1984-11-20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 20,1984 CLOSED SESSION: V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 6:30 p.m. 1. Discussion: Contract related to Dove Estates Sewerage Treatment Plant. OPEN SESSION: 7:30 p.m. 1. Mayors Report. 2. Discussion: Questions concerning off site drainage. Eddie Cheatham, city engineer. 3. Consider: Resolution 84-26. Appointments for committee to work with P & Z and selected master planning contractor. 4. Consider: Resolution 84-27. Moratorium on sewerage treatment facilities. 5. Consider: ZA 84-55. Zoning request for a 4.277 acre tract of land out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: C. Douglas White and Frank Graham. Public Hearing. 6. Consider: ZA 84-55. Final plat of the Graham-White Addition. Owners: C. Douglas White and Frank Graham. 7. Consider: ZA 84-57. Preliminary plat of a replat of Huntwick Estates Addition. The.25.2363.acre tract of land is out of the J.L. Chivers Survey, Abstract 348. Owner: Alvin Miller. 8. Consider: Disannexation petition of a 24.55 acre tract of land. 9. Department Reports. 10. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Aven e, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 16,1984 at 3:30 p.m. ~'l Z . City Secretary c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ~ rr! ~ o O M o ryn tin MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING. z Y DATE: November 20,1984 r~ d d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H H 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd 0. Latta Jr. Johnny Westerholm, Davis Bradley, Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Ted Phillips, Director of Public Works; Louis Johnso City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, City Attorney; Bill Smith. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Billy Jon Curb. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. Westerholm x The Minutes of the November 6, city Braombs x x x council meeting were approved as presented. Eubanks x Bone x MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Latta announced that Phase I of the water line expansion project is complete and in the process of having the final inspections. Fire Chief R.P. Steele announced to the council that they are invited to the annual fire and police banquet and awards party, to be held on December 1, at 7 p.m. Mayor Latta informed council that he had met with Ed Walts and Bill Ross from IBM this past week. They want to exercise a past agreement with the city which is , if we could serve them one-half million gallons of surface water per day, they could consider developing their land in Southlake. If we cannot, they would approach Trophy Club for water. However, now they are requesting one million gallon per day. They indicated that it would be at least two years down stream before they develop the land. Mayor Latta polled council and all y c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS v rn W O 0 rri o m t7l MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL Z > t7 d MEETING. November 20 1984 rn z a Irl DATE: 7:30 p.m. rn t= d a TIME: 'T : PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 p czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE vAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX agreed the city attorney should draft an agreement of this nature. City engineer, Eddie Cheatham gave a brief report on off-site drainage. He indicated that unless the developer design retension ponds, it leaves the door open for down stream owners to claim possible litigation. Mayor Latta gave Cheatham the challeng of working with the Planning and Zon- ing Commission on the problems with off-site drainage. 'esterholm x Resolution 84-26 was approved, naming RESOLUTION liradley x a committee to work with the Planning 84-26 r" bombs x x Combs x and Zoning Commission and a selected master planning contractor. ,one x x Resolution 84-27 was approved, which RESOLUTION ,.'esterholm x sets a moratorium on multi-use sewer- 84-27 Bradley x x age treatment plants until a policy cCombs x is established on the plants in re- ubanks x gards to ownership. The resolution is Bone x x effective immediately, to be voted on again at the March 19,1985 city council meeting. ZA 84-55. The zoning request for a ZA 84-55 4.277 acre tract of land out of the ZONING O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899 was APPROVED approved for zoning change from AG esterholm x to A-3 Single Family District. Owners Bradley x x Douglas White and Frank Graham were McCombs x present for the meeting. There were ubanks x no comments during the public hearing. one x x Westerholm x ZA 84-55. The final plat of the Graham- radley x x White Addition was approved as ZA 84-55 'ombs x presented. SUBDIVISIOT hucanks x x APPROVED one x U, > CITY OF SOUTH TAKE, TEXAS a cn O o t-d p -~-3 M m MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING, cr1 z Iri DATE: November 20,1984 rn d d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. C a z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS -3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX ZA 84-57. The preliminary plat of ZA 84-57 the replat of Huntwick Estates PRELIMIN. 3 Westerholm X Addition was approved as presented. PLAT Bradley X APPROVAL McCombs x x Developer, Alvin Miller was present Eubanks x and answered questions for the Bone x x commission. Ordinance No. 305 was approved. ORDINANC Johnny Westerholm made a motion to NO. 305 grant the disannexation because the APPROVED present owner who requested that the Westerholm x x land be annexed into the city several Bradley x years ago and for the reason of McCombs x resolving a dispute between the owner Eubanks x of the property and the city. ne x x The department reports were reviewed by the city council. Westerholm X The bills presented were approved McCombs x for payment. (attached hereto and Eubanks x x made a part hereof) Bone x x Councilperson Bradley left the meeting before the bills were approved. Mayor Latta adjourned the meeting with no further s ess. i / May oy 0. I r. ATTE T: City Secretary MONTH nrTnR~R 1984 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: THIS MONTH LAST MONTH TOTALS: 445 452 2. PERMITS ISSUED: THIS LAST MONTH FEE: M014TH FEE: SINGLE FAMILY 14 $6,892,.00 11 $5,898.,00 COMMERCIAL 1 558,.0.0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 SUB-CONTRACTORS 71 2,650.50 42 2,239.00 OTHER 10 571.00 17 783.00 TOTALS 96 $10,671.50 70 $8,920.00 3. BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: TOTAL: $166,379.34 $155,707.84 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN: 14-SINGLF FA"1ILY 1,405,500.00 BUILDING/'CLERK 1-COMMERCIAL 150,000.0^ 3-ADD-Ora 43,000.0 1-SWIMMING POOL 10,500.Ou TOTAL 1,609,000.0" TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILPERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of October. 1984 A. Responses: Number of Calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------- 0 2. Mobil Home Fires------------------------------------------------ 0 3. Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------- 1 4. Auto Fires------------------------------------------------------ 0 5. Truck Fires----------------------------------------------------- 0 6. Auto Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 6 7. Truck Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 0 8. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine-------------------------------- 0 9. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------------ 0 10. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller----------------------------------- 1 11. Mutual-Aid for Trophy Club-------------------------------------- 0 12. Mutual-Aid to other Cities-------------------------------------- 0 13. Fire Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits 0 b. EMS Calls in Tarrant Count outside city limits 1 14. Fire Calls in Denton Count outside city limits I b. EMS Calls in Denton Count outside city limits 0 15. False Alarms in City-------------------------------------------- 1 16. False Alarms in Tarrant County---------------------------------- 0 17. False Alarms in Denton Count 0 Page 2 Number of Calls 18. Rescue Unit Calls------------------------------------------ 8 A. Subject had cuts on left arm and hand - Oak Hill MHP B. Subject had fainting spell - 100 S. Carroll C. Subject passed out - 721 N. Carroll D. Subject had possible mild stroke - 1325 N. White Chapel E. Subject had difficulty breathing - 1880 E. Dove Rd. F. Subject had possible neck & back injury - Carroll Hiqh School G. Subject fell and cut head - Carroll High School H. Subject fell through glass door - Carroll High School 19. Miscellaneous---------------------------------------------- 3 A. Utility pole fire - Carroll Middle School (Football field) B. Utility shed and trash fire - 1211 Brumlow C. Bomb threat - 2727 E. Southlake Bled. B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of October 22 Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting November 20, 1984 City Administration erican Petrofina 37.30 Eddie Cheatham 720.00 Continental Office Supply 162.46 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 157.00 General Office Supply 143.72 General Telephone 1,970.03 Group Life & Health 14.00 I.B.M. 81.50 Shotwell Oil 851.84 Racal Milgo 327.00 William H. Smith 1,500.00 Thompson Printing 38.00 Texas Power & Light 1,103.06 TOTAL 7,105.91 Parks/Facilities Crabtree & Powers 12.00 Bud Tanner Plumbing 95.00 TOTAL' $107.00 Police Dearing Automotive 239.14 Donovan Uniform 196.45 r^neral Office Supply 301.98 . x C Photography 39.80 McFarland 40.00 Non-Lethal Weapons 185.13 TOTAL $1,002.50 Fire Ace Sheet Metal 20.00 B & G Mufflers 15.00 Brothers Auto Repair 30.95 Fort Worth Fire Extinguisher 13.00 International Association of Fire Chiefs 60.00 M & C Photography 24.44 Motor Supply 35.77 Motorola 68.75 Riggs Custom Upholstery 4.00 Southwest Marine 13.50 TOTAL 285.41 Bilks for Approval - November 20, 1984 Page 2 Water C.F. Adams 15.00 .rcle R Electric 167.15 Crabtree & Powers 168.57 General Telephone 32.68 Grapevine Radiator Service 79.00 J.L. Myers 70.00 Ratliff Iron Works 434.00 Regional Office Supply 126.72 Talem 37.10 Texas Electric 10.00 Texas Power & Light 3,473.54 Texas Industrial Services 163.85 TOTAL 4,777.61 TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS $13,278.43 Page 3 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls------------------------------------------- 95 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting 14 112 3.Special Training Sessions or Drills-Dri11~__LPU~11~_~~rsHr~L 131 4. Any Extra Man Hrs.on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) 35 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month_________________________________ 373 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding------------- Chief Steele 18 Assist.Chief Bradley 1 On Leave Deputy Chief Brown 7 Fire Marshal Barnes 15 Captian Fuller 10 Lt. Tanner 3 Lt. Stacy 7 Jerry Walsh 22 Lynn Watson 10 James Stapleton 4 Robbie Burgess 1 Bill Hudson 11 Mark Thomas 2 Bill Jones 1 Ron Stacy 5 Darrell Brown 3 Sheldon Leonard 3 Ricky Black 3 Brad Dalton 2 James Sullivan 1 Stacy Kirkham 1 Jesse Pritchard 1 Respectfully Submitted; . P. Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH October 1984 Gallons Pumped Previous Month 18,240,100 Gallons Sold Previous Month New Water Taps Installed (2) 3/4" (1) 1" (1) 2" Fire Hydrants Installed Meter Change Out (8) 3/4" (1) 1" Machine Rental Other Repairs (5) leaks (1) Valve Repair J.O. Processed 125 Water Superintendant W 00 m x o ~ U3 p w -4-) O U O F f~ H C!] O U z W D F a cza x H 0 U w a Z w x z cx o Q F }1 H F > H H U W F a U d+ W F F o0 o a x rn >4 x x 0 0 ~ U U 00 w a a M a a a~ Q, H H ,Q O ►U-1 ►U-+ o a o H U W O M F O CL' a ~ F fj, c~ Q i co x o a x o y, i-l a C.) x O H 0 0 H E- 04 o o .2~ U a d a H LO O Co O d'+ [r M r-I N CO 00 z In CY) O Cfl N O O LO O O ri C7 z H H x A H O ~ x co w a w w H A A A ~ ~ U F A x Q A H V) w d H w a a C/) W w a w C/) H d co co ^ a w w w H U) c w w Q Z CO x A H H d x ::D x O O z z A w H rn U) 9) o d d co U) w w w x x w w H w x U) rA U) w' x Cn v] Cn C/) CO H d d d d d d d d^ d d U U U 3 U U 14 U U U z MONTHLY POLICE REPORT October, 1984 PRESENT PAST YEAR TO MONTH MONTH DATE TOTAI. RADIO CALLS 780 920 8732 TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED 170 236 2276 Traffic Citations Less Parking 153 232 2160 Parkin Citations 17 4 112 Other Citations other than 0 0 0 'ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 21 11 160 Major Accidents (Involving Injury) 5 4 45 Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only) 16 7 115 TOTAL ARREST 23 27 313 Felony Arrest 2 3 23 Misdemeanor Arrest 20 24 280 Juvenile Arrest 1 0 10 TOTAL CASES FILED 3 6 31 Felony 2 1 4 Misdemeanor 1 5 26 Juvenile (T. C. Juvenile Probation 0 0 1 21 24 196 TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED . TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 7 12 72 :CLEARANCE RATE 330 500 36.x`: 'BURGLARIES REPORTED 7 2 50 4674 10835 67515 I Value - Stolen P5 Value - Recovered Pro pert 0 0 4821 'THEFTS REPORTED 7 12 69 Value - Stolen Property 21 346 28 926 139 9192 Value - Recovered Property 13,980 29,960 111,1n CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS 1 1. 15 SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS 0 7 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE INFORMATION October, 1984 MILEAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE COSTS VEHICLE DESCRIPTION THIS MONTH MILEAGE THIS MONTH I 84 Impala #221 3222 32641 $12.40 84 Impala #222 4204 37313 $12.40 (Radio Install) 84 Impala #223 1809 1809 $434.77 83 Diplomat #119 537 48069 $76.00 l SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT 01`11 CU :".CT I VI TY October, 1984 T-_-_------:--_.__-._-__------- __--__-7,_~ I~IIvN; --:101A1.~-__.__~L)7A1, OF]:] CER _ Ill I SSl-it.Lt- RR) F;ST.`~ CALLS -I NV. DR I VEN-- j Sgt. Austin 1101 23 1 109 3 1587 Wit. Crowder 1102 26 12 125 5 1028 Sgt. Burns 1103 3 1 38 0 483 Ptl. Law 1106 9 2 192 6 1713 PtI. Garmon 1109 20 1 134 5 1175 Ptl. Stewart 1110 31 2 118 2 1909 Ptl. Anderson 1112 WITH TRAINING rFFTCER1 Ptl. Paul 1111 POLICE ACA)EMY I Ptl. Marler 1108 OLICE ACA EMY RESERVE OFFICERS URS - OFFICER CITATIONS ARRISTS CALLS ACC. WORKED i - R. Anderson 1500 1 0 17 0 2S S K-.-Marys' . Marrs 1504 7 0 ( 20 1 29. ; C. Foster 1505 I TRAIN NG -11 0 20.9 Respect f-ti 1 ly submitted, `t7 '1 / Ted Phi/I l ips,Chief of Pol ic<