1983-11-01 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1,1983 6 p.m. AGENDA 1. Request for annexation of Randol Mill Estates. 2nd public hearing to be held on the site. Randol Mill Road at the survey stakes. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 28,1983 a 2:30 p.m. X-- City Secretary a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS o MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z > d dMEETING. x z a 171 DATE: November 1,1983 d d a TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, C1I~~ ~ ~ czn NAME OF o o T:EXA:xx On the property site, COUNCILPERSON z z Randol Mill Road, Southlake, Texas. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone COUNCILPERSON'•ABSENT: Lloyd Latta. OTHER PERSONS PRESENT: City Secre- tary; Sandy LeGrand, and Ron McGroo. The second public hearing was held on the property site, concerning the request for annexation of the Randol Mill Estates, a subdivision in the City of Southlake's extraterri- torial jurisdiction. At that time there were no property owners within 200' present. After discussion, the meeting was adjourned by May Sam S arger. A 010. /1 Ma r ATTEST: ill "eh' _-1z City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1,1983 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Discussion: Mini Treatment Sewer Plant in Dove Estates Addition. 3. Consider: Sewer Committee Recommendations. Harold Knight. 4. Consider: Request for annexation of 26.95 acres of land out of the Hall Medlin Survey. Sam Sparger. Public Hearing. 5. Consider: Ordinance for street improvement fund. 6. Consider: Tax Appraisal District. Casting of ballot. 7. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 28,1983 at 2:30 p.m. City Secretary cn a C c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a rn W 0 0 M 0 -9 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d H d d MEETING. rn z a DATE: November 1,1983 3 d H TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 __3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z 1 PAGE: INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm, Loyd Eubanks, Marion Bone. COI?NCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Billy Jon Curb. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Ted Phillips, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Marion Bone. The Minutes of the October 18, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Sparger stated for the record that the fee for building permits as listed in the Uniform Building Codes, which the city recently adopted, will be enforced, effective November 2,1983. It was also noted that the city is considering alternate methods for a surface water supply. The City of Fort Worth has given Southlake an unofficial go-ahead to service Southlake with surface water, however, line extensions will be necessary. Lloyd Latta was absent from the meeting due to being out of the country on business. A discussion was held concerning the DOVE EST. proposed sewerage mini treatment PROPOSED plant to be installed in the Dove SEWERAGE Estates Addition of Southlake. TREATMENT PLANT DISCUSSED S 4 Cn > C ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ~ C o o Regular ~ o -_3 m ~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Z 9 MEETING, x tt z a ~ DATE: November 1,1983 tri d d > °0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 2 INDEX Designer, engineer of the project, CONTINUE Paul Whaley, was present to answer DISCUSSION questions concerning the operation, SEWERAGE location of the plant, and procedure of installation of the system. Citizens who spoke include: Wayne Dinsmore, Scotty Sutton, Bill Taylor, Doug Emery, Robert New, Joe Railey, Kay Milton and Paul Halman, to name a few. A report was given from the Citizens Advisory Group on Sewer. Harold Knight, chairperson gave the report. The committee wishes to recommend the SEWER city remain responsible for its own COMMITTEE septic inspections, and review of REPORT percolation tests. It was suggested that a possible change in our perc test requirements be considered. Councilperson Westerholm lead the ANNEXATION agenda item concerning the request SPARGER for annexation of a 26.95 acre tract PROPERTY of land out of the Hall Medlin Survey Owner of the property is Sam Sparger. The first public hearing resulted with no comments. The service plan was discussed. During the discussion for possible ORDINANCE approval of an ordinance establishing STREET a street repair/maintenance fund, it MAINTENANC] was agreed upon that the ordinance FUND presented was not what the council- DISCUSSED persons wished to accomplish. Westerholm made a motion to "clean-up' the existing Ordinance No. 160-A section 9.3e. Motion died for lack of a second. r cn v t c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ril ~ ° Regular d n t17 0 •-A M rd MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z v d d MEETING. x z v DATE: November 1, 1983 d d a ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 3 INDEX A motion was made and approved to Westerholm x authorize the city attorney to write McCombs x x an ordinance to raise engineering Eubanks x fees rom the present amount Bone x x allocated in Ordinance No. 160-A and to put a percentage of the increased revenue from building permit fees in a special fund for streets, road maintenance and improvements. VOTING After discussion concerning the. casti gTAD BOARD Westerholm x of the ballot for the member of the MEMBER McCombs x x board of the Tarrant County Tax Eubanks x Appraisal District, the five votes Bone x x Southlake has were all placed for T.J. Elkins. esterholm x The bills presented, were approved McCombs x x for payment. (attached hereto and Eubanks x made apart hereof). Bone x x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. M r ATTES , City Secretary Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting November 11, 1983 General Office Supply 91.13 Continental Office Supply 322.72 General Telephone 647.54 Shotwell Oil Company 2142.30 Lone Star Gas 11.32 Dennis Electric 1014.47 Travis Young Company 90.00 Rohne, Hoodenpyle, Bush & Lobert 71.92 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 2513.08 TML 1516.00 Racal Milgo 327.00 Pitney Bowes 198.00 International Conference of Building Officials 30.00 Texas Power & Light 994.69 Rogers Maintenance 515.00 Dearing & Son Texaco (Police) 3.00 Binswanger Glass Company (Police) 103.76 Ladd Uniform Company 4.00 Thomas Rubber Stamps 68.50 Dearing & Son Texaco (Fire) 10.50 J.R. Parker Exxon 13.60 Grapevine Medical Center 66.99 Grapevine Battery Center 47.50 Grapevine Automatic, Inc. 355.00 Big Three Industries 5.50 Binswanger Glass Company (Fire) 166.40 Texas Power & Light 6316.74 Fox Rental 105.00 OMC Sand & Gravel 74.40 Dixie Petro-Chem, Inc. 9.00 Bob Davis Hardware 46.99 Circle Communications 148.50 Circle R Electric 105.00 Joe B Cobler Service Co. 205.68 Case Power & Equipment 45.00 Aqua Utility, Inc. 2594.84 Welding Unlimited 165.00 TOTAL $21,146.07