1984-11-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 6,1984 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Consider: Ordinance No. 304. Establishing Fire Lanes and Regulations. 3. Consider: ZA 84-41. Final plat approval of Grapevine Plaza. 4. Consider: ZA 84-54. Replat of Lot 17A of the Cedar Oaks Addition, making Lot 17A-1 and 17A-2. Owner: James L. Hollingshead. 5. Bills for approval. CLOSED SESSION ( As per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17) 1. Discussion: Possible Litigation. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 2,1984 at 5 p.m. f City Secretary Cn > c < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a m W o 0 En __3 -3 M m o __3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL 1' t' d MEETING. d i4 > o m DATE: November 6,1984 d H M TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCI'LPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny Wester holm. Councilpersons: David Bradley, Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Mario Bone. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, Fire Chief; R. P. Steele, Police Chief; Ted Phillips City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Bill Smith. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Rick Stacy. INVOCATION: Marion Bone. ;terholm x x The Minutes of the October 16 city i_.adley x council meeting were approved as pre- McCombs x sented. Eubanks x Bone x x MAYORS REPORT Under the Mayors report, Mayor Latta gave a progress report on the water line extension program. The connec- tion across White Chapel Road will be November 8. Mayor Pro Tem Westerholm is continuing to work on the street and thoroughfare issue. Latta addressed the Southlake Bank Place street widening project. He stated the developer of the project is negligent as they were given building permits based on the assumption that the facilities will be complete before the new construct ion is ready for certificate of occupancies. Latta stated that from February 1984 when the street was agreed to be widened, until today, the street has not been completed. 4 Cn < I-- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a m cd o 0 M o -_-3 M -3 ~q M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d c7 MEETING. x z a DATE: November 6,1984 t~ H TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCFLPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Mayor Latta stated that he is not going to penalize the property owner, therefore he is going to allow Gary Fickes to move into his building, pro- vided the project is complete 21 days from today, if not, he will call the completion bond as of that day. The Mayor has the authority to release a Letter of Credit with a Resolution by council. John Moore spoke for SNAP and said they would be done with the project on time. The developers of the project violated the understanding of all developers who work in Southlake. Th understanding is that when permits are issued before the facilities are complete, no certificate of occupanc- ies can be issued until the facilitie are complete. Westerholm stated he refuses to take any liability in behalf of the counci as the error is strickly on the developer. i ZA 84-41. This item is deleted ZA 84-41 from the agenda, by Mayor Latta. DELETED ZA 84-54. A replat of Lot 17A of ZA 84-54 Cedar Oaks Addition was discussed. City attorney, Bill Smith explained a pro-rata agreement for the costs incurred on Morgan Road. Donny Charlton, property owner on th west side of Morgan Road, represent- ed the owner of Lot 17A, who is his son-in-law. He stated that if the lot in question is going to be asses - ed, the owner does not want to repla his land. Westerholm stated we need an assess- ment policy, and that the March 20 cn y c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKI:, TEXAS 9 rn W 0 0 rn 0 ~ ran ran MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d d MEETING, C1 ~ > DATE: November 6,1984 c7 H PO TIME: 7:30 p.m. 2.1 2Z 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS a a 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 a TEXAS. COUNCFLPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX action of the Council needs to be finalized. Costs to cover the 340' are $ ?,339.40. Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x assess a charge along Morgan Road of McCombs x 185 for the full amount. The pur_ Eubanks x x chaser has the opportunity to recover Bone x x the costs from the property on the west side if the land ever comes into the City of Southlake. Westerholm x x Bradley x x Motion was made to table the replat McCombs x until the owner makes a decision. It Eubnaks x was approved. Bone x Westerholm x Ordinance No. 304, establishing a ORDINANCr, -alley x Fire Lane policy was approved. NO. 304 lam-Combs x x Eubanks x Bone x x The bills presented, were approved Westerholm x for payment. (Attached hereto and Bradley x made a part hereof) McCombs x Eubanks x x Bone x x The meeting was a o ned by Mayor j Latta. 11 "y ATT ,T . Z City Secretary Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting November 6, 1984 CITY ADMINISTRATION Blue Cross/Blue Shield 3,142.40 Centel 713.35 Eddie Cheatham 1,440.00 General Telephone 677.75 IBM 1,749.00 Lanier Financial Services 776.40 Lanier 75.00 Lone Star Gas 64.61 Motorola 125.10 N.C.T.C.O.G. 200.00 Pease Engraving 4.50 Racal Milgo 327.00 Rogers Maintenance 550.00 Shotwell Oil 1,530.12 TML 758.00 Tri County 192.00 TOTAL $12,325.23 POLICE Boise Cascade 3.09 Circle Communications 53.44 Dearing Automotive 26.44 Donovan Uniform 7.50 Fender Mender 65.00 City of Keller 26.68 Marriott Auto 16.33 Quinlan 55.00 S.U.I. 434.77 Texas Police Association 15.00 TOTAL $703.25 FIRE B & G Mufflers 85.00 Brother's Auto Repair 525.93 Crabtree & Powers 227.63 Economy Rental & Sales 177.40 Factory Sales Uniform 36.00 Grapevine Battery Center 87.70 M & C Photography 3.22 Ottis Collins Upholstery 107.50 Tarrant County Fire Chief's Association 10.00 State Fire Marshals' Association 75.00 White's Auto 3.00 TOTAL $1,338.38 FACILITIES Boise Cascade 20.47 Capital Lighting Products 363.92 Dennis Electric 163.44 Larry's Overhead Door 550.00 TOTAL $1,097.83 Bills for Approval - November 6, 1984 Page 2 DPW T & M Contractors 1,300.00 TOTAL $1,300.00 STREETS & ROADS A-1 Rental 57.78 Joe Huges Trucking 160.00 Lectric Lites 292.80 Liberty Steel 786.24 Payless Cashways 99.50 TOTAL $1,396.32 WATER Aqua Utility 296.60 Atlas Utility 917.01 Bowles & Edens 372.00 Case 28.54 Eddie Cheatham 4,650.00 ChemCo 328.00 Circle R Electric 2,711.21 O.S.Cline 225.00 Joe B. Cobler 109.36 Colleyville Auto Clinic 337.57 Crabtree & Powers 73.00 Bob Davis Hardware 55.84 Fox Rental 58.50 Franco Equipment 1,000.00 General Telephone 32.70 City of Keller 7,977.57 Marriott Auto 320.08 Master Made Feed & Western Store 125.00 Texas Industrial Services 468.15 Texas Steel Culvert Co. 197.55 Whites Auto 73.36 TOTAL $20,357.04 TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS $38,518.05