1984-09-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18,1984 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Discussion: Fiscal Year 1985 Budget. 3. Discussion: Proposed Tax Rate. Public Hearing. 4. Consider: Water Rate. 5. Discussion: Revenue Sharing Funds for 14th and 15th Entitlement Periods. 6. Consider: Sewer System in Dove Estates. Cal Barker. 7. Consider: Corp of Engineer easement for Dove Estates. 8. Consider: Huntwick Estates seweage disposal system. Also, release of building permits on East Dove Road in Huntwick Estates. Alvin Miller. 9. Consider: ZA 84-43. Zoning request for Lot 1 Block B of Quail Creek Estates Addition. Present zoning is A-3 Single Family District, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Ida B. Taylor. Public Hearing. 10. Consider: ZA 84-45. Zoning request for three tracts of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474. Tract 5, 16.46 acres of land. Tract 5A, 16.46 acres of land and Tract 11, 10.868 acres of land. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Kenneth Smith and Nu-Way Transports,Inc. Public Hearing. 11. Consider: ZA 004-48. Replat of Lot 5R1 of Ginger Creek Estates. Purpose is to vacate an easement. Owner: Gary Brown. 12. Consider: Resolution 84-25. Solicitation of qualifications of Master Planning Firms. 13. Department Reports. 14. Bills for approval. .t~.reby certify tnat the above agenda was p sted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue South la ,,Te s, on Fr'day, September 14,1984 at 4 p.m. ' Citv Secretary cn < < CITY OF SOUTHLAKL-', TEXAS e n ~ o o Regular M o -3 M M MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 7 > t7 d MEETING. z DATE: September 18,1984 d d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCrLPERSON z PAGE: 1 INDEX PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny Westerholm. Council- persons: Bruce McCombs, Davis Bradle , Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS: Rick Stacy and Billy Jon Curb. Westerholm x x The Minutes of the September 4, city Bradley x x council meeting were approved as McCombs x presented. Eubanks x Bone x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta reported that the 7.32 acre tract of land on North White Chapel Road, purchased by the city for an extension of Bicentennial Park is now paid for. The Fiscal Year 1985 Budget was FY 85 discussed by the council. Latta BUDGET gave a comparison between this budget and those for the past ten years. There were no comments from the Westerholm x audience. Bradley x Motion was made to proceed with McCombs x Eubanks x x the budget process. Motion was Bone x x approved. The proposed tax rate was discussed in public hearing. The rate is proposed to be .1810 on 100° of assessed valuation. The rate for the previous year was 65% valuation with a rate of 4120 tax rate. During the public hearing, R.G. Lyford commented. The date set to approve the tax rate and FY 85 Budget is September 27. cn a < < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a M tW O 0 0 Cn -A -3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL 7 a d d MEETING, z z a DATE: September 18,1984 rn d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCFLPERSON z PAGE: 2 INDEX The increase in water rates was WATER discussed. The rates which will go RATES into effect on October 1, drew INCREAk comments from the audience. Including: R.G. Lyford, John Shelton, Tony Tumerillo, Sue Pritchard, Billy Jon Curb, Rick Horton and Rick Stacy. Motion was made and approved to adopt Westerholm x the water rate schedule and proceed Bradley x x with preparation of the ordinance, McCombs x including the hardship/elderly exemp Eubanks x tion. (schedule hereby attached to Bone x x the minutes). A discussion was held in regards to REVENUE expending the Revenue Sharing Funds SHARING for Entitlement Periods 14 & 15, FUNDS in the amount of approximatley $28,000. Mayor Latta recommended that the funds be used for a fire attack truc and purchased on a lease/purchase agreement, using the Revenue Sharing funds and add to that principle, the money from the sale of Unit 3003 Motion was made and approved to proceed with a public hearing to Westerholm x comply with requirements, and also Bradley x allow for citizen imput. McCombs x x A public hearing will be held on Eubanks x September 27. Bone x x The sewerage treatment for Huntwick Estates was discussed. John Teague engineer for Alvin Miller, developer explained their intended use of evaporation field systems on several lots within the subdivision. He indicated that the method of disposa was recommended by Larry Prine, of the Tarrant County Health Depart- ment. cn c < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a rn W o 0 rn 0 ~ M -A -i M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d H t1 d MEETING, z rn z > 1TJ DATE: September 18,1984 rn d d v ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y Ln 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCTLPERSON PAGE: 3 INDEX Westerholm x After discussion, motion was made Bradley x and approved for the developers to McCombs x x be given formal directions from Eubanks x council to come back with a replat Bone x x of the land. ZA 84-43. Request was made for a ZA 84-43. zoning change from A-3 Single Family REQUEST District, to the Light Commercial DENIED Zoning District for Lot 1 Block B of the Quail Creek Estates Addition Owner, Ida Taylor was not present but was represented by her realestat agent. Davis Bradley called attention to the unamious negative vote made by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the issue. During the public hearing, Rick Horton voiced objection for himself and five other families in the Westerholm x Quail Creek Addition. Bradley x After discussion, motion was made McCombs x x and approved to deny the request. Eubanks x x Bone x ZA 84-45. A request was made for a zoning change from Agricultural to ZA 84-45 Light Industrial by owner, Kenneth ZONING Smith for three tracts of land out CHANGED of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstrac 474. Tract 5, 16.46 acres of land, Tract 5A, 16.46 acres of land, and Tract 11, 10.868 acres of land. Mr. Smith stated he feels the best use of the land is Industrial as it falls under the C noise zone for DPW Airport. During the public hearing the folloih- ing persons spoke: Carl Demlow, presented a petition in opposition. R.G. Lyford, John Shelton, Barbara Gordon, C.M. Gordon, Darrell Fagiel, Katherine Messmer, all opposed. In favor: Steve and cn c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKL', TEXAS a M W o 0 n -9 --9-9 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL M o 7' > d d MEETING, z d z v DATE: September 18,1984 1XI rn t=1 d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS a Cf) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCFLPERSON z PAGE: 4 INDEX Westerholm x x Steve Pritchard, and Billy Jon Curb. Bradley x McCombs x Motion was made and approved to Eubanks x grant the zoning change as requested. Bone x x ZA 84-48. A replat was considered ZA 84-4 . for Lot 5R1 Ginger Creek Estates. REPLAT Westerholm x Owner, Gary Brown, was present for Bradley x x the meeting and answered questions McCombs x x for the council. Purpose of the Eubanks x replat is to vacate an easement on Bone x the plat. Approval was given. Item #12 was deleted from the meetin . sterholm x x The bills presented were approved for payment. Bradley x x McCombs x Eubanks x Bone x With not further business, the meeting was adjour e by Mayor Latta Ma or IEST: /Z&~ City Secretary WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH August 1984 Gallons Pumped Previous Month 25,505,300 + 5,859,750 Gallons Sold Previous Month New Water Taps Installed (24) 1" (10) 3/4" Fire Hydrants Installed (1) Fire Hydrant repaired Meter Change Out (6) 3/4" (2) 1" Machine Rental Other Repairs (8) Leaks Total Work Orders 127 A-~ /Watej Superintendant MONTHLY POLICE REPORT AUGUST '84 PRESENT PAST YEAR TO MONTH MONTH DATE ITAL RADIO CALLS TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED 267 296 1870 itations L 258 286 1775' 'ss Parking "'I~raTTic C Parkin Citations 9 6 91I Other Citations other than traffir) 0 4 4~ 18 13 128 ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED Major Accidents---(Involving Injury) 3 2 36 ~ Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only) is 11 92 ,TOTAL ARREST 32 28 2631 Felony Arrest 3 4 18 i Misdemeanor Arrest 27 24 236 Juvenile Arrest 2 0 9~ TOTAL CASES FILED 3 0 22 Felony 0 0 1 Misdemeanor 3 0 20 lI ! Juvenile (T. C. Juvenile Probation 0 0 i TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 21 22 141 .TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 6 ts 53 :CLEARANCE RATE 'BURGLARIES REPORTED 4 4 41 j Value - Stolen Property 1,008 8 580 52,00 Value - Recovered Property 0 2,030 4,82 THEFTS REPORTED 6 11 SO I Value - Stolen Property______ 13,321 12,370 88,92 Value - Recovered Property 5,062 16,000 61,881 CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS 0 0 1 SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS 0 0 Sot+'T11LAid'POLICE VEHICLE INFORMATION AUGUST '84 - MILEAGE TOTAL h1AINTENANCE COS VEIfI CLE 1?1:SCR1 PTION THIS MONTH MILEAGE THIS MONTH #221 84-.Impala 4857 25,710 53.00 i #222.84 Impala_ _478-2 30 347 85.00 i #218 83 Dod e 1084 S8,622~ i _ 100.00 i i #11 83 Dod e 510 47,050 25.00 I J I SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICER ACTIVITY AUGUST '84 OFF ICFP11) ~ 1SSUED _ 1RREST:: CALLS INV. DRIVEN -2t.-Austin 1101 22 2 78 2 1007 - .Sgt. Crowder 1102 16 3 75 3 825 .S ,Qt. Burns 1103 3 1 47 1 455 Ptl. Law 1106 7 1 210 2 1773 Ptl. Marler 1108 38 4 * 4 Ptl. Garmon 1109 27 2 149 3 1618 Ptl. Stewart 1110 33 4 114 1 1795 Ptl. Paul 1111 104 12 280 2 1730 RESERVE OFFICERS HOURS OFFICER CITATIONS ARRESTS CALLS ACC. WORKED 9 0 5 0 12.7 K. Ma rxs_ 2 18 0 3 3. 8 7 0 11.2 * Officer in Training Respectful s billI ed, Ted Phillips,Chiel of Polio TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILPERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of August 1984 A. Responses: Number of Calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------- 0 2. Mobil Home Fires------------------------------------------------ 1 3. Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------- 4 4. Auto Fires------------------------------------------------------ 4 5. Truck Fires----------------------------------------------------- 1 6. Auto Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 10 7. Truck Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) 2 8. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine-------------------------------- 0 9. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------------ 1 10. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller----------------------------------- 0 11. Mutual-Aid for Trophy Club-------------------------------------- 0 12. Mutual-Aid to other Cities-------------------------------------- 0 13. Fire Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 6 h. EMS Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 2 14. Fire Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) --------------1 A. EMS Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 1 15. False Alarms in City----------------------------------------- 0 16. False Alarms in Tarrant County---------------------------------- 2 17. False Alarms in Denton County----------------------------------- 0 Page 2 Number of Calls 18. Rescue Unit Calls------------------------------------------ 7 A. Subject with cut on arm - 817 W. Southlake Blvd. B. Subject having trouble breathing - 340 S. Peytonville C. Subject had possible dislocated knee - CHS Football Field D. Subject had possible stroke - 216 Eastwood Dr. E. Subject had dizzy spell,fainted - Carroll High School F. Subject had deep laceration of left arm - 1107 E. Dove G. Subject had allergic reaction - 2046 N. Kimball 19. Miscellaneous---------------------------------------------- 5 A. Gas line break - 902 Quail Creek Ct. B. Power line down - 900 Blk. E. Continental Ave. C. Gas line broke - 300 Blk. Pearson Lane D. Gasoline wash down - Hwy.114/Short Ave. - Majik Mart E. Gasoline Spill - 2315 E. N.W. Highway B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of August 47 Page 3 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls------------------------------------------- 530 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting---- 16 128 3.Special Training Sessions or Drills-92e-2ril1-& - Public - Service 65 4. Any Extra Man Hrs.on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) 170 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month--------------------------------- 893 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding------------- Chief Steele 35 Assist.Chief Bradley On Leave Deputy Chief Brown 25 Assist.Fire Marshal Barnes 33 Capt. Fuller 28 Lt. Tanner 18 Lt. Stacy 32 Jerry Walsh 43 James Stapleton 20 Robbie Burgess 23 Ricky Black 25 Jesse Chaves 3 Barry Dinsmore 4 Mark Thomas 12 Bill Hudson 28 Jesse Pritchard 7 Bill Jones 19 George Dalton 1 Brad Dalton 12 Ron Stacy 22 Tim Bock 2 Scott Irving 6 Ira Hynes 6 Lynn Watson 15 James Sullivan 10 Darrel Brown 7 Bill Roe 0 Respectfully Submitted; R. P. `Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT W d+ 00 d ~ a ~ x H D -4-) O to V bA FLA ;j O E- CO r^ a H O U z W C4 D E4 a m cz H O U w a Z w D Z a O U ' >4 E- >4 • H E-~ x H (z H U W H a U ~t+ a3 U 00 W H H r~ O CY, Gd D D d O O 00 U U w a a m a a Q' H H 04 U U O H H 4-) z z z P. O D D (3) x CO H U W O CA H O z C_~ CO D ~ H r~1 CO C) A i MONTH August 1984 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: THIS MONTH LAST MONTH TOTALS: 604 556 2. PERMITS ISSUED: THIS LAST MONTH FEE: MONTH FEE: SINGLE FAMILY 17 $5,994.00 20 $9,526.00 COMMERC-IAL 1 2.300.00 1 1,558.00 DUPLEX 0 0 SUB-CONTRACTORS 78 4,323.70 89 4,841.80 OTHER 26 576.50 22 1,234.00 TOTALS 121 1$13,194.20 132 $17.159.80 3. BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: TOTAL: 146,787.84 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN: 16-Single Family 2,024.860.00 5-Add-On 36,080.00 BUILDING CLERK 1-Garage 4,000.00 dw 1-Commercial 2,300.00 23 2,067.240.00 i 00 H a U) b-C a ¢ x F O O x E z o U rn a N O C7 N m co N O r-1 co M C+') N O d+ N O O l~ r I r I r 1 a 1--1 U H z x 5 C7 z H H Q 3 H O a W CUl~ w W Q x x ~ o ¢ H qW W W W ~ U Q C~ C) a H Q O q H Cl) m C4 W ¢ H W CY, O L~ W L v) w w a w G7 H ¢ v~ a co q cry w w H Cl~ (n a w w w z z Cn x Ca H H ~c a x x o 0 z z ra w H C/) v) Ct) ¢ < M CO CO E w w w C4 w w w H w x ¢ C/) Cn Cn t% w 0 v1 C/) U) U H ~c ¢ ¢ ~C ¢ -eC ¢ ¢ ~c ¢ H U U U 3 ? U U C1. U U U Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting September 18, 1984 City Administration Eddie Cheatham 480.00 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 242.56 General Office Supply (Furniture) 914.62 General Telephone 116.00 Group Life & Health 14.00 Paymaster Corporation 284.00 Pitney Bowes 63.00 Shotwell Oil 1,355.00 Tarrant Appraisal District 19455.75 Tri County 187.75 Texas Power & Light 1,743.04 Department Total 6,855.72 Parks/Streets/Facilities Crabtree & Powers 173.50 Dennis Electric 52.48 Sa-So 122.60 Bud Tanner Plumbing 40.00 Tarrant County 1,026.59 Department Total 1,415.17 Police Department Boise Cascade 47.15 Dearing & Son 19.40 Goodyear 209.60 Grapevine Battery Center 64.00 Mariott Auto 7.43 Motorola 812.00 Yates Monogram 154.14 Department Total 1,313.72 Fire Department Boise Cascade 21.66 Brothers Auto 15.00 Dearing & Son 9.00 French International 2,847.07 Grapevine Medical Center 13.02 Mariott Auto 5.30 Payton Wright 53.88 Southwest Marine 19.95 Thomas Rubber Stamp 15.00 Department Total 2,999.88 y Bills for Approval September 18, 1984 Page 2 Water Department Aqua Utility 1,494.84 Atlas Utility 84.57 Boise Cascade 38.01 Bowles & Edens 2,323.62 Buy-Rite Auto 35.44 Case Power & Equipment 49.67 Eddie Cheatham 24,121.20 Circle R Electric 84.18 Crabtree & Powers 362.33 General Office Supply 10.08 General Telephone 13.60 Lectric Lites 115.20 Mariott Auto 138.44 Master Made Feed Store 63.90 State Uniform Traffic Control Devices 48.00 Stuart Hose 466.86 Talem 37.10 Texas Electric Service 10.00 Texas Industrial Services 56.30 Texas Power & Light _9,441.51_ Department Total 38,994.85 Total All Departments $51,579.34 a We, the undersigned, understand that an industrial area is trying to develop in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474. As residents who live in the area that will be directly affected, we oppose the zoning change of this area from Agricultural to Light Industrial. Name Address Date J Z/ 9 T t f~ I r L/ ~ J r A ~ In A r .r' ~ 4V 7 -Y, NJ 4 ' r Jc n 17 17 r We, the undersigned, understand that an industrial area is trying to develop in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474. As residents who live in the area that will be directly affected, we oppose the zoning change of this area from Agricultural to Light Industrial. Name Address Date r✓~ r 76~ .s 7 1 7J'4 We, The undersigned, understand that an industrial area is trying to develop in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474. As residents who live in the area that will be directly affected, we oppose the zoning change of this area from Agricultural to Light Industrial. Name Address Date