1983-07-05 ge- /Jk-4- - 91, r- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS C/) 0 0 d 0 y ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d t= MEETING. x z a Irl DATE: July 5, 1983 tT' d d y °0 TIME: 7:30 PM o o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS,4 y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z ` PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONE PRESENT: Mayor-Sam Sparger, Bruce McCombs, Johnny West- erholm, Marion Bone, Tom Loris,Lloyd Latta CITY STAFF; Fire Chief; RP Steele. DPW; Louis Johnson, CITY STAFF ABSENT: City Att. Bill Smith 3 INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta The minutes of the June 21, 1983 meeting were not present at this time due to the illness of the City Secretary. A request was made by Douglas Ray McCombs X X Pollard to annex his property des- Westerhom X cribed as 11 acres of land out of the dd Bone X Hall Medlin Survey Abst. 1038 Tr.2& Loris X 2E. Latta X X After discussion motion was made and approved to proceed with procedure. After discussion, the street improve- ment funding suggestions as presented by the P&Z commission, will be placed on the next City Council agenda for further discusstion. do A discussion was held concerning landscaping of the city hall. Wester- holm is to get bids for planting as well as a water system. McCombs X ZA 83-7. The final plat of Rainfores Westerholm X X Addition was approved. Developers ar Bone X Fox and Lee. Loris X Latta X X The Developers Agreement was also app oved. `S J U, y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a rd td 0 0 d 0 -3 M ~ MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d° MEETING. x z > Irl DATE: July 5, 1983 d H ~ TIME: 7:30 PM PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE 3 -3 -NAME OF z TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 2 INDEX There was discussion concerning the large tree in the road way however it was voted unaminously to let the r tree remain. McCombs X X ZA 83-19. Approval was given to rezo e Westerholm X Lot 1 of the White Chapel Place Estat Bone X from Residental Estates to Agricultur 1. Loris X Latta X X McCombs X X Approval was given to replat Lot 12 o Westerholm X the Cedar Oaks Addition to SL making Bone X a Lot 12A and 12B. George Stewart Loris X owner was represented by Mary OBrien. Latta X X ZA 83-24. Approval was given for a McCombs X X Special Exception use permit for an Westerholm X Equestrian Riding Club for a 9.9 acre Bone X tract of land out of the Littleberry Loris X Survey Abst 686. The property is Latta X X zoned Heavy Commercial. Bids were considered for a water de- McCombs X X partment back-hoe. They included Westerholm X Case-26,216.00,Ford-26,737.00,John Bone X Deere 30,200.00. Loris. X Motion was made and approved for the Latta X X Case with Wabble Sticks. A di scussion was held concerning the McCombs X X possibility of using a 5" concrete Westerholm X street in the Mission Hills Estates Bone X subdivision. Phil Turner was present Loris X as well as Richard Eakins, to answer Latta X X questions. Motion was made and ap- proved to allow the concrete street, however this is not a president. i, The water distribution for SL was discussed but will be placed on the agenda at a later date. v CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS C') MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. x ~ z a Irl DATE: July 5, 1983 d d a ° TIME: 7:30 PM 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON " PAGE: 3 INDEX McCombs X Latta Made a motion to approve the Westerholm X X payments of the bill as determined by Bone X Mayor Sparger. Loris x Latta x X CLOSED SESSION Closed session, as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. OPEN SESSION McCombs x X Motion was made and approved to emplo, Westerholm X Ted Philips as Police Chief, also to Bone x step up Bryan Austin and Jerry Crowde Loris x as Sergents. Latta x X The meeting was adjourned, as there was no further business. Mayo ATTEST: City Secretary