1983-01-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18,1983 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Reprot 2. Consider: Amendment to Ordinance No. 278 Commercial Structures 3. Consider: Communications Tower Location. Spectrum Planning Inc. 4. Consider: Everett Aslin Zoning Enforce-ment Norman Rowe. 5. Consider: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 261. RE: Duplex zoning, Septic System vs. Aerobic System. Richard Eakins. 6. Consider: Facilities Project. 7. Consider: Police Department Sargent and Detective Pay Scale. 8. Consider: Department Reports. Police: Fire: Water: Building: Court: 9. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION: As per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. 1. Possible Litigation. OPEN SESSION 10. Consider: Possible Litigation. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the front door in City Hall, and on the Bulletin Board in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, h uary 14,1983 at 3 p.m. 10 All - City Secretary y < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rn cz~ 0 0 a o H ryn rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z x' d d MEETING. --3 C1 "ri z v DATE: January 18,1983 t7 d D ° TIME: 7:30 p..m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 1 INDEX PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Tom Loris, Johnny Westerholm, Bruce McCombs, Marion Bone COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Larry Samartin CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Randy Martin, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Bill Smith INVOCATION: Mayor Sam Sparger The Minutes of the January 4, City Council meeting were approved as corrected. Mayor Sparger introduced Louis Johnson, as the citie's new Director of Public Works. He will join the city staff on February 1,1983. Ordinance No. 278 which established DISCUSSION a policy for Commerical Structures ORDINANCE was discussed. Westerholm called NO. 278 attention to the variances that can be given by Council under the ordinance. He ask Council not to snake a hasty decision by changing the ordinance but keep the current ordinance and review further avenues, allowing for variances when appropriate. Gary Hotsco, a representative from Mesco, indicated they feel the Ordinance should be resended. Jim Martin, also spoke against the present t-7cinarce. Larry Samartin and Chet _iadley both agreed with the ordinance as it presently exists. Cn y < CITY OF SOUTH,AKE, TEXAS d n r1l td Cn -1 oy Regular to o __3 tr. M MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z 9 t7 d MEETING. y z v DATE: January 18,1983 7:30 p.m. H TIME: 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Loris x x Motion was made that a study group Westerholm x x with a time frame of three to four McCombs x months be formed to come up with an Bone x alternative to the current Ordinance No. 278, but in the mean time, leave Ordinance 278 as is. Mayor Sparger cast a vote in favor, which broke the tie vote, with 3-2. Councilperson Bone l (ft he City Council members reviewed meeting as th's time a proposal as submitted by Spectrum Planning Inc., which is a subsidary of Times Mirror of Los Angeles, Calif ornia. The proposal covers the criteria as discussed by Council at the previous meeting. It was suggested that fencing be a uart of the requirements. Loris x x Motion was made and approved that Westerholm x Council proceed with contracting McCombs x x with the company. A citizen, Norman Rowe, was present and ask Council to consider taking action to inforce Ordinance 261, in reference to Everett Aslin operat- ing a business on land zoned Agricultural. City Attorney, Bill Smithpindicated that the City is prepared to proceed with necessary action. A discussion was held concer - ing the circumstances regarding Everett Aslin. Agenda Item #5 was deleted due to the fact that Richard Eakins was not present for the meeting. Under the facilities agenda item, Westerholm made the motion that Mayor Sparger appoint a committee of five to serve as a furniture, design group. The motion died for lack of a second. cn < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS a rn O O ~ o M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING, x M z v DATE: January 18,1983 t7l d d ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS -1 Cl) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX Loris x Motion was made and approved to Westerholm Ix x prepare the area over the old Council McCombs x x chambers for storage, if the money permits. Loris x The pay scale which was presented Westerholm x x by Cheif Martin, was approved as McCombs x x presented. (Attached hereto and made a part hereof). The Department Reports were reviewed as presented. Loris x The bills presented were approved for Westerholm x x payment (attached hereto and made a McCombs x x part hereof). CLOSED SESSION As per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. Possible Litigation. OPEN SESSION No action was taken as a result of the closed session. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. Mayor ATT ST: City Secretary SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PAY SCALE POLICE TRAINEE- High School Diploma or, GED, pass physical/ps,ycological examination, good attitude and appearence. $1,0001$12,000 $1,050/$12,600 after 6 months OFFICER I- (A) Must meet all qualifications at trainee level and have at least one year prior law enforcement experience plus basic certification. $1,150/$13,800 (B) At least two years experience in law enforcement. Must have displayed satisfactory level of proficiency. $1,200/$14,400 (C) At least three years experience in law enforcement. Must have displayed satisfactory level of proficiency. $1,260/$15,120 OFFICER II- (A) Intermediate Certification and/or 30 semester hours of College. Must have at least two years prior law enforcement experience, one year with gouthlake. $1,310/$15,720 (B) Advanced Certification and/or 60 semester hours of College. Three years prior law enforcement experience, one year with Southlake. $1,360/$16,320 (C) BS or BA degree. Three years prior law enforcement experience, one year with Southlake. $1,410/$16,920 Sergeant- Must have served in Officer II status for at least one year. Four years prior law enforcement experience. Must have displayed satisfactory level of work proficiency. One Year with Southlake preferred. $1,485/$17,820 Detective- Must meet same requirements as Sgt. $1,485/$17,820 91 A Subsidiary of T--, Mirror Cable Television TELCOM ENGINEERING, INC. 3305 Northland Drive Suite 500 Austin, TX 7B731 [512] 451-0131 January 13, 1982 Mr. Sam Sparger, Mayor City of Southlake 331 East Continental Southlake, TX 76092 RE: Proposed Radio Relay Tower Dear Mr. Mayor: Times Mirror wishes to make a proposal to the City of Southlake for long-term lease of a 100 x 100 foot parcel within the two acres we understand to be earmarked for a Southlake water tower. In regard to aesthetics and value to the city of Southlake, we will make the following considerations above and beyond corporate standard: 1. Provide $5000.00 base rental annually. Corporate standard for tower lease is $2000.00 annually. To compare with another tower within close proximity to a major metro area: we are paying $5000.00 annually for a 4.3 acre tract for a guyed tower in the city limits of Fort Worth. Lease signed 1981. 2. Provide a self-supported tower. Our standard design is a less expensive, guyed tower. 3. Provide a road to the tower location from the city street. Road length is approximately 205 feet. Road will likely be higher quality than we would ordinarily require. 4. Provide the city with rights to use tower to support one UHF antenna provided that frequency compatability is assured. Our office must approve all plans, of course. I have enclosed a top viewdrawing of our proposal. Side view is in preparation and will be sent tomorrow. Since we didn't have information relative to the two-acre site and our relationship within it, placement of the building, tower, and parking access may have to be modified. This should suffice, however, as a preliminary plan. We are anxious to get started in the spring of this year with construction. We are very experienced in this area and assure a very professional and well-kept communication station. Please contact me if further questions arise. Respectfully submit d, i Robert J. Donahue Manager, Route Development cc: G, M. Batsche TO: HONORABI_F MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PFRSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the month of December A. Responses: dumber of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 0 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 4 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 1 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 4 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Crapevine------------------------------------- 0 e. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 1 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------- 0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 5 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 0 ll. False Alarms in City 2 12. Rescue Unit falls----------------------------------------------------- 2 A.Yates Trailor Park - Subject passed out. B.1013 Cimazon circle - Subject fell possible broken shoulder. 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- 2 A.Investigated srioke call Johnson Elementary - No fire found. B.Fuel spill - Gun Barrell Grocery. 14. Tr(.)phy Club Calls 0 B. Total Fmernency Calls for the Month of December 21 r C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emeryency Cells - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 165; 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting -(12 Men) 141 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills--None) 4. Any Extra Min tars. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time) 45 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month---------------------------------- 351 E. fir•etighters Respunding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele - 18 Assist Chief Bradley - 5 Capt. Brown - 14 Capt. Fuller - 12 Capt. Barnes - 14 Lt. Tanner - 11 Lt. Stacy - 14 R. Martin - 12 B. Pinson - 8 B. Dinsmore - 14 T. Hunter - 10 J. Walsh - 18 E. Reed - 3 J. Vann - 9 D. Brown - 7 M. Miller - 7 B. Jones - 6 J. Sullivan - 3 S. Dinsmore - 4 J. Stapleton - 3 M. Thcrnas - 3 R. McCoy - 2 Resp-Fully Submitted, R. P. Steele, fire Chief S00111LAKE i- I RE DEPART MEN f SOtTi'HLAKF FIRFs I) ,}'ARTME NT YEARLY FT RE REPURT 1982 To: HONOW-i3LE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL PERSONS From: R. P. Steele - Fire Chief Subject: Yearly Report of Runs, Man Hours, Firefighters Responses 1. Responses No. of Calls Structure Fires 14 Grass Fires 49 Auto Fires 15 Auto Accident-Stand by- Rescue Unit & Fire Unit 76 Mutual Aid to Other Cities 12 Fire Calls in Tarrant County (outside City Limits) 42 Fire Calls in Denton County (outside City Limits) 14 False Alarms 9 Rescue Unit Calls 47 Miscellaneous Calls 24 Trophy Club Calls 0 Total Emergency Responses for the Year 1982 302 2. Man Hours Expended No. of Hours Emergency calls 1970 Meetings (average 4 per month) 1382 Special Training Sessions or Drills 532 Extra Maintenance on Equipment 396 Time Spent on Civic Duties 150 Total Man Hours for the Year 1982 4430 3. Firefighters Responding for Year 1982 No. of Responses Chief R. P. Steele 223 Assist. Chief Harry Bardly Sr. 78 Captain Jerrell Brown 166 Captain Gary Fuller 174 Captain David Barnes 153 Lieutenant Buddy Tanner. 175 Lieutenant Randy Macy 175 Fire Dept. Yearly Report Cont. Page 2 Firefighters Judd Joyce 11 Randy Martin 76 Darrell Brawn 76 Eric Reed 16 Charles Dodson 28 Jimmy Vann 112 James Sullivan 56 Bill Roper 7 Bill Pinson 94 Tim Hunter 116 Bryan Austin 9 Ricky McCoy 36 Mat Miller 66 Chuck Jones 16 Bill Jones 68 Cort Higgins 10 Travis Bryant 1 Jerry Walsh 69 Barry Dinsmore 45 Shawn Dinsmore 5 James Stapleton 10 Mike Thomas 3 Respectfully Subadtted R. P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department RPS:lmc CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTM-NT REPORT December. 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the month of. December Tickets issued in November 138 Tickets issued in December 170 Persons in jail in November 18 Persons in jail in December 20 Traffic accidents in November 13 Traffic accidents in December 12 Burglaires reported in November 6 Burglaries reported in December 2 Approximate value taken in burglaries in November $4,823.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in December $350.00 + Approximate value recovered in burglaries in November 00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in December 00 Thefts reported in November 1 Thefts reported in December 4 Approximate value taken in thefts in November $26,866.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in December $1,290.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in November $1,303.00 Approximate value recovered in thefts in December 00 Total offenses to date for 1982 92 Total case load from Jan-Dec 685 Number of calls in November 1,012 Number of calls in December 1,111 Speedometer reading on Unit 09 159,859 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 1.19,319 Speedometer reading on Unit 16 94,870 Speedometer reading on Unit 17 54,307 Speedometer reading cn Unit 7 1.40,888 Total miles driven in December 9,506 Respectfully submitted Chief Randy Martin Chief of Police Southlake Police Department CITY OF SOUS POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT Annual Report 1982 HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL Police Department Report for the year 1982 Tickets issued in 1982 2,345 Persons in jail in 1982 276 Traffic accidents in 1982 160 Burglaires reported in 1982 31 Approximate value taken in burglaries in 1982 $28,407.00 Approximate value recovered in burglaries in 1982 $213.00 Thefts reported in 1982 50 Approximate value taken in thefts in 1982 $74,517.20 Approximate value recovered in thefts in 1982 $11,866.00 Total offenses in 1982 92 Total case load in 1982 685 tuber of calls in 1982 (approximate) 13,444 Total miles driven in unit 09 5,009 Total miles driven in Unit 12 1,237 Total miles driven in Unit 16 54,210 Total miles driven in Unit 17 54,307 Total miles driven in 1982 114,763 Respectfully submitted n Chief Randy Martin Chief of Police Southlake Police Department peg yqc, WA.I t h I) I PAkIMI Ql HEH-WT M~~r~l II ,~f December 1982 G,_,I I.,,,I'u1111IU' I I'I k V IkJ r-l' 'iI lh 880,300 I I, t v i (_,ta., H-1111) 9,606100_ Aj $259.00 L I. r -;ul,~:r r rdant Imo, •i r 1 Cn CU f G c~ T7 Ul 1 00 ~ f { I *l 7 c- , r O lD n CD Q' (D Z ~D W N { i CITY OF $OUTHLAKE MONTHLY RLPOkT TO THE CITY COUNCIL. BUILDING DEPARTMENT a 1. NUMBER OF INSPLCTIUNS MONTH OF Dec. `82 CURRENT LAST MONTH Lt Lc IRIL 36 46 PL 011lt I N!, 51 63 I kArl t IN i., 12 16 lil 1s 1 1 kt, k, AIR 25 32 I UhNUAI 1UN 18 13 aL1,11(' ',YjILM 12 9 U 1IILI( 18 22 ItIIAI 1t~'.,I't_l.T1UN~: 172 201 I'[ i 41 I% liil'f.+fiili tlL iA',I MUrdll FEE_ Ii +J I ui tit, 17 !$3,424.00 18 $2,971.00 i I It I ('Al 17 438.00 13 373.40 r l IIhI1. l Nt, 19 + 535.00 8 220.10 11LA11NU & AIR 12 1 298.00 19 445.00 CE R I I F I CA I L UI UCCUPA14 V 8 200.00 13 325.00 Of ill k 15 135.00 10 100.00 ItiIA1 ill RMI T`.. 88 $5,030.00 gl $4,434.50 !~i11t UIIi(; VAI 11AI! ,i~ TI II MUN I I I I A`., f h1tJN III VLAR TO DATE $1,422,630.00 $1,297,172,01) $12,332,320.35 I. I'I Alif l NG & ofi l N+, I I I 1 HillS MUN Ill : AS I MUN I I I YI AN TO DATE $251.00 $3,800.30 $18,_155.30 k'!/rl lit_f'U`,I IIts L'llll liJfi+, 111111+ IIIf'. MUNTI i I A', I MUNIU 10 DATE $5,030.00 $4,434.50 $40,798.62 +<`r t' 1 f (JI L Y ',lJliMi I fi. I~ , f , - ~(ze 'i4_'00 6 ~ Bull utNt; t'I ItMI l t1 REAKDUWN 11 111 i DI N+; CIA ItK ~ _ 11.Aesidences.......$1 153,130.00 "Swimming Pool 10,000.00 `Y Garage 12,500.00 1-Barn 3,000.00 1-Commercial 264,000.00 UILtiING UEI'ARTMENT Of I I(AAt 17-Total $1,422,630.00 I • r ~ Vq1 (A VI 6A 44 r" A 4 IA n &A 10 m IA CA N ;lu Rl m m N wr '*1 C-A rn -1 Y" m cL N Cl .40 U m q -C m T' oa (A A LA v O p 1 a~ Y m A) CA C3 k Vl m L.) .'C ry L ~Y L t"1 A 3 C C C) (D "S I _ J J O N O O N O N ~D 0 N i I i I i I I} I I BILLS FOR APPROVAL JANUARY 18,1983 CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT DUE PAID Texas Power and Light Co. 2,812.22 Texas Power and Light Co. 322.60 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp. 129.95 Group Life and Health Ins. 46.90 Shotwell Oil Co. 2,669.20 General Office Supply 19.08 Fort Worth Star Telegram 223.19 Tarrant Appraisal District quarterly payment 1,311.25 Exxon Company 39.69 Racal-Milgo police computer 394.78 M & C Photography 11.73 Prime Data Supplies 92.05 Ladd Uniform 55.90 Don's Auto Repair 46.85 Tarrant Fire Chiefs Association 10.00 Melvin's Wash and Wax 8.00 North Texas Fire Investigators' Association 5.00 Crabtree and Powers 231.10 Inter. Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Inc. 60.00 Quality Automotive 103.31 Dearing Texaco 44.50 Talem, Inc. 15.00 City of Fort Worth 35.00 Joe Hughes Custom Homes 390.00 Tarrant County Purchasing Dept. 91.56 Aqua Utility 114.66 Boise Cascade 72.63 TOTAL $ 9,356.15