1983-12-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION December 6,1983 7 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: Future Water Supply. Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 6,1983 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Long Term Water Supply. City of Fort Worth. City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham. 3. Discussion: Ordinance to cover No Parking in certain areas. 4. Consider: Resolution 83-21. Future Land Use Map. 5. Presentation: Planned Cable Systems Corp. Barney Caswell. 6. Consider: Release from Southlake to have Grapevine serve sewer to a 45 acre tract of land in Southlake. Richard Eakins. 7. Consider: Ordinance to annex 26.95 acres of land. 8. Consider: Request for annexation. Gil Traverse. 9. ZA 83-36. Zoning request for an 11.1847 acre tract of land out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 529. Tract 1 and 1A. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owner: TBL,Inc. Jack Petty. Public Hearing. 10. ZA 83-39. Zoning request for a 4.042 acre tract of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 458. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Bryant Ferguson. Public Hearing. 11. ZA 83-40. Zoning request for a 4 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Industrial Zoning District. Owner: James L. Davis. Public Hearing. 12. ZA 83-40. Final plat approval for a 4 acre tract of land to be known as Davis Addition. 13. ZA 83-41. Request for a Special Exception Use Permit for Heavy Construction business with outside storage. The location is Lot 2 of the proposed Davis Addition. Public Hearing. 14. Consider: Resolution 83-22. Assistant Fire Marshal appointment. 15. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION As per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes. Article 6252-17. 1. Discussion: Reserve Officers/Chaplin for Police Department. OPEN SESSION 16. Consider: Reserve Police Officer and Office /Chaplin. I hereby certify that the agenda was posted on Friday ec mber 2Y9 8 at 4 p.m. on the official bulletin board, city hall. 4 U, y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS M 0 --3 n O MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COil z e d MEETING. x z > 'z7 DATE: December 6,1983 d d a ° TIME: 7:30p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBER` •3 ~ cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAK NAME OF o o TEXAS. %.OUNC I LPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta. Councilpersons: Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm, Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Loyd Eubanks PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS: Jeff Ault and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Ted Phillips, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Marion Bone. The Minutes of the November 15 meeting were approved as were the minutes of the Special City Council meeting of the same date. MAYORS REPORT It was announced that December 22, will be the date for the annual Christmas Dinner for City Council, staff and all who helped serve the city in various ways during 1983. The Dallas Fort Worth Airport officials have been invited to make a presentation at the December 20, city council meeting. Purpose of the presentation will be to enlighten citizens of Southlake on activities involving the airport, and its effect on Southlake. There was a worksession on this date with Eddie Cheatham, city engineer, concerning water expansion with the City of Fort Worth. During the council meeting, Cheatham y C C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular o "'3 0 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z > tj d . MEETING, tt z Y ITT DATE: December 6,1983 d Y TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z " PAGE: 2 INDEX reviewed the tentative terms of the proposed water service contract betwee City of Southlake and the City of Fort Worth. It will be sixty days (60) before Fort Worth will complete the contract, therefore, in order for Cheatham to be on schedule, he must proceed with engineering before contracts are complete. He agreed to split the engineering costs with the city on a 50/50 basis , if the contracts do not go through with Fort Worth. Terms of the contract include service to be given to Southlake as long as we remain 1 acre lot per home or un- til Southlake is on a central sewer system. The price for the 18" line, about 82 miles in length will be one million, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. (1,650,000.). The price quoted.is with no other city being involved in the project. Latta x x Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to McCombs x x consumate a contract with Edddie Bone x Cheatham and document the terms in the contract. Motion was also made and approved Latta x x for Mayor Sparger to contact Tom Westerholm x Anderlitch, the cities bonding agent, McCombs concerning bond monies for the water x improvements. Also, for Mayor Sparge Bone x x to get the ball rolling for additional money needed for the project. Sparger ask to set up a meeting with City of Fort Worth concerning water negotiations. The meeting is set for December 12 at 7:30 p.m. Cheatham is to contact the engineers of Grapevine, Keller, and Roanoke. This will be an open meeting. v c < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > r~ W 0 0 ~ ~o Cn -A tars MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d C ' MEETING, x tTJ z a 1rd DATE: December 6,1983 tTJ d d > ~ TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX A discussion was held concerning the need for an ordinance to control no parking in areas of the city, on city streets. Chief Phillips is to establish areas with problems concern- ing parking on the right-of-way. The item will be advertised for public hearing at the earliest possible time. Latta x x Resolution 83-21 was approved to RESOLUTION Westerholm x x work in conjunction with the future 83-21 McCombs x land use map. Bone x John Moore, representing the property owners of a 45 acre tract of land which is surrounded by Grapevine Industrial District, came before council requesting a letter from Southlake saying.we would permit Grapevine to-serve sewer to the land, described as being in the Thomas Easter Survey. AGREEMENT WITH CITY After discussion, motion was made OF GRAPE- and approved to pursue discussions VINE, RE: Latta x x with the City of Grapevine concerning SEWER Westerholm x sewering of the 45 acre tract, provid d SERVICE McCombs x x this can be accomplished by an Bone x agreement, with no costs to the City of Southlake. A presentation was made by Joe Hipple president of Planned Cable TV Co. Mayor Pro Tem Latta chaired this agenda item. Ordinance No. 291, was approved ORDINANCE Westerholm x which will annex a 26.95 acre tract NO 291. Combs x x of land into the City of Southlake. _.,ne x x Owner, Sam Sparger. cn y ~ c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d n Regular M o __3 M M MINUTES OF THE C I TY COUN::' I 0 d c7 MEETING. x rn z a DATE: December 6,1983 d d y ;0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKF NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX A request was made for annexation REQUEST of a 1.74 acre tract of land. The FOR property described as being a tract of ANNEXATI N land out of the C.B. McDonald Survey, is owned by Gil Traverse. Latta x x Motion was made and approved to Westerholm x proceed with annexation. McCombs x x Bone x ZA 83-36. The item was withdrawn from the agenda at the owners request. ZA 83-39. The zoning change requeste A 83-39 by Bryant Ferguson, for a 4.042 acre APPROVED 1-tta x x tract of land out of the Thomas 0 LIGHT ~terholm x x Easter Survey, was approved by OMMERCIA~, N..ombs x council. The present zoning is Bone x Agricultural, changed to Light Commercial. There were no property owners present during the public hearing. ZA 83-40. Zoning change request for ZA 83-40 a 4 acre tract of land out of the DENIED Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Present zoning is Agricultural, re- quest is for the Light Industrial Zoning District. Latta x x After discussion, motion was made Westerholm x and approved to deny the request McCombs x x as the P & Z Commission had denied Bone x the request. Items #12 and #13 were deleted from Latta x x the agenda. Westerholm x x Resolution 83-22 appointing David RESOLUTIO McCombs x Barns as assistant Fire Marshal 83-22 Bone x was approved. There will be no compensation for this appointment. Latta x x The bills presented, were approved Westerholm x for payment. McCombs x Bone x x cn v CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ~ 0 ---3 0 o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL -3 d H d d MEETING. M ~ > o DATE: December 6,1983 d H TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y y Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX CLOSED SESSION: Closed session as per V.T.A.S. article 6252-17. 1. Consider reserve police officer. OPEN SESSION: Latta x x Approval was given for Kent Marrs Westerholm x to serve as a reserve police officer/ McCombs x x chaplin. Bone x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. Ma r ATTEST: hot"&'- City Secretary