1983-09-20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 20,1983 WORKSESSION 6:30 p.m. Discussion: Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and City Attorney and City Engineer. CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 20,1983 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Consider: Formula for road improvements. Resolution 83-21. 3. Consider: Truck traffic on city streets. 4. Consider: Ordinance No. 283. Tax Levy. 5. Consider: Plat approval for Randal Mill Estates. Acceptance of letter of intent. 6. Consider: ZA 83-28. Final plat of Alamo Estates. Approval of Developers Agreement. 7. Consider: ZA 83-27. Request for Special Exception Use Permit for Used Car Lot. Continuation of Public Hearing. 8. Consider: ZA 83-29. Zoning request for .69 acre tract of land out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for Neighborhood Service Commercial. Owner: Yerkey Company. Public Hearing. 9. Consider: ZA 83-30. Zoning request for .6 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract 581. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Dee Irvin Curry. Public Hearing. 10. Consider: ZA 83-30. Request for Special Use Permit for the sale of off premises packaged beer. (Property in agenda item #9.) Public Hearing. 11. Consider: ZA 83-31. Request for a Special Exception Use Permit for a Com-mercial Communication Tower. Property is described as .4298 acre tract of land in the Miron Subdivision. Owner: Mobile Phone Service Inc. Public Hearing. 12. Department Reports. Police: Approval for Police Cars. Approval for Capital Outlay Items. Fire: Approval for Schools. Approval for Capital Outlay Items. City: Approval for two IBM typewriters. 13. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 16,1983 at 3 p.m. City Secretary c < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 9 to td O O rri o ___3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular C I TY COCNC . z d d MEETING. d > o DATE: September 20,1983 r~ a z, TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKI NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta. Councilpersons: Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm, Marion Bone and Loyd Eubanks. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ed Norman, Jeff Ault, Ted Kasper, Jim Vorhis, Rick Stacy, Billy Jon Curb, Larry Samartin. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Ted Phillips, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs. The Minutes of the September 6,.1983, City Council meeting were approved as presented. During the Mayors Report, Councilman Westerholm reported that the sprinkler system is operating proper- ly at city hall. Mayor Sparger addressed the issue of FUNDING increased street repair problems STREET in Southlake due to the new develop- REPAIRS ments. He read from the existing subdivision Ordinance No. 160-A, 9.3 section E. After further discussion by Council, several citizens spoke. They include Richard Eakins, Larry Samartin, and Chuck Woolsey. A bond issue was also discussed for the purpose of street repairs. i k Cn a ~ ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a rr1 td 0 0 o -3 M t~ MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > t7 d MEETING. x d z a DATE: September 20,1983 d d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Latta x x Motion was made that the city attorney Westerholm x x draft an ordinance to state that a McCombs x fund be set up to repair existing Eubanks x city streets at a cost of $500. per Bone x lot. The fee is due to be paid to the city before the final inspection of the subdivision is made and build- ing permits are given. Effective date is October 4,1983. Motion was approved. Truck traffic on city streets was TRUCK discussed in regards to weights TRAFFIC as well as truck routes. Police DISCUSSED Chief; Ted Phillips was asked to enforce the issue as outlined in Ordinance No. 172. Eta x x Ordinance No. 283 was approved ORDINANC Westerholm x which sets the tax levy for 1983 NO. 283 McCombs x x tax roll at $.412. TAX LEVY Eubanks x Bone x Latta x x The final plat of Randol Mill Estates RANDOL Westerholm x was approved as was a letter of inten MILL McCombs x x from the developers, which indicated ESTATES Eubanks x they are requesting annexation into PLAT Bone x the city, as well as sharing costs APPROVEI of a water line extension to the land in question. ZA 83-28. The final plat of Alamo ZA 83-2L Estates was discussed by Council. ALAMO The opinion of the city attorney is ESTATES that the requirements for subdivision FINAL under Vernon's Texas Annotated PLAT Statutes 974a have been met, as are the requirements under city Ordinance No. 160-A, unless the city has a policy requirement on road dedication Concerning the Alamo Estates plat, if the city wants to ask for dedication it must show it on the pla, but the property does not change to lot and block. Cn n c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rri td Cn y o Regular d n rn o --3 M rri MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING, x z a DATE: September 20,1983 d d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. 3t 3.1 ~-q PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 o Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX Based on the attorney opinion, Westerholm feels we now have a policy for future street dedications. Latta x Motion was made by Westerholm to Westerholm x approve the final plat provided the dedication is given and property is identified on the plat. Withdrew motion Latta Westerholm made a motion to disapprov Westerholm x the plat as it does not comply with Ordinance 160-A, and in order to be consistant with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission Withdrew motion------ Westerholm made the motion to disapprove the plat based upon a lack of road dedication of the full subdivision as required by Ordinance No. 160-A. It was noted that the road dedication was discussed and was a part of the Planning and Zoning minutes, . Mr. Robert McPherson stated he would agree to the dedication as requested, but he would rather not have to dedicate roadway around his Latta x x home place. The P & Z members Westerholm x x present agreed that this statement McCombs x is correct. Eubanks x Bone x After the vote was taken, the plat was denied. ZA 83-27. The request for a Used Car ZA 83-27. Lot, Special Exception Use Permit, was granted to Mrs. Joe E. Wright, after the continuation of the public hearing. During the public hearing, Larry Samartin commented and brought Counci aware of Ordinance No. 261. Motion was made to approve the Specia Exception Use Permit for a period of ~5: C/) y C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ~ o ~ O t1d MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d H t:j r MEETING. x M Z a ~ DATE: September 20,1983 d > TIME: 7.30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS _q Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Latta x x Westerholm x one (1) year and that it must come McCombs x back to council before renewal. Also, Eubanks x that there is a limit of eight (8) Bone x x vehicles for sale at any one time. Ms. Wright presented a copy of the plat plan. ZA 83-29. The zoning request for a .6 ZA 83-29- acre tract.of land out of the O.W. APPROVED Knight Survey, Abstract 899 was appro d as requested. The property, zoned Latta x x Agricultural is now changed to Westerholm x Neighborhood Service Commercial. McCombs x x There were no comments during the Eubanks x public hearing. Bone x ZA 83-30. The zoning request for ZA 83-3C a .6 acre tract of land out of the DENIED Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract 581, was discussed. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. During the public hearing, Billy Jon Curb and Larry Samartin spoke against the zoning change. There were.three (3) replies by mail, all in favor. Dee Irvin Curry, owner of the propert stated she wished to have the grocery store zoned properly rather than a non-conforming use. The store has been in that location more than Latta x x twenty (20) years. Westerholm x After discussion, motion was made McCombs x x to approve the zoning change, but Eubanks x was denied by a vote of 2-3. Bone x No action was taken on agenda item #10. Request for Special Use Permit for Off Premises Packaged Beer. ZA 83-31. The request for a Special ZA 83-31 Exception Use Permit for a APPROVED -r Cn v < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS D- Cn y o u A Regular tT1 0 rn M MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z a d a MEETING, z M z a DATE: September 20,1983 d d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX Latta x x commercial communication tower was Westerholm x approved, with the condition that a McCombs x statement must be furnished that Eubanks x a water tower on adjacent property Bone x x would not be a problem to the communication tower. Ms. Carmen Blankenship was present and gave a presentation concerning the project. She stated the tower height is 117 feet. Latta x Motion was made and approved to Westerholm x purchase two Chevrolet Impala squad McCombs x x cars with extensive warranty packages Eubanks x Bids were taken and are apart of city Bone x x records. Latta x x Approval was also given for the Westerholm x purchase of capital outlay items McCombs x x as outlined in the attachment to the Eubanks x minutes. Bone X Latta x x Approval was given for eight (8) men Westerholm x x to attend ECA class and one man to McCombs x attend arson class, as well as Eubanks X bunker gear under capital outlay Bone X in the FY83 budget. Latta x The purchase of two (2) IBM Selectric Westerholm x x III typewriters was given approval McCombs x for city administration staff under Eubanks X FY84 Budget. Bone x x Latta x x Approval was given for the purchase Westerholm x of a water tap finder for the water McCombs x department. Eubanks X Bone x x The bills presented were unanimously approved for payment. The meeting was ad'ourned by Mayor Sparger. a M or JkS T Pi+v RarrPtarv PHONE 481-5581 f South lake City o "Where Country Living Is At Its Best" 867 North Carroll Ave SAM SPARGER, Mayor Southlake, Texas 76092 LLOYD O. LATTA JR., Mayor Pro Tem JOHNNY WESTERHOLM, Councilperson SANDRA L. LeGRAND, City Secretary BRUCE MCCOMBS, Councilperson TOM LORIS, Councilperson MARION R. BONE, Councilperson To: Mayor Sam Sparger and Southlake C' Council From: Ted Phillips, Chief of Police Subject: Request for Capital Outlay Items under 1983 Budget Date: September 20, 1983 Sirs: There are presently $1300 remaining in the Capital Outlay account of the 1983 Police Department Budget. The following capital items represent a real need in the Police Department. I respectfully request your consideration on these items. PACKAGE A: (1) One(1) Model 1500 Smith&Wesson .308 caliber anti-sniper rifle with heavy barrell. (2) One(1)Tasco 6-18x40 Zoom Long Range Rifle Scope (3) One(1) Scope mounting kit Total: $448.78 PACKAGE B : (1) One (1) Tear Gas Kit including: 1 37mm Shoulder Gas Gun 1 Carrying Case 1 Cleaning Kit 18 Tear Gas Projectiles(Assorted Range and Penetration Capabilities) 2 M-17 Gas Masks with Extra Bags Tbtal:$582.94 Justification: Both Packages A&B are considered tactical equipment that are used infrequently, but are practical and necessary when needed.More and more tactical situations have arisen recently in nearby ccnnuni.ties and in Southlake.Our police department needs the capability to react swiftly with necessary equipment to handle such a situation. In the past we have depended on the assistance of other cities, therefore their manpower and equipment was utilized. This is fine if we can afford to wait until,if the other department is notbusy. Area departments have also encount- ered wild animals in the rurals areas. If the polio department is called upon to react, we need a dependable, capable weapon with which to act, if it was necessary. PACKAGE C (1) Lock up gun module with 4 pistol capacity, individual keys Total $158.50 Justification: This item would be used to lock up officers' weapons in the police station while they are processing prisoners in the booking/area and/or jail.An area officer was killed over the weekend when a prisoner got the officer's gun in the booking roam. This piece of equipment would prove invaluable and would be utilized on a daily h asis. '.TOTAL COST: $1190.22 SUBJECT: Purchase - Five (5) Bunker Gear sets (NFPA Approved) Under FY-83 Budget Need to purchase fire (5) complete sets bunker gear at total cost $1,424.00. Budgeted money left in FY-83 Capital Outlay itemized list below. Money Spent in Capital Outlay to Date FY-83 Chief's Vehicle (Chrysler Newport) $ 3,016.62 Office Furniture $ 1,475.00 Two (2) 12 inch nozzles $ 500.00 Two (2) 3/4 inch booster nozzles (plastic) $ 44.00 20 gal light water (Foaming Agent) $ 280.00 Two (2) sets Bunker gear (NFPA approved) $ 636.00 Three (3) Mobil radios $ 1,770.00 One (1) Power speaker $ 108.00 One (1) Remote radio desk set $ 369.00 Two (2) MSA self contained air packs $ 1,250.00 Tool set for Central Station $ 350.00 install private line in PD Radio in Unit 307 $ 62.00 Total , 9,860-.-62 Budgeted amount in Capital Outlay $11,285.00 3alance in Capital Outlay $ 1,424.38 Zest of Requested Bunker Gear $ 1,424.00 This purchase of five more sets along with the approved 12 sets ,r new budget will make it easier to finish all sets to specifications of NFPA Requirements by 1985 which will be required. Chief R. P. Steele Chief Sou-hlake Fire Dept. ,:~-,4amm & cSatZd&2 INVESTORS 5133 DAVIS BOULEVARD AC 817 / 281-5026 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76118 September 19, 1983 City Council City of Southlake Attn: Mayor & City Council 667 North Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Alan W. Hamm and J.B. Sandlin owners of a 26 acre tract on Randol Mill road outside of Southlake hereby make formal request for annexation. It is agreed that out request is continguent upon final plat approval by City Council on Tuesday September 20, 1983. Upon acceptance and approval of final plat Hamm & Sandlin will pay city of Southlake $8,500.00 to install a 6" water main which is to be extended from a 4" line approximately at the intersection of Johnson and Rand61 Mill to the northern property line of Randol Mill Estates. Street and water improvements will be made in accordance with Southlake ordinance's as shown on final engineering drawings for Randol Mill Estates. The developer will not be required to make any improvements to Randol Mill road. It is understood that as soon as practicable Southlake intends to loop the water system to connect a 6" line north of Randol Mill Estates to the northern property line of Randol Mill Estates to equalize the water system. If water system does not furnish adequate water pressure to Randol Mill Estates we have been assured that Southlake will do everything within its power to assure adequate water service to Randol Mill Estates. Construction of water main to be completed by Southlake within 120 days of final plat approval./ Alan W. Hamm J.B.. andlin ,=41amn2 & cSa ndfin INVESTORS 5133 DAVIS BOULEVARD AC 817 / 281-5026 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76118 September 19, 1983 City Council City of Southlake Attn: Mayor & City Council 667 North Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Alan W. Hamm and J.B. Sandlin owners of a 26 acre tract on Randol Mill road outside of Southlake hereby make formal request for annexation. It is agreed that out request is continguent upon final plat approval by City Council on Tuesday September 20, 1983. Upon acceptance and approval of final plat,Hamm & Sandlin will pay city of Southlake $8,500.00 to install a 6" water main which is to be extended from a 4" line approximately at the intersection of Johnson and Randol Mill to the northern property line of Randol Mill Estates. Street and water improvements will be made in accordance with Southlake ordinance's as shown on final engineering drawings for Randol Mill Estates. The developer will not be required to make any improvements to Randol Mill road. It is understood that as soon as practicable Southlake intends to loop the water system to connect a 6" line north of Randol Mill Estates to the northern property line of Randol Mill Estates to equalize the water system. If water system does not furnish adequate water pressure to Randol Mill Estates we have been assured that Southlake will do everything within its power to assure adequate water service to Randol Mill Estates. Construction of water main to be completed by Southlake within 120 days of final plat approval.; Alan W. Hamm r / J.B. andlin CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF August 1987 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELECTRIC 81 84 PLUMBING 27 128 FRAMING 72 ?8 HEATING & AIR 69 67 FOUNDATION 21 54 SEPTIC SYSTEM 16 73 OTHER 8r, 51 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 43n 447 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 32 $5 091.on 23 ~431g12 20 ELECTRICAL 34 958.00 29 753.20 E PLUMBING 36 976.10 19 594.00 HEATING & AIR 23 674.00 16 403.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 22 550.00 20 500.00 OTHER 25 250.00 29 290.00 TOTAL PERMITS 172 $8.499.10 136 $71052.40 3. BUILDING VALUATION THIS M NTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $2,294 .000.00 $1 792 058.00 $173,8903,322.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $351 00 $369.00 $11,785.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $8,499.10 0,052.40 $66,377.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. A BUIL ING CLERK * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN Value 21- Single Family Residence. $2,151,000.00 7- Swimming Pools 109,000.00 B LDING OFFICIAL 1- Patio 1,200.00 2- Barns 221800.00 31- Totals $23,284,000.00 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS I.IRJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of August 1983 A. Responses: Number of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------- 0 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 6 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 3 13 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)--------------- 0 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine------------------------------------- 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------- 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 2 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 0 11.. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 1 12. Rescue Unit Calls---------------------------------------------------- 6 A. Subject possible shoulder fracture 867 N White Chapel B. Battery acid in subjects face & eyes Couch's Groc FM 1938 C. Call to police dept - subject with cut arm & bruised left foot 0. Call to police dept - child with burn on bottom left foot E. 479 W Highland - elect shock two subjects power line down E. Hwy 114 & White Cahpel (Sale Barn) possible heart attack 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- 6 A. 108 W Dove - elect short in fire alarm system B. 2315 E. NW Parkway (Majik Mart) fuel spill C. 981 E. Cont Blvd - power line down D. 600 N White Chapel - power line in tree E. 126 Jelico Circle - water vac call F. 650 Bentwood - gas line cut 0 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of August 37 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of flours I- on Emergency Cdlls - - - - - - - - - - 270 2. Meetings (4 for Murtha Average Men Per Meeting 216 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills----------------------------- 69 4. Any Extrd Man Hrs.'on Mdintenance (other than normal Maint. time) 0 D. Total Man (lours Expended for Month---------------------------------- 555 E. Firefighters kespunding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 34 Assist Chief Bardley 3 Capt Brown 26 Capt Fuller 23 Capt. Barnes 17 Lt. Stacy 19 Lt. Tanner 13 Bill Jones 7 Jerry Walsh 29 Darrell Brown 24 George Dalton 17 Bill Roe 15 Bill Hudson 21 Brad Dalton 24 Ira Haynes 14 Mark Thomas 8 Scott Irving 7 Jesse Chaves 5 James Sullivan 8 Barry Dinsmore 8 :lanes Stapleton 12 Resp tfu submitted, P. Steele, Fire Chief SOONLAKE EIRE DEPARTMENT N Q x w F- w Y ,a M J co S ~ r O N ~ lL C ~ N } F-- 4 Q !-4 H C U J U- -j • r.r f- J U W a s W CC: S. o a U 7 } F- F- Y U W F- J U aLS U C M O ~ p~ Q1 Q C~ G U U ~ W J J J Q Q a) co Ci. a Q r-4 0-, E LY U U E Z Z C) a o v S Z N F- U W 'L •7 W . G co F- O a: = Q F- LL- N O i 4 cc Q Q` M N cc, C~ Y r- ..J N S ~ c OC C V LL O J d - 00 00 r- ct tf) I~ O M d 00 N V cY N O O r O O N O O N C7 T. ae w i N 7! V W V/ IL JAP J ; VV) C3 w w to CLA d h W O N J CL AS N ~ O 0 0r N N w cir • • N N1 W 9 o. v r PHONE 481-5581 City of South lake 'Where Country Living Is At Its Best" 667 North Carroll Ave SAM SPARGER, Mayor Southlake, Texas 76092 LLOYD O. LATTA JR., Mayor Pro Tem JOHNNY WESTERHOLM, Councilperson SANDRA L. LeGRAND, City Secretary BRUCE McCOMBS, Councilperson TOM LORIS, Councilperson MARION R. BONE, Councilperson To: Mayor Sam Sparger and Southlake 11 Council From: Ted Phillips, Chief of Police Subject: Police Car Bids Date: September 20, 1983 Sirs: On September 1, 1983 I sent invitations to bid on two(2) police cars to seven dealerships in the area, as follows: 1. North Loop Dodge North,Richland Hills (responded) 2. Mid-Cities Chrysler Plymouth, Arlington (responded) 3. Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet, Ft. Worth (responded) 4. Payton Wright Fbrd, Grapevine (no response) 5. Dodge of Arlington, Arlington (no response) 6. Vandergriff Chevrolet, Arlington (no response) 7. Sam Lingard Fbrd, Hurst (no response) Enclosed are copies of the bids from the respondents. All three bids are within the budgeted amount for police vehicle. I have synopsized the various vehicles in a matrix for easy reference. 1984 Budget-Capital Outlay- Police Cars(2) including installation of radios and emergency equipment. $20,800. Dealership Type Vehicle Engine Wheelbase overall Length Delivery Warranty Bid MID CITIES CHRYS- PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH GRAN FURY 318CID 112.7" 205" 60-90 day * $9999/ve BRACE LOWRIE CHEVROLET CHEVROLET IMPALA 350CID 116.0" 212.8" 60-90 day * 10,147/ veh NORTH LOOP DODGE DODGE DIPLOMAT 318CID 112.7" 205" 60-90 day * 10,202/ veh * Dodge and Plymouth have similar warranties: 12 months or 12,000 miles, no charge parts/labor After expiration of initial time/mileage warranty the vehicle powertrain is covered under warranty for 5 yrs/50,000 miles. Each visit is $100 deductible. * Chevrolet Warranty 12 months, 12,000 miles basic warranty. Next 12 months or 12,000 miles powertrain warranty. With deductible. A $170 per unit warranty(optional) provides for warranty work on vehicle excluding normal wear items, to 5 years or 50,000 miles. This cost covers parts and labor at $25 deductible per visit,unlimited number of visits. Includes free use of vehicle,while unit is down. "Wonderful World of Chetwolet" ' .~'[j1 ! C"P C, All Phones: NOW 11 &rW 4 RU 1 293-5811 Fort 'l ' BruCe LOVI/re srP 9 ~ Che~1I!'OIilt, N'ft. l'p ~ X98 / ~ ` J. TO: Ci t3r cif Sauthl ake q_$_aq Y~ r'Ir' 667 North Carroll Date Southlake , Texas zip 76092 _ ATTENTION: __Tad_ PHONE NO. WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION: NEW 19 MODEL COLOR INTERIOR TRIM 1984.Chevrolet Impala 4 door $ 350 Engine Automatic Transmission Heavy-duty Battery Electric Trunk Release Left-hand and Right-hand Mirrors Air Conditioning AM Radio 9C1 Police Chassis Low Gear Blockout Speedometer with 2 MPH Increments 80 AMP Generator Blackwall Tires with Conventional Spare Engine Oil Cooler Heavy-duty Front Seat 6 12ga. Wire leads Reinforced Roof Dash to Trunk Radio Conduit DOTES: Gages 6" Left-hand Spot Light Dome Reading Lamp Single Key Locking Front and Rear Mats Thanking you for this opportunity and trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you. This quotation is subject to Federal, factory and freight change without notice. BRU E LOWRIE EVROLET, INC. B , By Title "Wonderful World of Chevrolet" CITY OF SOUTH All Phones: I 1 twp 293-5811 F orth, Teexaas3 M I- BrUCe L%X1" a poL.c.A; Cll EF Clta~vrolot.Inc. TO:_City of Southlake Date ZIP ATTENTION: PHONE NO. WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION: NEW 19 MODEL COLOR INTERIOR TRIM Speed Gear Change $ Dual Horns T- 10,147.47 per unit Standard GM Warranty- Warrant 12,000 Miles or 12 Months Everything Per Unit. Additional 12,000 Miles or 12 Months on Powertrain Per Unit. Optional Warranty-5 Years or 50,000 Miles-------------------- 170.00 er unit NOTES: Thanking you for this opportunity and trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you. This quotation is subject to Federal, factory and freight change without notice. BRUC LOWRIE EVROLET, INC. By Title NORTH LOO'P' 7740 N.E. LOOP 820 • FORT WORTH, TX 76118 • TELEPHONE 284.2184 • METRO 589-2433 To:__ of Southlake 09/12/83 CITY OF SOVrYLAKk _ ~ 4, r 667 North Carroll Ave - Date Southlake, Tx. 76092. 4 1989 ATTENTION:_ Ted Phillips, Chief of Police POCK 4 CI4IJEF WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION NEW, 9 84 BODY TYPE- R COLOR ITE Full side vehicle with mininnm ee base LIT, an over a eng o S Police Package including: Heavy Dust Frame $ S eci.al lice suspensian with rear stab izer bar, sped sp s -shocks - $ and Semi-metallic fornt brake ads $ Specialpolice heavy duty cooling system, with large radiator, recovery system Mi ni rrn m 5 gine ecial to omatic transmission with first ear lockout. Special Police Calibrated ee tr with increments. $ - Heavy du battery with heat shield. $ Black wall lice service tires with heavy du rims Engine oil cooling system. Remote electric deck i release in ove compartmezit $ Heavy service front seat bench) S nventional Spare tire. $ - te a bus table si vi.ew mirrors. iA auto cutoff $ Radio S Hole in root wi ga. lVad§ ram d-wh to roo . Reinforced roof. _ S ash to trunk radio conduit _S Daul horn $ State Sales Tax License, Title and State Inspection S - - TOTA L: $ S S Less Used Allowance on NET PRICE: The above quotation and offer expires Thanking you for this opportunity and trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you. NORTH LOOP DODGE By - - - - - - - - This quotation is subject to Federal, factory and freight change without notice. ORTH LOOp Hod o 7740 N.E. LOOP 820 • FORT WORTH, TX 76118 • TELEPHONE 284-2184 • METRO 589-2433 Ci of Southlake 09/12/83 (bid can't) .CITY` OF SOUTHLAKE Date 667 Carroll Ave Southlake,-_ Tx 76092 1 41989 ATTENTION:-Ted Phillips, Chief of Police PUiJ 9 :CHIEF WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION NEW 19 84 BODY TYPE 4DR OLO WHITE a es or Oil essure ater Temp. , an o tmeter $ Dome reading light . ~ S-- Spotlight (6") Left front door post S Single key lodd= system a Rubber floor mats ( rnt and rear) $ Eolice ~~rStgap~.iPaekage~., S - _ a E T.Tjj~y• _ DECRM OR JAN[ ARY $ - - State Sales Tax License, Title and State Inspection _ $ TOTAL: $ a s _ Less Used Allowance on--- NET PRICE: 10,202• $D The above quotation and offer expires Thanking you for this opportunity and trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you. NO TH L DGE'~ - This quotation is sub=ect to Federal, factory and freight change without notice. Fleet I"1aI]3geY MID-CITY CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH, IN(; Or 624 WATSON ROAD ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011.; TELEPHONE 265-1131 Se. 1 S $EP. 16 1993 r 9' • / f• POLICE CHIEF TO: Ci7► of 7*,e*4S0 lop rE Date .Soc. ~'iYL~1 rY.r eF7t~ta. 76 D ATTENTION: meteor WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION Series ✓rndu7.ri~ 6d~1a Cc/n~/ 4~ v~ SEaq,J 'WO LJCe NEW 19~y ~L~/i►,r..?~l _ MODEL299&4;/_WHEELBASE ~ COLOR w,~L,e~`' Price F.O.B. Factory Conditioning and Handling $ oNa Federal Tax Freight $ EXC_17 $ g R6~~F.,ee~ rtoet $ - ~ $ C Tom. $ /1r DVS ..D .s r!'e•. $ $ S~ayLi~hlt L~tr •..3rcb $ _ 5i.,►tce /ire,! Lnck,.)f- Sds71r~.~., $ tAn.,i t ~ s p $ State Sales Tax $ 1+~w+~re•it}e and State Inspection $ ,at` Less Used Car Allowance on: TOTAL: $ Less Fleet Discount $ The above quotation and offer expires NET PRICE: $ Thanking you for this opportunity and trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you. MID-CITY CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH, INC. ice/ r B d &a This yuotatioi: aubject to Federal, factory and freight changes without notice. r v! F f.' S► t f • 'I ~ f! f Asp~~ ~ ~ s ~ • . < Gil AL TO Ditto Tickets Issued Tickets Issued - P 7 914 75 Accidents 18 20 104 Arrests 33 62 354 Arrests - Flelan 0 Arrests Gees Fi in Taxrant EXnsit 1 0 15 Crises Filed - ft]An 1 0 1.1 Cases Filed, - Misdeaneanor 0 0 Q Zbtal Arrests to to Lhnlaries 6 3 30 Value Takes► 4 890 11,688 ~6 596 value! Ii~GVwe~ed 500 620 Z offs 4 ? ; 43 Value 4 500. 3.743. 50,289 Value Reported Recovered 1,550 2,350 -6,73M Load to Date ffenses Pe rted . . 14 10 106 Offenses cleared 3 2 26 Nunber of Calls - 9 ' Pace 2 ~ 5, ~ F t { s 'YF r r p~r T, L A ]Pat S. tip" ~ ,sr ~ ra r tV do t® Read,n tji;it '18°""', x r~2536 23,660( S eedo a g}y,°}~," n►ete Readin on !aait 19 ' 5692' d,65 23,1531 S eedometer Rea►di on S eedometer Reading on Unit Speedometer Read in on unit ' Total Miles:'Dri ren 9,a1.7 9,374 Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Vehicle Mainten nce - Unit Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Vehicle maintenance - Unit Vehicle Maintenance - Unit dotal Vehi le Maintenance ResPectf 11 Submitted, Chief T. Phillips Chief of Police Southlake Police Department MONTHLY OFFICER REPORT L 3 > Totals L cn O r i OFFICERS m a U C) a J # Tickets 18 22 32 42 43 172 # Calls # Arrests 5 4 3 5 7 6 33 Accidents 7 7 2 0 2 1%1 Burglary 0 3 2 2 0 7 Theft 2 0 1 1 0 3 Miles Driven c 0 RESERVES s o O U Q V) # Tickets 3 15 # Calls # Arrests 3 # Accidents 0 # Assists Hours Worked Iles Driven f WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH OF August Gallons Pumped Previous Month 25,031,100 + 3,031,100 from purchased Ilater Gallons Suld Previous Month New Water Taps Installed 3/4" (22), 1" (10 Fire Hydrants Installed Meter Change Out (~)1" changed from 3/4" Machine Rental Other Repairs Pulled Well #1 Replaced Booster PumD Water uper .nten ant Bills for Anoroval - City Council "Ieetinn September 20, 1983 Raqans Plant Farm 2,773.00 Mitchell Nursery 1,438.00 Motorola 52,37 Shotwell Oil 441. 76 The Banner Printing Co. 708.45 Capital Lighting Products 232.56 Continental Office Supply 165.60. General Office Supply 1.63.94 Group Life & Health 14.00 Pitney Bowes 153.25. Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation 132.95 William Smith, Attorney 764.00 Southern Building Code Congress 40.00 T P & L (City) 1,786.54 Crabtree & Powers Tire & Appliance 587.25 Eddie Cheatham 720.00 Cole Publications 117. 50 Dearing & Son Texaco 34.60 Donovan Uniform 5°.30 PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) 21.95 Prime Data Supplies 87.40 Village Grocery 30.92 Yates Pionogram Corp. 155.75 B & G Mufflers 28,00 Dixie U.S.A. 80.80 Lancaster-Pittard Profession Association 35.00 Motor Supply 51.89 Whites Home & Auto 30.05 Atlas Utility Supply 465.57 Bowles & Eden 1,385.38 Circle R Electric 905.67 Dixie Petro Chem, Inc. 6.00 Edd's Garage ??7.41 Ferguson Universal 3.99 The Rohan Co. 176.44 Stuart Hose Co. 286.06 T P & L (Mater Department) 10,044.03 TOTAL 24,406.38