November 26, 2001
Board Members Present: President Ralph Evans; Members: Tim O'Conner, Rex Potter (4:40p.m.),
Bobby Rawls, Rick Stacy, and Tom Stephen.
Board Member Absent: Tad Stephens
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman and Executive Secretary Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ralph Evans at
4:35 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
No executive session was necessary.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
There were no comments from the audience during Public Forum.
Agenda Item Nos. 5A, Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meetings held August 20,
2001 and September 18, 2001; 5B, Matching funds request from Grapevine / Southlake Soccer
Association for Grade Rite field leveler; and 5C, Matching funds request from Southlake
Women's Club for banner arms for placement of banners along Southlake Boulevard.
There was no discussion on the consent agenda items.
Motion was made to approve Agenda Items Nos. 5A, 5B, and 5C.
Motion: O' Conner
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Rawls, Stacy, and Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Additional Information concerning Consent Agenda Items
Agenda Item No. 5A. Minutes of August 20 and September 18, 2001 approved as presented.
Agenda Item No. 5B. Matching funds request for $2,000 from Grapevine / Southlake Soccer
Association for a Grade Rite field leveler approved as requested.
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Agenda Item No. 5C. Matching funds request for $1,000 from Southlake Women's Club for banner
arms for placement of banners along Southlake Boulevard approved as requested.
Agenda Item No 6A Approval of the Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of CISD Carroll
Intermediate School playing field.
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman commented that the proposed interlocal agreement
for Carroll Intermediate School playing field comes directly as a result of the proposed lighting of the
field to accommodate the Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association. Key points of the agreement
• City shall allocate $150,000 towards the construction of the lighting (as approved by SPDC
through the FY 2001/02 CIP)
• Field maintenance fee will be established in accordance with the field maintenance fees
already in place for youth sports associations. The City and CISD will split the fees
collected with fifty percent going to each entity.
• City will maintain the lighting and equipment and will be responsible for electrical cost
associated with the lighting.
• CISD will establish the turf and maintain the fields through mowing, aeration, irrigation
and fertilization.
• City use of the field shall be from 4:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, 8:00
a.m. - 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. With the
exception of pre-scheduled games, CISD reserves the right to use the field beyond 4:30
p.m. during the week, or anytime on Saturday, and Sunday for special school functions.
• Term of the agreement is for 5 years and can be automatically renewed for additional 5-
year periods.
• JUC recommended approval at its Nov. 8 meeting.
Board member O'Conner asked whether or not field maintenance fees were the same as those for the
other associations. Mr. Hugman explained that the fees were the same as for baseball and softball.
Motion was made to approve the Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of CISD Carroll Intermediate
School playing field.
Motion: Stephen
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 6B. Award of bid to Green Scaping for trail construction at Bicentennial Park
and Royal & Annie Smith Park. Public Hearing.
Director Hugman informed the Board that Green Scaping submitted the low bid in the amount of
$167,840 which includes construction of a new trail that would circle around the easterly perimeter of
Bicentennial Park and connect the existing trails and sidewalks within the park, and to the planned
TMB trail along North White Chapel. The bid also includes construction of an eight-foot trail
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providing a northern loop within Royal and Annie Smith Park as well as connect the planned off-road
sidewalk along Johnson Road to the southern entrance of Florence Elementary. Mr. Hugman also
said that funds have been expended for the demolition and removal of existing structures and debris in
the amount of $7,360. He explained that funding for the project will include $99,747.64 remaining in
the FY 1998-99 budget for Bicentennial Park trail improvements, $50,000 allocated in FY 1999-2000
for Royal and Annie Smith Park improvements, and $30,000 from the Neighborhood Park
improvements line item to make up the difference and to provide a contingency of $5,000 ($99,747.64
+ 50,000 + 30,000 = $179, 747.64; $167,840 + 7,360 + 5,000 = $180,200).
Mr. Hugman explained to the Board that staff did apply for a grant with the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department for the Smith Park trail, but TPW awarded the grant to the equestrian trail project since it
involved several cities including Southlake. He also commented that TxDOT has recommended that
trails be constructed with a minimum width of 8' because of safety issues.
There were no comments from the audience during the public hearing.
Motion was made to award the bid to Green Scaping in the amount of $167,840 for trail construction
at Bicentennial Park and Royal and Annie Smith Park.
Motion: Potter
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Preside t Ralph Evans
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Kim hush
Executive Secretary
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SPDC Meeting Minutes, November 26, 2001, Page 3 of 3