1984-12-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18,1984 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Consider: Request for annexation of the West Beach Addition. Property is located in Denton County. Barnett Teames and Associates,Inc. 3. Consider: Ordinance No. 306. Noise nuisances. 4. Consider: ZA 84-57. Final plat approval for Huntwick Addition. Alvin Miller. Approval of Developers Agreement. 5. Consider: ZA 84-30. Final plat approval for Phase II of Diamond Circle Estates. Lloyd Carder. Approval for Developers Agreement. 6. Department Reports. 7. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 14,1984 t 3 p.m. z City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA December 18,1984 7 p.m. CLOSED MEETING Closed meeting as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. 1. Possible Litigation. I hereby certify that the supplement to the city council meeting agenda was posted on the official bulletin board n Monday, December 17,1984 at 10 a.m. City Secretary a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS r1l td 0 0 o y rn ryn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d a MEETING. d ~z, > o DATE: December 18,1984 t7 a x TIME: 7:30 p.m. 7 PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 z y a 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE AME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z 1 PAGE: INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta; Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny Westerholm. Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks, and Marion Bone. ABSENT: Davis Bradley. The city attorney, Bill Smith was also absent. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Billy Jon Curb. CITY STAFF: Police Chief; Ted Philli s, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, DPW; Louis Johnson, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham. INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs Westerholm x The Minutes of the December 4, city Combs x x council meeting were approved as Eubanks x x presented. Bone x MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Latta referred to a letter dated December 17,1984, from J.R. Stone, of the State Highway Departmen in regards to a 5 year development schedule for expansion to Highway 170). Mayor Latta announced the upcomming arrival of an Emergency One Fire Truck which was purchased on a 5 year lease purchase plan with Revenue Sharing Funds. The purchase has a 9.9% per year interest rate. A discussion was held concerning the request for annexation of the West Beach Addition. The property is located in Denton County. The pro- ject includes approximately 60 lots. The request was made by Barnett, Teames and Associates Inc. Eubanks made a motion to deep six the request. Motion died for lack of a second. cn a C C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular ry o --3 M M MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z e r7 MEETING. x z a DATE: December 18,1984 M t= e y ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y y 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Westerholm x Motion was made to table until a McCombs x x representative is present. The Eubanks x City Secretary is to contact the Bone x x developers and advise them of the action taken. Westerholm x A discussion was held concerning the McCombs x proposed Ordinance No. 306. Noise Eubanks x x Ordinance. Motion was made and Bone x x approved not to take action on the ordinance until January 22,1985 city council meeting. ZA 84-57. The final plat was ZA 84-57 considered for the Huntwick Estates Addition except for item #11 of the Cheatham final plat review letter. Westerholm x A tie vote resulted with Mayor Latta McCombs x x casting a vote in favor of the plat Eubanks x approval. Eubanks then changed his Bone x x vote to a favor vote. The Developers Agreement was approved Westerholm x x contingent upon the fact that Hardy McCombs x x Court does not extend to the east Eubanks x if the property turns into a parking Bone x lot for the high school. ZA 84-30. Consideration was given ZA 84-3C to the final plat of Phase 2 of Diamond Circle Estates. The item was tabled until the plat is shown on two plats. One showing the replat of Phase 1 and the other showing Phase 2. The department reports were reviewed. Westerholm x McCombs x x The bills presented were approved Eubanks x for payment. Bone x x The meeting w djourne by Mayor Latta. M JI v ATT~17. WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH OF NOVEMBER Gallons Pumped Previous Month 17,406,100 Gallons Sold Previous Month New Water Taps Installed (10) 1 inch Fire Hydrants Installed Meter Change Out (3) 1 inch (5) 3/4 inch Meter Rental Other Repairs Leaks (4) Materials Used Work Orders Processed 172 hater S perintendant a+ ' w rn a H a, o ~ o z° r H x H V] O U z W D H a as x H Q U w a z H w o ~ U p+ H ~-1 H H H (ly'' H U W ~ a U a3 U ~ ~t+ 00 a H EE- rn O x r~ ~ ~ x x ~ 0 0 ~ U U r+ w a a c~a a a ~ a U U ~ o H H o ~ ~ a H U W ZR W O m H O a ~D < H P4 U) Q d i i C7 dW cY Y J cr U ~ Q N ~ OM 07 C") C~ r--I N r-I r-I l- to O rI O d+ r-~ O O C~ O O N V L7 _s of C3 W V1 N cx r 11 L~,1 N Q ~ Z N G Y w r c3 Cr z An cir 444... ~ UJI 8 N K in 1- N M V1 on V7 W = 4 g CL U g 3 5 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILPERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of November A. Responses: Number of Calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------- 0 2. Mobil Home Fires------------------------------------------------ 0 3. Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------- 0 4. Auto Fires------------------------------------------------------ 2 5. Truck Fires----------------------------------------------------- 1 6. Auto Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 3 7. Truck Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 0 8. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine-------------------------------- 0 9. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------------ 0 10. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller----------------------------------- 0 11. Mutual-Aid for Trophy Club------------------------------ 12. Mutual-Aid to other Cities-------------------------------------- 0 13. Fire Calls in Tarrant Count outside city limits 2 b. EMS Calls in Tarrant Count outside city limits 2 14. Fire Calls in Denton Count outside city limits 1 b. EMS Calls in Denton Count outside city limits 0 15. False Alarms in City---------------------------- 0 16. False Alarms in Tarrant County---------------------------------- 0 17. False Alarms in Denton Count 0 Page 2 Number of Calls 18. Rescue Unit Calls------------------------------------------ 11 A. Subject diabetic shock. Highland & Hwy. 114 B. Possible heart attack. 725 Bentwood C. Subject having muscle spasms (back) Oak Hill Mobil Home Park D. Infant choking. 2970 Burney LANE E. Subject spitting up blood. 515 W. Southlake Blvd. F. Possible heart attack. 2001 Randall Mill Rd. G. Subject having trouble breathing. 1709 N. Carroll ave. H. Subject bed fast, trouble breathing, 349 S. Peytonville I. Subject with numbness in arms. 1709 N. Carroll ave. J. Possible stroke. 1411 W. Southlake Blvd. K. Two subjects stranded on sand bar in boat, Grapevine lake. 19. Miscellaneous---------------------------------------------- 4 A. Assist water dept. drain water tower. 500 N. White Chapel. B. Gas line leak. 740 E. Continental Blvd. C. Stand-by for DFW bomb disposal unit to destroy old dynamite found in barn at 1363 E. Dove Rd. D. Gas line cut. 4000 W. Southlake Blvd. B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of November 26 Page 3 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls___________________________________________ 193 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting------16------- 128 3.Special Training Sessions or Drills-- I'Laue___PubJ_a_c_SOX_v e Hours 99 4. Any Extra Man Hrs.on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) 0 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month--------------------------------- 420 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding------------- Chief R. P. Steele 18 - Assist chief Bradley On leave Deputy chief Brown 15 Fire Marshall Barnes 14 Capt. Fuller 15 Lt. Tanner 5 Lt. Stacy 15 Jerry Walsh 17 Ron Stacy 4 Bill Hudson 12 James Sullivan 2 Lynn Watson 16 Sheldon Leonard 7 James Stapleton 5 Robbie Burgess 1 Mark Thomas 6 Bill Jones 1 Ricky Black 10 Tim Bock 1 Darrell Brown 1 Brad Dalton 3 Jesse Pritchard 2 Respectfu11y,Submitted; R. P. Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTH November 1984 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: THIS MONTH LAST MONTH TOTALS: S04 445 2. PERMITS ISSUED: THIS LAST MONTH FEE: MONTH FEE: - SINGLE FAMILY 10 5,804.50 14 6,892.00 COMMERCIAL 2 3,091.00 1 558.00 DUPLEX 0 0 SUB-CONTRACTORS 82 3,640.70 71 2,650.50 OTHER 14 993.40 10 571.00 Commercial Add-on 2 393.50 TOTALS 110 13,923.10 96 10,671.50 3. BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: TOTAL: $180,302.44 $166,379.34 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN: l~,'` c'wClv~~~ 10-Single Family 1,577,900.00 BUILDING CLERK 2-Commercial 1,090,000.00 2-Comm Add-on 64,300.00 6-Add-on 87,563.00 4-Swimming Pools 45,733.00 2,865,496.00 MONTHLY POLICE REPORT November 1984 PRESENT PAST YEAR 'I MONTH MONTH DATI: .OTAI, RADIO CALLS 1090 780 9812 TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED 334 170 2610 Traffic Citations Less Parking 32S 1S3 248-~ Parkin Citations 9 17 121 Other Citations (Other than Traffic) 0 0 I ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 16 21 176 Major Accidents (Involving Injury) 3 5 48 Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only) 13 16 128 TOTAL ARRESTS 1 23 2 Felon Arrests 0 2 3 Misdemeanor Arrests 20 Juvenile Arrests I TOTAL CASES FILED 3 3 34 Felon I Misdemeanor 3 1 29 Juvenile (T. C. Juvenile Probation) TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 25 21 221 TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 10 7 82 CLEARANCE RATE 250 33% 37.1`d BURGLARIES REPORTED 12 7 62 Value - Stolen Property 18256 4674 85 77 Value - Recovered Property 295 0 5 11- THEFTS REPORTED 3 7 7~ Value - Stolen Property 4890 21 34 144108j Value - Recovered Property 4500 13,98( 115,60 CRIME PREVL'NTION PRESENTATIONS 1 16 SCH001, PRESINFATA ONS 0 0 7 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE INFORMATION -Noyemb '..8 4 MILEAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE COS1. VEHICLE DESCRIPTION THIS MONTH MILEAGE THIS MONTH 221 84 Ghev_.-.Impala 3722 36363 181.37 1222 184_Chev Impala 4823 42136 182.92 223 I 1 hev Impala 3334 5143 00.00 119 Dod e Di lomat 282 48351 00.00 i SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICER ACTIVITY Novemhey 'R4 )NS ^TO'I AL 0"1 C . I T T, t)I~I ] io IL) ISSUED) RREST',; CALLS INV. I)RI yEN {Sgt, -1A] ? I I Sgt-, -.I- Zz (Q) w.d x 11A2 - 41 1SR -12 Il9------I 4 - i Pti.-D. T @w PtI, J. Marler 1108 19 1 72 1 1445 Ptl. R. Garmon 1109 30 1 192 2 1220 Ptl. M. Stewart 1110 41 2 105 1 1528 1 1Pt1. J. Paul 1111_ 115 2 87 4 933 Ptl. H. Anderson 1112 6 1 120 2 911 RESERVE OFFICERS HOURS OFFICER CITATIONS ARRESTS CALLS ACC. WORKED Ca t. R. Anderson 1500 4 0 11 0 23.5 Ptl. K. Marrs 1504 1 0 10 0 20.6 Ptl. C. Foster 1505 0 0 15 0 15.6 I Pvesl)cct fully submitted , Ted Phi llihs,Chic'f of Poll Bills For Approval - City Council Meeting December 18, 1984 City Administration Alexander & Alexander 4,161.00 The Banner Printing Co. 177.50 Eddie Cheatham 615.00 ChemCo 84.00 Fina Oil 37.30 Continental Office Supply 87.96 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 1,189.53 General Office Supply 274.56 Group Life & Health 14.00 Lanier 300.60 Mays,Grady, & Burruss 4,879.00 Montgomery Trophy Shop 25.00 Pease Engraving 11.55 Pitney Bowes 63.00 Racal Milgo 40.20 Rogers Maintenance 85.00 Stafford Lowdon 986.45 Tarrant Appraisal District 1,603.00 TML 541.00 Texas Power & Light 924.52 Thompson Printing 324.20 TOTAL $16,424.37 Facilities A-OK Locksmith 44.25 Concrete Cutters 724.00 TOTAL $768.25 Police Boise Cascade 15.37 Jerry Crowder 43.88 Dearing Automotive 15.25 Dearing & Son Texaco 6.00 M & C Photography 80.68 Omaha Surplus 62.00 TOTAL $223.18 Water Aqua Utility 180.97 Atlas Utility 139.13 B & M Truck Equipment 52.21 Bowles & Edens 358.04 Buy Rite Auto Supply 46.93 Cleveland Cotton Products 222.47 Crabtree & Powers 161.29 Circle R Electric 62.00 City of Keller 7,785.52 Marriott Auto 5.02 Metro Quip 97.47 ,Dil'rw3 for Approval - Page 2 December 18, 1984 Water Department (Continued) Payless Cashways 31.50 Texas Industrial Services 69.30 Texas Power & Light 2,187.44 TOTAL 11,399.29 TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS $28,815.09