1983-11-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15,1983 6 p.m. AGENDA 1. Request for annexation of a 26.95 acre tract of land out of the Hall Medlin Survey. Owner: Sam Sparger. Public Hearing to be held on the property site: 331 E. Continental Blvd. Southlake, Texas. CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION Immediately following the special city council meeting. Location will be city hall. AGENDA 1. Water Expansions. 2. Future Land Use Map. I hereby certify that the above agenda for special city council meeting was posted on the official bulletin board, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, November 12, 1983 at 4 p.m. City Secretary C < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rh 0 0 t" o n C/) M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING. ni z Irl DATE: November 15,1983 d a ~ TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKI; 'SAME OF 0 0 ~ TEXAS. t'OU N(: I LPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Johnny Westerho m Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Mario Bone. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Rick Stacy CITY STAFF: Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Ted Kasper, Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta The Minutes of the November 1,1983, City Council meeting were approved as corrected. The Minutes of the November 1,1983 Special City Council Meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Sparger briefed the audience on the discussions held during the worksession held on this date. He indicated that the future land use map was discussed and the City Council's basic feeling is that Highway 114 be primarily office park additions with greenbelts and FM1709 be a variety of commercial zonings. He added that a Resolution will be passed at the next city council meeting concerning this. The Southlake water system was also discussed during the worksession. The City has been given an unofficial go-ahead by the City of Fort Worth in regards to a long term surface 4 C/~ C c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > rn td 0 0 rn 0 ~ rrT1 rm MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z t7 t7 MEETING. x td z a Iri DATE: November 15,1983 d d > TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y o Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKt NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS. COUNC I LPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDFX water supply from them. With this in mind, the city is pursuing a water line along FM1709 from west of Keller to White Chapel Road. It will involy approximately 8 miles of water lines. The City will use funds which were approved from the bond election held on December 19,1981. The Mayor mentioned that the Planning and Zoning Commission is working on narrowing the scope of the current Zoning Ordinance No. 261. Latta x x Ordinance No. 287 was approved, ORDINANCE Westerholm x annexing the Randal Mill Estates NO. 287 McCombs x x Eubanks x into the City of Southlake. Bone x :ta x x The standard Developers Agreement was Westerholm x approved with the terms of the off- Eubanks s x x x site water added to the agreement. Eubank Bone X Latta x x Ordinance No. 288 was approved ORDINANCI Westerholm x x establishing a Street and Road NO. 288 McCombs x Improvement and Maintenance Fund. Eubanks x Bone x Ordinance No. 289 was approved, ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 160-A NO. 289 in regards to development funds. Latta x x Westerholm x x The increase in fees is to be put McCombs x into the Street and Road Improvement Eubanks x and Maintenance Fund. Bone X Latta x x Ordinance.No. 290 was approved ORDINANCI Westerholm x which provides for the 50% increase NO. 290 McCombs x in the building permit fees to be F-hanks x put into the Street and Road Improve- I e x x ment and Maintenance Fund. v < c CITY OF SOUTH ~.AKE , TEXAS D tri bd O O d o .-3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCI_ z d d MEETING, x tT1 z y DATE: November 15,1983 M d d a ~ TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBLR> 3 a cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKf NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX ZA 83-35. The zoning request for a 4.39 acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18, Tract 2W, was considered for Heavy Commerci 1 Zoning. Present zoning is Light Commercial. Owner, James Martin was present and indicated he had no defin to plans for the property other than the strip center he has a permit for. During the public hearing, Nelson Miller, a property owner, not within 200' spoke against the zoning change. ZA 83-35. ZONING Loyd Eubanks moved the request be DENIED denied. Motion died for lack of a second. Latta x x sterholm x Motion was made and a vote taken to . -ombs x x approve the request for Heavy Eubanks x Commercial. Bone x Due to the fact that the Planning and Zoning Commission had unanimously turned down the request, in order for the Council to grant the request, the vote must be 4-1, therefore, the request was denied by City Council. ZA 83-38. The plat for a 8.78 acre ZA 83-38. tract of land in the city extraterri- PLAT Latta x x torial jurisdiction , to be known APPROVED Westerholm x as Pearson Lane Addition, was approve McCombs x contingent upon two changes being made to the plat. Clarification of Eubanks x the ownership and a 72' easement be Bone x x added for utilities. Latta x x ZA 83-42. The replat of Lots 1 & 2 ZA 83-42 Westerholm x x of the Heatherwood Estates Addition REPLAT McCombs x was approved subject to an amendment HEATHERWOO] Eubanks x being made to the title block as ESTATES. Bone x suggested by the City Attorney. cn y < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d n Cn y o-9 Regular rn o -A rn rn MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCI>. zz H d d MEETING. rn z v rn DATE: November 15,1983 rn d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAK NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX A discussion was held in regards to a Post Office being established in the Latta x x City of Southlake. Westerholm x Motion was made and approved that the McCombs x city go on record as being in favor Eubanks x Bone x x of a post office in Southlake. Latta x x Motion was made and approved to de- `vVesterholm x signate the day after Thanksgiving McCombs x as a permanent holiday for the employ es Eubanks x of the City of Southlake. An amendment Bone x x to the Personnel Rules and Regulation will be made to reflect this. The Department Reports were reviewed. Latta x x The bills presented were approved for Westerholm x McCombs x payment. Eubanks x Bone x x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. K Mayo ATT ST: City Secretary c < CITY OF SOU'I'Iii.AKL, TEXAS y 0 (D d Special rn 0 -A rn rn MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL d d d MEETING. a o DATE: November 15,1983 c~ a x TIME: 6 p.m. ~~'x (3I f di xl c d ~CSL 0 0 z PLACE: ~ ~ cn ~frfc~7x~f}ICE#c~d~I~xix~~didicx~'Tt~tk>~ NAME OF 0 0 A)EW*Qsx 331 East Continental Blvd. COUNCTLI'11I SON Southlake, Texas. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm, Marion Bone, and Loyd Eubanks. The meeting was chairred by Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta. The Special City Council meeting was held at 331 E. Continental Blvd. for the purpose of holding the on-sit public hearing in conjunction with the request for annexation of a 26.95 acre tract of land out of the Hall Medlin Survey. Owner of the property is Sam Sparger. There were no comments from the property owners within 200' during the public hearing. tta Westerholm x x Motion was made and approved to McCombs x x proceed with the annexation process. Eubanks X , Bone x The meeting was ourned by Mayor Pro Tem Latta; MK or ro Tem ATTE City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15,1983 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Annexation of the Randol Mill Estates Addition. Also consider the approval of the Developers Agreement. 3. Consider: An Ordinance establishing the City of Southlake special fund for street and road maintenance and improvements. 4. Consider: An Ordinance designating a portion of building permit fees, plumbing permit fees, electric permit fees, to be paid to the special fund for street and road maintenance and improvements. 5. Consider: An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 160-A, Section 26, fees, to increase fees and to designate a portion of such fees to be paid to the City of Southlake special fund for streets, road maintenance and improvements. 6. Consider: ZA 83-35. Zoning request for a 4.39 acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18, Tract 2W. Present zoning is Light Commercial, request is for the Heavy Commercial Zoning District. Owner: James Martin. Public Hearing. 7. Consider: ZA 83-38. Plat approval for a.8.78 acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18. Pearson Lane Addition is property in the ETJ of Southlake. Owner: Sam Austin. 8. Consider: ZA 83-42. Replat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Heatherwood Estates Addition. Owner: Texport Bldg. 9. Consider: Request for Southlake Post Office. 10. Consider: Closing City Hall, the day after Thanksgiving. 11. Consider: Department Reports. 12. Consider: Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, November 12,1983 at 4:30 p.m. > City Secretary N Q x W h w W Y M Q 00 J O) y r h L O ~ N ~ O U-. 4--) O V N G F- 4 w U J LL J w rr..~ H J T OC C u w a W C) Q U 7 y. h I-- 0-4 a U W F- J U 00 V E M Co O a a = S Q O G S U U co W J J J Q Q co s- ri G. N a U c~ E > ' O S C O , h ' U W G Ob h o a = Q ' h ti N C] i M CL. co r .a y" ) U O a V u. .i o Q a ' LO H m r N ~ N N r N r O N M N O r N O O l0 O r r 7 oe W vi T._ v W Ln H N a o p a a ° Z pp W ci. ~ ~ 1W ~ W K N V1 J uw. O = 16- N N in - Y TO: HOMORABLF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of October, 1983 A. Responses: Plumber of calf 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 0 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 3 3. Auto b Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 3 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire A Rescue Unit) 2 5. Mutual-Aid for City of frapevine------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------- 0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) t 3 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 0 11. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 0 12. Rescue Unit rails---------------------------------------------------- 2 A. 1100 Southlake Blvd.-subject fell from horse B. Oakhill Mobile Home Park-Heart attack 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- 1 A. 2740 Raintree Dr.-Gas Waterheater Burner malfunction 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- 0 B. Total Fmernency Calls for the Month of October 14 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls 88 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting la----.... 144 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills----.SPSSioos_.__-_ - 240 4. Any Extra Nan Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. tune) 40 5. Man Hours Spent on Civic Duty. (Football Games, Etc.) 171 D. Totjl Man Hours Expended for Month---------------------------------- 483 E. Firetighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief R. P. Steele 12 Assistant Chief Harry Bradley 7 Capt. Jerrell Brown g Capt. Gary Fuller g Capt. David Barnes g Lt. Buddy Tanner 5 Lt. Randy Stacy 6 Darrell Brown 5 Jim Vann 3 Scott Irving 3 Bill Jones 3 Billy Roe g Jerry Walsh 12 Berry Dinsmore 5 James Stapleton 3 Bill Hudson a Mark Thomas 3 George Dalton 1 Brad Dalton 6 Ira Haynes 2 Res I submitted; . A.s F ire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH OF -Oc_o b G~►I Ions Pumped Previous Month 17,300 200 Gallons Suld Previous Month New Water Taps Installed Fire ►lydrants Installed M e t e r C h a n g e Out ~ 3 4!Cjj_ from 3 4" to 1" (21 Machine Rental Other Rc F,air•s ---L Leak 1 Moved meter - 1 Fire h dram re air Upgrading 8" Heatherwood 'r Water uper -nten an MWnfLY POLICE REPORT OCTOBER PRESENT PAST YEAR TO MONTH f1ONTH DATE TUPAL PAUIO C-AJJ S 76 0 `XT"AL CITATIONS ISSUED 206 180 2378 Traffic Citations Less Park' 149 168 Parkin Citations 57 12 244 Other Citations(Other than Traffic) 0 0 ACCIDEMS INVESTIGATED 4 15 123 Major Accidents( Involving injury) 3 5 85 Minor Accidents( Property Damage Only) 1 10 45 I 15 25 388 Ft-A(Dn Arrests 0 2 11 Misdemeanor Arrests 12 17 344 Juvenile Arrests 3 6 33 TOTAL CASES FILES 3 3 34 Felon 0 2 16 I Misd zor 2 1 15 Juvenile(T.C. Juvenile Probation) 1 0 3 TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 14 12 132 _T 'Ar.()1,T1TYJSES (--Lt ARF.D 8 4 38 CLEARANCE RATE 57% 33% 28% BURGLARIES REPORTED 7 3 40 Value - Stolen Property 5932.00 425.00 54953 Value - Recovered Property 0 300.00 920 THEFTS REPORTED 3 48 Value - Stolen Property 60 456.00 4477.00 115 216 Value - Recovered Pro rt 0 0 6730 CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS 3 1 8 I SGIrY)T: 11,RFo ,F7\P1..TTc';r]S 1 1 5 VEHICLE INFORMATION PRESENT YEAR M mcNTH nATE MITT 18 (1983 IUl e Diplomat) libtal Mileage 4527 32.200 Total Maintenance 288.36 288.36 UNIT 19 (1983 Dod e Di lanat) Total Mileage 479 33,019 Total Maintenance 28.50 28.50 UNIT 'Ibtal Milea e Total Maintenance UNIT Total Mileage Total Maintenance TOTAL MILEAGE (ALL VEHICLES) 9318 41,518 TOTAL MAINTENANCE COSTS(ATJ. VEHICLES) 316.86 316.86 Southl.ake Police Department Officer Activity tal Citations Zb tal Zb Accidents Miles OFFICER Issued Arrest Calls Inv. Driven 19 3 100 1 1612 35 2 136 2 1299 Offc- r 29 3 116 1 1945 Of fc D. Law _ 38 1 174 0 1518 Of f(- re 60 0 149 0 2211 Qff c. B. Per POLICE A EMY Inv. M. Burns 6 3 19 0 872 Chief Phillips 0 0 11 0 - Citations Total Total Accidents Hours RESERVE OFFICER Issued Arrest Calls Inv. hbrked Ca t. R. Anderson 6 1 5 0 8 hrs. Offc. D. Scott 10 2 30 0 30 hrs. 24 hrs. T Respectfully submitted, i % Ted Ph:~Ilips Chief of Police SoutYLIake Police Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT I. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF October 1983 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELECTRIC 80 77 PLUMBING 105 116 FRAMING 26 37 HEATING & AIR 50 58 FOUNDATION 33 33 SEPTIC SYSTEM 25 11 OTHER 44 62 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 363 394 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 38 $8,243.82 31 $5,808.00 ELECTRICAL 31 942.00 24 650.20 PLUMBING 33 980.00 20 544.00 HEATING & AIR 17 461.00 13 324.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 29 725.00 30 525.00 OTHER 16 160.00 16 160.00 TOTAL PERMITS 164 $11, 551.82 134 $8,011.20 3. BUILDING VALUATION THIS M NTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $3,670,349 00 $2,479,218.00 $24',039;889.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $1,671.00 506.00 $13,962.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $11,551.82 $8,011.20_ $85,940.02 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. C' BtING K BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN Value ~ 20-Single FamilyResidences$3,1,8 6-Pools 9 933,00558 CIAL 1-Garage 5,000 2-Barns 22,500 2-Duplexs,Multi-Family 180,000 2-Commerci-aT--BTdg. 110,000 1-Antenna 90,000 39- Total Value $3,670,349. Bills for Approval - City Council November 15, 1983 General Office Supply 68.30 Tri-County Electric 211.75 Circle E Food Market 37.22 Crabtree & Powers 151.01 Bud Tanner Plumbing 71.00 Group Life & Health 14.00 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 155.03 Mays, Grady & Burrus 47.00 William H. Smith 765.00 General Telephone 64.19 M & C Photography 44.75 Motor Supply (Police) 7.73 NCTCOG 70.00 Dearing & Son Texaco 34.50 Whites Auto 93.69 Nu-Way Wrecker 35.00 State Firemen's $ Fire Marshalls' Association 75.00 J.H. Parker Exxon S.2S Tarrant Fire Chief's Association 10.00 Motorola, Inc. 165.00 Motor Supply (Fire) 11.32 Circle Communications 148.50 Ferguson/Universal 640.00 Atlas Utility Supply 3441.66 Circle R Electric 195.00 general Telephone 13.60 ampco Supply 120.12 Payless Cashways 7.96 Case Power & Equipment 57.90 The Rohan Company 116.98 TOTAL 6878.46