depts. 61.08 PDR Reference Books PD 14.95 City of Fort Worth Chem. Analysis 10.00 Gibson's Products Film PD 40.90 Grapevine Automatic Unit 17 28.03 Lefty Lumpkin Assoc. Fire Department 15.00 Car Service Lube for Vehicles(Fire) 28.00 Tarraht County Fire and Arson Dues 20.00 Riggs Equipment Service 89.45 Metro-Lex Supply 9.70 Motor Supply Company 13.05 Circle R. Electric Co. 105.00 Universal Grapevine 1.08 Mid Cities Ready Mix 20.00 Foy Keys 95.00 Metro-Lex Supply Lamps for building 57.78 Talem,Inc. 37.10 Plank Co. Barricades 129.00 National Chemsearch Fire Ants 75.00 The Rohan Co. 300.80 Universal East Inc. Misc. pipe 1,464.54 TOTAL $ 9,812.56