1981-08-04 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4,1981 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Discussion: Lone Star Gas Company. Change to Franchise Agreement. Vernie Henderson. 3. Consider: Texas Power and Light Company. Rate Increase. Mike McKinney. Public Hearing. 4. Consider: Resolution 81-20. Approving the Tax Roll for 1981, as equalized by the Board of Equalization. 5. Consider: Resolution 81-21. New Members to the Welcome Committee. 6. ZA 81-24. Zoning request for a 3.226 acre tract of land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, Tracts 5DlA and 5C1B. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Raymond A. Fox. Public Hearing. 7. Consider: Winding Ridge Addition. 8. Consider: Emergency Purchase of a Police Car. 9. Consider: Bids on used Police Car. 10. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION Closed Session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17 Section 2. 1. Discussion: Keller/Southlake Water Negotiations. OPEN MEETING 11. Consider: Keller/Southlake Water Negotiations. 12. Consider; Developers Agreement for Phase 2, Harbor Oaks. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, Augu t 1,1981 at 1:30 p.m. 4;~ &47t--~ City Secretary Y CITY OF SOU`T'HLAKE, 'T'EXAS y tr1 ' W O O M C-) - M MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL Z y a d MEET ING. o DATE: August 4,1981 t7 y TIME:: 7:30 p.m. s PLACE': C I `T'Y OF SOU'T'H LAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKF NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNC I LPF16ON PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Modine Stricker, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Shari Massey. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm The Minutes of the July 21,1981 Regular City Council Meeting were approved as presented, as were the minutes of the July 31, Emergency City Council Meeting. Vernie Henderson, of Lone Star Gas LONE ST Company, was present announcing their GAS CO. request for an amendment to the DISCUSS Franchise Agreement. Henderson read ION. for Council, a letter which explains the intent. (The letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof). Mr. Henderson indicated that Lone Star Gas Company will be proposing the implimentation of the Pipeline Safety Standard to all cities within their jurisdiction. Mayor Sparger informed Council that th request will be placed on the August 18 agenda for a vote. Representatives, Mike McKinney and Kevin Simmons from Texas Power and Light Company were present with a request for a rate increase. McKinney reminded Council that an application for the request was filed with South- lake on March 6,1981; and at that time Council passed a Resolution to sus- pend the request for 120 days. Y CI'T'Y 01; SOLIT11LAKE, TEXAS a7 0 0 0 M M M [ N[J'1 ES 01" THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL z y d d MEETING. ' August 4'1981 ~ d I)A''li : M y 7:30 p.m. M n 0 TIME: s PLACE : I'['Y OF SOOTHLAKE, COUNC I L CHAMBERS 0 0 ! 6()7 N01011 CAIZIZOLL AVENUE, SUUT1iLAKE NAME OI' 0 0 TEXAS (,()t) NC I Ll'Eltsi)N [)AG E: 2 INDEX Latta x x ordinance No. 264 was approved, ORD. 264 Stricker x granting the 9.2% rate increase at TP&L Westerholm x x such time as TP&L impliments the RATE McCombs x increase. INCREASE Massey x Resolution 81-20 approving the tax RESOLUTI Latta x x roll for 1981 at $54,237,012 was 81-20 Stricker x approved. APPROVED Westerholm X McCombs x Massey x x Latta x Resolution 81-21, adding several RESOLUTI Stricker x members to the Welcome Committee was 81-21 Westerholm x x approved. Those added to the APPROVED McCombs x committee, to serve a one year term Massey x x include: Lucille Samartin, Carol Finn, Carol Lamb, and Elsie Mummert. ZA81-24. The zoning request made by ZA 81-24 Raymond Fox for a 3.226 acre tract of ZONING land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey APPROVED Abstract 525 Tracts SDlA and SC1B was A-3 approved as requested. The zoning was changed from Agricultural to A-3 Single Family District, after the pub1 c hearing in which there were no comment Latta x x from the audience. Stricker x Westerholm x Approval was given with the condition McCombs x that the residence not be built in Massey x x the Floodway Zone. Councilperson Bruce McCombs briefed PURCHASE Council on the condition of our OF ONE Police Department Vehicles, stressing POLICE the need for a new car and requesting CAR Council consider an emergency purchase APPROVEI of one police unit, not to exceed $9,000. Latta x Stricker x Mayor Sparger recommended approval of Westerholm x one car as an emergency purchase. McCombs x x Approval was given as requested. Massey x V) Y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS y r1l. W 0 0 d 0 ~ M M MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL Z_ Y d d MEETING. x d y DATE: August 4,1981 t-d e d °TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CI'T'Y OF SOU'I'HI.AKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 ~ TEXAS COUNCI LI'ERSON PAGE: 3 INDEX Latta x x Motion was made and approved to ad- Stricker x vertise for bids on two 1980 Plymouth Westerholm x squad cars. Bids are to be taken until McCombs x x September 15,1981. Massey x After extensive discussion concerning WINDING the Winding Ridge Addition, a sub- RIDGE Latta x x division within the City of Grapevine ADDITIO Stricker x with access in the City of Southlake, Westerholm x motion was made that Southlake with- McCombs x x draw its denial of access of Winding Massey X Ridge Addition pending further technic l evaluation. The evaluation should in- clude comments from the City of Grapevine, The State Highway Departmen , and the Attorney Generals Office, concerning the safety, health and welfare of the citizens of Southlake and any other pertinent data, in- cluding all documentation of all traffic records by Police Chief, Day- mond Gaddy. Latta x x The bills presented were approved for Stricker x payment (attached hereto and made a Westerholm x x part hereof). McCombs X Massey x Latta x x The Developers Agreement for Phase 2 Stricker x of Harbor Oaks Addition was approved Westerholm x as presented. McCombs x Massey x x CLOSED SESSION Keller/Southlake Water Negotiations. MEETING OPENED KELLER SOUTHLI With the opening of the City Council WATER meeting, motion was-made that Southlak PURCHASI follo-V the commitment that was made at the Public Utility Commission, that if the engineers could not agree, both cities pay a third engineering firm 1 4 w s- CI'T'Y OF SOUTHLAKL, TE'XAS d C') c cl) o M I Nll'I'LS Oh TlIE REGULAR C ra COUNCIL rn O 'A rn rn r d e MELTING. M ~ y -n DA`t'1'.: August 4,1981 rn c~ M Y o 'l'[ M li 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Ol~ SOWHI LAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ° ° U 607 NOWHI CAHIZOLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NANF OF o o ~ 1'I:XAS COIJN(:II,I'1:12SON PAGI' : 4 INDEX at an expense not to exceed $2,500. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sam Sparger. Ma r ATT ST: ,City Secretary a CERTIFICATION OF 1981 TAX ROLL Appraised Value: Assessed Value: $ 54,237,012.00 We, the undersigned, constituting the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake, of Southlake, Texas, do hereby certify that we have examined the assessment list made up from the assessment of Barney Baker, Assessor of the City of Southlake, of Tarrant County, Texas, for the year 1981, and we find that all property both real and personal, insofar as we have been able to ascertain, has been properly assessed for taxes for the year 1981 in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Texas. We further certify that said assessment list for the year 1981, is to the best of our knowledge and belief correct and therefore approved this the day of June, 1981. hairman ember l ~ M er ORDER ADJOURNING BOARD OF EQUALIZATION BE IT REMEMBERED, that the Board of Equalization in and for the City of Southlake has heard all of the taxpayers desiring to appear before the Board and that there being none waiting to appear before this Board at this time, and that the Board has further instructed the Secretary to notify those who have appeared before the Board of its decisions, and there being no further business before the Board of Equalization at this time, the following Order was, upon motion of Harold Knight duly seconded by Charles Young unanimously carried and adopted to-wit: There being no further business necessary to be transacted by said Board, it is ordered that said Board of Equalization do now adjourn. This Board of Equalization is adjourned the 13 day of June at 12 o'clock. C J C-123 C ai Boa rd'of qua Iizat OATH OF OFFICE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT We, each, as members of the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake, for the year 1981, do hereby solemnly swear: That in the performance of my duties as a member of the Board of Equalization for the City of Southlake for this year, I will not vote to allow any taxable property to stand on the assessment list of said City for said year at any sum which I believe to be less than its true market value, or if it has no market value then its real, or intrinsic, value; that I will faithfully endeavor and as a member of said Board will move to have each item of taxable property which I believe to be assessed for said year at less than its real, or intrinsic, value raised on the list to what I believe to be its true cash market value; and that I will faithfully endeavor to have the assessed valuation of properties subject to taxation within said City stand upon the assessment lists of said District for said year at the true cash market value, or if it has no market value, then its real, or intrinsic, value. I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Member of the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State; and I furthermore solemnly swear that I have not directly nor indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment as a reward to secure my appointment or the confirmation thereof. So help me God. 1, _7 r i ~ Jyt d C/ e 42 J(C7 ~iG / e xa+`t , ~,c,v or/rydo~F~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas The annual meeting of the City of Southlake, Board of Tax Equalization was called to order on June 13,1981 at 9 a.m. The members present, which include; Roger Baird, Harold Knight, and Charles Young, repeated the Oath of Office, which was given by Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Ben Armstrong, assessor from Professional Appraisal District was also present for the meeting. Roger Baird was elected chairman of the Board of Equalization. Jimmy Truelove, of 650 North White Chapel Road was present with a question concerning the assessed value of two tracts of land which he has recently purchased. The property is described as being in the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract 687, a 78.946 acre tract and a 31.759 acre tract of land. Mr. Truelove stated that the property was valued very high compared to property in the area. Harold Knight made the motion to take Mr. Trueloves property under advisement and inform Mr. Truelove at a later date. Charles Young seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Scott Keeshim, attorney for Louis Messina and Ray Whitmoore was present, along with Mr. Whitmoore, concerning property known as the Oak Hills Mobile Home Park ( Abstract 1068, Tract 3A1 and Abstract 2003, Tract 1B1) approximately 14 acres. Mr. Keeshim stated that they have reason to believe the property in question was never properly annexed. After discussion, Harold Knight moved to table the item until legal research could be done. Charles Young seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. C.A. Prade, of 400 South Carroll Avenue, was concerned about a 14.261 acre tract of land out of the 0. W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899 Tract 4G. Mr. Prade stated he had filed an Agricultural Use Exemption but had not gotton the exemption. Ben Armstrong, assessor, gave the exemption. Value was $28,520, and was changed to $2,409. Mr. Prade was very pleased with the adjustment. It was noted that the .13 acre tract out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899, Tract 4, which had a value for 1980 taxes of $2,690. would be reassessed for 1981, however, the 1980 taxes are due as charged. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan were present with question to the personal property of the Dallas Foam Modling Company. Value was established at $101,000. however, Mr. Armstrong stated the property research had been done and the value changed to $48,000. for 1981 taxes. The board agreed to the action taken. After discussion, Harold Knight moved to place the value of property owned by Jimmy Truelove, which was described earlier the the minutes, at $1,000. per acre. Yound seconded the motion. Unanimous. page 2 Board of Equalization June 13,1981 The value was lowered to $1,500, per acre less 33% depreciation due the the low land condition. There being no further business, motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting at 12 noon. Re pectfully submitted, .Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake will convene at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 13, 1981, in the City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake, Texas: To receive all assessment lists, or books of the tax assessor-collector for inspection, correction or equalization and approval. The Board of Equalization will be meeting to hear the sworn evidence of taxpayers and the tax assessor regarding values placed on property. The Board of Equalization will be in session until all tax assessments have been equalized and approved. This notice is given pursuant to Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art 6252-17. Sam Sparger, or City of South rake i TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 1511 Bryan Street • P.O. Box 226331 • Dallas, Texas 75266 ti. JOE M. NELSON July 21, 1981 VICE PRESIDENT TO: The Governing Body of All Municipalities Exercising. Rate Jurisdiction Over Texas Power & Light Company The Public Utilities Commission Examiner has recommended a proposal in response to the application for a rate increase filed on March 6, 1981, by Texas Power & Light Company. The final decision of the full commission is expected by August 4, 1981. Section 43(e) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act authorizes the Company to put new rates (not to exceed the requested amount filed March 6, 1981) into effect under bond July 9, 1981. Although the Company chose not to do this, we are filing bonds with all municipal regulators and with the Public Utility Commission this week. The Company will not implement any rate change prior to August 4, 1981. After August 4, 1981, the Company will implement the rates recommended by the Public Utility Commission Hearings Examiner or the final order rendered by the full Commission on August 4, 1981. The Company has lost summer revenue by waiting to implement the new rates. Since the Company cannot afford to lose much needed revenue, bonds are being filed in order to implement system wide, the new rates (subject to refund) on or after August 4, 1981. Sincerely yours, JMNelson/pkc BOND STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS § That Texas Power & Light Company (herein called "TP&L") , a corpor- ation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas and a public utility as that term is defined in the Public Utility Regula- tory Act, Article 1446c, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, is held and firmly bound unto the City of Southlake Texas (herein called "City"), a municipal corporation of Tarrant County,.,Texas. The condition of this obligation is such that: WHEREAS, on the 6th day of March, 1981, TP&L filed with the Governing Body of said City its Statement of Intent to change electric rates charged by TP&L to its customers within said City, and the City having failed to make its final determination of rates within 90 days from April 10, 1981, the date that the proposed change otherwise would have gone into effect, TP&L will put into effect changed rates, which changed rates will not exceed the rates proposed on March 6, 1981, upon condition that TP&L shall refund or credit against future bills of its customers in the City all sums collected during the period of suspension in excess of the rates finally ordered plus interest at the current rate as finally determined; NOW, THEREFORE, if TP&L shall refund or credit against future bills of its customers in the City all sums, if any, collected pursuant to such changed rates during the period of suspension in excess of the rates finally ordered plus interest at the current rate as finally determined, or if it is determined that TP&L has collected no sums in excess of the rates finally ordered, then in such event this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. EXECUTED this 23 day of July , A.D., 1981. TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY By y i Vice President ATTEST: ZZZz/ox~- 7, 71,Z_ Secretary ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING RATE SCHEDULES TO BE CHARGED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY IN THE CITY OF.OUTHLAKE TEXAS APPROVING SERVICE REGULATIONS FILED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH RATE SCHEDULES, AND PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATE SCHEDULES MAY BE CHANGED, MODIFIED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN. WHEREAS, on March 6, 1981, Texas Power & Light Company filed with the City Secretary a request for an increase in rates to be charged within the City and for approval of Service Regulations to be observed in the City; and WHEREAS, the City having suspended the effective date of such proposed rate increase from April 10, 1981, and having considered the same at a public hearing, is of the opinion and finds that an increase in rates should be approved, being the same rates heretofore approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, in Docket No. 3780, pursuant to a request filed with it by Texas Power & Light Company on March 6, 1981; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS: SECTION 1: That an increase in the rates, tariffs and charges of Texas Power & Light Company for electric power and energy sold within the City be approved in an amount equal to that approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Docket No. 3780, and the rates, tariffs and charges giving effect to such increase approved by the Public Utility Commission in said Docket No. 3780 are hereby approved as the Schedule of Rates under which said Company is authorized to render electric service and to collect charges from its customers for sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City until such time as said Rate Schedules and Service Regulations may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn, with the approval of the City Council. SECTION 2: That the Service Regulations of Texas Power & Light Company filed with the City Secretary on March 6, 1981, be, and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That such Schedule of Rates and Tariffs and Service Regulations shall be effective for consumption from and after the date on which the Schedule of Rates and Tariffs and Service Regulations are approved and made effective by the Public Uitlity Commission of Texas in Docket No. 3780. SECTION 4: The filing of the Rate Schedules and Service Regulations and the approval of same by the City Council, in the manner herein provided shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity, within the City, of the availability and application of such Rate Schedules and Service Regulations. . PASSED AND APPROVED at a Regular meeting of the City Council of Southlake , Texas, this the 4 day of gust , 1981. M yor ATTEST; ity Secretary (CITY $gAL) PUBLISH July 29,1981 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given to all citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, that the City Council of the City of Southlake will be holding a public hearing to consider the request for Rate Increase for Texas Power and Light Company Services. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, on Tuesday Evening, August 4,1981 at 7:30 p.m. All interested persons are urged to attend. City of Southlake Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary CITY OF SOUTULAKE c.. j n 7 lute ! 1 Lone Star Gas Company GF DIVISION OF DISTRIBUTION Office • city Secret i V. R. Henderson 319 Main Street V-1 A Manager Grapevine, Texas 74051 July 1, 1981 , The Honorable Mayor Sam Sparger and City Council City of Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: In response to State and Federal regulation of natural gas pipeline safety, Lone Star Gas Company has re-evaluated its practice relating to installation and maintenance of service lines. In order to fully meet the Company's responsibility for gas service from its main line to the point of delivery for each customer, it is necessary to define the terms "service line" and "yard line" in our existing franchise agreement with the City of Southlake. The proposed franchise amendment will allow Lone Star Gas Company to contract with our customers for installation and maintenance of "service lines" which are defined as all of the gas piping from the connection with the Company's main up to the meter where gas consumption is measured. Each customer will be responsible for installation and maintenance of his yard line. A "yard line" is defined as an underground supply line extending from the point of connection with a customer's meter to the point of connection with that customer's house piping. In addition to allowing Lone Star Gas Company to comply with regulatory law, this new policy will offer the advantage of: 1. Quick response with repair of leaks after they are detected on a service line; 2. Minimum periods of disrupted service for customers while service lines are being repaired; 3. Allowing efficient use of labor and materials to effect repairs or to provide new installations; and, 4. Increased safety for customers by assuring service line installation according to local, State and Federal standards. Although this new service line policy will place additional responsibility upon Lone Star Gas Company, we believe the overall efficiency and improved safety of operation provide ample justification for compliance with regulatory requirements. V. R. Henderson VRH/kf Attachments 1. National Transportation Safety Board 192 2. Plumber's requirement to meet Federal safety standards 3. Franchise Amendments - Revised Service Line Policy cc: Mr. G. L. Smith Mr. William D. Campbell w/attachments City Attorney CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 4,1981 BILLS FOR APPROVAL TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT Lone Star Gas Company 22.19 The Banner Quick Print water bills 417.60 Grapevine Publishing Company 3.60 Christine Salinas deed transfers 25.00 Bell Communications 295.50 General Office Supply 143.44 Crabtree and Powers Tire Co. 97.44 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,083.68 Richard Anderson 150.00 West Publishing Company 50.25 Exxon 4.50 Don's Auto Repair 1980 Plymouth 287.02 Lawry's Garage 1976 Ford 122.41 Stowe Garage 1980 Plymouth 149.30 White's Auto 2.49 Don's Auto Repair 78.22 Lancaster Memorial Foundation First Aid Supplies 26.81 Grapevine Auto Supply 20.26 ire ie s car 62. *,re SiTeet Metal i+6.99- Evinrude Service parts for rescue boat 31.15 Hall Bearing Company 21.50 Hall Bearing Company 15.70 Grapevine Automatic 1977 Pontiac 28.50 Circle R. Electric Company 154.-25 Boise Cascade 9.69 Central Freight Lines 35.80 Universal Grapevine 3,651.93 Aqua Utility 679.65 Central Freight Lines 36.30 TOTAL..........