1981-11-03 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3,1981 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Vote on Tax Appraisal District Representative. 3. Discussion: STAR CA TV. Representative from Cable Television Company. 4. Consider: Garbage Service. 5. Consider: Policy for Dedication of Future Street Right-of-Way, for streets in Southlake. 6. Consider: Amendment to 1981 Tax Roll. 7. Consider: Approval to purchase items for Fire Department. (Fire hose, air pack bottles, coats and helmets). 8. Consider: Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 30,1981 a 4 p.m. z Agma.00 City Secretary y CI'l'Y OI~ S0tJTIILAKI', TIAAS y rn W O O cl~ m rn M I NIJTI:S ()I: 1'111: Regular 1'1'1' C )[INC I L 1 Y d d P41:11,1NG. d l) A'I I! November 3,1981 ~ m ~ y rn : rn d rn ° I If~il:: 7:30 p.m. d Y 7-~ 11LAC,F CITY OI~ S0II'I'IIL,AK1:., COUNCIL, CIIANIBLIZS 607 N01011 CA10Z01, I, AV I:NII l: , S011T1ILAKL NAMI: OF 0 0 COUNC I 1,11I:IZSON 3 INI)1?X A policy for dedication of future FUTURE street right-of-way for streets in STREET Southlake was established. (attached ROW POLIC hereto and made a part of the minutes) APPROVEI` Stricker x Motion was made to approve the policy Westerholm as presented. The motion and second McCombs x were withdrawn. Massey Motion was then made to approve the Stricker x policy as presented with the addition of Dove Street, Highland Street, Westerholm x x and Continental Blvd. showing as 84' McCombs x ROW, being added to the list.' Massey x x Motion was approved. Stricker x Resolution 81-27 was approved which RESOLUTIty' Westerholm x amended the 1981 Tax Roll. 81-27 McCombs x x APPROVED Massey x x Approval was given for the purchase of Capital Outlay items for the Fire Stricker x Department, as per the FY82 budget, in Westerholm x x the amount of $1,735.00. Items include, McCombs x x air pack bottles, coats, helmets, and Massey x fire hose. Stricker x x The bills presented, were approved Westerholm x for payment. (attached hereto and made McCombs x a part hereof). Massey x x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. Ma r ATT ST: X/ '.4k tie City Secretary Y ('I'['Y OF SOtY111LAKI:, TIAAS y m r~ o 0 Cn MI NUT'S ()I" IlII'. Regular C 1'n' COUNCIL NI 1 l: It' I N G . d y ~n I) :'I'l : November 3, 1981 rn d Y o 1 IP11.: 7:30 p.m. 1'1,At'1.: l:Il'Y SOtJ`tlll,AKL:, COUNCI L CHAMBERS 667 NOWHI CAIZIZOLI, AVI:N[111:, SOUTIILAKE TEXAS. NAMI' OI,' o COIINC] 1,I11160N I'AGt;: 2 INIIIX discussion, Mayor Sparger placed Cable Television in general on the agenda for the next City Council meeting. A discussion was held concerning the HUBBARD garbage service to the City being SERVICE CO provided by Hubbard Service Company GARBAGE through a franchise agreement. Mayor FRANCHISE Sparger briefed Council on the outcome DISCUSSED of a meeting with J.C. Hubbard, Council- person Latta and himself on October 27, concerning the poor service being provided by Hubbard. Hubbard agreed to "clean up" the City, at that time. Hubbard was present and explained that he feels he has gotton the problems with his employees and the equipment resolved. He pledged to do is best to provide a good service. Citizens present who spoke in favor of ending the franchise agreement with Hubbard include: Carol Finn, and Mary Horton both of Quail Creek Estates, Mr. Hgioth of West Continen- tal Blvd., and Leonard Russell of Highway 114. ouncilperson Massey made a motion to refund 500 of the October bill and place ubbard on probation until December is hen re-evaluate the service at that time. Motion died for lack of a second. Stricker x Motion was then made to cut the Octobe Westerholm x ill by 50% and place Hubbard on McCombs x x robation for an indefinite time or th Massey x x uration of the contract. The motion as approved. Y CITY OI~ SOI, I'I'l11,AK1':, TTXA,'~ d r' h9l Nll'1'I!5 OI: 1'111: Regular C 1'1'Y' COUNCIL o Y d ~•11:I;T I NC . d November 3,1981 L Y I)X1'1 rm c) 0 ' l. I I I 7:30 p.m. d l- s I',ACk: OI~ SOtjTI1I,Ah1:, COUNCIL. I:IlAI~913ERS 0 0 0o7 NOI TII CARIZOI,L, AUNill'.1 SMITIII.AKU r - TI XAS . NAMI: OI~ 0 0 COUNC l 1,l'I:RSON COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons: Modine Stricker, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Shari Massey COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd 0. Latta CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Department Captain; Randy Martin. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm The Minutes of the October 20,1981 City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Sparger reported that the public is invited to attend a workshop at the White's Chapel Cemetary, on Novem- ber 7, at 7 a.m. Sparger informed Council on changes in the contract with General Telephone Company. Miscellaneous changes were implemented in an effort to help new homeowners in the community. Resolution 81-28 was approved as RESOLUTI( Stricker x recommended by the Mayor, which placed 81-28 Westerholm McCombs x x x Southlake's five votes for members of McCombs the Tax Appraisal District Representa- Massey x x tive. The votes were divided with three votes for T.J. Elkins and two votes for Herb Leach. presentation was made by Bill Ross of Star CA TV Company, a Cable Televi- sion service, new to the area. After POLICY, FOR FUTURL STREEl RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SOUTHLAKE ROAR NAME DIRECTION TOTAL WIDTH White Chapel Road (all) North-South 84 Car s'ol t Avenue (all) North-Suuth 84' K i lulu I 1 Avenue North 84 Hiyhway 1709 East-West 100' 641 Dove Road East--West Continental Blvd. East-West, 84' Hiyhland Street: East-West 84' All other streets to be 60' Additional ROW to be dedicated by sub-developers where property abuts existiny roads. Total dedication should be sufficient to make up 50',; of road width from the center line. Additional dedications may be required at major intersections to adjust for road alignments. Road widths widtir new subdivisions will generally follow Ordinance 217. Street dedications should always be measured from the center of the road. APPROVED NOVEMBER 3, 1981 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SO UTHLAKE