August 20, 2001
Board Members Present: Vice President Rex Potter; Members: Bobby Rawls, Rick Stacy, Tom
Stephen, and Tad Stephens.
Board Members Absent: President Ralph Evans, Member Tim O'Conner
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community
Services Steve Polasek, Parks Senior Planner Chris Carpenter, Finance Director Sharen Elam, and
Executive Secretary Kim Bush.
Audio Note: There is not a complete recording of this meeting due to equipment malfunction (the only
participants heard on the CD are Vice President Potter and Board member Stacy).
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Rex Potter at
6:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
No executive session was necessary.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
There were no comments from the audience during the Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held July 17 and
the Special SPDC meeting held July 23, 2001.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of the regular SPDC meeting held July 17 and the Special
SPDC meeting held July 23, 2001.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Potter, Stacy, Stephen, Rawls
Nays: none
Abstained: Stephens
Approved: 4-0-1
Agenda Item No. 6A. SPDC FY 2001-02 Annual Operating Budget.
Finance Director Sharen Elam explained that there were no new requests in the budget. She said that
the proposed operating budget provides for the continuation funding of the park maintenance workers
and the park planning and construction superintendent and annual debt service payment. Ms. Elam
further clarified that the proposed budget includes a 5 % salary increase (within the pay plan for step
There were no comments during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve the SPDC FY 2001-02 annual operating budget as presented.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Stephen
Ayes: Potter, Stacy, Stephen, Stephens, Rawls
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 7A. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and FY 2001-02 Capital Projects
Community Services Director Kevin Hugman explained that the informal ranking that was discussed at
the last meeting has been applied to the spreadsheet for the proposed CIP 2002 - 2006. He further
commented that the FY 2001-02 Capital Projects budget includes: (1) increase for matching funds to
$200,000 - this was in the expenditure line item, but offset with $100,000 in revenue tobetter show
financially what occurs; (2) girls softball complex includes $700,000 for improvements and $400,000
was moved to land acquisition; (3) changes to recreation center planning and construction costs to
reflect previous SPDC direction; (4) staff will look into renovating Tucker house for nature center; (5)
$150,000 allocated for neighborhood park development - either for one park or several depending on
SPDC direction.
Public Hearing:
Kelli Riley, President, Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Assoc., was present to ask the Board to keep in
mind the needs of the Lacrosse Association. She commented that she would like to see $150,000
allocated out of the SPDC budget to fund lights at the Carroll Intermediate School football field. She
stated that several CISD students were in the audience to show their support for lacrosse. The
following students spoke in support of the sport and how much it has meant to them:
• Andrew Perez - developed a lacrosse Web site
• Chase Smith - looking at receiving a scholarship for playing lacrosse
• Scott Smetko - looking at the opportunity to play at Harvard
• Patrick Humes - plays at Durham and hopes to have an opportunity to continue in college. His
brothers are looking at playing for Notre Dame.
Karen Davis stated that she recently moved to Southlake and as a single mother had concerns about
her high school son being able to adjust to a new school. However, she commented that he became
involved with lacrosse and she stated that it was an "answer to her prayers" for herself and her son.
Judy Spaeth, 1218 Sarah Park Trail, asked the Board to consider purchasing land from Aventerra
contiguous to the property the City purchased from Metro Pool Company on Continental Boulevard
and East Haven. She stated that she understood the City also had planned to purchase the individual
mobile home lots and the Aventerra property and then develop all the property as a park. Ms. Spaeth
commented that Aventerra is no longer developing in this phase of Timarron and there are no park
facilities in this area - she believes one is badly needed.
There were no other comments from the audience during Public Hearing.
Community Services Director Kevin Hugman commented that staff is looking into the possibility of
providing playing fields at Texas School of Baseball. He also commented that staff might be able to
work around the girls' softball schedule once the fields are ready for play. Board member Stacy
stated that before making a $150,000 investment to light the CISD old high school field, he would
want to see at least a 5-year agreement with CISD for use of the field. Director Hugman commented
that it would be possible to install lights that could be removed and used somewhere else.
Board members Stacy and Rawls suggested that the funds set aside for the nature center be reduced
from $100,000 to $5,000 - $10,000 and use the remainder for providing lights for a lacrosse field.
Board member Potter commented that he would rather see the money for lacrosse come out of land
acquisition. Mr. Stacy suggested that volunteers could help build something for the nature center as
volunteers did for the renovation of the senior center. The Board suggested staff research funding for
the lighting and alternatives for the nature center and bring back for Board consideration.
Board member Stacy commented that he remembers discussing the use of the Metro Pool site as a
neighborhood park, but property owners of the individually owned lots were asking too much to sale.
He suggested that he and other Board members meet with Aventerra concerning the lots they owned.
Director Hugman commented that staff would address the suggestions made tonight and bring the
Capital Projects budget back for consideration at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 7B, Sales Tax Report and Item No. 7C, Project Status Report. There were no
comments or questions of concern regarding the reports.
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.
Vice President Rex Potter
Chi ~ In
Kid Bush
Executive Secretary