1982-03-16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 16,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Presentation: General Telephone Company. James Spriggs 3. Consider: Street Priority List for Tarrant County. 4. ZA 82-4 Special Exception Use Permit for a Church. Location is Lot 1 of the Peck Addition. Owners: Word of Life Bible Church. Public Hearing. 5. Consider: Bids for Water Department Pick Up Truck. 6. Consider: Bids for Antenna Tower. 7. Department Reports: Water: Police: Approval for Police Officer. Fire: City Administration: Seminar for City Secretary. Court: Building: 8. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, March 12,1982 at 3 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA EMERGENCY ITEM March 16,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA CLOSED SESSION Closed session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes, Article 6252-17. 1. Selling of Bonds OPEN SESSION 9. Consideration: $400,000. General Obligation Bonds Series 1982. I hereby certify that the above emergency agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Tuesday, March 16,1982, at 3 p.m. City Secretary y (iI'T'Y 01: S0l_)T1I_AK1'., TIX\S Uj __1 y n7 td 0 I ITI o m M MI NUTI:S 01: '1'I11: Regular C I'I'Y COUNI L d H d ^,II I:T I N(I . n r Y 1);11'1! : March 16,1982 rn rn n '1' I Ml:: 7:30 p.m. d y- ~ I( 1IT)' 01' S0LI'CII1,AKI'., COIIN(:I1, Cill\M13EIZS 0~ 667 N01:'I'H (,AIZIZOLI, AV1'.NUI:, SOU']'III,AKI: NAMI: 01~ o o l'I?X:1S . ('OUN(:I LI'I,fdSON COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons: Shari Massey, Bruce McCombs, Johnny Wester- holm. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Lloyd Latta, Modine Stricker. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Randy Martin, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm The Minutes of the March 2, City Council meeting were approved, as were the Minutes of the Special City Council meeting of March 8,1982. MAYORS REPORT: Westerholm x x The record of ballots printed for McCombs x x the April 3,1982, Municipal Election Massey x were confirmed. Ballots #1-100 were designated absentee ballots, and ballots #101-1000 for election day. Westerholm x x The Developers Agreement for Cross McCombs x x Timber Hills Estates was approved Massey x as presented. The standard form was used. Mayor Sparger polled Council concern- ing the request for action by Dick Perkins for approval of Winding Ridge Addition. Council agreed that Perkins should present a solid request before Council would take any action on the subdivision. A presentation was made by James Spriggs, manager of General Telephone Company. He indicated the company is realigning its employees to better serve the customers. He indicated y Cl'fY' 01 5011'1'11„ AI\'I;, 'I HAS Y C7 td J G 00 ___1 m m M 1 N11'I'1:S ()I~ 1'111: Regular C I'I'Y C01JNC 1 L y- d DI1:1 T l N(j , c7 MA.r. ch 16 ,1982 [ rr n 1)A'1' l: : 7:30 p.m. rn t~ d Y ~ 1'1MI~,: I'I.AUI:: C ITI ' 01~ S01JT111,Ah1?, CU11N(I I L C11ANII3t:16 n 607 N01y011 CAI:R(11,L Ak!1:NIJI:, S0tJT111,AK1? NAMI: OI o o 'I'I:XAS . (:OUN(: I I,I'I'.RSON I)A(; I:: 2 1 NI)I'.X that GTE is going to the Phone Mart System in the near future. Spriggs stated that GTE is entitled to the same rate of return as Southwestern Bell System, while naming an increase of from $10. to approximately $17.05 base rate for prefix numbers of 481 or 488. The extended metro numbers will see an increase of 50%. Mrs. Betty Overstreet, of Jellico Circle, was present and had questions for Mr. Spriggs. Council members worked with Mayor STREET Sparger and the City Staff in compil- PRIORITY ~ing a street priority list to be LIST presented to County Commissioner, Lyn Gregory. The streets which are in need of repairs are listed in ;order of priority. (The list is <hereby attached to the minutes of !the meeting). Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to send McCombs x x a contribution to the County of $6,00(. Massey x x as per Fiscal Year 1982 budget, to aid in the project. ZA 82-4 The Special Exception Use ZA 82-4 Permit for a church for Word of Life SPECIAL McCombs holm x x x Bible Church was approved as requeste USE PERM" McComb when the public hearing resulted with APPROVED Massey x x no comments from the audience. The location will be Lot 1 of the Peck Addition. Craig Kelly, chairman of the building committee was present for the meeting. The bids received for a 1982 Pick Up truck for the Water Department were opened and announced. They include: Hudiburg Chevrolet $6,216.35 Southtown Ford 6,630.68 Peyton-Wright Ford 6,577.86 After disucssion, motion was made and approved to accept the bid from y C1"1'Y ()I,' S0II'1'11;,AK1:, 1'I'XAS :L- rTl b' o o Regular d o m m M 1 NU'1'1:S ff l'Ell C 1'1'Y COUNCIL d d h1 l', C:'1' 1 N(;. March 16,1982 x m v C)ATI" 7:30 p.m. ri o rn n 0 1' I alt:: a Y ~ CT'I'Y OF SOU'1111.AKF, C0UN(',11. CIIAMBERS Ci)' 607 NOWHI CAPROIA, AVI:NUIi, SOU`I'ULAKE NAMI 01, o o TLXAS . COUNC F 1,Pf:1ZS0N 1'A(, L: 3 INUI:X Westerholm x x Hudiburg Chevrolet, provided a 30 McCombs x day delivery date can be met. Massey x x The City received no bids on the 80' antenna tower. Department Reports: Westerholm x The application of William Holmes was reviewed by Council and approval McCombs x x was given for adding him as a patrol- Massey x x man for the City of Southlake. He is to start work March 22,1982. Chief Martin called attention to the application for the cities newest dispatcher, Joe O'Neill. Westerholm x Approval was given for the City McCombs x x Secretary to attend a seminar in Massey x x Denton, April 29 and 30. Westerholm x The bills presented, were approved McCombs x x for payment. Massey x x CLOSED SESSION Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. OPEN MEETING Ordinance No. 270 was approved, ORDINANCE granting the issuance of $400,000, NO. 270 Westerholm x worth of Series 1982 General Obligation APPROVI McCombs x x Bonds. The average interest rate SELLING Massey x x is 13.4915%. BONDS Mayor Sparger announced that the City NOTE Corr cti ns to he i has received a Moody Rating of BBA1, Minutes to real, he 11oodT the cost for obtaining the rating is approximately $1,000. Rating is Baal, a va ifi d b letter from Mo dy The meeting was adjourned y Mayor Sp ger. r A T- ay 3 March 16,1982 TO: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FROM: CITY SECRETARY SUBJECT: RECORD OF BALLOTS FOR THE APRIL 3,1982 ELECTION In order to be in compliance with the Texas Municipal Election Laws of the State of Texas, Article 6.09, I hereby certify that the total number of ballots printed for the Municipal Election to be held on April 3,1982, is 1,000. I hereby designate ballots 1-100 to be used in "Absentee Voting" and ballots numbering 101-1,000 be used for voting on election day. I hereby request the approval of this information by City Council before it is recorded in the Minutes of the City Council Meeting. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF Feburary 1982 CUKRLNI LAST MONTH 23 ELECTRIC 32 PLUMBING 26 28 FRAMING 7 4 IILAIING & AIR 16 11 I-OIJNDAT ION 3 12 SLPIIC SYSTEM 4 10 U[HLR 13 8 TOTAL INSPECTIONS: 101 86 PERMI TS ]III" MUN 111 FLE LAS I MONTI FEE BUILDING 8 $616.50 9 $1,252.00 LLLCfklCAL. 11 $273.60 18 $418.40 PLUMBING 2 $21.00 10 $282.00 HEATING & AIR 5 $116.00 6 138.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 2 $50.00 6 150.00 UTHLR 2 20.00 9 90.004 IUFAI. PERMITS 30 $1,097.10 _ 58 $2,330.40 s. BUILDING VALUATION TIMS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $271,848.00 - $470,000.00 _ $12,872,5-q6 25 4. PLANNING & ZONING _ FEES THIS MONTH_ _ _ LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $6,809=00------ $260.00 - --------34,s7s-.66-_ 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING_ FUND THIS 'MONTfi - - LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $1,107.10 $2,330.40__ $44,608.05 kLSPLCIFULLY SUBMITTED, - - - - * BIITI WNG III kMI I BREAKDOWN BUILDING CLERK - 3- Commercial 1- Public Bldg. `r 2- Swimming Pools 2- Fences UILOING PARTMENT OFFICIAL X N W co H- ~ r W" Y S - CC J ~ S O LL- V) U- C:) V1 O E u_. 7- 'd ~y r a V r- O •r (1 W H ~ U Z = b H C) y F-- NL U r a ¢ H W V J F-- V OC et! O O a a c~ o N ~ O J 00 Q V d ~ CL r ~ J H w d J CL N 00 H Z d V O ~ O ►-y U w Z i W O co Z m O F-- S U • W O CO p a O 4 { U- V7 O 4 ~ N O m 06 Cr K r J ~ pOZ m w LL- LL') LO N m %0 N ct N CT LO m N LL N r O N r O O et O O lD O O Q d ►-r t„) 4J C7 ~ 7_ (ts i r, tp r~ 3 LL) a c o O V 4-3 z v 4J (D u.1 i O ~S o ~ p 3: all C'1 t~ n d ~ cr. Q 4J ~ w V) -I + w m ce N V) V) cr O 4 in u v p~ w~.. tn lu W -j ~ O Z r- r1 yrl ol to C5 4J LAJ V7 Z O F" h- d cY = tY ~ C3 ~ F-- to Ln IA IA 1/1 W W tn et T m a v~ a v v ci } • 4y. : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT February 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of February Tickets issued in January 157 Tickets issued in February 153 Persons in jail in January 12 Persons in jail in February 10 Traffic accidents in January 10 Traffic accidents in February 4 Burglaries reported in January 1 Burglaries reported in February 1 Approximate value taken in burglaries in Jan. $102.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in Feb. $213.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in Jan. 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in Feb $213.00 Thefts reported in January 8 Thefts reported in February 2 Approximate value taken in thefts in January $10,023.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in February $250.00 Approximate value recovered in January $9,378.00 Approximate value recovered in February $100.00 Total offenses to date for 1982. 27 Number of calls in January 1,292 Number of calls in February 1,099 Speedometer reading on Unit 9 156,363 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 118,458 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 54,640 Speedometer reading on Unit 17 5,292 Miles driven in January 12,038 Miles driven in February 9,123 Respectfully submitted J,- vzk-q Capt. C Randy Martin Acting Police Chief SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CRM:lmc i_ V ! ll 1 W l CY H H O I F S_jW H Cn . + F ~t r! W a, Q u ~ ~ LaJ J O.~ w H O~ 2 CL O F- r . CC 3 TI CKLIS 0-_- 4-----47 - 0 29-- 32 - - 39 - 153 # OF CAI t_S 0 -5.4-- 264 43 171_ 213- - _2_ -11099 - # OF ARRESTS 1 0 1 2 --1--- 10 1 1 ACC I UL N I S - - 0 0 0 Q-- - 4-----` - BURGLARY 0 0 -1------- , 1 HEF I 0 0 1 0 - 1--- --0------ 2 MILLS DRIVEN 0 1432 1962 452 152.3 1842_ _ * 80 - 9123 - - HOURS RESERVES LICKLTS ACCIDENLS ARRLSIS WORKED CALLS ASSIST MILLS ANUERSUN 0 0 0 4:16 10 , 0 SI'ENCtk 0 0 0 6:08 6 0 52 PERRY 2 0 0 19:17_ 6 ------Rorie wi h cfL **************#tk**1 * RLMAW) February mileage Unit 17 5,292 (2,346) Unit 16 54,640 (6,253) Unit 12 118,458 (72) Unit 9 156,363 (452) 9, lT3_ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of February A. Responses: plumber of calls 2 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 1 2. Grass Fires 2 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 1 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)--------------- 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine-------------------------- 0 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------ 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller-------------------------- 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities Roanoke Fire_ Department 2 9. Calls in Tarrao t County (outside city limits) 3 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) -------------------2 1 11. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 2 12. Rescue Unit Calls---------------------------------------------------- A. Rt. 1 Box 263 Sutton Trailer Park: Victim, medicine reaction B. 2017 Vista Trail: Subject in shock, overdose 13. Miscellaneous 2 A. to assist police, (needed light truck), 1580 E. Highland B. 1029 N. Shady Oaks Dr.: Skunk under house '4. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- 0 B, Total Emergency Calls for the Month of_ e r a ry 15 C. Man Hours Expended: Nun+ber of Hours 133 1. On Emergency Calls - - - - - - - - ` - - - _ - - 120 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting 3. _ 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills-------------- one 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. Oil Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time) D. D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month 2 E. Firefighters Respunding and Number of Tines Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 14 Assist. Chief Bradley Sr. 9 Capt. Brown 11 Capt. Fuller 15 L. T. Barnes 12 J. Joyce 3 R. Stacey 15 B. Roper 2 R. Martin 3 B. Tanner 13 J. Vann 7 D. Brown 5 C. Dodson 3 J. Sullivan 4 T. Hunter 8 B. Pinson 7 B. Austin 3 Respectful) submitted, 4R.: Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH OF February 1982 Gallons Pumped Previous Month 9,500,000 Gallons Sold Previous Month 9,196,000 m New Water Taps Installed 5-3/4" Fire Hydrants Installed 0 Meter Change Out 2 - 3/4" Machine Rental $203.00 Other Repairs Leaks - 7 Materials used $4,658.75 Bacterological Water Samples Taken - 2-22-82 Results - 2-24-82 Neg. Sewer Samples Taken- 2-24-82 Received 3-10-82 Water Superintendant W. G. Cline CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 16,1982 BILLS FOR APPROVAL TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID General Telephone 102.31 Tri-County Electric 173.75 Lone Star Gas Company 94.16 Texas Power and Light Co. Water Wells 2,254.92 Texas Power and Light Co. Municipal Buildings 282.49 Circle Communications Installation of radios 175.00 Pitney Bowes Copier-monthly 129.95 X-Press Printing Election Ballots 51.08 Gulf Oil Company 787.50 General Office Supplies 231.74 Dian Bell Deed filings 25.00 Fort Worth Star Telegram Classified Ad 42.84 Fort Worth Star Telegram Legal notices 61.91 Pitney Bowes Maintenance Agreement 259.50 Rohne and Hoodenpyle Attorney delinquent taxe 29.04 Group Life and Health 65.20 Pitney Bowes Postage Machine rental 55.50 Tarrant Appraisal District 2nd quarter allocation 817.50 Sa-So Voice Gun and Flag 224.85 Village Grocery Store Misc. jail supplies 20.95 Dearing and Son Texaco 20.50 Parker Exxon 29.45 Allied Oil Equipment Co. Seal kits 18.40 Crabtree and Powers 24.00 Central Freight Lines,Inc. 38.71 Universal North Inc. 10.44 Whites Home and Auto 22.85 Boise Cascade Bldg. Materi is 49.57 Talem,Inc. Analysis of samples 34.00 Mid-Cities Ready Mix Crushed Stone 63.00 Jim Parker Exxon Wrecker Pull 30.00 Aqua Utility,Inc. 554.00 The Rohan Company 1,032.19 TOTAL $ 7,812.30