1982-04-28 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 28,1982 5:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: Lucky DeLay and Banner Productions, Country and Rock Music Festival to be held in South- lake on May 2,1982, in connection with Ordinance No. 198, Zoning Ordinance No. 261 and under Police Power. CLOSED SESSION (Closed session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes, Article 6252-17). 1. Discussion: Legal action under Ordinance No. 198 and Ordinance No. 261, regarding Lucky DeLay and Banner Productions, Country and Rock Music Festival to be held in Southlake on May 2. OPEN SESSION 2. Consider: Initiation of Legal Action for Lucky DeLay and Banner Productions, Country and Rock Music Festival to be held in Southlake on May 2, in connection with Ordinance No. 198, Zoning Ordinance No. 261 and under Police Power. I hereby certify that the above agenda for Special City Council Meeting was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, April 24,1982 at 5 p.m. /1` tj~ ~7 City Secretary C IT ' OI~ SOtH'I 11,AKI TI:XAS ' d ~ ~ ~ 0 M o m rn X91 NU'1'I:S O1~ 1'111 SPECIAL : C I'I'Y COUNCIL e d ill: I:'f' I N(1, r-n April 28,1982 d y l ff11;: 5:45 p.m. 0 0 1'I,ACI,: C I T)' ()I,' SOUT111,AKI-', COl1NC11. CIIAMRERS 007 NOWT11 CAI:IZ01,1. AVI:NUI:, SOUTIILAKE NAMI 01, o o H:XAS . COUNCI 1,111.'1ZSON I'AC1;: 1 I NI)I:X COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Bruce McCombs, Tom Loris, Johnny Westerholm, Marion Bone CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Captain; Rick McCoy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, City Attorney; Bill Smith INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs A lengthy discussion was held concern ing the Country and Rock Music Festival which is to be held in South lake on May 2,1982. Mr. Lucky DeLay, who is responsible for the concert which is being promoted by Banner Productions, was present for the meeting, as was a representative from the W.O. Harrington Estate, owners of the property which the event is being held. Republic Nation 1 Bank representative and the bank's attorney were also in attendance. City Attorney, Bill Smith headed the discussion and.informed Council he had only received part of the informa- tion he requested from Mr. DeLay on Friday, April 23,1982, at a meeting which was held in Southlake City Hall. Purpose of that meeting was to try and obtain facts concerning the event. The requested information was information necessary in order to be in compliance with Ordinance No. 198, if a permit were to be applied for. When ask why Mr. DeLay had not request- ed a permit from the City, for the event, he replied that after reading the Ordinance No. 198, his attorney, Kindall Hill advised him he did not need a permit. Ln l- CITY 01: SOIYHI -AKI; , 'I'I:XAS M1 ~ :D 0 SPECIAL d o c rn M1 NU''I:S (W '1'111: I'l'l' C(~UNC1 L o f~l I : l `I' 1 N C. I),1'I'l:: April 28,1982 rn d rn oI'lW 5:45 p.m. c7 y l'I,111WF : C I'I'Y (W SOU'CIII,W:, C011NC I L 1:11,AN11W1ZS b? N01v'T11 CAI:ROI,L AV'I:NUI:, SOFHIUKI~ NAN11: OI J o 1TXAS. COUV 11,1'1',1:51>N 1'!111:: 2 1 NI)I:X Mr. DeLay answered questions for the City Attorney and the City Council. The attorney representing Republic National Bank informed Council they were unaware that the concert was being planned. He stated the terms of the lease between Mr. DeLay and the trustee from the bank are "call and ask before you do anything". The position of the trustees is definitel that the event should not go forward, as the promotors have not complied with the city Ordinances. The bank also added that the lease will expire on May 31 of this year. Mr. DeLay stated that they expect the concert will cost them $100,000. and added that so far ticket sales are not going well. CLOSED SESSION: Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. OPEN SESSION: Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem, Latta, that Council instruct and authorize the City Attorney to take Latta x X whatever legal action necessary to see that injunctive action or such Loris x other legal action necessary to enfor e Westerholm McCombs x x Ordinance No. 198 and Ordinance No. 261 McCombs and other matters pertaining to Bone x x police powers. There being not further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparge . i r Mayo ATTTST: /4 Af~~ City Secretary