1981-10-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6,1981 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Consider: Entering into a Tarrant County Consortium Agreement. Community Development Grant. 3. Discussion: Community Development Grant Project. Public Hearing. 4. Consider: Community Development Grant, Sixth Year Project. South. Peytonville Avenue. 5. Consider: Water Service to Wolf's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart, owners. 6. Consider: Resolution 81-24. Citizens Advisory Group. 7. ZA 81-28. Consider "Special Exception Use Permit" for Self Service Storage Buildings for the property described as John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 529, Tracts 1B3 and 1B4. Owner: Dallas Foam Inc., Larry Buchanan. Public Hearing. 8. ZA 81-29. Zoning request for Lot 4 Block B and Lot 9 and 10, Block A, Briarwood Estates, Phase 1. Present zoning is A-6 Two Family District, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Dan Howell Public Hearing. 9. Consider: Contest for a City Logo. Shari Massey. 10. Consider: Water Service for an area south of East Continental Blvd. and east of Brumlow Avenue. 11. Consider: Police Department: Approval for purchase of a squad car and items to equip new squad car. Also purchase of uniforms. Approval to send 3 officers to radar operations school. Approval for placement of officers in the Police Department (sargent and investigator). Fire Department: Approval for purchase of tires or Unit 7. City Administration: Approval for purchase of es chair. 12. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, October 3,1981, at 1 M. City Secretary ;4 Cf) v C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > rd td Regular CITY COUNCIL -A o d 0 z y d MINUTES OF THE d MEETING, r October 6,1981 z rn z v III DATE: d d y 7:30 p.m. TIME: PLACE: CI`T'Y OF SOUTHLAKF., COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 o U 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON PAGE INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd 0. Latta, Modine Stricker, Bruce McCombs Shari Massey. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Johnny Westerholm CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Captain; Randy Martin, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs The Minutes of the September 22,1981, meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Sparger reported that Council- man Johnny Westerholm is absent due to an illness that has him hospitaliz d. He reported on the progress of the Water Negotiations with the City of Keller. He indicated that as per the agreement, we are ready for a third engineering firm to arrive at a fair purchase price for the water lines within our extraterritorial jurisdiction. Sparger also announced that there will be a worksession on October 20, at 6 p.m. with Tom Anderlitch, Southlake's bonding agent, for the purpose of discussing the bond election. Latta reported that the Texas Municipal Power Company is no longer interested in Southlake as a location for their relay tower. He also reported the completion date for the installation of our Communication system is October 30. v CI'T'Y OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE y d d tz) MEETING, 981 t:J October 6,1 x M z v ITI DATE: 7:30 p.m. d d v ° TIME: PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 W 667 NOR'T'H CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o 0 TEXAS. COUNCILPE'RSON PAGE: 2 INDEX Motion was made and approved to COMMUNIT' enter Southlake into a Tarrant County DEVELOP- Consortium Agreement for 3 years MENT GRANT in connection with the Community, CONSORTII-4 Development Grant. AGREEMEN' During public hearing, discussion was CDG held in an effort to determine the NEEDS F0: needs of Southlake concerning SOUTHLAKL the Community Development Grant Project. The roads were discussed. Latta suggested that whatever we recommend, we need a very strong case as South- lake is only one small city within many. Mayor Sparger briefed Council on the SIXTH YEAF status of our Sixth Year Community GRANT FU._ Development Grant project, in PROJECT which we submitted a Community Center as a project. Sparger told Council that we have been denied that request however, strong indication was given from the County that the funds could be transferred to a street project and that we qualified for South Peytonville Avenue. Several South Peytonville Avenue property owners were present and expressed strong rejection to that project. Those who spoke against the project include: Chris Daugherty Billy Jon Curb, and Vernie Saladis. Jose Franco remained mutual in his opinion. Sparger reminded the audience that a major factor for widening South Peytonville Avenue was safety and to enable school busses and emergency vehicles to be able to use the road without hazard. Latta stated that for Southlake to go to the authorities with a program that does not have public support is cn y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d n Cn __3 MINUTES OF THE Regular CI'T'Y COUNCIL M z v rnu d MEETING. x M v rn DATE: October 6,1981 tr, d y 7:30 p.m. TIME: S PLACE: CI'T'Y OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCII. CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTI-ILAKE NAME OF o o a TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 3 INDEX is a waste of efforts, Latta x x Motion was made and approved to aband n Stricker x the South Peytonville road project. McCombs x Massey x x Dick McSpadden, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart,suggested they come back to Council at the next meeting concerning their request for water service at Wolf's Club. ZA 81-28. Special Exception Use ZA 81-28 Permit for Dallas Foam, Inc. was SPECIAL approved following a public hearing EXCEPTION in which there were no comments from USE PERMIT the audience. The special use requested is the construction of Self Service Storage Buildings, to be placed on the same property as Dallas Foam, Inc. Larry Buchanan, owner, was not present for the meeting. Motion was made and approved to approve the structures subject to a security fence being placed around the business, and hours of operation Latta x x lend to good security practice Stricker x (opened to the public as long as McCombs x x attended by the owners). The Massey x occupancy is subject to fire code being enforced, and any lease agree- ment being reviewed by the City Attorney, for City control of the use. ZA 81-29. The zoning request made ZA 81-29 by Dan Howell, for lots within Briar- ZONING wood Estates, was approved, when the CHANGE Latta x x public hearing resulted with no APPROVED Stricker x comments from the audience. The lots IN BRIAR- ombs x t>iat zoning was changed from A-6 Two WOOD EST. ,..ssey x x Family District to A-3 Single Family District, are Lot 4, Block B and Lots 9 and 10, Block A. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS m 0 0 d 0 M MTNUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL M Z v d d MEETING. d October 6,1981 M z Y ITI DATE: M d rn c' 0 T TME : 7:30 p.m. d v 0 0 PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Cf) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 a TEXAS, C,OUNCILPERSON PAGE: 4 INDEX Latta x Approval was given for the Welcome LOGO Stricker x Committee to sponsor a Logo Contest. CONTEST McCombs x x Councilperson Massey, Liaison officer Massey x x for the committee will head the project. The contest will be to attempt to find a suitable Logo for the City of Southlake. Councilperson McCombs reviewed the BID ON bids received for a new squad car. SQUAD CAR The bids are to remain on file in APPROVED the office of the City Secretary. Latta x x McCombs recommended to Council the bi tricker x be accepted from North Loop Dodge .cCombs x x in the amount of $8,735. Approval Massey x was also given for a communication organizer package. Total purchase price of the car and the equipment is not to exceed $9,541.75 Latta x Stricker x x The purchase of uniforms for the McCombs x x Police Department were approved, Massey x not to exceed the budget figure. Latta x x Approval was given for three officers Stricker x from the Police Department to attend McCombs x x a radar operators school, October 19- 1. Massey x Latta x x Motion was made and approved to accep Stricker x the recommendations of Captain Martin McCombs x x to place Rick McCoy as investigator, Massey x and Charles Dodson as sargent of the Police Department. Latta x x Stricker x Approval was given to the City Secre- McCombs x tary for purchase of a desk chair. Massey x x atta x x The bills presented were approved Stricker x for payment, attached hereto and made McCombs x x a part hereof. Massey x AT T: a ,4q rv RESOLUTION REGARDING CITY OF SOU'IHI.AKE 'S PAR'T'ICIPA'T'ION IN TARRAN'T COUNTY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FOR T THREE PROGRAM YEAR PERIOD, JULY 17, 1982 THROUGH JULY 16, 1985 WHEREAS, the 93rd Scission of the Congress passed and the President of the U.S. signed into law, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 for the specific purpose of developing viable conununities, and WHEREAS, Tarrant County has been designated as an "Urban County" by the Department of (lousing and Urban Development entitled to a formula share of program funds provided said County has a combined population of 200,000 persons in its unincorporated areas and its included units of general local governments with which it has entered into cooperative agreements, and further THAT, Article III, Section 64 of the Texas Constitution authorizes Texas counties to enter into cooperative agreements with local govern- ments for essential Community Development and Housing Assistance activi- ties, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of ,--SOIJTULAKI_ ' that the City Council of SOUTIILAKE Texas supports the application of Tarrant County for funding of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. To this end: (1) the City of SOU'IHLAKE ~ Texas asks that its population he included for three successive years with that of Tarrant County, Texas; (2) authorizes Tarrant County and the city of SOUIUI,AU Texas to cooperate to undertake, or wssist in undertaking, cummunity r_enewal_ and lower income housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing, and all other activities listed as "Community Development Program Activities Eligible for Assistance" under Public Law 93-383, 'I'he llcusinl and Conununi_ty Development Act of 1974, Title I, Section 105, and listed as "eligible Activities" under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 24, Chapter V, Part 570 as amended, "Community Development Block Grants," (3) authorizes Tarrant County and the City of S0tJTI11, AKL: to take all required acitons to comply with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1969, 'T'itle VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 191A, Executive Order 11988, Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and other applicable laws, (4) authorizes the Mayor of SOUTHI,AKt:Texas to sign such additional forms as requested by the Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the purposes of this Resolution, and further -SOUTHIAKI: Texas understands that Tarrant the City of County will have final respornsibility for selecting projects and filing annual grant requests. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 6t11day of OCTOBER IF 1981. ATTEST : APPROVED: -City Secretary ayor Corrunissioners' Court Clark County Judge CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 6,1981 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT Tri County Electric 155.50 Lone Star Gas Company 24.86 General Telephone Company 651.64 Texas Power and Light Co. water wells 6,292.30 Texas Power and Light Co. 826.02 Christine Salinas deed transfers 25.00 City of Grapevine Ambulance 45.00 Fort Worth Star Telegram classified 105.34 The Banner classified 30.10 Fort Worth Star Telegram legal notices 251.86 Dallas Times Herald classified 290.36 Grapevine Publishing Company classified 4.50 General Office Supply misc. supplies 143.18 Rohne and Hoodenplye delinquent tax collection 299.73 Pitney Bowes postage meter rental 42.75 Pitney Bowes maintenance agreement 81.00 postage meter rental Pitney Bowes copier rental 129.95 Exxon Company gasoline 50.40 The Banner Quick Print 12.60 Smith, Smith and Rake extra legal 652.00 Mays, Grady and Burruss Ins. add coll. to 181 Dodge 180.00 Mays, Grady and Burruss,Ins. add prem. re; fire ins. 1,3276.00 6.61 Blue Cross and Blue Shield IBM 24 ribbons for machines 72.00 NCTCOG's Annual Dues 200.00 Prime Supply, Inc. cassetts for computer 32.19 Southwest Computer Maintenance,I c. service calls (2) 415.00 Crabtree and Powers tires/ fix flat on tract r 257.37 Grapevine Auto Supply misc. fire unit repairs 37.35 Dearing & Son Texaco 30.00 Lawry's Garage 44.00 Tarrant County Fire Inv. Assoc. text books 23.00 Melvin's Wash and Wax 8.00 Don's Auto Repair misc. Fire and PD 255.99 Boise Cascade 94.11 White's Auto Store 4.20 Universal Grapevine 56.94 The Rohan Company 367.54 Aqua Utility 1,494.21 TOTAL $ 15,088.60