LOCATION: DPS West Building, 2100 West Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas
Park and Recreation Board Members Present: Chairman Frank Cornish, Vice-Chairman Mary
Georgia, Secretary Mike Mills, and Board Members Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Emily Galpin, Katrina
Peebles, and Cara White.
Park and Recreation Board Members Absent: None.
SPDC Members Present: Vice-President Cara White, and Members Sherry Berman, Michael Mills,
Virginia M. Muzyka, and Carolyn Morris.
SPDC Board Members Absent: President Keith Shankland and Member Andy Wambsganss.
Staff Present: Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek, Director of Finance Sharen
Elam, and Deputy City Secretary Tara Brooks.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The Park and Recreation Board meeting was called to order by
Chairman Cornish at 6:12 p.m. The Southlake Parks Development Corporation meeting was called to
order by Vice-President White at 6:13 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments. Deputy Director Polasek announced that President
Shankland was in St. Louis and could not attend the meeting. Board Member Wambsganss' wife had
surgery and he was taking care of their children and was unable to attend.
Agenda Item No. 2A. Proposed cancellation of the September 6, 2005 SPDC meeting. The board
agreed to cancel the September 6, 2005 SPDC meeting.
Agenda Item No. 3. Consent Agenda. There were no items on this agenda.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Missy Thompson, Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association, 1215 Bent Creek Drive, Southlake, Texas
updated the boards on the upcoming lacrosse season and requested four lighted fields for lacrosse.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of proposed SPDC Capital Improvement Plan and Fiscal Year
2005-06 SPDC Capital Budget. Deputy Director Polasek described the Capital Improvements Program
budget process to both boards. The proposed CIP budge for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 is $4,430,000.
The boards discussed the line item regarding the future land acquisition and need for community parks.
Park and Recreation Board Member Galpin left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
The boards discussed the need for additional lacrosse fields.
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SPDC Member Berman requested making the lacrosse needs a priority.
Director Polasek presented the matching funds budget of $400,000.
Director Polasek presented the fund requests for Smith Park development of $272,000.
The boards discussed the priority ranking of the development of this park in relation to the development
of Noble Oaks Park.
Board Member Morris expressed concern over Noble Oaks Park priority ranking and stated she believes
it is a higher priority than Smith Park. Deputy Director Polasek stated there is a line item in the SPDC
operations budget for $100,000 to allow for repairs and beautification of the pond at Noble Oaks Park.
The Boards discussed other development ideas for Noble Oaks Park, including the possible placement of
the historical log cabin at this location and the development of the pond.
Deputy Director Polasek presented the $300,000 request to construct more parking at Bob Jones Park
The boards discussed the construction of the parking lot south of the softball fields as well as the parking
lot at the Nature Center.
The boards discussed the use of the different fields as well as the unfulfilled needs of fields.
Deputy Director Polasek presented the $546,000 request for improvements at Liberty Park at
The boards discussed the possible uses and development of this park.
Deputy Director Polasek presented the land acquisition request for more multi-use lighted fields for a
total of $2,500,000.
Board member Morris asked staff to consider adjacent residential developments when purchasing any
Deputy Director Polasek presented the $412,000 budget for three large fields for a lacrosse facility.
The boards discussed the timing and possible funding of a skate board park and a BMX park.
The boards discussed Adventure Alley and the need for it to be placed on a future CIP plan.
Board member Mills expressed a desire to move money from Liberty Park Gafden at Sheltonwood to
Coker Park to construct a parking lot to allow hikers and bikers to access the trails near Grapevine Lake.
The boards discussed the future of the Farhat property.
The boards discussed the funding for construction of trails.
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SPDC Board Member Berman stated that trails are always the number one priority in citizen's surveys
and they are not in the CIP budget at all.
Park and Recreation Board Member Cox also expressed dismay on the trails being delayed until FY
Deputy Director Polasek stated trails are budgeted in the general operating fund.
The boards discussed the needs for trails in the north part of town and the ways to fund and construct
more trails.
No one was present to speak during the Public Hearing.
Motion was made to recommend the proposed SPDC Capital Improvement Plan and Fiscal Year 2005-
06 SPDC Capital Budget removing the two 24' pavilions from the Liberty Park at Sheltonwood budget
for $70,000 and removing the 24' pavilion from the Royal and Annie Smith Park budget for $35,000 for
a total of $105,000 for immediate trail system improvements in the FY 2005-06.
Motion: Rawls
Second: Georgia
Park and Recreation Board Member Rawls amended his motion to apply the $105,000 for trail
improvements north of FM 1709. Park and Recreation Board Member Georgia amended her second.
Ayes: Cornish, Cox, Durham, Peebles, Mills, Rawls, White
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0
Motion was made to amend the SPDC Capital Improvement Plan and Fiscal Year 2005-06 SPDC
Capital Budget as presented but removing the two 24' pavilions from the Liberty Park at Sheltonwood
budget for $70,000 and removing the 24' pavilion from the Royal and Annie Smith Park budget for
$35,000 for a total of $105,000 for immediate trail system improvements north of FM 1709 in the FY05-
06; remove $10,000 from project reserve to be used to place a parking lot at the Coker property; using
10% of the project reserve funds to go to trail improvements.
Motion: Berman
Second: Mills
Ayes: Berman, Mills, Morris, Muzyka, White
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 6. Adjournment of Park and Recreation Board. With there being no other
business to discuss, Chairman Cornish adjourned the Park and Recreation Board meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 5B. Approval of Proposed FY 2005-06 SPDC Operating Budget. Deputy
Director Polasek presented this item to the board.
Board Member Mills clarified the motion of the recommendation from the Park and Recreation Board of
the approval of the proposed FY 2005-06 SPDC operating budget. He recommended the funding of the
management study be taken from comparable sources to the funding of the Department of Public Safety
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and Public Works management studies. Director Elam stated those studies were funded from each
department's budget.
The board discussed the construction of the maintenance yard at Bob Jones Park.
The board discussed the funding of operational items from the SPDC operating fund instead of from the
general fund as it has been in the past. Director Elam stated the funding requests were one time capital
purchases and costs and that is why she and the City Manager are proposing to fund them from the
SPDC operating fund.
No one was present to speak during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve the proposed FY 2005-06 Operating Budget, as presented.
Motion: Berman
Second: Muzyka
Ayes: Berman, Morris, Muzyka, White
Nays: Mills
Approved: 4-1
Board Member Mills stated he did not want to move funds tradionally funded from the general fund into
the SPDC operating fund. He stated there is a perception in the community of what the SPDC operating
fund is for, and he does not think now is the time to change that.
Agenda Item No. 8. Adiournment of Southlake Parks Development Corporation.
With there being no other business to discuss, Vice-President White adjourned the Southlake Parks
Development Corporation meeting at 9:31 p.m.
Cara White
ATTEST: Vice-President
Tara Brooks
Deputy City Secretary
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