1983-04-05 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 5,1983 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Oath of Office for Mayor, Councilpersons, Place 1 and 2. 3. Consider: Developers Agreement for Harbor Oaks Addition, Phase 4. David Hardy, developer. 4. ZA 83-7. Zoning request for a 14.74 acre tract of land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, and the J.L. Whitman Survey, Abstract 1593. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-1 Single Family District. Owner: J. Ray. Public Hearing. 5. ZA 83-7. Preliminary Plat approval for the Rainforest Addition to the City of Southlake. The 14.74 acre tract of land is being developed by Wayne Lee. 6. ZA 83-10. Zoning request for a 20.012 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner and Developer: Texport Builders. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 83-10. Preliminary Plat approval for the Heatherwood Estates Addition to the City of Southlake. The 20.012 acre tract of land is located on East Dove Road. Owner: Texport Builders. 8. Consider: Facilities Project. 9. Consider: Fire Department purchases as per budget. Two sets bunker gear, two air packs and mobile base radio unit. 10. Consider: Water Department purchases as per budget. Main improvements, mower and tractor and truck. Also repairs to water tank at city hall site. 11. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION: As per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes, Article 6252-17. Personnel. 1. Police Department Personnel. OPEN SESSION. 12. Consider: Hiring Police Officer. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Saturday, April 2,1983 at 4:30 p.m. City Secretary I U) y -i CITY OF SOUT11,.AKI., TEXAS 1- rrrn W O O b o -A M M MINU'I'6S OF THE' Rem~lar_ CITY COUNCIL y' t7 t) M1:G'I'ING. x ran ~4 -n DA'I'L April 5,1983 rn d rn ° TINili. 7:30 P.m. d y ~ 0 0 PI.AC E' : CITY OF SOUTHLAKF ) COUNCIL. CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARIZOLL AVI:NUIi, SOUTHLAKE NAM1 OF o TEXAS. COUNC 11,11FIZSON 11AGH: 1 INDEX PRESENT: Mayor Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem; Lloyd Latta, Councilpersons: Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm, Tom Loris. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Marion Bone. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, Police Chief; Randy Martin, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, and Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. The Minutes of the March 15, meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Ron Kempinger, General Telephone Company representative, was present and explained to Council their new optional measured service plan, available to persons on fixed incomes GTE wishes a letter from Council endorsing the new service. Council members agreed they needed more infor- mation before an endorsment could be made. Mayor Sparger made mention to Council the condition of the roads in South- lake. He added, with so much development, the roads are getting much worse. Sparger ask Council to help think of a solution where funds may be made available for the repairs as they are needed. He suggested a fee per lot charge for streets in new subdivisions and a fee added on each building permit for a maintenanc fund for streets. It was agreed that the Planning and Zoning Commission should try and come up with recommenda- tions and present to city council. Y CITY 01: SOII'CI1,.AK1:, TI:X:\S O 0 C-) ___3 m M I NU'1'I:S Ol t'llli Regular l; I TY (:()UN('] L r t7 d - - - - NI i:l:'l'ING. DATE: April 5,1983 o y T IM I:: 7: 30 p.m. 1)1,A(' I" : CITY 01~ S0U'1'I I I.A K I: , (;()11 N(: I I. CHAMBERS 0 0 607 NORT11 CARIMLL AVI:N W, SOUTHLAKE NAME 0l~ o o TI!XAS. COIINC 11,11FRSON 2 I'AGI:: I NDI:X Lloyd Latta suggested to Council that as a working policy for the Planning and Zoning Commission, all information to be presented by developers, and city staff must be to the City Secre- tary in time for the items to be prepared for the P & Z packets. All Councilmembers agreed that would be a good policy. The oath of office was taken by Sam Sparger, upon his re-election as Mayor of Southlake, to serve until April 198S. The oath of office was taken by Lloyd Latta and Johnny Westerholm. They will serve as Louncilpersons until April 1985. Latta x The Developers Agreement for Harbor DEVELOPE Westerholm x x Oaks Addition, Phase 4, was approved AGREEMENT McCombs x x by Council. APPROVED Loris x ZA 83-7. The zoning request for a ZA 83-7 14.74 acre tract of land out of the ZONING Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, APPROVED was approved as requested, which was Agricultural to A-1 Single Family Latta x x District. Westerholm x McCombs x x There were no comments during the Loris x public hearing. ZA 83-7 Rainforest Addition prelim- ZA 83-7 inary plat was approved after conside PRELIMIN I ation was given to the suggested PLAT OK changes made by the Planning and RAINFOREq'. Latta x x Zoning Commission. The approval was Westerholm x x given provided the changes are McCombs x implemented on the final plat. Loris x CI'T'Y OI SOU'I'I1,.:1FJ I'If\ V'~ r; r n 0~ Regular 71 o ~ 17 rn N11 NIlTl:~ OI 1'111: I TY CUl1NC 1 1, o N11:1 1'l N G . ~April 5,1983 rn l n I)A,I'I rn r~ c~ 7:30 p.m. I'IN1I,, o 1'1,AC1:: CITY OI~ ~Ull'I'III.:Ahlf , COIINC I L (:IIAR1kl:lZS -4 067 NOPTll CAIZROi,I, A0::NIII:, SOIJTIII,AKI? NANII' OI, o Ti'XAti . COUNC l 11,1:I~`;(1N 3 1NUI',X Latta referred to a review letter from Eddie Cheatham, engineer, concern- ing the percolation tests for Rainfore t. The letter is dated 4-5-83. ZA 83-10. The zoning request for a ZA 83-10 20.02 acre tract of land out of the ZONING Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511 APPROVED was considered. Agricultural to the A-3 Single Family District. There were no comments during the public hearing. Latta x The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval, and Council Westerholm x x acted in accordance with the McCombs x x request for A-3 Single Family District. Loris x ZA 83-10 The preliminary plat for ZA 83-10 Latta x Hea`- herwood Estates Addition was PRELIMINAR approved, based on the corrections Westerholm x PLAT OK McCombs x x being made as recommended by the HEATHERWOC Planning acid Zoning Commission and Loris x x stated in their meeting minutes. During the discussion on the City Hal Fire Hall Facilities Project, DPW, Louie Johnson presented bids for the parking area. They include: Rags Concrete $34,559.87 Vernon Shirley 31,812.65 CB Dodson Ent. 37,775.00 The complete job is based on 23,000 square feet of concrete. The city is to do the pre-grading from within Latta x x 2" before the contractor starts his Westerholm x x work. Motion was made to accept low McCombs x bid by Vernon Shirley, upon verificat'on Loris x of the bid price. y C I'I'Y 01: S(111,1'11KI I'I'X V - n~ to O u Regular 777 0 - ~ rn rn P1 I NUU1: TI 11: C I TY COUNC 1 I, rJ d Nil: 1:11 I NG. April 5,1983 11x I' 1. rr, rn c~ 7: 30 p.m. I'I.:AC1:: CITY 0I: S011 I'll1,:Ahl:, ColINC I I, 1:11~1PllililZ~. n 007 NOIv"I'll CAIM'01,1, AV'IA11k, S01IT111,Ah1: v I'I,X AS . NA(`1k or Motion was made and approved for the PURCHASE Latta x x purchase of two sets of bunker gear, FIRE Westerholm x two air packs and the radio package EQUIPME F McCombs x x as presented to Council by Chief Steel . Loris x The radio package approval'price is, $2,247.00. Louis Johnson, DPW, outlined future ATER water improvements for Southlake that NALYSIS need to be recognized. He stated N SL we currently have two isolated systems SYSTEM on the north side of Highway 114. PPROVED Latta x x Approval was given for a water line analysis to be made on the system, Westerholm x for a cost of approximately $600.00. McCombs x x Loris x Engineer, Eddie Cheatham reported that Southlake does not fit into HUD Grants requirements. He suggested however, that Southlake apply for EDA (Economic Development Agency) Grants. Bids were discussed for the purchase PURCHASE of a tractor and mower. They are: OF TRACTur Ford $10,512. AND MOWER John Deere 10,800. Motion was made and approval given fo Latta x x the purchase of a tractor and mower Westerholm x after the Mayor and DPW have checked McCombs x out both units; and also after a Loris x x discussion is held with Johnson Digg- ing Service. Approval was given for the purchase of a one ton truck for the use in the public works departments. The purchase is to be made from general fund, as per budget. The bids include:GMC 11,248. Payton Ford 12,038. Hudiberg Chev. Gateway Ford 11,725.62 Metro Ford 11,531.45 _ y C I TY OF COI Tl l _Uv I , I'I:A Y '!1 UJ ~ O ~ o n rn Regular NI l NIJTI:S OF 1111 C I TY COUNC 1 1, r N11:1''1' I NG . r J ry =i~ r-TI April 5,1983 m d Y 7:30 p.m. 1'1.:A('1CITY OI~ S01ITIII,Ahl('0 IINC11, CIIAhlliliIZS ho7 N0Iv) II AVI.NIW, S0tl JIl,AKt: NANlk OI -o F1I'XAS . CMINC I I'A61:: 5 1 NI)I:X Latta x x The approval was given for a 9' bed, PURCHASE Westerholm x GMC one ton from G.M.C. The vehicle ONE TON McCombs x x is to be brown, to match the pick up TRUCK Loris x in the water department. A discussion was held concerning the repairs that need to be made to the water storage tank at the city hall site. The bids were discussed. They include: Towns $18,500. Waco Town & Steele 17.768. REPAIRS Shotwell 13,792.00 TO WATER TANK The work will include sandblasting and repaipting the inside and outside. Latta x x ~lesterholm x x Motion was made to accept low McCombs x bid, subject to verification. Loris x Latta x x The bills presented, were approved Westerholm x x for payment with the exception of McCombs x Circle Communications bill for $694.9z. Loris x CLOSED SESSION (As per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 Personnel). OPEN SESSION No action was taken as a result of the closed session. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. May r ATT ST: e City Secretary OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, SAM SPARGER, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF MAYOR, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP MY GOD. SAM S ARGE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 5th day of April, 1983. MOOR PARGER OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, LLOYD 0. LATTA JR..do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN, PLACE 2, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. LLCO 0 . A JR. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 5th day of April, 1983. -allr 2&401/ MAY SP GER OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, JOHNNY WESTERHOLM, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN, PLACE 1, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. / SO HELP ME GOD. JOHNNY H. WESTERHOLM SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 5th day of April, 1983. ol~ MAY SPACER Celty of ~Southlake Whereas: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS WHER S: he major purpose of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America is to offer a program of informal education de- signed to develop the planning and decision-making abilities girls need to succeed in a constantly changing world, and, WHEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders form skilled partnerships with girls, and, WHEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders possess the imagination and self- confidence required for successful, competent leadership, and, WHEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders provide positive role models for today's girls and young women, and, WHEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders encourage girls to develop a growing confidence that enables them to meet today's challenges and to become tomorrow's competent self-assured women: THEREFORE, has resolved that the purpose of this day is to give girls, their families and their communities the opportunity to re ognize and hono Girl Scout Lead s for t it important work, and further e it re olv d at April 2 3, be ra e as GIRL SCOUT LEADER' AY. 07, 1ty of ~ou~~cQk£ eity s~ctztaty ~vt e GIRL SCOUTS Circle T Girl Scout Council 4901 Briarhaven Fort Worth, Texas 76109 (817) 737-7272 March 25, 1983 They~Honorable Mayor BOARD OF DIRECTORS South Lake, TX PRESIDENT Mrs. Robert W. Gerrard Ist VICE PRESIDENT Dear Mayor, Mrs. Ben Heckathorn 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Inc., T Mrs. James W. Beeler on behalf of Girl Scouts of Circle T Council, 1 would 3rd VICE PRESIDENT like to request your approval for the issuance of a proclamation Mr. Robert E. Hardwicke, Jr. 0th VICE PRESIDENT honoring Girl Scout leaders on April 22, 1983, which has been Mrs. David Bilyea officially designated for the nationwide celebration of Girl SECRETARY Scout Leader's Day. Mrs. Bob Maloney TREASURER To Shannon The purpose of Girl Scout Leader's Day is to give girls, their EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR families, and their camunities an opportunity to recognize Sandy Kautz and honor Girl Scout volunteer leaders for their important work. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Mrs. Angus Baker More than 46 million American girls, Women, and men have been Mrs. Tiny Batts Mrs. Robert Cole members of Girl Scouting since its founding in 1912, and have Meade B. Crane benefited from the guidance of these leaders. With the help Carolyn Dixon Dunavant of Girl Scout leaders, girls develop the and Mrs. Keith Andre dre ' Fournier planning decision-making abilities they need to meet today's challenges Mrs. Derry Fulks and to bE.'com tCHOrrow'S ccnT~}ent, self-assured wOmLn. Mrs. Charles Hoffman John C. Hove Mrs. Jim Johnson We strongly feel that Girl Scout Leader's Day is a special Mrs. Robert McLellan way to honor leaders who volunteer their timer talentsr and Mrs. Steve Mosher Teri Pate energies to fo71n wholesome girl-adult partnerships. A 10ra- Mrs. Willis Rector Schatt elamation of this occasion will be a meanin ful testimonial Judge Michael man g Robert Sloane, M M..D. D. both to the leaders in this community and to the more than Cathy Jo Smith 300,000 Girl Scout leaders across the nation. Dorothy St. John Sincerel COUNCIL NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Sincerely Mrs. J.C. Kidwell Amrs. W. Gerrard President Serving Tarrant, Johnson, Hood and Somervell Counties A United Way Agency GIRL SCOUTS Circle T Girl Scout Council 4901 0riarhaven Fort Worth. Texas 76109 (817) 737-7272 Proclamation for Girl Scout Leader's Day WHEREAS: The major purpose of Girl Scouts of the United States of America is to offer a program of informal education designed to develop the planning and decision-making abilities girls need to succeed in a constantly changing world, and WHEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders form skilled partnerships with girls, and WDMREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders possess the imagination and self-confidence required for successful, ccnWtent leadership, and WTIEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders provide positive role models for today's girls and young women, and WHEREAS: Girl Scout volunteer leaders encourage girls to develop a growing confidence that enables than to meet today's challenges and to beccme trarrorrow's cormetent self-assured inn; THEREFORE has resolved that the purpose of this day is to give girls, their families, and their communities the opportunity to recognize and honor Girl Scout leaders for their important work, and further be it RESOLVED that April, 22, 1983, be celebrated as Girl Scout Leader's Day. Serving Tarrant, Johnson, Hood and Sornervell Counties `r1R A United Way Agency CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL APRIL 5,1983 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID X-Press Printing 792.65 General Telephone Company 598.72 Continental Office Supply Computer Supplies 115.32 Best Fluorescent Maintenance Lights for Tennis Cts.119.36 Fort Worth Star Telegram 333.10 A-OK Locksmith 113.30 Circle Communications 694.94 General Office Supply 289.09 Mays, Grady and Burruss Add New Dodges 95.00 Tri County Electric 173.75 Internal Revenue Service 228.46 Pitney Bowes 129.95 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 2,006.23 Mid Cities Ready Mix 396.90 TML Workmans Comp. 528.00 Tarrant County Mayors Council Dues 50.00 S.U.I. Communications 749.29 Texas Employment Commission 193.49 Lone Star Gas Company 5.76 Pitney Boes Postage Meter rental 59.25 Pease Engraving 35.20 London Electric Inc. 38.00 Lind Paper Company 111.42 Village Grocery Store 59.43 Radar Specialist 83.71 Institute of Forensic Sciences 50.00 Donovan Uniforms 52.80 Dearing and Son Texaco 36.88 Grainger 7.48 Randy Weyl Conversion Kits for air masks 480.00 ATAC on ARSON 10.00 Thomas Rubber Stamp 93.80 Grapevine Medical Center 38.22 The Rohan Company 122.60 Universal Grapevine 3.37 General Office Supply 278.72 Whites Auto Store 64.40 Fox Rental 61.00 X-Press Printing 113.90 Master Made Feed Store 23.95 Wes Gregory 80.00 Boise Cascade Building Materials 619.69 Smith Sales and Service 33.95 Joe Hughes 130.00 Bowles and Edens Co. 302.07 National Chemical Co. 525.00 Talem,Inc. 74.20 Total......... $ 11,202.35