September 17, 2002
Board Members Present: President Ralph Evans; Members: Tim O'Conner, Rex Potter (4:45), Bobby
Rawls, Rick Stacy, and Tom Stephen.
Board Members Absent: Dorothy Wood
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community
Services Steve Polasek, Finance Director Sharen Elam, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ralph Evans at 4:38
Agenda Item No. 2 and 3, Executive Session/Reconvene. No executive session was necessary.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Peter Gaal, 223 Timberlake Way. President of the Grapevine/Southlake Soccer Association. Mr. Gaal
presented to the City, on behalf of GSSA, a check in the amount of $12,000 to be used for lighting at
Bob Jones Park. He also reported to the Board that there are approximately 2200 kids participating in
the GSSA with approximately 60% of those being Southlake residents. Mr. Gaal expressed thanks to
city staff and thanked them for a good working relationship. The only issue the association has is that
the concession stand has still not been rebuilt since the fire.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments. Director Hugman reminded the Board about the
Sept. 24 meeting at which time the Board will be considering the SPDC Five-Year CIP budget.
Item No. 6A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held July 15, 2002.
Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 7A. Matching funds request from Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association for
additional Soccer goals at Bob Jones Park, in the amount of $2,000. Director Hugman stated that the
GSSA is requesting consideration of $2,000 in matching funds for the purchase of three additional sets
of soccer goals, to include nets and anchor pins, for use at Bob Jones Park. The proposed soccer goals
would serve the under six age group and are estimated to cost $4,000.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the matching funds request from the Grapevine Southlake Soccer
Association for additional soccer goals at Bob Jones Park in the amount of $2,000.
Motion: Stacy
Second: O'Conner
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 7B. Matching funds request from Southlake Baseball Association for the
creation of a new field at Bicentennial Park in the amount of $12,550. Director Hugman stated that
the new proposed baseball field #11 would serve the Shetland League for ages five and six. The project
would involve grading the site, adding topsoil, French drains, and sod. Irrigation, dugouts, fencing,
necessary retaining walls, and a shade canopy would also be included. Lights would not need to be
added as the existing fixtures were installed with the thought of placing a future field at this location and
thus have the ability to provide adequate lighting. The new field is expected to be ready for play by next
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the matching funds request from the Southlake Baseball Association for
the creation of a new field at bicentennial Park in the amount of $12,550.
Motion: Rawls
Second: Potter
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 7C. Matching funds request from Southlake Baseball Association for
improvements to Bicentennial Park Field #8 outfield in the amount of $17,390 Director Hugman
stated that using a recent matching funds grant, SBA along with the City, funded the re-grading of the
infields, installation of new sod, and irrigation modifications to fields #4 through #10. During the
process of establishing the grades on the ballfields, it was discovered that the outfield on field #8 was
extremely flat and in some areas would force water back on to the infields. The work being proposed
with this request would entail cutting the outfield and removing approximately 2,000 square yards of
soil, modifying the effected irrigation system, removing and reinstalling the fencing to grade, and re-
sodding the outfield. Director Hugman also commented that under ground drainage pipe would be
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the matching funds request from the Southlake Baseball Association for
improvements to Bicentennial Park field #8 outfield in the amount of $17,390.
Motion: Rawls
Second: Potter
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 7D. Approval of FY2002-03 SPDC Operating Budget Director Hugman stated
that the operating budget reflects projected revenues from sales tax and interest income of $2,256,240
and expenditures of $304,282 for operations and $1,708,910 for debt service. Other than the transfer out
expenditure for debt services the operating budget includes salaries for two crew leaders, six
maintenance workers and four temporary maintenance workers. The only change in the operating cost
is the elimination of the park panning/construction supervisor position.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the FY2002-03 SPDC Operating Budget as presented.
Motion: Stephen
Second: Potter
Ayes: Evans, O'Conner, Potter, Rawls, Stacy, Stephen
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
President Ralph vans
Ki Bush
Sec etary to the City Manager