1984-07-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas JULY 17,1984 CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION 6 P.M. 1. Dove Estates, sewerage treatment plant. Cal Barker. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7:P.M. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Discussion: Presentation and delivery of a written petition requesting the immediate resignation of Lloyd 0. Latta Jr. as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, because of negligence and conflict of interest; and presentation of a written statement to the city council of South- lake relating to said petition. Mr. Conner Lam. 3. Consider: ZA 84- 38. Request for annexation of Cimmarron Acres. Right Guard Inc. 4. Consider: ZA 83-45. Final plat of "The Garden" Addition. Developers: David and Ann Hardy. Approval of Developers Agreement. 5. Consider: C.O.N.E.T. 6. Consider: Southlake Chamber of Commerce. Davis Bradley. 7. Consider: Final plat of "Hillside Acres" Addition in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. J.D. Land Company ZA 84-40. 8. Discussion: Zoning regulations for Modular Housing. Phil Chrisman. 9. Discussion: Surface drainage. Kenneth Smith 10. Department Reports. 11. Bills for approval. CLOSED SESSION (As per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17). 1. Consider: Reserve police officer. I hereby certify that the above agenda waAity ted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North CaAvenue S ut lake, Texas, on Friday, July 13,1984 at 2 p.m. A-fit. Secretary ;s cn ~L- C < CITY OF SOUTHLAKI:, TEXAS Regular M o ~ M CD MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL t7 d MEETING, x rrnn 7H. a 177 DATE: July 17,1984 d d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 --3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCI•LPERSON z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny Wester- holm, Bruce McCombs, Davis Bradley, Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS: Jeff Ault. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, Police Chief: Ted Phillips, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Marion Bone Westerholm x x The Minutes of the July 3 city counc 1 Bradley x x meeting were approved as presented. McCombs x Eubanks x Bone x The Minutes of the July 11, emergenc Westerholm x city council meeting were also Bradley x approved as presented. McCombs x x Eubanks x x Bone x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta gave a report on the present water situation in Southlake He indicated that at the July 11, emergency city council meeting, approval was given for the purchase of two paluxy wells from the City of North Richand Hills. This purchase will increase our water supply. He expressed concern over the need for an additional overhead storage tank. A discussion was held with Attorney Conner Lam making a presentation, asking for the immediate resignation of Mayor Lloyd Latta. Lam presented a petition which was made apart of the record. ;4 cn y c < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d n Cn -A ~o Regular m o -_3 M M MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 7 y C7 d MEETING. t:J z v 177 DATE: July 17,1984 x M M a d D 0 TIME. 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL, CHAMBERS 9 -A cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCFLPERSON PAGE: 2 INDEX ZA 84-38. A letter was read from ZA 84-38 Right Guard Inc. requesting annexati into the City of Southlake. The developers understand that there would be no water supplied to the Westerholm x x addition until completion of the Southlake line to Keller. Bradley x McCombs x Motion was made and approved to Eubanks x proceed with annexation. Bone x x ZA 83-45. The final plat of "The ZA 83-45 Garden" addition was reviewed as was the Cheatham review letter. Tom Huff ins and Joe Caedel of Dunaway and Associates, answered questions for the council. Marion x Motion was made to approve the final plat. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion was and made and seconded to table action until receipt of the Bone x tie down to the bench mark. McCombs x The motion was withdrawn by first and second. i Motion was made and approved to Westerholm approve the final plat subject to Bradley the bench mark being tied to the McCombs engineers acceptance and the Eubanks grade change on Lot 5 also being Bone accepted by the city engineer. Westerholm x Bradley x x The Developers Agreement for "The McCombs x Garden" was approved as presented. Eubanks x Bone x x The By-Laws of C.O.N.E.T. was presented to council, with John Moore answering questions concernin the organization,.stating they lobby at state level for better roads in our area. Mayor Latta recommended Westerholm as Council representative to C.O.N.E.T cn y c I- CITY OF SOUTHLAKI;, TEXAS o -3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL j' d d MEETING. x z a DATE: July 17,1984 d d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCFLPERSON z PAGE: 3 INDEX Westerholm x Motion was made and approval given C.O.N.E P Bradley x x for Southlake to participate in McCombs x C.O.N.E.T. with Johnny Westerholm Eubanks x being council representative. Bone x x After discussion, concerning the policy for use of city hall faciliti s by other than city hall related USE OF functions, motion was made and CITY HAL Westerholm x approved to proceed with the policy FACILITIES as established on March 6,1984 with Bradley x the exception that any approved McCombs x x police officer may act as security Eubanks x during use of the facilities. Bone x x ZA 84-40. The final plat of Hillsid ZA 84-40 Estates was approved. The land is in the City of Southlake extraterri- Westerholm x torial jurisdiction. Bradley x McCombs x x The Cheatham review letter was con- Eubanks x sidered. Bone x x Kenneth Smith addressed council on surface drainage at the location of his business, Highway 114 and West Highland. Mayor Latta indicated that the P & Z is starting to formulate secondary drainage studies. The department reports were discussed. Westerholm x Bradley x x The bills presented were approved McCombs x for payment. Eubanks x Bone x x The meeting was purned by Mayor Latta. , i ~ Mayo ~ AT S!! / City Secretary . y P CONNER LAM Attorney anal (,ouwe[Lor A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION P O B o X 4 8 8 GRAPEVINE. TEXAS 76051 - 0488 1017 TATE AVENUE TEL: METRO DALLAS - FT. WORTH AND MID - CITIES 481-2577 AREA CODE 817 July 12, 1984 Mrs. Sandra Legrand City Administrator City of Southlake Southlake, Texas Re: July 17, 1984 City of Southlake Council Meeting Dear Mrs. Legrand: Following up my original letter to you dated July 10, 1984, concerning my request to be included on the agenda for the above captioned city council meeting, please be advised that the nature of said item is as follows: Presentation and delivery of a written petition requesting the immediate resignation of Lloyd O. Latta as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, because of negligence and conflict of interest; and presentation of a written statement to the city countil of Southlake relating to said petition. A copy of the petition to be sed-is attached hereto for your reference. Your y, er Lam dr The above letter was received this1 day of July, 1984. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE B PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. CONNER LAM -Altorne y and (founje6ior P. O B O X 4 8 8 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 HWY. 157 AT NASH ST. TEL: METRO DALLAS - FT. WORTH AND MID - CITIES 481-2.577 AREA CODE 817 July 10, 1984 Mrs. Sandra Legrand City Administrator City of Southlake Southlake, Texas Re: July 17, 1984 City of Southlake Council Meeting Dear Mrs. Legrand: Thank you for placing my name on the agenda for the above captioned city council meeting for the purpose of presenting a statement and petition to the Mayor and City Council. Yo y Conner Lam dr The above letter was received this j 2 day of July, 1984. CITY 0 SOUTHLAKE By: Sandy Le Grand 1 t,6 6rt PA Sandy Le Grand 1, r t Sandy Le Grand the desk o,I'0-v From BARBARA Ile, dt, -r.e Cie > ! LL-~ -.'art j ,z ? 7 C~SY~t~-~zrz e ~~o C7 % Y -~~-~-e.~atLe T ~ PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or siolilar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of aNOged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the 'dater needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAM RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 1. is r U / L lr 3. - _ oti~"iy t a L ~ 7. D - 9. 15 y6 &114,al tAj- 10. 12. n/T %/fl. 15. Zoe G ('~RcstC Rc.(~ cA C-' 16. (h¢t" 7"~ 17. "D 4Q- 1&r 20. /jw s Z 21. Z~ e- i 22, j 7- -1 23. ~jc t 7- T j 24. Aj 25 17 • - PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS 7 DATE IDp 1. lad 2. 66dIPA 5r~ 3. IbSI ~5 -7/1 55 4. l0 6~-a C 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on duly 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 47 r- 2. c 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 2.t 7Ga j 4. • $ l 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and, Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Llpyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. A The above ac+s of alleged Ne-ligence and CC--f!;-4 ^.f ;rater ert coupled ]Auyc)r Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined; or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME , RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE ~21 Z, F74 off a 4 ~Ai All 9. X~ 10. 12. c t~~ _ r 13. l- f 14 15. 16. V 17. 19. :;7 7A~ ; 20. l,c1a 4A 20 34 21. 17 22. 41 PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request That Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on duly 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 2 _A 3. 1_4Z r -vim ~ ~ r~cvw~ l S 4. 44 5.- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request 'that' Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on duly 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS p DATE Gv /~3 0 / S 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request 'that Lloyd O- Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m• odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 2. lkv 3. 61 5. !C 3- 7. 8.zc 9. c (k~~ kt 17-15- 1 10. ` t 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on duly 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor RR~ ,y Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly n , and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach }M ` of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 1. %1-20 2 O • 7-r1t~04( 3 7 3 a - Yy~ 8. 9 3g y 10. 11. A.AA lop 12. ,t~ 13. r 1 ab oo Tr' -7 / 7/Y 14. VIIA4 15. 3 io AAAn-i~ 7) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. We certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 7 I - are 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PETITION Because of Negligence and Conflict of Interest concerning the current water crisis, we the undersigned Petition and respectfully request that Lloyd O. Latta immediately resign as Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas. It is our belief that it was negligence for Mayor Latta to advise the City Council on July 3, 1984, to immediately terminate all outside watering prior to even attempting 8-11 p.m. odd-even rationing for one day. If Mayor Latta's position had been taken, Millions of Dollars invested in property landscaping would have probably already been lost by the collective citizens of Southlake who do not have private wells. We appreciate the action of the remaining members of the City Council who, contrary to the Mayor's urging, voted to at least try the above rationing plan. We further believe that the Mayor has a clear Conflict of Interest in this water crisis in that he apparently utilizes a private well for his outside water use and does not share the same or similar risk of property damage and loss as those citizens who do not have private wells. The above acts of alleged Negligence and Conflict of interest coupled with Mayor Latta's prior service with past Southlake City Councils who clearly failed to promptly and carefully plan for the water needs of the citizens of Southlake, has caused a breach of the people's Trust and Confidence and has materially undermined or destroyed his effectiveness as Chief Executive Officer of the City. ✓e certify that we are current residents of Southlake, Texas residing at the following addresses: NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE 1 1 13L F= 7 2 A /Zo 4. 5.G? L G 7. Ci- 1,A 07 / 1V / 14. 71 - v y 17. l~cT- i '1 O 1 r~'t" 51, nn t o e- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Southlake, Emergency's The Mayor and City Council say we have a water emergency in Southlake. No Kidding!! For years, due to grossly negligent planning the Citizens of Southlake have had to endure a water supply which is toxic and clearly inadequate for projected growth. Southlake has been a water emergency just waiting to happen!! Compounding this fiasco is the fact that the huge investment in outside landscaping of citizens who do not have private wells has been jeopardized by years of inaction by a City Council led by Mayors, including Lloyd Latta, who have had private water, wells. Many Citizens are now frantically calling water well drillers to see if temporary private water wells can be drilled to try to keep landscaping investments protected until Southlake ties on to Fort Worth Water on or after September 15, 1984. If you have had enough of this nonsense; negligence and conflict of interest, please consider the following petition. The petitions will be presented at the Council meeting, Tuesday, July 17, 1984, 7:30 p.m. You are urged to attend this meeting. Please deliver all signed petitions to Conner Lam, 1280 Post Oak Trail, Southlake, Texas by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. 481-2577 or 481- 1003. PETITION BECAUSE OF ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST CONCERNING THE CURRENT WATER CRISIS, WE THE UNDERSIGNED PETITION AND RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT LLOYD O. LATTA IMMEDIATELY RESIGN AS MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT IT WAS NEGLIGENCE FOR MAYOR LATTA TO ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL ON JULY 3, 1984, . TO IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE ALL OUTSIDE WATERING PRIOR TO EVEN ATTEMPTING 8-11 P.M. ODD-EVEN RATIONING FOR ONE DAY. IF MAYOR LATTA'S POSITION HAD BEEN TAKEN, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS INVESTED IN PROPERTY LANDSCAPING WOULD HAVE PROBABLY ALREADY BEEN LOST BY THE COLLECTIVE CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE WHO DO NOT HAVE PRIVATE WELLS. WE APPRECIATE THE ACTION OF THE REMAINING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL WHO, CONTRARY TO THE MAYOR'S URGING, VOTED TO AT LEAST TRY THE ABOVE RATIONING PLAN. WE FURTHER BELIEVE THAT THE MAYOR HAS A CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THIS WATER CRISIS IN THAT HE APPARENTLY UTILIZES A PRIVATE WELL FOR HIS OUTSIDE WATER USE AND DOES NOT SHARE THE SAME OR SIMILAR RISK OF PROPERTY DAMAGE AND LOSS AS THOSE CITIZENS WHO DO NOT HAVE PRIVATE WELLS. THE ABOVE ACTS OF ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST COUPLED WITH MAYOR LATTA'S PRIOR SERVICE WITH PAST SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCILS WHO CLEARLY FAILED TO PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY PLAN FOR. THE WATER NEEDS OF THE CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE, HAS CAUSED A BREACH OF THE PEOPLE'S TRUST AND CONFIDENCE AND HAS MATERIALLY UNDERMINED OR DESTROYED HIS EFFECTIVENESS AS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE CITY. WE CERTIFY THAT WE ARE CURRENT RESIDENTS OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS RESIDING AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: NNAM RESIDENCE ADDRESS DATE p~ ~s✓f1J/L,f7 GCiJC® ~/V,,, / ~JJ 'did by onner Lam 12880 Post a Trail, Southla ek,Texas. Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting July 17, 1984 ABC Paper Company 195.93 A Baker's 41.50 Centel 472.89 Continental Office Supply 164.16 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 109.00 General Office Supply 235.45 Group Life $ Health 14.00 Pease Engraving 5.50 James M. Sims, P.E. 150.00 Southlake Custom Flowers 45.00 Eddie Cheatham 795.00 Southwestern Legal Foundation 75.00 Sword's Pest Control 102.96 Texas Power $ Light 2,025.07 B & G Mufflers 5.25 Mike Burns (Reimbursement for Seminar) 50.25 Circle E. Food Market 7.26 Dearing Automotive(Police Dept.) 25.35 Dearing & Son Texaco 77.50 Donovan Uniform Company 51.80 M & C Photography 59.70 Prime Data Supplies 49.50 Dixie U.S.A. 48.90 King Bearing 29.88 Motor Supply 12.79 Payton Wright 55.64 Marriott Auto(Fire Dept.) 10.59 Aqua Utility 2,785.34 Atlas Utility 1,469.25 Case Power $ Equipment 165.67 Eddie Cheatham 6,620.00 Crabtree & Powers(Parks) 54.00 Crabtree & Powers (Water Dept.) 95.62 Dearing Automotive(Water Dept.) 61.20 Marriott Auto(Water Dept.) 150.15 McCully Instruments 23.40 Mid Cities Ready Mix 91.00 Ratliff Iron Works 38.50 Rohan Company 1,036.58 Stuart Hose 493.43 Sword's Pest Control(Water Dept.) 37.96 Texas Power $ Light 8,118.31 Thompson Construction Company 180.00 Texas Industrial Services 28.15 TOTAL $26,364.43 MONTH JUNE 1984 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: THIS MONTH LAST MONTH TOTALS: 491 506 2. PERMITS ISSUED: THIS LAST MONTH FEE: MONTH FEE: SINGLE FAMILY 30 $16,242.50 27 $12,510.00 COMMERCIAL 6 6,716.50 3 1,613.00 DUPLEX SUB-CONTRACTORS 169 5,965.04 87 4,373.50 OTHER 24 2,500.50 16 687.00 TOTALS 229 $31,424.54 133 1$19,201.50 3. BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: TOTAL: $116,433.84 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN: 30-Single Family 4,008,720.00 ~Z1li.,~~6-Commercial 2,379,600.00 BUILDING CLERK 15-Pools 208,242.40 4-Add-On 59,500-00 2-Garage 9,500.00 1-8arn 12,500.00 1-Horse Stable 100,000.00 6.788.062.40 MONTHLY POLICE REPORT JUNE PRESENT PAST YEAR TO MONTH MONTH DATE )TAL RADIO CALLS 928 883 4925 TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED 274 -34() 1 -in7 - Tta-f-fic Citations Less Parking 12,41 Parkin Citations 9 1-1 Other Citations (other-than ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 21 22 97 Major Accidents (Involving Injury) Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only) 16 10 66 TOTAL ARREST, 47 46 20 i Felony Arrest 2 2 11 Misdemeanor Arrest 43 44 85 Juvenile Arrest 2 0 7 TOTAL CASES FILED 6 3 9 Felony 0 1 Misdemeanor 5 2 17 Juvenile (T. C. Juvenile Probation 1 0 i TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 22 14 08 i TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 10 10 42 CLEARANCE RATE 46% 71% 38% 'BURGLARIES REPORTED 4 3 33 i Value - Stolen Property 1890 7550 42417 Value - Recovered Property 0 2500 2790 ITHEFTS REPORTED 9 3 33 Value - Stolen Property 12,007 30,700 63,229 Value - Recovered Property 9,750 30,000 40,825 CRIME PREVENTION PRESENTATIONS 1 2 13 SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS 0 0 0 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEI Jl",R!'P.lEJJ'r VEHICLE INFORMATION JUNE MILEAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE COST° VEHICLE DESCRIPTION THIS MONTH MILEAGE THIS MONTH #119 1983 DODGE 382 46397 24.00 #218 1983 DODGE 2770 55613 80.00 _ #221 1984 IMPALA 1465 17540 35.00 ! #222 -1984 IMPALA 5332 21703 24.00 I 9949 63.00 SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICER ACTIVITY JUNE CITATIONS TOTAL TOTAL ACC. MILES OFFICER ID ISSUED RRESTS CALLS INV. DRIVEN SGT AUSTIN 1101 17 3 112 2 1778 SGT. CROWDER 1102 15 7 108 8 698 PATR. D. LAW 1106 31 0 99 2011 PATR. J. MARLER 1108 55 4 W FT W F F PATR. R. GARMON 1109 39 1 167 7 1292 PATR. M. STEWART 1110 57 5 268 1 1823 PATR. J. PAUL 1111 31 RESERVE OFFICERS HOURS OFFICER CITATIONS ARRESTS CALLS ACC. WORKED CAPT. ANDERSON 1500 20 9 34 0 43 RES. D. SCOTT 1503 4 0 21 0 16 RES. K. MARRS 1504 5 0 8 Respectfully submitted, Ted Phillips,Chief of Police WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH June 1984 Gallons Pumped Previous Month 32.635-600 32,909,300 Gallons Sold Previous Month 2 3 700 Colle ville New Water Taps Installed _(16) 1" (1) 3/4" Fire Hydrants Installed (4) 3/4" (1) 1" Meter Change Out Machine Rental Other Repairs 4 Leaks i aterperinteiidant W d x F' 00 rn x ~ O w ~ O F na H V] O U z f3+ W A F ►.a m x H O U w a Z H W x z x O Q U '-3 D+ >4 F H F U W F a U Gd F F d+ O O m 00 w a a m a a ° Q,' H H O H rU-+ a Z a a H U W O W F O a a F PL4 A H rn x 00 a w x a, E-4 ~ o H Ex- a o o ~ U r 1 d~ r-I di In N co 00 r-I c4 LO co N O r1 M O O co O N N a d a U r-~ z x z a Q > 3 W CV a w w A x C/I a o H rA `A W W H U Ca tz Cl) D > H A IBC O U) m x a H W O d w A to w d H w aC a rx ~ w w a w v) w w co vI a CO w w z z V) x ra z z d x A OD o V) U] U) d d V) V) U) H w w CO wfI1 x c~ w w/1 H w^ xr^ d va u: G; V) m V) U) U) H <C d d d d d d ~ d d ~ U U U 3 ? U U 04 U U U TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS ~>uBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of June 1984 A. Responses: Number of calls 0 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 2. Grass Fires---------------------------------------------------------- 4 3. Auto & Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 12 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of Colleyville----------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller---------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities------------------------------------------- 0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 2 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 2 11. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 3 12. Rescue Unit falls---------------------------------------------------- 7 A. 667 N.Carroll- Police Station- Subject having dizzy spell B. 125 Ivy Lane Oak Hills Mobil Home Park- Heart Attack C. 449 E. Dove Rd.- Subject having difficulty breathing D. 2352 E. Hwy.114- Subject cut thumb E. 1625 Brumlow- Subject cut leg with power saw F. Community Baptist Church-S. Carroll- Subject having fainting spell G. White Chapel Rd. and Dove Rd.- Subject cut hand 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Trash pile fire- Hwy.114 and Hughland (NuWay Trucking) B. Fuel spill washdown- Dove Rd. and White Chapel C. Trash 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------- 0 B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of June 33 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls 150 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting 120 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills-----PjibJjc-Rejatjons 20 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time) 74 D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month------------------- 364 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Tines Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 21 Ron Stacy 5 Assist. Chief Bradley 5 Capt. Brown 15 Capt. Fuller 20 Capt. Barnes 14 Lt. Stacy 9 Lt. Tanner 7 Jerry Walsh 24 Billy Hudson 14 James Stapleton 14 Ricky Black 11 Brad Dalton 5 Mark Thomas 7 Darrell Brown 7 Ira Haynes 4 Scott Irving 3 Bill Jones 8 Bill Roe 2 Jesse Chaves 3 Jesse Pritchard 2 George Dalton 2 James Sullivan 3 Tim Bock 2 Resp~t yiI s bnitted, R. P. Ste le, Fire Chief 500111LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTH JUNE 1984 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: THIS MONTH LAST MONTH TOTALS: 491 506 2. PERMITS ISSUED: THIS LAST MONTH FEE: MONTH FEE: SINGLE FAMILY 30 $16,242.50 27 $12,510.00 COMMERCIAL 6 6,716.50 3 1,613.00 DUPLEX SUB-CONTRACTORS 169 5,965.04 87 4,373.50 OTHER 24 2,500.50 16 687.00 TOTALS 229 $31,424.54 133 1$19,201.50 3. BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: TOTAL: $116,433.84 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN: 30-Single Family 4,008,720.00 7 t'Z2 %r Z_Zz12;- ~G 6-Commercial 2,379,600.00 1-5-Pools 208,242.40 BUILDING CLERK y / 4-Add-On 59,500.00 2-Garage 9,500.00 ✓ 1-Barn 12,500.00 1-Horse Stable 100,000.00 J 6.788.062.40 Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting July 17, 1984 ABC Paper Company 195.93 A Baker's 41.50 Centel 472.89 Continental Office Supply 164.16 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 109.00 General Office Supply 235.45 Group Life & Health 14.00 Pease Engraving 5.50 James M. Sims, P.E. 150.00 Southlake Custom Flowers 45.00 Eddie Cheatham 795.00 Southwestern Legal Foundation 75.00 Sword's Pest Control 102.96 Texas Power $ Light 23,025.07 B & G Mufflers 5.25 Mike Burns (Reimbursement for Seminar) 50.25 Circle E. Food Market 7.26 Dearing Automotive(Police Dept.) 25.35 Dearing & Son Texaco 77.50 Donovan Uniform Company 51.80 M & C Photography 59.70 Prime Data Supplies 49.50 Dixie U.S.A. 48.90 King Bearing 29.88 Motor Supply 12.79 Payton Wright 55.64 Marriott Auto(Fire Dept.) 10.59 Aqua Utility 23,785.34 Atlas Utility 1,469.25 Case Power & Equipment 165.67 Eddie Cheatham 69620.00 Crabtree & Powers(Parks) 54.00 Crabtree & Powers (Water Dept.) 95.62 Dearing Automotive(Water Dept.) 61.20 Marriott Auto(Water Dept.) 150.15 McCully Instruments 23.40 Mid Cities Ready Mix 91.00 Ratliff Iron Works 38.50 Rohan Company 1,036.58 Stuart Hose 493.43 Sword's Pest Control(Water Dept.) 37.96 Texas Power & Light 8,118.31 Thompson Construction Company 180.00 Texas Industrial Services 28.15 TOTAL $26,364.43