1982-04-20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 20,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Resolution 82-8 Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. Oath of Office. 3. Consider: Resolution 82-9 Appointment of Liaison Officers. 4. Consider: Resolution 82-10 Appointment of Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Oath of Office. 5. Consider: Resolution 82-11 Appointment of Parks Commission. 6. Consider: ZA 82-5. Final Plat approval for Phase 1 of Emerald Estates Subdivision. Owner: Bob Taylor. Approval: Developers Agreement. 7. Consider: ZA 82-6. Zoning request for an 11.71 acre tract of land out of the A. H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 299. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Industrial Zoning. Owner: George Smith and Leslie Talbert. Public Hearing. 8. Consider: Developers Agreement: Phase 3, Harbor Oaks Estates. David Hardy, developer. 9. Discussion: City Attorney Opinion. Gift of love/sub- division of land. 10. Discussion: Amendment to Animal Control Ordinance. 11. Consider: Welcome Committee. Approval extending the deadline of Slogan/Logo Contest. Approval of funds to print first booklet. 12. Consider: Bid Opening and approval for purchase of Fire Hose and Equipment for new pumper. Contingent upon availability of bond money. 13. Department Reports: Fire: Approval for Hurst Tool Certification School for two firemen. Police: Approval for Reserve Officer. Water: Building: Court: 14. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the front door and on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, April 17, 982 at 3 p.m. City Secretary v~ y -i __1 CITY OF SOU'1'11_AK1: , 1'I XAS my W 0 0 1 REGULAR o m m M I NU`l'I;S OF TI1F CITY COUNC I L CZ1 H MIiFil'IN(' d " April 20,1982 rn y rn 1)ATI:: 7:30 p.m. rn d m c~ o 0 o r f)1,AC1 : CITY OF SOU'I111,Ah1:, COUNCIL CHAMBERS a 607 NORTH CAIZROLI, AVI:NUI:,, SO)THLAKE TEXAS. NAM1? Ol' o COUNC I 1,1'1:1ZSON I I'AG 1; : 1 I NDEX COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparg r, Tom Loris, Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Lloyd 0. Latta Jr. and Marion R. Bone STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Randy Martin, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Bill Smith INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs 7 The Minutes of the April 6,1982 City Council Meeting were approved as corrected.. q MAYORS REPORT: q Mayor Sparger informed Council that he would be meeting with Texas Power ii and Light Company on April 29, to discuss with them and area Mayors, various problems which might be cor- rected concerning the utility company He indicated anyone who has a com- plaint with the company please contact him before the 29th of April. Sparger announced that the City would be mowing in the City Right-0f-Way again this year. This service will begin in the next two weeks. All indications are that the 1982 General Obligation Bond funds will arrive at Colleyville First City Bank on April 26,1982. s g Mayor Sparger reassured the citizens 1 of Southlake that the outdoor music concert which is being planned in Southlake for May 2,1982, is in U~ Y c CITY OF SOUTIL,AKL, '1HAS 1- m 0 0 M o a rn rn MINtJT1:S OI,, `I'IH REGULAR CITY COUNCIL Y t~ d M I : F1, I N ( - - x M y m DA'1'I April 20,1982 m d m c~ 0 FF[ W: 7:30 p.m. PLACI? : CITY OF SOW111I,AKl , COUNC I I, CHAMBERS 5 o~ ci 607 NORTH CARROL,L AVIMIE, SOUTIILAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCLLI'I;RS0N I) AG 2 I ND1`X direct violation to Ordinance No. 198, ana that the City Attorney is looking into all areas which might be possibl for the City to stop the concert. Mayor Sparger added that the parties involved have not applied for a permi as outlined in the Ordinance. Loris x x Resolution 82-8 approving Lloyd Latta RESOLUTION Westerholm x as Mayor Pro Tem for a term of one 82-8 McCombs x x year was approved. APPROVED Resolution 82-9 naming Liaison RESOLUTI(4 Loris x officers for this term of office 82-9 Westerholm x x was approved as recommended by Mayor APPROVED McCombs x x Sparger. The Resolution named Chapte 8, Section 9a of the Personnel Rules- and Regulations as an outline for the duties and responsibilities of the Liaison Officers. Loris x x Resolution 82-10 was approved naming RESOLUTION Westerholm x Ed Norman to another term on the 82-10 McCombs x x Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. APPROVED Norman took the Oath of Office. Loris x x Resolution 82-11 was approved for RESOLUTI Westerholm x x a one year term for the members of 82-11 McCombs x the Parks Commission. The only APPROVED addition to the resolution was the naming of Sandra Rosenbaum to the Commission. ZA 82-5. Motion was made and approve ZA 82-5 Loris x tt amt -the final plat approval for Pha eTABLED Westerholm x x 1 of the Emerald Estates Subdivision McCombs x x be tabled until the next meeting so that Council might further study the plat and also, that the owner, Bob Taylor, might be present. Ln y ~ 17~ CITY OF SOUT11-AKF, TFXAS M1 Cd O 0 o ran rn MINU`I'I?S OF Tfll'. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M1?1-:1 I NG rn d UA'I,lC-) o '1' ( 1\1I April 20,1982 3 I)LACF: C1''Y7bI~ORrRrll,AKli, COUNCIL. ('1IAMBI?16 667 N01)vT11 CAIZRt)Lf, AUN111?, SOU`IHLAKE . NAMI: OF o o ~ T1' X A S COUNC I l,l'HIZSON L I'AGl;: 3 1 NtWx I ZA 82-6 After considerable discuss- ion motion was made and approved to rezone the 11.11 acre tra t of land out of the A.H. Chivers R Survey, Abstract 299, from Agricultur 1 to Heavy Commercial Zoning District. The owners, Leslie Talbert and George Smith were present and agreed to this action, even though they had requested Light Industrial Zoning for the land. ZA 82-6 Loris x x There were no comments during the APPROVED Westerholm x public hearing. The Planning and TO HEAVY McCombs x x Zoning Commission had recommended COMMERCIAI Light Industrial Zoning District ZONING for the tract of land. i X Approval was given for the Standard Loris Developers Agreement for Phase 3, of HARBOR M McCombs m x x x x the Harbor Oaks Estates. David and OAKS McCombs Ann Hardy, developers, were not PHASE 3 present for the meeting. DEV. AGREI City Attorney, Bill Smith, reviewed once again his opinion concerning a Gift of Love/Subdivision of Land, involving Ms. Ann Russell. Mr. Smith stated, "Citizens and Council are going to have to decide how much they wish to ~aimend the Ordinance and how much authority to give the Board of Adjustments". Mayor Sparger called a worksession for Council to be held April 27, at 7:30 p.m. in which this item will further be discussed. A discussion was also held concern- ing whether or not to amend the current Dog Ordinance. During the disucssion, the following citizens v) y CITY OF SOU`1'11 ,AK1 , TEXAS yu- n to ° ° REGULAR M o rn rn MTNIJTFS OF Tlll? CT'TY COUNCIL :1_1 NILE`hING. - e ITI DA April 20,1982 ''I: : rn d d Y o 7:30 p.m. I' I M E: 0 o r PLACE: CITY OF SOU`IHLAKE, COUNCIL, CHAMBERS n 667 NOW111 CARROLL AVENUL, SOU'THLAKE NAME 0F o o TEXAS . COUNC I LI'ERSON PAG L: 4 INDEX expressed their opinions: Steven Feteria, Charles McPherson, David Dowd, Lou Etta McPherson, Nathan ~v'eleh, Barbara Maxfield, Karen Hodges Billy Jon Curb, Lucille Samartin and Shari Massey. Mayor Sparger also added Dog Ordinanc as an agenda item for the worksession April 27. Elsie Murmert, chairperson for the WELCOME i Welcome Committee addressed Council COMMITTEr concerning the progress of the committee. She asked approval for funds to print the Welcome Committee Booklet for newcommers. However, Council ask that the booklet be approved before approval is given for the expenditure. Loris x x Westerholm x x Motion was made and approved to McCombs x extend the deadline for the Logo and Slogan Contest until June 1,1982. Johnny Westerholm, Liaison Officer APPROVAL for the Fire Department asked GIVEN FOI consideration for the approval to PURCHASE purchase equipment and fire hose for OF FIRE the new 1,000 gallon pumper. He EQUIPMEN'. added that proper bids were taken as per the law. Both Fire Chief Steele and Westerholm recommend the fire hose be purchased from Left Lumpkin at a cost of $4,300.76 and that the brackets, spanner wrench, hydrant holders and wrenches be purchased from Riggs Equipment Co. at a cost of $332.00,-mounted. Thus making the total cost of the fire Loris ! x truck and equipment at $94,532.76. Westerholm x x McCombs x x Approval was given. „ y - CITY OF SOIITIL,AKI' , TIAAS Y r~7 l~ O O m ' r-n M M I NU H1 OF '1'111: REGULAR CITY COUNC I L ~ a I d NIH:T I NG. rn d m c~ o II(II:. April 20,1982 o l 1)I'AC1: C 17 '1. '1 ,3 0OIP''~ITtJ I'IILAKI:, COUNC I L CHAMBERS 007 NORTH CANNOLL AVINW, SOUTIH AKE NANW OF o o ~ TI:,XAS. CO11NC 11,N:R'S0N IIA(; I:: 5 IN1WX 5 Approval was given for two volunteer Loris x x firemen to attend a Certification Westerholm x x School for the Hurst Tool (Jaws of McCombs x Life). Total cost will be approximately $277.00. Approval was given for David Law to Loris f x x be accepted as a Reserve Police Westerholm x McCombs x x Officer for the City of Southlake. Loris Ix x The bills presented were approved Westerholm x x for payment. (attached hereto and McCombs 4 x made apart hereof). After review of the department report!, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor ~ Sparger. %dr Mayor z/ dF C { ATTEST; r R' i City Secretary i E I OATH OF OFFICE , STATE OF TEXAS.... COUNTY OF TARRANT.... CITY OF SOUTHLAKE...... I, Lloyd 0. Latta Jr, do solemnly swesr that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF MAYOR PRO TEM of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So Help Me God. yd Lat Jr . SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this the 20 the day April 1982 ~ ~ 2 dl-m~ yor OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, ED NORMAN, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City, and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment as a reward to this appointment. SO HELP ME GOD. Ed Norman SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this the 20th day of April,1982. May WATER DEPARTMELT REPORT MONm of: March 1982 Gallons Pumped Previous Month 9,289,800 Gallons mold Previous Month 91196,000 New Water Taps Installed q - 1 6 - 3 Fire Hydrants Installed Meter Change Out Machine Rental $629.00 Other Repairs 3 Leaks _ Flushed Hydrants on Carroll Road F,, Harbor Oaks Materials Y $861.72 _ Bacteriological Quality Tests Taken: 3-22-82 Recived 3-24-82 Negitive Water Superintendant CITY OF~SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPLCTIONS MONTH OF March 1982 CURRENT LAST MONfH LLLCIkIC 19 32 111.(1 MBLN6 27 26 IkAMING 3 7 IILAIING & AIR 10 16 1 OUN DA f 1 ON 12 3 ~LVIIC SYSILM 11 4 0111i 11 13 13 IO1AI. 1NSPLCTIONS: 84 101 . I'I ItMI I S 1 1 1 1 ' , MUN III I L L LAST MONII FEE till IIDI NG 18 $3,495.00 8 $616.50 LlL(.IRlCAL 13 288.90 11 273.60 I'I OMI1 I N6 14 345.55 2 21.00 IILAIING K AlK 3 67.00 5 116.00 CLRTIFICATL OF OCCUPANCY 5 125.00 2 50.00 U I IILR 8 80.00 2 20.00 O IAI_ PkltMl TS 59 $4,401.45 i. b1 ll DING VALUAII_ON Tuts MONTH LAST MON1I1 YEAR TO DATE $2 , 254 , 600.50 $2 711848,00 $15,12 j,_I 975 4. I'I ANN ING is /ONING_ ILLS 11115 MONTH LAS[ MONID YLAR 1-0 DATE $887.00 $6809.,00_-, 10 I_AI ULPOSI It) IN BUIIUIN_G_ IU_NU_ TIIIS MONTH LAST MONTH VLAR TO DATE $4,401.45 $48,999.50. Itl_51'LC I I ULI_ Y )SUBMI 111D, BUII DING PERMIT BREAKDOWN BUILDING CLLRK 10-Residences,Value $849,735.00 4-Commercial, $1,386,365.50 1-Garages, $1,000.00 2 Pools, $18,000.00 j0 1 Add-On, $500.00 /44 Total Value of Const. 6 1 DING DE ARTMLNT 0111CIAl $2,254,600.5C TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PFRSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of arch`. A. Responses: plumber of calls 1 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 6 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 1 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 4 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)--------- 0 5. Mutual-Aid for City of 6rapevine--------------------------""-"""--- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------------'""- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller-------------------- 1 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities---RQa=~-------------------------------- 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 1 2 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits)------------------------- 1 11. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 4 12. Rescue Unit falls---------- A. Subject possible fractured ankle - 500 blk Davis Blvd B. Bell res., 700 blk Dove Rd,-subject fell - possible skull fracture C. 420 Shady Lane - subject having difficulty breathing D. 1280 N Carroll - subject having difficulty breathing & severe chills 3 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- A. Mesco Metal Co, Kimball Rd (trash pile on fire)-outside building B. 2600 blk Cont. Blvd. Power Line sparking - hitting trees C. 920 S Carroll - electric motor fire in washing machine 0 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- March 24 B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of cn x w F- N 00 W Y r Q ~ J S ~ F- V =D S O N LL O N O 7- LL d F- H F-- r- 4 J C1' U J O H CL LLJ J ~ r-+ W Z Z F- ZD d O -D > F- ~G U F- Q ► + LLJ v J F- U ~ S df F- O ~ U C1: S O O J N U d 00 d 00 d Q U LLJ C1 + J Z 00 co U Z •i W S Z O F- Q S U W 17) LLI O m F- O w d F- LL to a 5 Totals # Tickets 4 6 49 20 58 29 11 182 # Calls 170 100 252 147 279 254 44 1312 # Arrests 0 4 4 5 13 2 0 28 Accidents 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 6 Burglary__ 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 Thef t 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 miles Driven 772 1573 1655 1521 1612 1904 1107 10 809 Reserves # Tickets 5 # Calls 4 0 2 2 4 # Arrests 0 0 0 # Accidents 0 0 0 # Assists 0 0 0 HoLws Worked 19:11 2 2: 0 3 6: 2 5 Mi es Driven 161 112 3 9 2 Ending Mileage on Patrol Units: Unit 9 156,514 Unit 12 118,781 Unit 16 60,503 Unit 17 9,672 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 20,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID General Telephone Co. 149.46 Tri County Electric Co. 171.50 Texas Power and Light Co. City Hall,Parks, etc. 372.53 Texas Power and Light Co. Water Wells 2,286.55 Gulf Oil Co. 1,657.30 Thomas Rubber Stamp 34.75 W.W. Grainger 140.52 Pitney Bowes Printpowder 155.85 Pitney Bowes Lease 129.95 Travis P. Young Co. Renew bond for C.C. 30.00 Tarrant County Signs and tires 299.20 Mays, Grady and Burruss 19.00 Group Life and Health 65.20 Texas Employment Commission 59.30 Mays, Grady and Burruss Vehicle Insurance 5,073.00 B & C Muffler Unit 3002 Fire Dept. 37.50 Thomas Rubber Stamp Badges for Fire Dept. 62.60 Big Three Industries 8.50 Prime Data Supplies 329.61 Millican Well Service Motor for well L/Materi 1 3,172.00 Aqua Utility 149.90 Boise Cascade 44.32 Circle R. Electric Repairs to well 45.00 Universal Grapevine 8.30 Total $14,501.84 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT March 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of March Tickets issued in February 153 Tickets issued in March 182 Persons in jail in February 10 Persons in jail in March 28 Traffic accidents in February 4 Traffic accidents in March 6 Burglaries reported in February 1 Burglaries reported in March 2 Approximate value taken in burglaries in Feb. $213.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in Mar. $835.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in Feb. $213.00 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in Mar. Thefts reported in February 2 Thefts reported in March 1 Approximate value taken in thefts in Feb. $250.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in Mar. $250.00 Approximate value recovered in February $100.00 Approximate value recovered in March 00 Total offenses to date for 1982 30 Number of calls in February 1099 Number of calls in March 1312 Speedometer reading on Unit 9 156,514 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 118,781 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 60,503 Speedometer reading on Unit 17 9,672 Respectfully submitted C Randy Martin Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CRM:lmc