DATE and TIME: JULY 17, 2006 - 6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall - Room 3c/d
1400 Main Street - Southlake, Texas
SPDC Board Members Present: Vice-President Carolyn Morris, Secretary Sherry Berman and Board
Members Elaine Cox, Laura K. Hill, Gregory Jones, Mike Mills, and Virginia M. Muzyka.
SPDC Board Members Absent: None
Parks and Recreation Board Members Present: Chairman Mary Georgia; Vice-Chair Mike Mills;
Board Members Emily Galpin Katrina Peebles and John Slocum
Parks and Recreation Board Members Absent: Ken Goodman, Cara White, Bobby Rawls, and Liz
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services
Chris Tribble and Deputy City Secretary Tara Brooks
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order of the Joint Meeting of the SPDC and Parks Board.
The meeting was called to order by Parks Chairman Georgia and SPDC Vice-President Morris at 6:23
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments.
No items this agenda.
Agenda Item No. 3. Consent.
No items this agenda.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Parks Chairman Georgia opened Public Forum. Being no one present to speak during Public Forum,
SPDC Vice-President Morris closed Public Forum.
SPDC and Park Board Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Recommendation of proposed SPDC
Capital Improvement Plan and Fiscal Year 2006-07 SPDC Capital Budget. Public Hearing.
Director Polasek presented the proposed CIP budget, the Plan and the detailed CIP Project Request
forms to the Park Board and SPDC.
Unofficial Southlake Parks Development Corporation Meeting Minutes, July 17, 2006 (6:00 p.m.)
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Both boards discussed this item.
The aging of Adventure Alley was discussed and Board members desired to move the playground up to
the FY 2007-08 budget as a placeholder. It was noted that once the schematic design for the overall
improvements to Bicentennial Park is completed by Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, the Adventure
Alley item as well as others that may surface once the composite design of the park is known, will be
brought back at a joint meeting of the Boards for consideration of modifications to the out-year funding
Board members also desired to move the Coker and Farhat properties farther out in the Capital
Improvement Plan. It was suggested to remove the Coker item from the CIP altogether because of its
location and because it may be more desirable as another use rather than as a city park.
Concern was expressed about the condition of the present community services office building. This issue
is being investigated and future plans have been considered to renovate the Evans property on Shady
Oaks Drive to accommodate recreation staff and to house park maintenance offices at the service facility
on Continental Boulevard.
A recreation center remains on the priority list and as Southlake's population and commercial
developments continues to grow, it could be a reality within the next 10 years. A suggestion for
alternative opportunities to fund some of the unfunded items such as a recreation center or a performing
arts center may be through solicitation of endowments or benefactors.
Staff recapped the board's discussion. With the understanding that a master plan for Bicentennial
Park is now under development, both boards support the Bicentennial Park project as it relates to
moving $115,000 for eastside drainage and $302,000 for Adventure Alley items to FY 2007-08;
shifting $266,000 for Kirkwood-Saber to FY 2009-10; and $70,000 and $10,000 for Coker Trail to
FY 2009-10. Another adjustment was to reduce the Matching Funds from $400,000 to $200,000 in
FY 2007-08 and every year thereafter.
Parks Board Action:
A motion was made to accept as summarized by staff during discussion.
Motion: Mills
Second: Galpin
Ayes: Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles and Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 5-0
Motion carried.
SPDC Action:
Vice-President Morris opened Public Hearing. No one was present to speak. Public Hearing was closed.
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Motion was made to adopt the motion passed by the Parks Board.
Motion: Jones
Second: Muzyka
Ayes: Berman, Cox, Hill, Jones, Mills, Muzyka, Morris
Nays: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Item for future consideration:
The Park Board was asked to consider at a future time a request by Old Union Elementary School
administration to name the pond at Noble Oaks Park in memory of a prominent science teacher who
used the pond extensively in her classes and who died of meningitis a few years ago.
Agenda Item No. 7. Adiournment of the Parks Board.
A motion was made adjourn the Park Board meeting at 6:45 p.m.
Motion: Peebles
Second: Slocum
Ayes: Galpin, Georgia, Mills, Peebles, Slocum
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 5-0
Motion carried.
SPDC Agenda Item No. 5B. Approval of proposed FY 2006-07 SPDC Operating Budget Public
Hearing. Director Polasek presented this item. The Board discussed funding of operational and capital
Several Board members expressed reservations about inclusion of some capital items although allowed
by State Law. The intent, as they understand the use of capital funds, is for the development and
acquisition of parks.
Vice-President Morris opened Public Hearing. No one was present to speak. Public Hearing was closed.
Motion was made to approve the Fiscal Year 2006-07 SPDC Operating Budget
Motion: Muzyka
Second: Cox
Ayes: Berman, Cox, Hill, Jones, Mills, Muzyka, Morris
Nays: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion.
There were no items for discussion.
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Agenda Item No. 7. SPDC Adiournment.
With there being no other business to discuss, Vice-President Morns adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m.
Mary Geo is
Parks Board Chairman
Carol Morns
SPDC President
P 00e
Stev olasek
Director of Community Services
Unofficial Southlake Parks Development Corporation Meeting Minutes, July 17, 2006 (6:00 p.m.)
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