April 23, 2001
Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman (6:55 p.m.), Gary
Fawks, Rex Potter, Rick Stacy, Tad Stephens, and Cara White.
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community
Services Steve Polasek, Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, and Secretary to
the City Manager Kim Bush.
(Note: the quality of the audio recording of the meeting was very poor - City staff comments could
not be heard.)
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at
6:05 p.m.
Item No. 5A. Approval of the meeting minutes of March 26, 2001.
Motion was made to approve the minutes for the March 26, 2001 regular SPDC meeting as presented.
Motion: White
Second: Stephens
Ayes: Fawks, Kendall, Stephens, White
Nays: none
Approved: 4-0
Item No. 6A. Award of bid to Sun Ports International for shade structures for baseball fields in
Bicentennial Park and approval of Change Order No. 1.
Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman presented to the Board information concerning the
shade structures for the baseball fields. He commented that one bid was received, from Sun Ports
International in the amount of $133,725. Staff met with the contractor and developed a reduction in
the size of shade structures for ballfields #8 and #9, resulting in a $12,000 savings, which brought the
project within budget. Southlake Baseball Association (SBA) informed staff that they concurred with
the proposed change order. Mr. Hugman stated that staff recommends the award of bid ($133,735)
and approval of Change Order #1 (cost reduction of $12,000), and a project construction contingency
(additional $8,000), for a total project cost not to exceed $129,735.
Bill Stroope, SBA President, was available at the meeting to answer questions of the Board. Board
member White expressed dissatisfaction with the different sizes of the shade structures and thought
they all should be a uniform size. She asked Mr. Stroope if SBA was happy with the proposed
changes in the size of the structures. Mr. Stroope commented that they would prefer that all the
structures be the same, but would go along with the change so that the project would not be held up.
Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry explained that the change was
recommended not just for the cost savings but because of site restrictions on some fields that made it
necessary to change the size of the structures including the location next to other buildings, trees, etc.
Mr. Henry commented that he would be happy to get with SBA to further discuss the design of the
structures and then come back to the Board if any changes are necessary.
There were no comments from the audience during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to approve award of bid to Sun Ports International for baseball fields in
Bicentennial Park and approve change order No. 1.
Motion: Potter
Second: White
Ayes: Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 611, Approval of Joint Utilization Agreement between Carroll Independent
School District and City of Southlake for natatorium.
Director Hugman reminded the Board that CISD and City Council approved the joint use agreement
at a joint meeting on April 11, 2001. He stated that staff placed this item on SPDC's agenda so that
the Board could formally approve the allocation of funding towards the natatorium.
Board member Fawks commented that he had spoken with CISD Trustee Bill Eden, and Mr. Eden
had very positive comments about the outcome of the joint meeting with City Council.
There were no comments from the audience during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to approve the Joint Utilization Agreement between CISD and the City of Southlake
for the natatorium as approved at the joint meeting with CISD and the City of Southlake.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Potter
Ayes: Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
President Kendall announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the
Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, consultation with
attorney, 551.072, deliberation regarding real property, and/or 551.073 deliberation regarding
prospective gift. Executive Sessions may be held at any time during the meeting that a need arises.
SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:23 p.m.
SPDC returned to open session at 7:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene.
There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session.
Agenda Item No. 6C, Contract for professional services with Brinkley Sargent Architects for
Recreation Center.
Director Hugman stated that staff has obtained City Council approval for use of the
Timarron/Richards site for the proposed recreation center. He commented that staff is hoping to get
underway quickly with the design of the recreation center in order to apply for a Texas Parks and
Wildlife Indoor Recreation grant. The application for the grant is due by July 31, 2001. Mr.
Hugman commented that staff is very comfortable with the qualifications and experience of Brinkley
Sargent Architects. He also stated that included in the scope of services contract, is the development
of an enterprise plan. As suggested by the Board, the enterprise plan will include a detailed analysis
of expected operating expenses, staffing needs and anticipated revenues, based on the projected
facilities and programming in the facility. Mr. Hugman explained that the SPDC budget allocated
$550,000 for design and $5,700,000 for construction and staff anticipates receiving a Texas Parks and
Wildlife grant in the amount of $750,000. Therefore, assuming an award of grant, the proposed
contract with Brinkley Sargent ($593,500) is based on a total project construction budget of
$6,406,500, which also includes $281,500 for construction contingency.
Mr. Dwayne Brinkley of Brinkley Sergeant Architects was present to answer questions.
Board member Stacy asked if the City could just copy the design of an existing recreation center such
as the Coppell facility in order to save money on the architectural design services. Mr. Brinkley
commented that every facility is designed with specific criteria unique to each site and community.
(Board member Stacy had to leave the meeting at this time.)
Board members discussed their concerns about going over the budget amount of $550,00 for design
services. It was suggested that the project be scaled back until such time the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department grant can be confirmed. If the grant is awarded then staff could bring back a
request for additional services.
There were no comments from the audience during public hearing.
Motion was made to approve the contract for professional services with Brinkley Sargent Architects
for the recreation center adjusting the total project cost budget to $5.5 million and approving
architectural fees in the amount of $546,625.
Motion: Fawks
Second: Potter
Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stephens, White
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 6D, Allocation of additional funding for softball complex at Bicentennial Park.
Director Hugman informed the Board that the Southlake Girls' Softball Association (SGSA) requested
the Park Board consider moving the planned softball complex from Bicentennial Park to Bob Jones
Park. This request was based on a desire by SGSA to take advantage of current ballfield development
at Bob Jones Park. The softball association was hoping that the $1.1 million allocated for the
complex at Bicentennial could be reallocated to the Bob Jones Park project in order to alleviate a
funding shortfall. This request was initiated due to the estimated cost for full development of a
complex at Bicentennial Park well over $2 million. Staff believes that there are several options
available in order to reduce the initial cost of the project at Bicentennial Park and still provide for the
needs of the SGSA. Staff recommends that funds be allocated to contract with Schrickel, Rollins and
Associates to provide a detailed conceptual design with cost estimates. This would allow for the
project components to be reviewed in greater detail, scaled back where appropriate, and / or phased in
over time if necessary.
Matt Tuggey, President of SGSA, was present to answer questions. Mr. Tuggey commented that they
made the request for Bob Jones Park because they wanted to get going as quickly as possible with a
facility for girls' softball. He stated that they thought something would have been done by now since
talk of a girl's softball complex started almost two years ago. Mr. Tuggey stated that right now they
need one more lighted field - they have three currently. He informed the Board that they need a 4-
plex and would like to have concession and restroom facilities near by, preferably located within their
complex. Right now they are not able to host tournaments due to lack of facilities - it is not practical
for them to hold games at more than one location. Mr. Tuggy explained that there is more
competition play with tournament games, however, there is also a category during tournaments for
recreational teams.
Board members explained that SPDC purchased additional property at Bicentennial Park specifically
with the intention of locating the girls' complex there - they would like to continue their focus at
Bicentennial Park. The SPDC Board agreed that a detailed conceptual design with cost estimates was
needed in order to better determine what scope of services could be included for the softball complex.
Mr. Tuggy added that it would be nice to have a concession facility, but they definitely need a
restroom facility and they would much rather have a fourth field rather than the additional parking.
He also confirmed for the Board that they could consider having the fourth field unlighted - they
would have some flexibility when scheduling tournament games.
Board member White suggested that the money that was allocated for a second restroom at Bob Jones
Park be reallocated and included for a restroom at Bicentennial Park for the softball complex. Board
members agreed this would be a good idea.
Motion was made to direct City staff to contract with an architectural firm to develop a detailed
conceptual plan with cost estimates for a softball complex at Bicentennial Park with a contract amount
not to exceed $9,000.
Motion: Potter
Second: White
Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stephens, White
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
President Kendall recommended that staff bring forward at the next SPDC meeting a discussion item
concerning the reallocation of funds for a second restroom at Bob Jones Park to Bicentennial Park for
the softball complex.
Agenda Item No. 7A, Sales Tax Report and Item No. 711, Project Status Report.
Board member Potter asked staff about the status of current projects. He recommended that staff look
at how funding of projects are coming along and whether we are running under or over cost - there
may be some money left over from some of the completed projects that can be reallocated to other
Agenda Item No. 14. Adjournment.
Director Hugman commented that the next regularly scheduled meeting in May falls on Memorial
Day; therefore, staff is recommending that there not be a meeting in May. If a meeting becomes
necessary, one could be scheduled for a time just prior to the City Council meeting.
There being no further business to discuss a motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at
8:50 p.m.
ce Pre ' nt Rex Potter
im ush
Ex utive Secretary