1981-12-01 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 1,1981 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Discussion: Bond Election. 3. Discussion: Garbage Service in the City of Southlake. 4. ZA 81-35. Zoning request for a 10.153 acre tract of land out of the Larkin H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 300. The present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-4 Single Family District. Owner: Luella Davis Amaya. Public Hearing. 5. ZA 81-35. Final plat approval for the "Amaya Addition". A 10.153 acre tract of land out of the Larkin H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 300. Owner: Luella Davis Amaya. 6. Consider: Water Service on East Continental Blvd. W.N. Ratcliff Owner. 7. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 27 81 at 4 p.m. z- huol~ City Secretary y C 1'I'Y OI, S0UTI11,A1~1: , HXi\S L rn UJ 0 0 0 ran m f I I NU'H:S OI: `1'111; Regular I T1 ' COUNC I L N11'.I:'l' f N(l , [TI 1)1'1`1, December 1,1981 rh r7i y 7:30 p.m. - III'AC1: C I TY 01~ 50tH'111,AKI:, COUNC 11, C11AM13E12S a 007 NO12'1'11 (:/11:1201,1, AVI:NIII:,, SOU'1'11I,AKE ("()U N(, 1 1,111:I:S0N I'A G1:: 1 1 NI)I?X COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Modine Stricker, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Water Superin- tendent; Wallace Cline, Acting Police Chief; Randy Martin, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. The Minutes of the November 17,1981 City Council meeting were approved as presented. The Minutes of the November 23, Special City Council meeting were approved as corrected. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Sparger announced that absentee voting for the upcoming Bond Election will be from December 1, to December 15, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The names of the persons newly elected to the Tarrant County Tax Appraisal Board were announced. The report is apart of the records. Councilperson Latta informed Council that the Communications System is in and in working order and that the coverage is much improved. A policy was discussed regarding a pro-rata system for refunds on water lines installed by the property owner on Commercial and Industrial projects cn Y CITY O1,' SOU'I'I11,AK1:, 'I'I:XAS d n m o MJ Nl]'fl,S OI Clil: Regular I'I'Y COUNCIL M CD • Y d t7 M1:11'ING. d ti ITI December 1,1981 rn d m c~ I'Ifll:: 7:30 p.m. 1)1"A 'I~.: C I'I'Y OI~ S01'I'III,AK1:, COUNCIL CIIANI]Q'.RS 007 N0R'1'11 l;Ai:ROI.I_ nVi:.NUli, SOU'I'IILAKU NAMI'. 01' o o `1'1:XAS COUNC I 1,11I:I:SON 11 AGI ! : 2 1 NI)I:X Councilpersons in general agreed that such a policy needs to be established but that further discussi n needs to take place before a definate policy is established. The Bond Election to be held on December 19,1981, was discussed at length. Mayor Sparger announced that a "Town Hall" type discussion will take place at the December 15 City Council meeting concerning the election. Sparger informed Council that Hubbard Service Company has indicated that they do not wish to continue the service, due to economics. They will however continue the service until Southlake is able to find another garbage service. The Mayor indicated that the City Secretary will advertise for bids. ZA 81-35. The Zoning request for ZA 81-35 10.153 acres of land out of the Larki ZONED Latta x x H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 300, was A-4 Stricker x approved for zoning from Agricultural Westerholm x to the A-4 Single Family District. McCombs x x Massey x Owner of the property is Luella Davis Amaya. There were no comments during the public hearing. The final plat of the "Amaya Addition`AMAYA Latta x x was approved contingent upon the ADDITION Stricker x following changes being made to the APPROVED Westerholm x x plat. McCombs x 1. Set back lines being 35' Massey x 2. One fire plug installed along the east/west property line on Dove Road. The plug should be centrally located. 3. The White Chapel and Dove Street easement should be 42' from center line. cn y C1]'Y OI: SOU'I'III,AKI;, '1'I_:XAS ~0 n to a Regular C 1 ~IY C;OUNC I L M 0 m m NI I NII'I'1'.S Ol 1'111; 1 d d NIN "I'lNG. rn z l December 1,1981 ~ M ti m c-) 0 7:30 p.m. 0 ~ 11 1,2A(;1; : CITY 01~ 5OUTII LAKF , ('OUNC I L CHAMBIA6 007 NORTH CAIZItOLi. AVI:NIII:, SOUTHI.AKE NAMI OF TI_;XAS. COUNC I I,11FRSON I'A(; I`.: 3 IM)FX Water service was discussed in regard to the property located on East Continental Blvd., being developed by W.N. Ratcliff. A plat of the prope - ty was reviewed by Council. Motion was made and approved that the Latta x x plot plan be signed with the follow- Stricker x ing conditions. Westerholm x 1. A clearly defined agreement betwe n McCombs x the Mayor, City Attorney, and Mr. Massey x x Ratcliff concerning the accomplish- ment of the roads. 2. A road completion plan be approved by the County. 3. A statement of dedication be added to the plat for Woodsey Court and Timberline Court. 4. That the words,"not included" on Tract A on the plat be stricken. Latta x The bills presented were approved Stricker x x for payment. Attached hereto and Westerholm x made a part hereof. McCombs x Massey x x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. May r TT :EST: Y City Secretary l~~`GOUNTf;.. ~ _ u. ' V 6 -tea. - L 4. C\. .r.-m..,f TARRANT•.COUNTY FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 ROBERT M. PARTEN MADRIN HUFFMAN CHIEF DEPUTY coo NTY CLERK _ MEMO: TO ALL TAXING AUTHORITY WITHIN TARRANT COUNTY FROM: MADRIN HUFFMAN, COUNTY CLERK DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 1981 The official balloting for the selection of members of the Tax Appraisal District in Tarrant County has resulted in the selection of the following directors to fill terms be- ginning January 1, 1982 and ending December 31, 1983: William M. (Bill) Brown Eugene Hightower Herbert Leach Homer Tomlinson Herman Veselka Sincerely, r i n ~Huuffman a Tarrant County Cler MH:cf CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1,1981 BILLS FOR APPROVAL TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID General Telephone Company 20.48 Lone Star Gas Company 143.69 TML Worker's Comp Insurance 52.52 Main Office Center IBM ribbon 2 doz. 78.78 Stafford Lowdon Company 3 traffic docket books 710.08 General Office Supply 2 adding machines 258.00 Christine Salinas deed filings Nov. 15-30 25.00 The Banner classified ad 9.90 X-Press Printing Center misc. printing 454.66 IBM 2 typewriters 1,793.70 Wes Gregory pump septic tank city ha -1 60.00 Group Life and Health insurance for employees 65.20 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,272.05 Smith, Smith, and Rake misc. 114.00 Don's Auto Repair Unit 16 21.50 International Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Inc. dues annual 45.00 Fort Worth Fire Estinguisher 34.80 W.W. Grainger,Inc. motor for air compressor 140.52 Waukesha-Pearce Industries 98.25 White's Auto communications batteries misc. items 375.00 Metro-Lex Supply light bulbs 17.52 Aqua Utility,Inc. 862.64 The Rohan Company 211.12 TOTAL $6,864.41 1 [ cl), i I i T, I I 01 r --r--~ - -T - - • + r i - 1 - 7 - -r- • -r zl, x Hj i M _ O OI I I I ~ i I I _ E-4 i ~ I I I , I I io 0 >C O Q~ 0: 2: ,I E- P4 alf cw _ c6 i tyl x' - c~ ~1 \9; cwt W¢'; I ~ ~ . 1x11 - - - i y - - ~ _ - - - - + - •------i . _ z of V'~7. ~ x ~ i i~ j cV 4 (co I t ~ i • all d I ~ . ~ , ,r i , I • i I j I co j r-i -J I rHi v a I -i T .1 r-1 • 50 q o r- q H ri ri [ x co x A A N AI 4+ A A: A I •t.) a 'ri a b U ~C a Co 'd o x x v r, r, Ts co x' 1 a • A A I A C! a v] ro 0> C~ o -H Cd o a x o 1~ O 3 cli F cd a v1 u] o v•ij G4 A I a e,o Fi o a N i•) 3 > Fti b 3 + bo co CO r•1, bo > H I o, Ca a r-I N c* a o •t-) a s 4-1 a X. 73 o a • A cn r~ Co I V) H N H a •ri a w .o ri 3 a d-) a •N CO ri a N , F. a ,-1 4, co 41 4-) M H H .t-) H U) 0 H H H r-' r-1 r-f TJ I~ r•1 O r-1 a Fr F, Cd r-1 F4 r i C, -X f~ 1ti U > h4 -P Lei •r 1 •I••) F-4 N a a O F•, > O O L+ co ;:5 a a cd co o cd •r-i ri co o od a O 0o I' G v) a H F♦' H H +3 a, r-i a •o 4.) 4-)¢ 4 PQ i PQ v v w W pc, rZ, t 7 x x k X a~ z a x x~ cn ~ 3~ v rn O~+ ♦ r I a O ~ Z~ H r-i F1 ri u) a rl M I' r-i r-i ,fJ x I~ O • -1 W cd O a a C/) 41 4-4 4-i 4-4 4-, 4-4 4-4 41 4-, 4-, 4-1 4-r 4-4 4.4 4-4 4-4 41 CH C~j . I I, CO H •ri H a' a cd 3> I C, ro 3 ri $ O o 01 0 0 0 o a o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O, 0 0 0 a cti > 0 ri I ri (u r a 1-) a s 4-4 a CO •ri a b F, 3 r-i F♦ a CO ri m m , >>i >1 >I, C F~, rn ri ri F4 to U) O Co a F•, cd F~ ri c .~4 C Fr •ri ~ ~ ~ ~ 4-3 4•) ~ ~ 4-) .r, ~ ~ ~ 4-) 3 4~ ~ 4-) 4-> 4-) 4 C, r-i I N -H co co F-a cd > O F, a a cd co o ,-I ri ri •r-I ri TI rl 4r1 •r-1 •rl r4 v-I •ri ri H •r-1 ri H O H rl v 1 r 1 ri ri ri Cd Q cr] U U U W W w c7 x x a4 a ;4 z 3 C~ U c~ C~ U U C) U U U U U U U U U U U E+ U U U C) U U U H N M "O t-- OD CJ~ O H M In ~'p t-• 00 cJ1 O ri N m 00 m N M -x Lfl t` Go O r-i N Ln %,o t-• 00 QN O N M U1 C, Oo r-1 , i H r( H H H r -I r-1 N N N N N N N M M M M M M ~-zT U"1