1981-12-15CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION December 15,1981 6 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: Proposed City Hall/Fire Department facilities. I hereby certify that the above agenda for a City Council Worksession was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, ber 11,1981 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, TIr" , on Friday, 12 at 4 p.m. Z ~i t . City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15,1981 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Resolution 81-29. Appointment of Chief of Police Oath of Office 3. Consider: Ordinance No. 268. Texas Power and Light Company. Suspending effective date of proposed tariff. schedule. 4. "Town Hall Meeting" Bond Election. 5. Consider: Application for Community Development Grant. 6. ZA 81-36 Zoning request for a 24.822 acre tract of land out of the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18, Tracts 2A and 2A6. Present zoning is Ag. request is for the RE Residential Estates Zoning District for Lots 1-4 and Service Commercial for Lot 5. Owner: Sidney Parker Public Hearing. ZA 81-36 Final Plat approval for "Parker's Corner". A subdivision as described above. 8. Consider: Communications System Expenditure. Resolution 81-30. 9. Department Reports: Police Department Fire Department Water Department Court City Administration: Approval for seminar for City Secretary. Building Department 10. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda for City Council Meeting, was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Te as, on Friday, December 11, 1981, at 4 p.m. 4 City Secretary MI UI~ COUNCI1,14;kSON y n 0 o Cn rl C-) rn cw) 0 o td Cn Y z o m d Y ' n C I TY 01: SOUT111,AKI'., TEXAS N11 NIYH:S U1; T[II, Reggul r c I'1'Y l;Ol1NCIL N11:1:T I NC . 11;11'li: December 15,1981 C1~11:: 7:30 pp M. 1)I.ACI? : CITY OF SOU''II I,AKF , COUNCIL CIIANIBE16 007 N01011 C:ARIZ0I,1, AVI:NIII:, S011T11LAK11i 'TEXAS . COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons: Modine Stricker, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Shari Massey arrived late. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Lloyd Latta INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs City Staff Present: City attorney; Bill Smiths Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, Police Department Captain; Randy Martin. The Minutes of the December 1,1981, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT The Mayor reported that the FY81 Audit is complete and available upon request for review by any citizen. Sparger reminded Council of the Christmas Dinner to be held on Decembe r 18,1981 at 7 p.m. Carroll School cafeteria. Stricker X CHIEF OF Westerholm M C b x x x x Resolution 81-29 appointing Larry J. POLICE RESOLUTIOP c om s Massey x Williams to the position of Chief of 81 29 police was approved. Williams took the Oath of Office. Mike McKinney of Texas Power and Light ORDINANCE Company was present and requested NO. 268 Council approveOrdinance No. 268. He T P AND L explained that the Ordinance is strickly a formality and will in no way result with a monitary increase to the customers. He added that the tarrif is a procedural change ordered by the judge in Austin. ME OF COUNCILP1AZSON d ri a o ri o 1 d d o Y td z rn O m d Y n O rn d ~n o CITY OF SOLJT111.AK1:, TEXAS MINU'I'L'S OF '1'111; Regular CITY COUNCIL MIiFT I NG , I)A'1'1:: December 13,1981 I' 1M 1:: 7:30 p.m. 1' I.A('F : CITY OF SOUTH L.AKF , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NOWT11 CARROLL AVENUL, SOUTHLAKE TFXAS . 1'AG1:: 2 INDNX Stricker x The Ordinance No. 268 was approved Westerholm x x as presented. McCombs x x Massey x A "Town Hall" type meeting was held in an effort to answer questions for Citizens concerning the propositions to be voted upon in the Bond Election to be held December 19,1981. Citizens present who spoke include: John Bradford (Dove Rd. and Shady Oaks Cris Miller (White Chapel Road) Darrell Johnson (Post Oak Trail) Aubrey Smith (Pine Street) Rita Cannella (Brookwood Lane) Pat Hawk ( Sunshine Lane) Mrs. Sid Parker (Davis Blvd.) Jerald Brown (North Carroll Avenue) Resolution 81-31 was approved as RESOLUTI Stricker x x presented which accepts the Community 81-31 Westerholm x Development Grant application, which COMMUNITY McCombs x was prepared by Councilperson Wester- DEVELOPM-P Massey x x holm. A copy of the application is GRANT hereby attached to the minutes. APPLICA- TION. ZA 81-36. The zoning request for a 24.822 acre tract of land out of the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18, Tract 2A and 2A6 was approved as ZA 81-36 St k i x requested. The zoning was Agricultura TONING r c er Westerholm x zoning change is to RE Residential CHANGE Estates for Lots 1-4 and S Service McCombs x x Commercial for Lot S. Sid Parker Massey x x owner, was present for the meeting in which there were no comments during th e public hearing. ZA 81-36. The final plat of "Parkers Corner" was reviewed by Council. Mr. Parker agreed to run a 6" water line along Davis Blvd. to stop between Lots 2 and 3. He also agreed to furnish 2 fire plugs along the same area. NAME OF COUNCII.1'1?ItSON 0 0 CJ C7 Vl ~ rn o rn rn Y d ~ rn Y T7 m t~ r~ n o d v ~ 0 0 Z. Ol,' SOUT11EAKF, 'I'HAS NI I NHTI:S (W T111: ~egula~ CITY COUNCIL ,,,I I: I: T I N G1 . 11A f 1, : December 15,1981 T I Nil.. 30 p.m. 1'L,A('I~:: C:ITY 01~ S(t]'1'11EAKF, COUNCIL CHAMBERS bbl NOIZT11 CAlOWU AVENUE, SOU'rl1LAKE Tl`XAS . 1'A6k: 3 I N1)EX Stricker Westerholm McCombs Massey Stricker Westerholm McCombs M , ey Stricker Westerholm McCombs Massey Stricker Westerholm McCombs Massey x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Motion was made and approved for approval of the final plat of Parkers Corner with the following corrections being made to the final plat. (1) FINAL correct property owners names on the PLAT AND plat, (2) add feet utility easement DEVELOPER on the south side of Lot 1. AGREEMENT Approval was also given for the PARKER'S Developers Agreement, which will inclu ~ORNER the water line extension and fire plug agreement. Resolution 81-30 was approved which RESOLUTIOP will allow for the payment of the 81-30 Communications System as outlined in t e attached Resolution. During the Department reports, approval was given for the City Secretary to attend an Election Law Seminar on January 27,28,29, 1982. Approval was also given for the City Attorney to attend the seminar if he wishes. The bills presented, were approved for payment, (attached hereto and made a part hereof). n Mayor AT TE ACity Secretary OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Larry Joe Williams, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of CHIEF OF POLICE of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to secure my appointment. SO HELP ME GOD. 4 -9.01 Yjr rry Aooee 2WW SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, December, 1981. this the 15th day of 47 Mayor CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL MEETING BILLS FOR APPROVAL General Telephone Company Tri County Electric Fort Worth Star Telegram Revenue Sharing Advisory TML Texas Municipal League Pitney Bowes IBM General Office Supplies The Dallas Morning News Gulf Oil Corporation Universal Grapevine Tarrant Appraisal District Allstate Map Makers Texas Power and Light Co. Sargent-Sowell,Inc. Southside Dodge Sales,Inc. Dearing and Son Texaco Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Lefty Lumpkin Associates Don's Auto Repair Motor Supply Company Grapevine Auto Supply Welding Unlimited Boise Cascade Texas Power and Light Company Aqua Utility Inc. The Rohan Company Talem,Inc. DECEMBER 15,1981 legal notices bulletins league services maintenance agreement/copies machine maintenance classified ad facilities (water heater) quarterly payment 3 sets Mapsco Street guide fingerprint supplies capital outlay items(budget) Unit 3003 welding on Unit 3001 (tanker) I wells/electricity 91.61 163.50 147.88 42.00 378.00 293.67 116.35 69.77 220.22 706.20 128.00 817.50 60.00 374.66 132.10 39.25 36.90 95.15 1,555.00 14.60 84.12 3.40 50.00 2.69 2,122.43 675.00 40.40 38.00 TOTAL ................1$ 89498.40 ORDINANCE NO. 268 AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF PROPOSED REVISION TO THE FUEL COST FACTOR TARIFF SCHEDULE OF TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, PROVIDING THAT THE RATES OF SUCH COMPANY SHALL CONTINUE UNCHANGED DURING THE PERIOD OF SUSPENSION, APPROVING A FUEL COST FACTOR TARIFF SCHEDULE FOR TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEET- ING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAI14ED BY THE CITY Courncil OF THE CITY OF Southlake , TEXAS: SECTION 1: On December 9, 1981, Texas Power & Light Company filed with the City and simultaneously with the Public Utility Commission of Texas an Application and Statement of Intent with proposed changes in the fuel cost factor tariff schedule of said Company. The effective date of such proposed changes in rates and charges is hereby suspended, except as hereinafter provided, for a period of 120 days from January 13, 1982. SECTION 2: The rates of Texas Power & Light Company for electric service within the City in effect on December 9, 1981, shall continue in force during the period of suspension as provided in Section 1. SECTION 3: The fuel cost factor tariff schedule of Texas Power & Light Company approved and set by the Public Utility Commission of Texas pursuant to the Application and Statement of Intent filed by said Company with the Public Utility Commission of Texas on December 9, 1981, is hereby approved as the fuel cost factor tariff under which said Company is authorized to render service and to collect charges from its customers for the sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City until such time as said fuel cost factor tariff schedule may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn with the approval of the City Council SECTION 4: The aforesaid fuel cost factor tariff schedule herein approved shall be effective from and after the date the Public Utility Commission of Texas orders a new fuel cost factor tariff schedule effective for Texas Power & Light Company in the aforesaid proceeding. SECTION 5: The filing of the fuel cost factor tariff schedule, and the approval of same by the City l , in the manner herein provided, shall constitute notice to tinsumers of electricity, within the City, of the availability and application of such fuel cost factor tariff schedule. SECTION 6: That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed is open to the public and as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. SECTION That an emergency exists necessitating the sus- pension of any rule requiring multiple readings of this Ordinance and all multiple readings of this Ordinance are hereby waived; this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the City council of the City of Southlake , Texas, on this the 15 day of December , 19 81. May ATTEST: City Secretary T APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Southlake , Texas December 9 , 1981 Texas Power & Light Company Grapevine , Texas Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt this day of Texas Power & Light Company's Application and Statement of Intent (and attachments thereto) filed for approval December 9, 1981, which amends the current fuel cost factor tariff schedule to establish a procedure for regulatory approval of certain fuel-related expenses prior to those expenses being included in the fuel cost factor portion of monthly bills for electric service. Very truly yours, City of Southlake , Texas By /t~► City Secretary (SEAL) E ONMUNITY THREE DEVELO"P.MENT YEAR PLAN 1. Name of Applicant City or Cities: CITY OF SOtJTHLAKE, TEXAS 2. Person Who Can Best Answer Questions 3. Consultant(s): About This Proposal: Carter and Burgess Consulting Engineers Name Johnny H Westerholm 1100 Macon Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Address Route 1, Box 85 Roanoke, Texas 76262 4. Engineering: Telephone No. (817) 488-0646--Home Funded, by City X or C.D.B.G.X_ (214 767-6541--Office 5. Description of Target Area (s): Census Tract Number (s) 139 Street Boundaries of Target Area(s) Peytonville on West, Continental Blvd. and Brumlow on South, Crooked Lane on East, and S6uthlake Blvd. (FM 1709) on North. 6. Describe Problems of Target Area(s): The area contains a relatively high percentage of low-to-moderate income families(65%) and a higher than average number of sub-standard housing (57%). The area is utilizes septic systems as no sewer lines are in the area. A high concentration of elderly (30% over 62 years ald) which is twice the county wide average reside in the area. A high concentration of handicapped (30%) which is three times the county average live here. The roads serving the area are substandard and do not meet city standards for width (60' Right of way). School buses utilize these roads and a safety problem exist because of the narror widths. Proper access to the area will promote increased development and improvement to the target area. Describe project(s) improvements and purpose for years 1, 2, and 3: (Attach additional sheet, if needed) The project will result in improved streets resulting in increased safety to the residents and will serve to incourage futher development and improvements in the target area. The streets are utilized primarily by those living in the service area rather than pass through traffic. Safety 'improvements will be improved as the current conditions and narrowness of the streets and lack of shoulders create hazzard ous situations. The first year.will result in the rebuilding of Pine and Lilac stree and the second year the rebuilding of Carlysle and Sunshine streets. No funds are being specifically requested for the 03 year pending the completion of the revised land use map for the city. It is expected that 100,000 will be needed in that year with an additional 10,000 paid by the city. 3. Classification of Projects: (Check only 1 block for each program year) Year, 1 Year 2 Year 3 a. Benefit to low or moderate income persons ® ED EILI b. Aid in the prevention of elimination of . slums or blight Q 0 c. Meet other community development needs - having a particular urgency. Q 0 Reason for Classification: The primary beneficiaries of these street improvements will be those living in the target area, however the "b" and "c" reasons are almost as equally important. 9. Multi-year community development plan: Estimated Cost Year Project C.D.B.G. City Other 1. 1982 Street Renovation/Reconstruction 100,000 11,750 2. 1983 Street Renovation/Reconstruction 84,000 -0- 3. 1984 Street Renovation/Reconstruction 100,000* 10,000* 4. S. 6. *Project not yet identified: Estimated mount. 10. List other activities in the target area. (Specify their purpose, source and amount.) The City of Southlake has completed the water projects for the target area. It is currently in the process of obtaining Right-of-way on the streets targeted for improvement. The city is presently reviewing the Land Use Map for the City which includes the target area. Improved streets are an essencial part of the ultimate development of the area. Land acquisation costs are estimated at about $80,000. The final year project will be identified after completion 11. Describe citizen participation activities used in preparing this plan. Public hearings were scheduled to discuss both the need for and the identification of the specific project for which funds would be requested. The Minutes of those meetings are attached. As a result of those hearings on October 6 and 20, 1981, and the ideas expressed by those attending, it was the decision of the Council to make these improvements. 1Z. Right-of-Way: Will all land and right-of-way be acquired prior to submission of Tarrant County's completed application to HUD? YES_ NO The land acquisition process has begun and is expected to be completed prior to April, 1982. YEAR 1 (1982-1983) DETAILED PROJECT ESTIMATE CITY SOUPHLAKE, TEXAS, DATE DECEMBER 15,1981 JECT STREET-RENO ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0. inea 1 FREBUILD NE AND LILA C STREETS TO CITY 3950 feet 25.00 98 750 WITH 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY 11 FUNDING SUB-TOTAL Source Amount Grant $~,ooo DESIGN/ENGINEERING City $_lLl750. Non-Cash $ Right-of-Way (if any) Otner $ TOTAL PROJECT COST iPREPARED BYY Johnny H. Westerholm Councilman ORGANIZATION _Cit of Southlake Texa 98,750 13,000 -0- 111.750 . YEAR 2 (1983-1984) DETAILED PROJECT ESTIMATE DATE DECEMBER 15, 1981 CITY SOUIHI.A E, TE?~AS JECT _STREET RONOVATION RECONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT _ NO. e a- 1 REBUILD CARLISLE AND SUNSHINE STREETS 3,000 feet 25.00 75,000 TO CITY STANDARDS WITH 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY FUNDING SUB-TOTAL Source Amount Grant $-84,900 DESIGN/ENGINEERING 9,900 city $ -0- Non-Cash $ Right-of-Way (if any) utner $ TOTAL PROJECT COST Qn canr PkEPARED BY Johnny H WPStPrhnlm~ ~~~+nr;lman ORGANIZATION City of Southlake Texas r 11 CITY SOUTHLAKE, TEXPS, iJECT STREET RENOVATION/RECONSTRUCTION DATE December 15, 1981 ITEM N0 NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT f 1 No Project is currently being requested 100,000* for the 03 year pending the completion i of the revised land use map for the city e FUNDING SUB-TOTAL 100;000* Source kriotint Grant $ 100,000* 000* $ -T0 Cit DESIGN/ENGINEERING 10,000* , y Non-Cash Ste- - Other Right-of-Way (if any) -0- f *Estimated monies needed. TOTAL PROJECT COST 110,000* PREPARED BY Johnny H• Westerholm Councilman ORGANIZATION City of Southlake, Texas YEAR 3 (1984-1985) DETAILED PROJECT ESTIMATE Q1. JJJ ti 1 ILL Y+ i I 1 + I II a ~ ai I I w I u l --_'IICI ~y :e I .N • I to ti I f, U ' F I a I :1~ _ ! ~ 1 . I 1 I I I ` E ~ I I I 1 I ail I I I I I ~ i~ Yl 1\ fit'! ,F(I•\`\, ~ wl'J i I, (.,r I I 1 I r u W, I I 1 l 1 i -r^ -r1 I ' 'ter. w ME OF rOUNCTLI'lillSON d M r M o cn n O 1 d M y o W -3 v ~A M M o t7 y G') v ° M t7 11-; O C I T1 ' OI: S01ITI11,AK1: , 'I.1:XAS) CITY COIINC 1 L T M 1 NU''I`•5 OI 1'111; ReguI ar MlJ;T I N(; . October 6,1981 1)A•I'1: 7:30 p.m. ' f' I M 1'I.A3;1•: (;I'I'I' O1: SOUTHLAKV, COUNCIL, CHAMBERS 007 NOR'T'H CARROIJ, AVIiNIIE, S011" H11AKE IIXAS. I'A(;I.: 1 I NI)IiX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd 0. Latta, Modine Stricker, Bruce McCombs Shari. Massey. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Johnny Westerholm CTTY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Captain', Randy Martin, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Truce McCombs The Minutes of the September 22,1981, meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS RI:PORT Mayor Sparger reported that Council- man Johnny Westerholm is absent due to a.n illness that has him hospitaliz .d. Ile reported on the progress of the Water Negotiations with the City of Keller. He indicated that as per the agreement, we are ready for a third engineering firm to arrive at a fair purchase price for the water lines within our extraterritorial jurisdictiOn. Sparger also announced that there will he a worksession on October 20, at 6 p.m. with Tom Anderlitch, Southlake's bonding agent., for the purpose of discussing the bond election. Latta reported that the Texas Municipal Power Company is no longer interested in Southlake as a location for their relay tower. Ile also reported the completion date for the installation of our Communication system is October 30. M NAME OF COUNCILPHRSON y rTI ra o 0 d n cn ~ --3 M O 3 M M 1 tz) d M C1 M G7 O b y O n O ()I: SOIJI]ILAKE', TEXAS M I N I l' I' I; S OF '1' 111; Regular c I rY COIINC 11. M1: FT I NG , October 6,1981 T f M 1 T; 7:30 p.m. 'I' T R1 PI,ACIi : CITY 01: SOWHILAK1, COUNCIL ('IIAMBEIRS 007 NORTH CARROT.L AV1 NU1'., SOWHILAKE 'I' is X A S . PAGE: 2 I NI)I:X Motion was made and approved to COMMUNITY enter Southlake into a Tarrant County DEVELOP- Consortium Agreement for 3 years MENT GRANT in connection with the Community CONSORTIU" Development Grant. AGREEMENT During public hearing, discussion was CDG held in an effort to determine the NEEDS FOR needs of Southlake concerning SOUTHLAKE the Community Development Grant Project. The roads were discussed. Latta suggested that whatever we recommend, we need a very strong case as South- lake is only one small city within many. Mayor Sparger briefed Council on the status of our Sixth Year Community Development Grant project, in which we submitted a Community Center a.s a project. Sparger told Council that we have been denied that request however, strong indication was given from the County that the funds could be transferred to a street project and that we qualified for South Peytonville Avenue. SIXTH YEAR GRANT FU) PROJECT Several South Peytonville Avenue property owners were present and expressed strong rejection to that project. Those who spoke against the project include: Chris Daugherty Billy Jon Curb, and Vernie Saladis. Jose Franco remained mutual in his opinion. Sparger reminded the audience that a major factor for widening South Peytonville Avenue was safety and to enable school busses and emergency vehicles to be able to use the road without hazard. Latta stated that for Southlake to go to the authorities with a program that does not have public support is MIi OF '0UNC11,1)1:PS UN y rr x tr y o ` cn n1 o t-i y ._4 o y ~ M cti O M Y n 1 n O M .Tl O CITY OI: SOII'1'III,AKI?, TIiXAS M I NIl'I'I?S 01: TIII: Regular C I TY COUNC 1 I. M1:[:'1'1N( , AT I: : October 6 , 1 981 I' I f~1 I', : 7:30 p.m. 1'1, ACF : CITY 011 SOU'I'III-,AKIi, COUNCIL CIIAMIfI:RS 06'1 NOIZ'I'll CAIZROLL AVI!NIII', S011THLAKE. 'IT X AS . 1)A(;I3 1 NI)FX is a waste of efforts. Latta x x Motion was made and approved to aband n Stricker x the South Peytonvil~le road project. \4cCombs x Massey x x Dick McSpadden, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ilart,suggested they come back to Cotancil at the next meeting concerning their request for water service nt Wolf's Club. ZA 81-28. Special Exception Use ZA 81-28 Permit for I)al_las Foam, Inc. was SPECIAL approved following a public hearing EXCEPTION in which there, were no comments from USE PERMIT the audience. The special use requested is the construction of Self Service Storage Buildings, to be placed on the same property as Dallas Foam, Inc. Larry Buchanan, owner, was not present for the meeting. Motion was made and approved to approve the structures subject to a. security fence being placed around the business, and hours of operation Latta x x lend to good security practice Stricker x public. as long as (opened to the McCombs x x , attended by the owners). The Massey x occupancy is subject to fire code being enforced, and any lease agree- ment being reviewed by the City Attorney, for City control of the use. ZA 81-29. The zoning request made ZA 81-29 by Dan Rowell, for lots within Briar- ZONING wood Estates, was approved, when the CHANGE Latta x public hearing resulted with no APPROVED Stricker x comments from the audience. The lots IN BRIAR- r ombs x tbiat zoning was changed from A-6 Two WOOD FIST. b.~ssey x x Family District to A-3 Single Family District, are Lot 4, Block B and hots 9 and 10, Block A. NAME OF COUNCIL['[?RSON Latta Stricker McCombs Massey Y n1 tU O O M G 3 tr1 M .y .1- a r c o M ~ n r L7 Y x x x x x x C I'T'Y OI: S01,I'll 11,AK1: , '1'I',XAS M I Nll'I FS OF '1111: Regular C I TY COUNC I L M I F'I' I N(;. 1)A~ITF ; : October 6 , 19$1 1)A 7:30 p.m. OF SOI1'III,AKIi, COUNCI L, CIIAM1il RS 007 NOWHI CAIZIZOI,L AVEN1W, SOU` HLAKE 'I I,XAS . 4 Approval was given for the Welcome Committee to sponsor a Logo Contest. Councilperson Massey, Liaison officer for the committee will head the project. The contest will. be to attempt to find a suitable Logo for the City of Southlake. Latta x *rickey Combs x Massey Latta Stricker X McCombs X Massey Latta x Stricker McCombs x Massey Latta x Stricker McCombs X Massey Latta Stricker McCombs "as s ey atta Stricker McCombs Massey x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x X x x X x x X X X Councilperson McCombs reviewed the bids received for a new squad car. The bids are to remain on file in the office of the City Secretary. McCombs recommended to Council the bid be accepted from North Loop Dodge in the amount of $8,735. Approval was also given for a communication organizer package. Total purchase price of the car and the equipment is not to exceed $9,541.75 The purchase of uniforms for the Police Department were approved, not to exceed the budget figure. Approval was given for three officers from the Police Department to attend a radar operators school, October 19- Motion was made and approved to accep the recommendations of Captain Martin to place Rick McCoy as investigator, and Charles Dodson as sargent of the Police Department. I NDFX LOGO CONTEST BID ON SQUAD CAR APPROVED R1. Approval was given to the City Secre- tary for purchase of a desk chair. 'The bills presented were approved for payment, attached hereto and made a part hereof. AT'Di-&T : , _,f 14, 1"1aY Y'f tv g0rrPtnrV NAME' OF ''OIINCILI'I?IZSON ~1W1 va r ~ C Y n~ 0 0 ~ n cn ~ -3 M 0 3 [r1 M M tzj M G~ O 0 0 r G CITY 01: SO11THI,AKIi, TI:XAS M I N t H 1;S OI: 'I'lls: Regular c l •11' COUNCIL M1:F'I I NG . 1)ATli : October 20 , 1 981 `I'INII;: 7:30 p.m. I'LACk: CITI ' OF S0II'H1l,AKI;, COUNCI I, CHAMBERS 007 NOWTH CARR0I,11 AVVNIW, SOIITHLAKIi 'ITXAS . 1)A(;I.: 1. I NDFX COUNCI 11"RSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councill,,ersons: Modine Stricker, Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm,and Shari Massey. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSTONER PRESEN'T': Nelson Miller, chairman CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Ch.i of; R.P. Steele, Police Captain; Randy Martin, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline and City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCA'T'ION: Bruce McCombs The Minutes of the October 6, City Council Meeting were approved as presented, as were the Minutes of the October 8, Special City Council. Meeting. MAYORS REPORT' Mayor Sparger reported on the flood damage c ntised by the recent storms. lie indicated that. Judge Moncri.ef, and Congressman, Jim Wright are attempting to have Tarrant County declared a disaster area. Southlake was lucky, in that only minor damage was reported. 'rbe Mayor informed Council that the City of Saginaw has nominated T.J. Eakins for a place on the Tarrant County Tax Appraisal Board. Courtc:ilman Latta gave a report on the poor Garbage Service we have been receiving from Hubbard Service Company. Ile indicated that Hubbard will be. put on notice. Latta also reported that the Water Department will be re-numbering the cities water accounts. M M .y 0 NAME OF o COUNCILPFAZSON 1 W O O Ln Q A o rn rr1 r y t rr1 rT1 C-) O to Y U~ CITY OF SOLI'I'HLAKF, TEXAS M I NU kS OF T lk Regular CITY COUNCIL MkF'l I Wk October 20 , 1981 DA'1I 7:30 p.m. 'IINI F: I11,ACI~.: CITY OF SOUTIILAKr, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 007 NO WI'H CARROLL AVI'.NUIi, SOIJTHLAKIE FXA`:. PAIR 2 I NDFX A report: was given in regards to the Communications System. Latta indicat( that the tower is up and all other equipment will be installed within the month. The continuation of a public hearing was held in an effort to establish a project for the Community Develop- ment Grant Application. Mayor Sparger stated that Dale Thrash from the '1'a rrnnt County Planning Depnrtme"t came to Southlake and together they drove the streets with- in the target area in an effort to establish a street that would qualify for grant funds. Carlisle Lane, Pine Street and Lilac. Lane were streets that Mr. Thrasher indicated will possibly qualify. d COMMUNITY DEVIEL,OPMI GRANT FUNDS r PUBLIC HEARING Mention was made to the fact that South Peytonville Avenue would be a positive project, however, the residents of that area strongly objected to their street being widened, or changed, so Council voted to not proceed with repairs to that street. Latta Stricker Westerholm McCombs Massey Latta "tricker sterhoIm McCombs Massey x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Citizens, Leonard Russell and Nelson Miller both spoke in favor of a stree project. After discussion, motion was made and approved to use the 7th year funds to purchase right-of-- way and apply the 3 year program funds to improve the streets of Pine, Lilac and Carlisle. Resolution 81-26 approving the revised. Personnel Rules and Regula- tions, was approved. Tt was noted that the job description for the Fire Chief/lire Marshal will be added when completed. RESOLUTT^ 81-26 APPROVED r v v c C I TY OI: SOIHI,AKF,, `l'I X A S d n a r,i rn MINII'rys OF THE _Regular_ CITY COUNCIL r v tj d MIiFT I NG x m > ITI DATI; : October 20 , 1981 t7, cTi G-) 0 11'IM1: 7:30 p.m. 11 LA C;Ii: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CD 0 :V- 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o 0 TEXAS, )UNCTLPNRSON r PACK 3 INDEX 3tta x Resolution 81-24 establishing a RESOLUTTO 5tricker x Citizens Advisory Committee with 81-24 Westerholm x x Updating the Future Land Use Map zCombs x x as the project, was approved. :..as s ey x atta x x Resolution 81-25 was also approved tricker x which named the members of the Citize s Westerho:lm x Advisory Committee. *"Wombs x x assey x Mayor Sparger announced that there would be a Council worksession on October 27 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Bond Election. A discussion was held in an attempt STREET to establish a Policy for Dedication POLICY of Future Street Right-Of-Way, for Southlake. Motion was made to approve the policy Latta x x as recommended by the Planning and tricker x Zoning Commission, with forethought sterho e McCombs x x that we will have to deviate from it. McCCombombs s x The vote was a tie and the Mayor "lassey broke the tie vote with a negative vote, causing the policy to not he approved. The subject will be discussed further in the wor.ksession to be held October 27. ZA 81-30. Zoning request for a ZA 81-30 48.84 acre tract of land out of the ZONING Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract 1049 DENTED (Phase 2 and 3, Briarwood Estates), was discussed. Owner, Dan Howell explained that he no longer wished to develop the land as he was not able to obtain approval by the City, due to drainage problems that have not been solved. Mr. Howell was requesting the land be zoned from A-3 Single Family to Agricultural. CITY OF S0 11TH LAKIi , TFXAS n 61 W O O d p rN M MI NI1TF,-; OF 'I'IIF ,_Regular CITY COUNCIL y d d MI-',I!TI NG . m Y DATF: October 20,1981 m (-j rn c~ o IIMI;; 7:30 p.m. Y %b I'LACF: CI'T'Y OF S011T IL,AKI., COUNCIL CHAMBERS 607 NORTH CARROLL AVF,NUH, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o 4 'I F A AS . COUNCTLPLRSON it PAC l.: 4 INDEX Latta x x Latta reviewed the previous action Stricker x that had been taken prior on Phase Westerholm x x 2 & 3, and made a motion to deny McCombs x the request for a zoning change, as Massey x Planning and Zoning Commission had denied the request. Mr. and Mrs. Joe hart, owners of the WATER Wolf's Club in Southlake, addressed SERVICE Council with a request for water and REQUEST sewer service or a request to be de-annexed from the City, if the City could not provide there land with water and sewer services. Mayor Sparger explained to the harts that the City simply cannot go along with the request for de-annexation, however, he indicated that the City would work with them on the water service but that the city has no sewer services. Latta x x ZA 81-34. The plat was approved for ZA 81-34 Stricker x a one acre tract of land out of the PLAT Westerholm x Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511, APPROVED McCombs x x for C.W. Long. A gift of love to Massey x his grandson was the reason for the subdivision. ZA 81-32. The zoning request for ZA 81-32 Lot 4 of the C.A. Sweet Addition ZONING was approved as requested. The owner APPROVED Latta x x Lee F. Conway, was not present for Stricker x the meeting. The zoning was changed Westerholm x from Agricultural, to the A-3 McCombs x x Single Family District, after the Massey x public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. CITY OP SO U`I HLAhI;, TEXAS (n Y d cai O O MINUTES OF 't'Illi Regular______ CITY COUNCIL rd o y a d MEET IN;. a ~n DA'I F : October 20 , 19 81 M M C-) O Q I' [MI:: 7:30 p.m. y I'LACI': CITY of SO UTHLAKF, COUNCIL CfIAMI3ER o W NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TFXAS, NAMh 01: O O C.,OUNCI1.1'I'.RS0N 1 PAGE: 5 INDEX ZA 81-33, The final plat of Lots 1,2, ZA 81-3: Block B, of the Southlake Business PLAT Park was approved after lengthy APPROVE] discussion. President of East Texas Properties,Tnc., Mel Hobratsch, was present. Council explained to Mr. TAtta x x Hobratsch that any further dividing tricker x of the land could not We place un- „esterholm x less the entire tract of land is McCombs x x presented with proper drainage informa- assey x tion and other information as stated it Ordinance No. 160-A. He agreed to that. 'atta x x ZA 81-31. Request for a Special Excep- ZA 81-3' tricker x t ion Use Permit for a Church and School. SPECIAL, westerholm x by the Church of Christ Our King,lnc., USE PEW -"'-ombs x x was approved after discussion and a APPROVE] 3ey X public hearing. Approval was subject to the understanding that the access onto the property be from Highway 1709 rather than Kimball Ave. David Whittington, pastor and David Mundheim, chairman of the building committee were present for the meeting. A citizen, Bobby Dow, of 3170 Hilltop Drive, addressed. Council with a request for variances to City Ordinance 211 and 21_1-1, Electric Codes. Request was in regards to the construction of his residence, a underground home. Mayor Sparger pointed out that Council. could not give variances, but that temporary variances could only be give by the Board of Adjustments. Latta pointed out to Mr. ]low, through the electric codes, that the situation involved was addressed quite plainly in the code as far as direct burial lines and aluminum wiring being used in Southlake. CITY OF SOUTHL.,AKI, TEXAS t7 rte', ° ° Regular rr, o r,y ry MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL r v to to Ml? I,'I' I NG . y r7 October 20,1981_ M d I 0 11A''1i: 7:30 p.m. T'[mr: I'LACI;: C ITY OF SOUT'IILAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 W 007 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUT'HLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON 1 r PAGE: 6 INDEX Latta x Stricker x Approval was given for the purchase Westerholm x of two TBM Selectric III typewriters McCombs x x for the City Administration Departmen Massey x x This is a budgeted item. x The Department: Reports were reviewed by the Council. Latta x x Stricker x The bills presented were approved Westerholm x for payment (attached hereto and made McCombs x x a part hereof). Massey x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. 4~. Mayo ~I ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF SOtll'HLARF POLICE DEPAR'IMMT RU, 'ORT NoVet►CKr 1981 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY CUWIL Police Department Report for the Month of November. Tickets issued in October 161 Tickets issued in November 120 Persons in jail in octuber 20 Persons in jail in NovcAnber 16 Traffic Accidents in October 9 Traffic Accidents in November Burglaries reported in Octobex' Burglaries reported in November 10 APproximate value taken in burglaries in October 847,261.40 APProximate value taken in burglaries in Nov(mnber $ 71591.00 APProxirnate value recovered in burglaries in October $ 0 Appraxi w,ate value recovered in burglaries in Novenoer $ 425.00 Uhefts reportul in OctD x r 5 `gifts reported in Novetnt)er 3 Approximate value: taken in t lefts ill oc:tr L*-,r $270500.00 Approxir►tate value: taken in tliefts in Novu4x--r $ 5,040.00 Approximate value: recovered in Octotkr $23,200.00 Approxinate value recovered Tai Novorbx-r $ 41040.00 'Dotal offenses to date for 1981, reported and actively investigating. 89 NumLw r of calls in October 1,528 Number of calls in Noven taer 1 30 Speedmeter reading on Unit 9 54,322. SPeedaft!ter reading on Unit 12 117,600 Speedcmr:Ger reading on Unit 16 32,124 Miles driven in oct:ok,er 10,053 Miles driven in November 8,770 Ruspectfully SubiLitted, C. Randy Martin Acting Chief of Police SOLY11UME POLICE; D PARIMF.IV'i' CRM: lxnc cD LA-1 z z ~ o ~ w cr- or- O U N W Lw:l 7. a U(/) CD u =3 LO -j c:) w < CD TICKETS 0 30 0 28 24 38 120 # OF CALLS 81 309 139 218 171 313 1,330 # OF ARRESTS 0 0 2 7 3 4 16 ACCIDENTS 0 4 3 1 0 1 9 BURGLARY 1 1 2 4 0 2 _ 10 THEFT 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 MILES DRIVEN 618 2,204 796 1,489 1,186 2,126 8,021 t*ir*yFirir It-lr*ykkir~1F*Ic,t*~F *~frir*~triclc* ~r*7Y*yFyt~c~k irIcic~k~rkA- **fclrlrk*Ic yFicfnk,k~kkir,tic~tit*k'11nk7k#7k, k' HOURS RESERVES TICKETS ACCIDENTS ARRESTS WORKED CALLS ASSIST MILES ANDERSON 3 0 0 30;34 20 5 351 SPENCER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REMARKS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF November 81' CURRENT LAST MONTH ELECTRIC 35 27 PLUMBING 31 27 FRAMING 2 1 HEATING & AIR 17 17 FOUNDATION 13 11 SEPTIC SYSTEM 7 7 OTHER 11 11 TOTAL INSPECTIONS: 116 111 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONT _ FEE BUILDING 16 3,139.00 6 421.00 ELECTRICAL 9 174.00 9 163.00 PLUMBING 8 317.00 5 116.00 HEATING & AIR 1 30.00 4 72.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 10 250.00 9 225.00 OTHER 4 40.00 5 50.00 TOTAL PERMITS - - 31950 00 38--1,047.00 3. BUILDING VALUATION THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE 1,980,700.00 158 500.00 11,439,348,25 4. PLANNING & ZONING FELS THIS MONTH - LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE 1,2 4--44--- - - - 353.00 _ 27,679.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND TIIIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE 381376.55 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUILDING PERMIT_ BREAKDOWN BUILDING CLERK 7 - Residences - 2 - Commerercial - 2 - Industrial - 3 - Barns - 1 - Pool - AN JG__PARTMENT OFFICIAL TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of November A. Responses: Plumber of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 2 2. Grass Fires may-Stack-Eite-=- Eult_z.RaNA1----------- 1 3. Auto b Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 1 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire R Rescue Unit)--------------- 7 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------- 0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 1 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 1 11. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 0 12. Rescue Unit Calls---------------------------------------------------- 1 A. 2180 Lot 14 E Dove Rd, Yates Trailer Park. Subject having difficulty breathing 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Boat & Crew to help move equ pment out of Catfish Hut B. Boat fire - Midway CAmp, Lake Grapevine C. Brush Pile Fire (Bond Fire - unauthorized burning, 587 N Shady Oaks Dr.) 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- 0 B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of ______________17 15. Civic Duty - Stand-by Football games, etc. 1 Total Calls 18 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 82 1. On Emergency Calls - - - - - - - - - ' 96 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting 12-------- 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills none ne-------------- 0 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time) 5. Civic duty - stand-by Football games 41 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month---------------------------------- 137 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 14 Assist. Chief Bradley 5 Capt. Brown 8 Capt. Fuller 9 Lt. Barnes 11 J. Joyce B. Tanner 9 D. Brown 5 J. Vann 9 R. Stacy 14 C. Dodson 2 R Martin 7 E Reed 3 B. Roper 1 B Vann 1 Res ~ l l submitted, P. Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT N R co LLI Ol r. LLJ 5 Y N Q O --I E= S N F- > 7D O N LL K p t/I n I1_ I t, r C7 r m w W J (Y. .-a ft1 C.J r o y N h- I]_ 1 W t_J J m co ~ r M O CD W cJ E 41 CC) U d V p u O a z LLJ z s p F-- 2 V Ll.J + 7 LLJ p tD F p ~ p d F - U N CD Lyn (A CA ,Oo ~o x u~ fr1 m fn 7 t/I tA I" rvi f r~ _.1 I n, u, ~ q in ti C3 n X i LJ C-1 fn i• G V. M Iii, i rt v v _ I O W O O O N r ~l t ) C N i ~ N I ~ J J ~D O co 1 C f W I I Z ~ G i C (D I I I I I ~ i ~I J ~n i I I r- O W O ~ O a m o V E n o •--3 F5 rt a : m r C r• O r• rt O o C r w n E C C7 W N• w m rt DQ H t- N o w n (D H w H O N• CD rt r m .7 9 H n C. h'• r+ o w d rt n b w 0' r• DQ H a M,< H B O m H Cr H CD O -9 0 C H m C w M C" H n (<D rt r'd rt :7 M~ C m 9 DDO rOH CO• CL wd z m .0 - O m w w rt n Cn C C C' rm n w rt am w rtr•w l0H CD C n -ir ~+HG ~w wI:r a AE • `Gm r~ w(D `G COw 0(D HC rt M E H w w X O' wr ar wa r+ rt r r r N• a N• rt r O F+• o -r! w ~•'O H m H rt< H x r a m o m m m m r 10 O (Daw H n 0 O H m rt m m n O H CD (D w q r w m w Q OQ r• w d w (D A) w 1+ rt H r O rt rt rt rt N• m w (D w (D H• N• Mr+ H m m 0 w < m m a N 0 o 0 w O tj C~ H W N• O C o w a n r+rt C H E H. O O•• r'• w n r rw ts r, b H r O O O 0 w w m G m w C r+ m 0 rt C cn d a V O' H- W C m tj O ro COQ r'-'• O w H O H n n m mm mm C: 1+ m t+ F' C) H n (D 0' m - 'd CD r ro / H w O M rt a r p O n ti rt M H (D OQ n H CD 5 . 5 r C rt O 1 rt p r+ 1+ rt w w r 0. w. o o m e o w ~ y b w m w w E m M cn V C H m 0 r O w 00 gr o < w rn cn w O n MDQ m m Mh' :s - w co t., H G o r H ~ n a s d 'i7 w d C r+ w C rt 0(D (p :E fl H 7• ~ m N• C "1 r• rr w (n N m (D- HO Hrtr• Hw co d L7 C m r rt o w o n m w t' H w m m ~J Mrt H. CD xr i.. (D H (D a 0 rt w n w n t w a rt a rd r o rt E CD w w rH CD m r rt Mw m m m o r o H w OH r C w z a b "I r+ r mG 11 CD K r w o p (D w < r+ a O m w H ~ (+rt H rt 9 b m H w n1+ -3 w r+ y x m m m tD m m (D m ~l +(D m (D m rt aG m G < w w w r w w 0 . w w w w m It r+ w c7 w m w r+ w o r+ w •d G m w.C o w.C n m z H CD C w w w M w O H w m H w < s 0 rt C E C 5 E~j B E d wn 5n Own o+on on rtrm mm or+m wHm -1 (D ~r m ox wDr m 0 r 0 w H 0 m w 0 x w 0 w M m M O M a M M w av+ <s+ C rt- :r~ 0`<ss wov, w0cn wrn mrt n wo rH o r+rto 'o r+o • 7o p o w- m m o w m o I- a- w0Q o H < 5- o ro o ro am o ro E o ro o ro r 0 7~ b o ' u 0 7J o w O Xu rt w o xl < ro m ro w w 0 .iy 75, a "C7 m a It 0 O ao O rn h O w O O O O M cn w M (n O F'• cn rt M Cn w rt M on w r m r H r o r w= w O ti 0' y Q -3 m --0 ~J CD O•-3 CD V H aO r O O r 5 rt J `H + a 0 - m 0 C O MO O C. O 'o C O r: O 'd a z a z r+ w z cn r a z m a z r w w w w w w m w < w (D z z xOr+ z ~j a z < z art O rt O a0 O -M rt O rt O 000 wO rt r (D0 wo CD o E w w p n (n 7b A w n W H o n N an r 0 o C C b rtA < MO 0 M~J w H w m C C 'd ~j w rn `C H r• (nrtw rw w rt 7 H m rt m rt 7H ww r+E m EmH aH C aw =m m c m C w n m (D r r H o n m n O rt < w r Cn :r (D rt O rt O W M w ID a M O K m H G r'd H m maw rt mb wb w m G H C H w 0 , rt m 0 O a(D o< w< m rtoQ (D m w o 0 C~ (D tj CD < (D w w m x r+ r~• w m C m ro z mrt b 0 w~ o rt rto G m wort r rt H w O UQ m M rF -0 m w 0 rt r+ rt r+ O wA y H O'=O O <c a mm w w b o a+ 7 0 G N m y F a F Fro a o Y ro . T T N O Y m N Y 1 • L) o a 0 0 u o u bo •ti oY ~ N w >,a Y N u Y O Y T m N'O 3 ~ G a x G F a ro N •.I a) N ro u a Y 3 m y w O F F u •.a a O' P U Y O C U p X It 0) F bo E m Y P, O W m m a) bo a) r1 m ^ yF o F T COON.C E i0) aoGC O F ^ •.I O Q) T a Y w U T 3 a bo w a a 0> C Y 0) X .C 0) U .C Y Y T Y 0) F a G P C H > 0) m Y m •r1 Y a Y U F p o O N O m O ro O ^'t3 m a) Y w O > U•+ W •ti N N w 0 ro F Y N C CIS F CO Y G Y 3 N N U W a) GL F G p Y N P FL F C a 0 +1 Q) a x G N bp• a G 0 m r a a C a w ro u Q N Y O N ro bo Y m Y Y 0) O Y P, 3 a) N 0) G •N N a N ro a) O ti Y C O a F a N w m r Y -H O T.i C F Y Fm. 09 ooo m ^ w GoF N co a o33 ~mco ao O E O •.i Y C a) w a) E Of a a) m N Y •N Y N F O E O •N U .O F N Y Y N T N N O Y ro N F Y a O •H Y m Y G O It ro Y •F .--f U¢ G O a .n m Y- Y Y N •.-1 Y m G F T O U ro G U O F GLP ••i m ro C x bo N a ro E O a m 3'H U 0) •.1 F w ro Y 0 •r-c m F O •.1 C w a) a) E w •N w w Y N F Y O 'O C O E O o N F Z O F F O u Y O Y W m G Y N 0) m N C 0 w O •.I O 10 •N •.1 U a) td Y H C C 3 0 N C Y F N N O .P N E a) a w u m w G (1) a) ti •.i T7 O m C F O m F O ^H N N CY m O 0) ro E P ro r-1 ro •.i a m a F a U .y F a a 0 w _ a) F • •.1 P,•F O m F Y o' u a u N m 0.F m F O Y H H a 0 0 a F U Y bo F a O F Y F C a 3 Y .O U H m 0 0 `:5 ro 0 0) a s N N Y a a) N 0) U O F Q• Y z o Y 'o co W .C w P. C •.i r, F a m ro N F P, 0) Y F N N ro Y O a) O •F O x It c .O-i 0 3 0 m 0 0) O O Y ro m P. Y 3 W N N F m m T Y .C 0) O a) G w O m O T.C a ¢ Y.-1 C> O a N a) ro .0 a) P. O' G 0) O .-t Y P 'y C +.i N N O O N o' a C a) m r1 U a N cd .-i r= bo cd N 10 a O .C •.1 It a) Y P. bo to a w or m a) 1n m u F •F 0) .-i O O a 0, 41 N m u G G •.i ,C H C Y m m WO ri W - c ti m O a) Y ri O .-I E ro .y r~ F .1 •H O bo Y Y .-I Y Z G W P, F C bop ro 0 3 to F a) O .i ••y a- r g F (1) P W a) m a '3 a) m q m m r- •.i H •F 3 O F m•.+ LLap 3••+ N N N ~2: Q) -H 41 G1 u u W co a) 0 U E O Y w F u rl r- Y G C11 O V) o N C G 3 w o' F H N 3 O G C p u 0) co ..i O (1) a) C O LL 0 0 •.i •ti O T T Z U a) cr r a Y O a) Fri O W F u N N gn. ^ m •.I Y Y w CO Y • O •N U Y O Y U N O P. R' N w F a) E N N o U) o a) Y N• •N m N F H ro ^C G bc• Y E P a) o u o 0•am q o W, H o W G P U O o 3 bo a z a) ro N H N C$ G o P. z cn m co fX Y m O C 3 w N G G E o •F u Y G P, a P.••a •H w N cd P.p O R. ro F'o m H m P, .-c N cd a) U O x bo F N m a x m ro G O O Q. .-c bo • C Y O a ri 4 ro r 0) O m Id C w O P. Y r+ O) m Y ri b0 Y H ..1 ^ C Y a O C Y ~l •.i G Y G F> O > N E O m O N .•i C Y Y P4 •H d' C bo a) d U m bo a) m O CO aY'O L) ~ 2 CT •.+.H Nro aC CN CE N w m 'o NG.C MCY R' .C E C r+ O o b 3 F a) w N to N a) P. ro w N C F Y •F H ..c p.. a) m a) a) - - m a) a) a) ro a) E C F a) •F •rl C P4 N co a) G Y O b Tx. E w c H ~ Y N a) F O U pC 41-H N N 3: a cx I Q) P.Y (1)= Yro C r .--I It a a) m (t H T••i co bo C U a) z F Y a ro a a) 0) o' W .i C x m E bo • a) O Y E m ro F r♦ N V) r♦ U> m m r - C G N w m •.I N$ N N C F U N C O m H Y m O F b0 I H - P., bOX O 'o •.i N x -N > w U 0 0 X O Y C N Y P It .'J C w .-I O C •.I a) x •.1 N ..1 U CO on w Y •.1 .•7 a ro ^ O m •.1 Y Q) (1' F C N O N O> a) (U Y a) Y F 07 3 Q V. m F 0 9-H C .a T.n G G F a) P. Y v) O F a) a) Y -H co u F N N rt m ~•-c A a F a) o ro d m 0 P. F N •.i n 3 a F .n m •o Y ¢ F bo E F a w N o a) o H E a) x •F T •H E 'ti N m 0.' O F F co O a co a ro O E T O F F m w Y Y ro U 0) Y •.I w a.) -H *1 w a F p 'o F W U F E m Y Q) W •.i - ••i = w G F a Y m u m P, H a) U co Cl. .C~ .o m H O a) m m C 04 C w w N Y o a) • m H >,'L) m F. r+ G Y Q.) Q X LH co - NY C.C3 Y H O a- FTP, u H >Y CO rGGU g co 3o N U) •.+N•.+F o w EoT 3 o FY a) C U YYON 0m9•~0u rt 00>Ca) Ea)Y.CN ~Fa) F a•.+Q .F GUG•F x O Em N N F O m u N F > It o Y m r N •N u u a) a a) G a) Y O P. Y r--1 bo F F a) T O •.i a) a m a) O Y Fro F a) N G U •H r o N cNdro o .C M 9' N•~+ N O•f~. P'•H N ~ c d~•N - N ;:3 O Ob o•N P,o•.~ ¢ N$ ,C N O m N f-0 H O m Q, 3 U H W GL O W F O U P, ¢ E A U U Y¢ w G E N V Y N N O N a N N N r" a N > m a) N Y ro p r ri Y 0`• ro r_ .C C M Y r• U a Q) Y a) ro F Y O O •.c N W F E W C m o ro u F y TO a) r• Co E N r (1) ro •rYi N F V L P.Y x Y m0 Q N O F•rl O It b 3 mroro O a9 O Y w •ti rt N N O a E G F L G a w Y F N G G PFw m o NNmmri w uF P F Y N co O O Y a 0 a) w G co a) a) a) E a) •.c Y P •.I (1) O N E 0 C C C 4+ P, •.1 W •.~i T w a a a m Y F Q F O 'o T F F •.i Y a •N O Y N b N a) .L m N a) G LI) P O O w Q) Q) G w m Y bo ro m w Y w c N F 3 N a O N U U p H a) Y Y Y ~ a Nw G Y 0) O 0. u W A P• r a C TO) f3-, +T+ O F O W W r' 00 mm~ U.~P u CO a a) ^ O NF IM4 10 u +1 Y F N C N 'y G m m F •O a) a U O Y .--I Y •o N N co O G Y a P., O U N W co co r P, F . p Y 0) O Y m N w N 3 ^U m .O E 0 0 0 Q) N N G F r' r: •.i w - •n N p F Y .C Y Y Y O O Y N ro u O Y 'o G m a) .-i x 1"+ O P co r1 N Y N Q G O> r1 N 0 0 Y m 3 Y N OGi N N o C ro 3 ro F bo m o m 3 F Y N N N F U 3 FL P4 0 P. N N 0 .N P 3 N F a) u b0 0) w F ? v, P, F a) P,O G w L O w O > > F ro rc N G b0 3 C F o M > O 0) w m F co ,L u r- Id N Y ca a) in u P, F F C E m o N N T .C 3 N a) w u m T m -r Y F m s. Y G C3 (L t P O r m Y co m P, p a m w 3 O u w O GL N P. Id ro G oF 4 N r1 a) O E F N G 3 UJ G O Y G N W F N rl •H N ro N •r! U N ro •.V ~ •N 0) m •N N m F .-1 a) z O F E E a m O N C Y F o Y G w C ro F m N m ,L Q m a) N o• ,'L O N a.) •ri G O N O m N O M O O o G O Y 0) P, Y C W C N *1 E F Y F Y O Y C (n Y N N N O O O a) a.) E F O Y co •r1 Y a) m u r O E z O N T T . M F N a t C a) O E N Y U F a) a) Y F C ••y Y ro O C > U) N Y G •.1 Y Y> w N G O F 1m m •N •N Q) N F H a) w C O O G T > O a 0 U $ F O N N a) W H O > N N N N a) F N m ri F m p O C N .-c O T W O a x .i > "Y C U •.r - ro Y > FL m N W Y W FX-~ XL. ~b0 - Y It N E C a u a wo •N C co a) 'o O F Y ro a O o 0 0' •.c m > •.i N C o• N •~y +T+ W 0 3 m 3 P. C E O U o 3 3 u w x o a) 0 E a G 3 C P F F ¢ F W ro a) (1) 0) O 3 = N x 3 x 0 G 04. co N a) N T P. p N F u u O U w Y 'o m a) m 3 o It F ,C N Y Y 'O F Y E N o a) •.1 C ro ro N G C Y P Y Q) E P U ti m m C ••c •.r E Y Y .C a a T G -0 N O a •r+ `y 3: m w U O O Y D• O Y m a) - .P Y Y w N a) 3 a N co G co a O Y ro ro G 0 U H u A Y = a) O L > (D 0 o c o N •ti a) F ro F U Y C a Y G = G m F Y > Y N o c o 0 o a) ro O O C T F m O T N w O Y ? O ro a) O F O 0 0 0 o r T a w b m 0 Y F O F > p C O O .C w m F 0o O ^ ^ o ^ ^ Y .-i W F a P. a O .-i Y .y ro .C ro Y o N N .L O o ^ O c C U m (1) F a u O P, N Y ro U U 0) H 0) O F o 0 0 0 O C ~S: 0) Y a N •.I N N a N N a) N N N 3 10 N M r1 N N N T a a) N m r• Y> N ,2] F 3 N F N N N Y a) O- Y co - m m a •.i x .fs ss es m 3 m W F Y C P. 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C) ~o o a o c m m C ro ;r ,7wHO<- Cr+r•X• d nw. rrrtw rtmo art? 0 (D (D W r• r• rt z w w E N C° r+ m n r+ m o H r. 3 z H C') O rt H X m w r• rt w w r• b7 o r-~ ro H (n 0 O CD H m tmii N O tt G m ^1 m n n C o o• = m ° ~h o N rhz rt w c H a."• m w r < Hf 0' m o£ O' c o' H rt o• - m N C H o ro " o N ID Nr•m w r•m m m m w w r•(D H M CD r'~N broN~,\ory cN~~.N N < z z d'< ° W n W m O m H w C M Ort z ~ (nDN > ((D O"'.. rd+ H P.n m vC, :3•N H aLrt m H w w x rt < o - wH :9w rrtwMw~ z wm~r L7 Mw rtw Ho rw•+ar m m mwa£ o art ar+N w m m G r+ H. C: of z C N S< N rt w n r0+ W mmyHw ewm dr+o r+ r owx -t 00 cn rt o•N w a ~m rN W w rL w 0mrt O mr+rt bG x d a m rt w sY w r• H H, (D r• r• r• y g Q, a< N O n n O N H O O C O b r•7' Cr - r+ (D y p •w H w N C m H H H. £ Q• O C r. rt m~ n o N(HDw°rm+o s>`rtGC rwi ."s Nw CD d rt m H N n d m m w X n r+ N r•P.rt X o.+p. Ow G.d... w 0 S N p -O owm o N v, F„ o 1:~ ~t (D 03 -1 CD we'd `w<w 'y0 0 d~ H H,N CL H?C o cNi, o w o O C N d d CD CD CD wnanw• c"nn Drtartw xt"a 0 0 0 0 0 rtowXO m + p n ° r•p n aN~ £ ~'w OrtwH o'o N a• CD CD CD C~ mrtr• r. r. 7 r• rt m r• n Npm.np w w ~~£Nr N a' G P. C H p m w m 'd 0 m r•rt x £ H O O H d• m w. r• O N r• =1 ID N rt w n ~ rt b H "•H <D mV dx (D H m m +r p. w w O V V, A W - N O O rt< O r+ N O V, 0 0 0 w N m m A 0 0 Cl CD G 00 rt N rt y, H r{ ° O O O O O r• m o' w w CD C'j ° O O O O O P. 7~ w V d w 1, C r, m o M K m i m m n O w Da w [i7 H N O O (D N (n w • o - o m w N O G y CD C w r• m N H ° O £ N ro b9 ro ,77 w r• i < N H 7J (D f+ (n W N w 'iy m m V N A Q m W 0 a, H "W ?C H (n (17 N W N O V m tv z C NNN NA O V tnO cn Z w m '-7 CD C:) r+d D w n m(D(D M0 z rt z L7 rt rtMrtrf rt d w m m m m m b C O H H H H H 77 N O O m m d ro H k c O b m n m m d d, y ~ b ~ A W NH1--' W y d C G ro D WNF-~V W X o y n N H (n O~ V AO -d X (D H (17 C (D O N t n O V, w O 010 w W NF+F-•N N O(nOOO rt m [TJ .'Jrt• .'Trt.' 1--~ O Oo W V, N O, m }J ID a w 0 0 o w o 0 0 0 Cl o N D < row No wO o0CD 0o H m H b wb wb ((DD O H C m o m H X Q• H Q• H ~ r• ~ ro H w N r+ 41 0 (D N ,O O+A WN n0 w ro m OD N V m rt N O N V V W C, L' w `J• ei m a CD C t7 m < N O V r• rt w C C rt N V O va • - • o N N NF+N w n O CD O n N N CO V V O m ID V O n m W nAW n C O w b w wb H OOfn 00 Q. O N W A W H `.J C N C m C (D N CD P.H CL 11 w w A N 00 00 O N 1-+ CD