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CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19,1981 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Resolution 81-15. Establishing a Welcome Committee for the City of Southlake. 3. Consider: Resolution 81-16. City of Southlake's contribution to the School Library Fund. 4. Consider: Resolution 81-17. Board of Tax Equalization. 5. ZA 81-13. Request for Special Use Permit for the Sale of Off Premisses Packaged Beer. Location of the establishment is the Village Grocery Store. Requestor: Donald Horton. Public Hearing. 6. ZA 81-11. Final plat for the "Whispering Dell Estates" A subdivision located in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. The 54 acre tract of land is zoned A-3 Single Family District. Developer: Lot. Development Group. Consider: Developers Agreement for Whispering Dell Estates. 7. Consider: Purchase of Radio Equipment for the City of Southlake. 8. Departmental Reports Police: Approval for Police Officer and Reserve Police Officer. Discussion: School Zone speed limit on North Carroll Ave. Fire: Discussion: Oxygen Service for remainder of this year. Discussion: Lubricating Service for Fire Equipment. Water: Building: Court: City Administration: 9. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 N th Carrol Av u , Southlake, Texas, on Friday, May 15,1981 at 5 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas Supplement to the City Council Agenda May 19,1981 7:30 p.m. EMERGENCY ITEM 10. Discussion and Consideration: Bond Program I hereby certify that the supplement to the City Council Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Mo day, May 18,1981 at 9:30 a.m. City Secretary cn c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rT1 t7 n Cn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL 2-1 Y d d MEETING, d ~_H May 19,1981 x to z DATE: tt d c1n n ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o z TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Modine Stricker, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Shari Massey PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Jeff Ault CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs The Minutes of the May 5,1981, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Sparger read a Proclamation to the Salvation Army, naming June 6, as "Take It Away Day". A Memorial Day Service will be held at Bluebonnet Hills Cemetary in Colleyville. Members of the Council and Citizenary are invited to attend. Sparger gave a special "Thank You" to the persons who donated time, labor and materials to the park ballfield. Latta x x RESOLUTIOP Stricker x Resolution 81-15, forming a welcome 81-15 Westerholm x committee was approved after discussion. McCombs x The resolution names Councilpersons, WELCOME ssey x x Massey and Stricker as liaison COMMITTEE officers for the committee. Resolution 81-16 was approved. The resolution allows for the contri- bution of $2,500. given the city cn y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS emu- n Cn oA oy REGULAR tri o -3 M ti MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Z t= d MEETING, x z v ~ DATE: MAY 19,1981 rn d (D 7:30 p.m. TIME: PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~A o-3 czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUT14LAKE NAME OF o o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Latta x x Stricker x x by the Tarrant County Commissioners RESOLUTI'' Westerholm x Court for Library improvements, to 81-16 McCombs x be passed on to the Carroll Indepen- APPROVED Massey x dent School District for their librar . Councilman Westerholm suggested to Council that possibly it should be designated to be used for books rather than on going operation of the library. Latta x x Resolution 81-17, calling for the RESOLUTI, Stricker x annual meeting of the Tax Equalizatio 81-17 Westerholm x Board, for June 13,1981 was approved. TAX McCombs x It named Harold Knight, Roger Baird, EQUALIZI Massey x x and Charles Young as members of that TION B01t~ board. ZA 81-13. The request for Special SPECIAL` Use Permit for the sale of off premi- USE PERMI sses packaged beer for the Village ZA 81-1 Grocery Store was considered. APPROVEL Councilperson Latta briefed Council on the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission, due to the fact that the new Zoning Ordinance 261 had an oversite in the wording, which changed the zoning district from Light Commercial to Heavy Commercial zoning for Off Premisses Packaged Beer. Bill Smith, City Attorney, indicated that it is obvious that the intent in No. 261 was for Light Commercial zoning for Off Premisses Packaged Beer sale and Heavy Commercial for On Premisses Consumption. Mayor Sparger polled Council, to find that all Council members were willing to amend the new ordinance to read as intended. There were no comments from the audience concerning ZA 81-13. Motio was made and approved to grant the y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS td 0 ~A o o MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL z r d MEETING. o DATE: May 19,1981 d H TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 a z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF (D o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX Latta x x Special Use Permit to Donald Horton tricker x with the condition that Ordinance 261 Iesterholm x be amended. McCombs x '7as s ey x x ZA 81-11. Final plat of Whispering ZA 81-11 Latta x x Dell Estates was approved as WHISPERINi )tricker x presented. The 54 acre tract of land DELL desterholm x is located in the Francis Throop FINAL PLA' McCombs x x Survey, Abstract 1511. APPROVED Massey x ,atta x x The Developers Agreement was approve Stricker x for Whispering Dell Estates. `Vesterholm x 4cCombs x Massey x x Consideration was given to the CODNUNI- purchase of radio equipment for the CATIONS police and fire communications for FOR THE Southlake. Councilperson Latta CITY reported that the present system was APPROVED struck by lightning on May 8, and ex- tensive damage resulted. He added that the system is covered by the cities insurance and that some compensation would be made. Latta reported that the City was considering the purchase of equipment to be incldued in the bond program, however, the fact that the equipment was damaged put the City in an emergency state. He added that he has previously requested bids from several vendors but that John Francis of Motorola was the only vendor to submit a bid. (A copy of that bid is hereby a part Latta x of the minutes). Stricker x After extensive discussion, motion -Combs olm x x x was made and approved to purchase _Cbs the equipment as per the bid from Massey x x Motorola for $37,318. on a five (5) year plan with the intent of using Revenue Sharing monies for the payment. < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS CT7 W o 0 o M M MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING. x z ~n DATE: MAY 16,1981 r" d d ~0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Councilperson Westerholm requested the record show that his negative vote on the communications, was not on the Motorola equipment, but on the sole source approach that he felt was taken by no advertising for bids. Legal opinion given by Bill Smith, City Attorney, was that bids may be deemed unnecessary if the purchase in questions is considered necessary for the safety, health and welfare of the Citizens of the City. He added that there is no penalty for failure to take bids. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Latta x Chief Gaddy ask Council to approve Stricker x Charles Dodson as a regular Police Westerholm x x Officer. Approval was given. McCombs x x Massey x Request was made by Chief Gaddy for an amendment to the School Zone Ordinance. The area he wishes to include in the Ordinance is North Carroll Avenue From Highland to Dove Street. Approximately 1,335.ft Latta x Approval was given for reinbursement Stricker x to Mr. Cline for the fee for a water Westerholm x x school for Mrs. Cline and one water McCombs x worker. Massey x x Latta x x The bills presented were approved Stricker x for payment. (Attached hereto and Westerholm x x made a part hereof). 'IcCombs x .assey x ~ o o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS t:d MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL d p C) I MEETING, x d z 9 DATE: MAY 16,1981 d d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON 5 PAGE: INDEX Mayor Sparger reported to Council that he met with Warren Brewer, manag r of the Trinity River Authority, con- cerning the possibility of Southlake becomming a member city of TRA, and becomming involved in the sewer program. He indicated that the results of the meeting were not in favor of Southlake tying onto,the sewer system. At that time, Council mutually agreed to scratch t expenditure for sewer feasibility studies from the Bond Program. a Mayor indicated that there is a possibility that by 1983 Southlake could tie onto TRA system for Water supply. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. J May ATT ST: JJ J(A, A_Ox4t_~) City Secretary Celty of Southlake--'~~~ Of ~s Whereas: . SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Kiwanis is a service organization with high ideals and c anging objectives, realized through the charitable activities r of its constituent clubs; AND, WHEREAS, the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, where usable discards are restored to saleable condition, sold in a Thrift Store and the proceeds used to rehabilitate the unfortunate is a justly worthy cause, AND, WHEREAS, the Greater Fort Worth Area Kiwanis Clubs and , the Fort Worth Salvation Army have joined together to make "one man's junk another man's gold", NOW, THEREFORE, I, SAM SPARGER, Mayor of the City of Southlake, do hereby proclaim June 6,1981, as "Take It Away Day" in the Greater Southlake area, and urge all citizens to donate their usable discards to t,i? Salvation Army to aid those less fortunate than themselves. tw IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and - caused the seal of the City of Southlake, Texas, to be affixed this 19th day of May, 1981. L'ity of ,S-out9fQkE (7y cseczztazy EXHIBIT A CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS WELCOME COMMITTEE GENERAL The Committee is established by the City of Southlake on /9- OV f to provide its citizens with the following functions. FUNCTIONS The Committee's function is to work with the City Council and the City Staff to: 1. Create and maintain a committee roster of City residents 2. Create a booklet of general local information about the City of Southlake and the surrounding area. 3. Provide all newcomers with the booklet. 4. Provide when deemed necessary by the Committee, the City Staff or the City Council for all requests for the booklet by individuals outside of the City limits of Southlake. LIAISON All direct guidance and support of the Committee will be provided by the City Council through an appointed liaison officer or officers. ORGANIZATION The Committee will consist of a group of Southlake residents - the number of which may vary, who are appointed and approved by the City Council and of a chairperson and secretary to be appointed by the liaison with the following responsibilities. 1. Chairperson - To lead meetings, approve agendas and to vote only in the case of a tie. 2. Secretary - To inform members of meeting times and location, to maintain minutes of decisions and to keep a current roster of members filed with the City Secretary. ATTENDANCE It is expected that each member of the Committee after fulfilling his qualification attendance of three (3) meetings, will attempt to attend every meeting, but is is understood that emergencies will occur. Should a member miss three (3) consecutive meetings, without written justification to and approved by the chairperson prior to the third absence, it will be assumed by the secretary and the chairperson and duly noted in the minutes that the member no longer desires to serve on the committee and that member will be removed from the roster kept in the City Secretary's office. Exhibit A continued END PRODUCT The written booklet when completed and at least two bids for printing costs will be submitted to the City Council before the actual printing and before the visitation of newcomers commences for their approval of content and funds for printing. v, r Y E- co o N C) H w rx a d f-- Q Q u N w 0 w IL :.1 w to ¢ F- C) w U I- ]G u w d W V U CL eES P-= C7 CL' C~ CD O -j r-+ y- v Q co Q 0. rn ~ J F-n r-•' Q cy co u e~ n.a ~ w ex . 7r- C) = Q Z ~ f O f-- ` u W © m I'- C' CG ~ Q 11. N O r ~ • 1 p ~ tq r- 0) lD d' t17 N to e- t1') lD M Ol cli r r-- r- N O O 1- O O N i d V UA rH 4i u H :Ipb 1.4 4i (7 w vi a 3 P-4 vi m V l~ W im O (D V) W A V) o z vi z a V) p 1 ' owC O C3 co W W W F- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of April 1981 A. Responses: Number of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 0 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 4 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine---------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------- 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities_________________________________________ 1 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)------- 3 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 1 11. False Alarms in City_________________________________ 12. Rescue Unit Calls---------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Drowning Midway Camp, Lake Grapevine B. Sandy beach - Meadowmere Park. Victim broken leg. C. On 1938FM Rd. across from Couch's Grocery. Possible Heart attack 13. Miscellaneous------------------------ 14. Trophy Club Calls B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of April 14 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting ----12----------- 144 3. Special Training Sessions or 28 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. dcrXXAtd(i(tli~((((9(4tX~(~(~~RX~~X~~K~~X~kXX~ on drowning - Midway Camp-Lake Grapevine 142 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month---------------------------------- 389 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 8 Assist. Chief Bradley 7 Capt. Brown 14 Capt. Fuller 8 Capt. Jones 4 Lt. Barnes 10 Bobby Jones 4 J. Walsh 12 R. Stacey 10 D. Brown 10 B. Dinsmore 5 B. Roper 2 L. Russell 6 B. Tanner 10 C. Bell 2 E. Reed 2 J. Sullivan 2 J.Joyce 3 J. Vann 3 Respe t,f 1 submitted, R. S e e, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT C I T Y OF S O U T H L A K E POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT April, 1981 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Police Department Report for the month of April, 1981. Tickets issued in March 177 Tickets issued in April 262 Persons in jail in March 22 Persons in jail in April 30 Traffic Accidents in March 13 Traffic Accidents in April 16 Burglaries reported in March 1 Burglaries reported in April 3 Approximate value taken in burglaries in March $122.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in April $1,886.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in March 0 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in April 0 Thefts reported in March 3 Thefts reported in April 6 Approximate value taken in theft in March $92,957.00 Approximate value taken in theft in April $1,697.00 Approximate value recovered in theft in March $60,117.00 Approximate value recovered in theft in April 0 Sexual Offense reported, investigated and arrests made in April 1 Total offenses to date for 1981, reported and activily investigating 29 Number of calls in March 1,121 Number of calls in April 1,583 Speedometer reading on Unit 11 (78 Ford) 119,947 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 (78 Ford) 109,657 Speedometer reading on Unit 14 (80 Plymouth) 80,334 Speedometer reading on Unit 15 (80 Plymouth) 60,065 Miles driven in March 10,783 Miles driven in April 9,580 Respectfully submitted, C. Daymo d Gaddy C--- Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/mrb n> w r; Q -j W :r " LA ~ ~ u v W a CD ~ (Y U T I CITE 1 0 17 5 56 55 65 2,p 2 47 80 67 280 355 550 1,583 # OF CAI. I 0 0 1 7 7 12 30 N AkkES I 1 1 0 3 6 3 16 ACC IIA NI~ 0 0 1 1 1 0 B01411 Ak Y 2 1 1 0 0 2 6 'l ES 909 652 940 1871 1998 1626 9,580 uRIVEN A AA AAA AAAAA AAA AA AAAAAA AAL AA A A A A AA AAAAA*A AAAA *AAAA'**AAAA AAAAA*ir I I) )I Ik'I I CF.I I S Itl 'A ItVI AC( I UI N I', APId I M)PI'l 11 I:AI I ASSISI M I I-l.S - - ANI)l k'.))N 45 0 2 48 62 5 388 S ):101661 N 0 0 0 13 .9 2 - - - - 120 p 0 2 1/2 3 0 38 I AYI Ult 0 "I'l IIH k 3 1 0 18 - 29 2 - 318 SI IOI MAr I. It 0 0 0 5 112 9 0 50 DODSON 16 1 1 43 92 3 670. A A* A A A A A* A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A n A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A* A A A AAA A A A A A AAAA C1117 OV "II U AK1: Mf VIJ ILY Iu;101rr 1+0 WE C1,17 c.'t AJWII. BUILDING DEPARI'Mi M KUM OF April 1981 1. Nl,4~llil::It Cu' INSI'lX.`1'I(XtS _ l'l, W i1 IJ1' LAST M DUIIi L:L1~~ t't t1 C 25 23 17 18 1't .l INIt s i Nl; LALNM 1f* ; 7 4 20 6 t•`l)lIN1111'l'1()fI 9 9 1 li-:A't' 1 IJG t, AM It 16 12 51:1"1' 1 C 10 10 cn1u:Ii UIl'Al . I N:i1'lll`1' IONS 104 93 1. L'1:aiM1'1'S - THIS f T )H I'1 I FIJI: I-,AST M xv1'I I FEE BUI11)1(A(; - 10 1,778.00 20 2,167.00 L:IJ: IUI(.A , 12 229.00 16 246.00 1llIlf-1 slf1t; 13 313.00 8 186.00 It1:A'I'1144; b Atli 6 120.00 8 148.00 5 125.00 5 125.00 ~aarl'II'1~11'I'I_; U1'' UIIILII 11 117.00 7 70.00 V YI'A1. I'1::lVI I S 57 2,682.00 64 2,942.00 '1111S M(1[ n l 111 1' Cll if11'I I YkAR '110 LINI'E 647,388.00 909,380.00 6,938,578.25 9, l'I A1JIJlIJI; a 'L.~>iJICJ~~ I'I:I::; 11I1S Nt HIII I A l' r4411111 YIAR 'I" 11A'rL 351.00 345,00 18,956.00 'lY11'A1. LsI:IKS~5l'1'S 1fJ IiU1lJlCll; I'UfJI~ - - - `111 I5 INCSCII'f l Yt•:AIl 'lt IANIIE 2,682.00 25,716.00 LtI:SI'1:11`t'l'l1iJ.~' :~t,LiNll'1'1'1:J~, It Ijl l l l i)~ ~I~;1 11BiM T 13R A A MN 1)1NC Cl" 8-Residences 571,800.00 3-Model Home 75,000.00 1-Deck & Fence 1,300.00 ^I LD ING I 1 OIW'F ICAL April, 1980 Building Permit Breakdown dences 1-Fence 2-St l r 3-Re 2-Swimming Pools Tota .150 % WATER nl--PARTMEtjl- REPORT • MONTH OF APRIL G,31 I orl`_, Pumped Previous Month _ 9 318 400 Gal logs mould Previous Month 7 246 000 IJuw Wa t ~r Taps I nstd I I ed 10 - 3/4 1 - 2 - Fire IlydrdntS Instdllud 1 Muter Chanr~t Out 14 3/4" - Machine Runtal $808.00 c~ I hut- I\'c;pa i r,, 4 Leaks, Repaired Mini S wer Ch on nator Materials $1,902.29 15 Lids, 9 dusted-- n s 15 Boxes with Lids Water Superml endant CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 19,1981 BILLS FOR APPROVAL TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT Texas Power and Light Co. 370.43 Texas Power and Light Co. water wells 1,978.55 Gulf Oil Company 2,804.18 Christine Salinas deed transfers 50.00 Southwest Computer Maintenance repairs to computers 805.70 Texas Employment Commission claim 118.60 General Office Supply 101.03 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp. copier 277.50 Conoco Inc. motor oil 167.40 Grapevine Printing and Office printing 70.69 Burroughs Corp. machine repair 20.79 Travis P. Young Company bond for clerk 30.00 Hatcher Tractor Co. repairs to tractor 173.82 Smith, Smith, and Rake 360.00 Carter and Burgess,Inc. plat review 77.29 The Banner Quick Print 118.99 Pease Engraving Co. 3'95 Dennis Electric repairs at park 314.75 Mid-Cities Chrysler Plymouth repairs to cars 583.81 Jameson's Pharmacy film 13.86 Parker's repairs to cars P.D. 284.00 Ladd Uniform 5.75 Discount Office Products chair for dispatch 138.00 Bill Story Uniform Co. uniforms 82.08 North East Weekly Student classified ad 10.00 Southwest Marine 30.50 Payton-Wright Ford Sales inspection on vehicle 5.00 Don's Auto Repair 31.89 W.H. Lefty Lumpkin Assoc. approved by Council 360.00 W.H. Lefty Lumpkin Assoc. 60.00 Grapevine Auto Parts 45.78 Thomas Rubber Stamp 67.93 The Rohan Company 86.46 Circle R. Electric Company 45.00 North Star Laboratories 26.00 Foy Keys 75.00 CertainTeed pipe 11,908.00 Aqua Utility Inc. 337.01 TOTAL $ 22,039.74