1983-07-19 CITY OF SOUTLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 19, 1983 7:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Resolution 83-17. Suspending rate increase requested by Lone Star Gas Co. Presentation by Vernie Henderson 3. Consider: Resolution 83-13. Suspending rate increase requested by Tri-County Flectric CO-OD. 4. Presentation: Sewer System. Nathan Kiser 5. Discussion: Street improvement. Plan as recommended by P&7_. 6. Consider: ZA 83-25. Zoning request a 134.858 acre tract of land out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract No.253, and the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522. Present zoning is Agricultural requset is for the A-2 Single Family District. Owner: Ten Bar Properties. Public Hearing. 7. Consider: ZA 83-25. Preliminary plat approval for Phase II of Cross Timber Hills Est. 8. Discussion: Request for water service in our E.T.J. Jackie Collins 9. Consider: Department Reports. 10. Consider: Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION (As per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 Personnel) 1. Discussion: Police Personnel. OPEN SESSION 11. Consider: Hiring of Police Personnel. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bullentin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, July 15, 1983 at 2:00 P.M. City S e c r e/t /a r y 9 v> o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d o y ~ M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d~ MEETING. x z a ITI DATE: July 19, 1983 t`' d d M C) ° TIME: 7:30 PM 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON ~ PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Johnny Westerholm, Marion Bone, Bruce McCombs. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT:Lloyd Latta out of county, Tom Loris on vacation CITY STAFF: All Present INVOCATION: Marion Bone Mayor Report: The minutes for June 21, 1983 and July 5, 1983 were read and approved. Westerholm has not got bidstogether as of this time for the landscaping, but advised council there would be two bids made. Suggestions were open for a work session on budget. Resolution 83-17. Vernie Henderson Westerholm X of Lone Star Gas presented rate in- Bone X X crease. Henderson was willing to hav McCombs X X a work session and have someone present to answer questions along with himself. Motion to approve resolution 83-17 with a 120 day extention. Resolution 83-18. Rate increase for Weste.rholm X X Tri-County Elec. No one was present. Bone X X Motion was made to approve resolution McCombs X 83-18 with a 120 day extention. Nathan Kiser was present to discuss sewer system, a company out of Tyler Texas. He will be making a formal presentation at a later day. Discussion on street maintaininq and street improvement, Westerholm sug- gested to set up an action plan on street improvement. A work session will be held at a later date. y rn o co CITY OF SOUTH.AKE, TEXAS d o a MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z Y d d MEETING, x z a DATE: July 19, 1983 M d d 9 °x TIME: 7:30 PH 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS a -i cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 2 INDEX ZA 83-25. Zoning request for a 184. 858 acre tract of land out of the Westerholm x X John Childress Survey, Abst. No 253 Bone X and the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abst No. McCombs x X 522. Present zoning is Agricultural request is for the A-2 Single Family District. Owner: Ten Bar ProDerties. John Levitt was in attendance to present zoning request. Zoning was approved. Westerholm x X ZA 83-25. Preliminary plat for Phase Bone X II Cross Timbers Hill Estates was McCombs x X approved with the understanding of a possible provisions of a West access on the final plat,. Atty. Charles Evans requested the release of SL water, to Jackie Collins so he could tie on to Keller water, the request was denied. The department reports were discussed and are fully apart of the record. Westerholm X Motion was made and approved to pay Bone x X bills presented. McCombs x X CLOSED SESSION Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6256-17. OPEN SESSION Motion was made and approved to hire Westerholm Mike Burns as Detective. Bone McCombs The meeting was adjorned, as there was no further business. 4-V 0 ATTE T: r City Secretary N - Q x W F- 9. W x a Y W O N U- O N ~ Z F- 4 cz U J LL. J •-r O U W 0- 6-4 W O Z: w O Q F- c..) W F- J U ou u Q GG F- F- O ix = M Q O co co U U W J J r J Q Q m d d Ul Q rr ~ OG U U O Z Z Z r- O = z ~ ~ F- U W = 7 W • O m F- O cr = Q F- U- N C i t 4 is 4 d M 00 ~ r C V LL J o d a1. ~.a u 00 M N m rn lD ko N M ct M t7 N O r O O N O O r r M 7 r~ w x vii 4: 4K C3 c f ~ Lai m~ X 1,.9R ~ GS WATFR DEPARTMENT REPORT MONT}i OF June 1983 Gar' lmiipf2d Previous Month 13,257,800 Go !urn 1 d Previ ous Month New W<itet• I,iInsto "ed (11) ,8 1"- Fir-, ;!y;!r,tnI [nstaed Met er tlh irl'!e out (1) 3~4"-_ C1.A-._1 M'i( It i TIe nta 1 5.0._00_------ - 0t leer Pt'1),t r, _1-,644,600 fromCol1eyvi1le_____ Ground Storage Tank @ well site #.l __.painted, _cleaned, sterilized-..-------- Water Bacteriology Taken 6-23-83 Received 6-28-83 Neg r Wastewater Analysis Taken 6-23-83 Report 7-15-83 atF~r Sui)er i ntendant W.G. Cline GS WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH OF June 1983 Gal -mped Previous Month 13,257,800 Ga l l on•. `~0l d Previous Month New Water, Ttlrs Instal led V4" (8-11"_ Fire Hydrants Instal'ed Meter Chankle Out 3/4" 12-- Mach i YW I,('ntal x_59 - Other Pep,jirs 1.,C~44,60Q_from- Colleyville __Ground.Storage-Tank @ well...site # 1 ___painted, cleaned, steril-iz_ed-----_ Water Bacteriology Taken 6-23-83 Received 6-28-83 Neg r Wastewater Analysis Taken 6-23-83 Report 7-15-83 ;Mater Superintenaant W.G. Cline i CITY OF SOUTPJ W POLICE D PAWMENT IWOW ti Jung 1983 EICNOI~ABI~ MAYOR and CITY' COUNCIL Present Past Total Month Month TO Mte Tickets issued _ 226 477 1611 Tickets Issued - Parkin 2 5 45 Accidents 12 11 66 Arrests 57 60 259 Arrests - FL-lon 0 2 8 Arrests - Misdemeanor 57 58 213 Cases Filed in Tarrant County 1 4 14 Cases Filed - Felony 0 2 10 Cases Filed - Misdemeanor 1 2 9 `total Arrests to Date .Burglaries Feported 0 2 21 Value Reported Taken 0 $3,490 $305-'018 Value Reported Recovered 0 $ 120 $'1,120 Thefts Pe ported 4 7 32 v. Value Reported Taken $2,204 $11,184 $42,046 Value Be ported Ic!covered~ $2,130 $ 275 $ 2,830 Case Load to Date 381 ffenses Be rted 7 16 77 Offenses Cleared 3 8 21 Total Number of Calls h •s , Page 2 b apw OF SQEAUAM + fte t past Total Rmth Jt nth To Date Speedometer Reading on Unit 07 381 300 148,381 Speedometer Reading on Unit 18 5 157 2 682 14,619 Speedometer Reading on Unit 19 2,517 4,199 13,403 S eedometer Reading on Unit -Speedometer Reading on Unit Total Miles 'Dtiven 8.1055 7,017 Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Vehicle Maintenance - Unit Total Vehicle Maintenance Respectfully Submitted, Ch ' Tedr Phillips Chief of Police Southlake Police Department . 1 14ONTHLY OFFICER REPORT ti 1 N Totals OFFICERS s L a a z ¢ o v a a # Tickets 0 30 a 27 42 48 43 I # Calls # Arrests 0 12 8 7 4 13 7 57 I Accidents 1 0 3 0 5 0 2 12 Bur lar Theft Miles Driven 0 RESERVES L -°c o C U ¢ N # Tickets 16 # Calls # Arrests # Accidents # Assists Hours Worked Miles Driven CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF JUNE 1983 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELECTRIC 75 80 PLUMBING 112 114 FRAMING 27 35 HEATING & AIR 54 S3 FOUNDATION 34 31 SEPTIC SYSTEM 13 15 OTHER 41 48 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 356 376 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 29 $43,556.00 18 $33,752.00 ELECTRICAL 30 735.00 21 478.00 PLUMBING 24 699.50 19 SS4.00 HEATING & AIR 21 571.50 15 377.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 24 600.00 15 375.00 OTHER 15 165.00 21 210.00 TOTAL PERMITS 143 .$7,4327.00 109 $54756.70 3. BUILDING VALUATION THIS M NTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE .$1,863,799.00 $1,695,140.00 $1308140-264.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $525.00 $521.00 $11.065.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND HIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $7,327.00 $52756.70 $50.825.50 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. -BI UIL DING CLERK BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN 20-Residence Single Famly/Value$1,/Z9,E 1-Church 2031( 6-Pools 112 BUILDING OFFICIAL 1-Porch 192 28 Totals $1,863,799.