1984-04-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17,1984 CLOSED SESSION: 6:30 p.m. Closed session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes, Article 6252-17. Agenda 1. Discussion: Water line expansion project. OPEN SESSION: 7:30 p.m. Agenda 1. Mayors Report. 2. Oath of Office for Councilpersons Places 3,4, & 5. 3. Consider: Water line expansion project. 4. Consider: Garbage collection franchise renewal. 5. Discussion: Ordinance 160-A Section 9.3e. 6. Consider: Street priority list. 7. Consider: ZA 84-15. Zoning request for a 12.69 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: C & L Builders. Public Hearing. 8. Consider: ZA 84-15. Final plat of the Sunshine Place Addition. The 12.69 acre tract of land is out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. C & L Builders. Public Hearing. 9. Consider: ZA 84-17. Request for Special Exception Use Permit for a guest house in the Agricultural zoning district. The 5.17 acre tract of land is out of the A.J. Chivers Survey, Abstract 348. Owner: Ronald R. Cullum. Public Hearing. 10. Consider: ZA 84-18. Final plat of the Spring Oaks Addition. Gift of love. Herb and Lila Cramer. 11. Consider: ZA 84-26. Final plat of the Woodall Addition. Gift of love. Doris Woodall. 12. Department Reports: Police Department: approval purchase of equipment. 13. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official C c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a rn c~ 0 0 d o a MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tzl MEETING. x z > DATE: April 17,1984 tTJ d d n TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS '-3 -3 Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Te ; Lloyd Latta, Bruce McCombs, Johnny Westerholm, Loyd Eubanks, Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Mayor Sam Sparger. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS: Jeff AULT CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, City Attorney; Bill Smith, Director of Public Works; Louie Johnson, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief; Ted Phillips. INVOCATION: Marion Bone The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Lloyd Latta in the absence of Mayor Sparger. Westerholm x x The minutes of the April 3,1984 city McCombs x council meeting were approved as Eubanks x presented. Bone x x Westerholm x x The minutes of the special city McCombs x council meeting were also approved Eubanks x as presented. Bone x x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Pro Tem Latta informed the audience on the closed session prior to this meeting in which the water line expansion project was discussed He indicated that there are technicalities that have to be addre - sed between City of Keller and City of Southlake and that the city attor- ney and city engineer are working on the items. Councilperson Westerholm ask council to come up with a policy on the location of elections where voting machines are to be used. The concer cn y c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d n M td Cn y o1-3 Regular M o M M MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING. z DATE: April 17,1984 d d a TIME: 7:30 p.m. 2z 4 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~-3 H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX of councilpersons is the voting machin s being placed in city hall where carpet and tile could possibly be damaged. After discussion, Councilperson Bone ask council to consider holding elections in the fire hall. Latta polled council and they all agreed the elections should be held in the fire bay on concrete floors. Incumbents, Bone, Eubanks and McCombs all took the oath of office as they will again serve as councilpersons until 1986. The garbage franchise was discussed, GARBAGE at the request of Russell Savage, of FRANCHISE Lakeside Sanitation. AGREEMENT After discussion, the franchise was Westerholm x extended for three years and the McCombs x insurance rates raised to: personal Eubanks x x injury, $300,000. for any one person Bone x x and $500,000. for any one occurance. Also, $50,000. for personal property. Mrs. Savage was present for the meeting and agreed to the change. A disucssion was held concerning Ordinance No. 160-A Section 9.3e. Mayor Pro Tem directed the Planning and Zoning Commission to make a draft of the section as they feel it should read and present it to the council. The street priority list was finaliz STREET ed, using the streets as determined PRIORITY at the last city council meeting. LIST DPW, Louis Johnson, indicated he had talked with Bob Holder of Precinct 3 and was told the cost for materials is $5,000. per mile if no base is required. Johnson estimated that it will cost approximately $7,500. for each street repair listed. cn y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a CT7 td 0 0 rm 0 ~ rd ~ MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d Y d d MEETING. z M z a DATE: April 17,1984 3 d Y ~0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS '3 y Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX Westerholm x x Motion was made and approved to pro- McCombs x ceed with the list, using the money ;ubanks x in the street and road maintenance 3one x x and repair fund, earmarked for this use. ZA 84-15. The zoning request for A-3 ZA 84-15 Single Family District, for a 12.69 ZONING acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511 was approved as requested. There were festerholm x no comments duirng the public hearing McCombs x x Owners, Leroy and Cleta Pierce, were Eubanks x present for the meeting. Bone x x Westerholm x ZA 84-15. The final plat of the ZA 84-15 " Combs x x Sunshine Place Addition was approved FINAL PLAT ..eanks x as presented. The simplified subdivi Bone x x sion plat consists of 4, approximatel 3 acre tracts of land. ZA 84-17. The request for Special ZA 84-17 Westerholm x Exception Use Permit for "Family SPECIAL USE McCombs x x Quarters" was approved with the PERMIT Eubanks x condition that a single water meter Bone x x be used, with electric service separate from the main house. The property zoned agricultural is a 5.17 acre tract of land out of the A.J. Chivers Survey, Abstract 348. Owner: Ronald R. Cullum. ZA 84-18. The final plat of Spring ZA 84-18 Oaks Addition, a gift of love, was GIFT OF LOVE Westerholm x x approved contingent upon an ingress- McCombs x egress easement being attached to Eubanks x the plat on Lot 2, Block 1. The Bone x x attachment should show metes and bounds. Westerholm x ZA 84-26. The final plat of Woodall ZA 84-26 McCombs x x Addition, a gift of love, was GIFT OF LOVE Eubanks x approved contingent upon an ingress- Bone x egress easement being attached to the plat. cn a <i c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a M W 0 0 0 -3 tyi7 M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a r~ d MEETING. tz > o DATE: April 17,1984 r H x, TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 1-3 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 y TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Department Report: The reports were reviewed by department. Chief Phillips requested approval to purchase video tape equipment, as a joint purchase with the City of Keller and City of Watauga. He explain- ed the need for the equipment and the arrangements that would be made. Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to deny McCombs x his request. Eubanks x x Bone x x The bills presented were approved Westerholm x for payment. (attached hereto and McCombs x x made a part hereof). Eubanks x P -ne x x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro Tem, Latta. Mayor ATT ST: City Secretary OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Bruce McCombs, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the Office of Councilperson Place 3, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. Bruce McCombs SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me thi 17th, d y of April, 1984. y r Spa ger OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, LOYD EUBANKS, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILPERSON PLACE 4, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. Loyd A. Eubanks SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the h day of April, 1984. Mayor parge OATH OF OFFICE STATE TO TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, MARION R. BONE, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILPERSON PLACE 5, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. Marion R. Bone SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this th 17th day of April,1984. ayor~ ger V Yj MONTHLY POLT( : IMPOPT MARCH PRf:S1:N"I' }'AS"I' 'T1:AR '1C MONTII M0NTIi DATE TOTAL RADIO CALLS 784 743 2.34? r- '7 I'O'f'AI, C1 PA'1'ION S ISSU111 y 6 1$Q. Ci tat i o n s Less Parking 126 I 7 2 - Pa rkirig C,Itat ion s _ _ ------1 I - 8 I Othcr Citations (Other than Traffic) (r 0 6 n.CCI 1) 1.NTS I NV1:ST I GAl l_?1; 1 i 7 33 Major Accid nt 7 (Invo}vinl? [f ury) I __~y 1 '1 Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only_)_ I TOTAL ARRESTS 3 28 88 Felony Arrests 2 0 5~ Misdemeanor Arrests 30 27 78 Juvenile Arrests 1 1 51 'O`PAL CASES FILED 3 5 8 1 e 1 on, 0 h(iSdomeanor 't 5 S < Juvenile (T. C. .IuvenII Prnhation) 0 C I I ~ TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 15 17 _ 54 TOTAL OFFENSES CLEARED 6 4 15l CLEARANCE RATF 40 6 23. 28%-1 BURGLARIES REPOR'T'ED 7 4 19 Value Stolen Property 9 448 4374 25 127 l Value - Recovered Property 290 0 2 IIfEFTS RF.PORI'E1) 4 0 1.6 V a l u C Stolen P r oar t 3 0 ,1 2 6730 1 3 7 81 Value - Recovered Property 0 0 0 CRIME PREVENTION PIUSENTATIONS 2 4 lU SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS 1 0 1 S01 1 "LAKE POLICE D1 "A RTM NT I s.' I r: i',!F.,,, ; r, y f y. 1983 Dodge Diplomat i 1 UILLt 219 _ 45046 152.15 1983 Dodge Diplomat i 1984 Chevrolet Impala i wit I I 2y ? 7.4 to 11984 Chevrolet Impalas Unit.221 __418_... , JZ9 _ AIT A!- 204,67 1 SOUTIILAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICER ACTIVI'T'Y MARCH IC 17 ~1i[ ,,l1IS s 0V i l ~;;;I' lip IS`~Ut l) RRhS IS 1~4-Z LI TN ~ t:.1 T I -S 1 NV. -S Ii t. Austin 1101 + i S9t~_Crowd er_._ 1102 36 3_ _ 1.10 2 _ , _ . _ 8 t53 Inv. Burns _ 1103 1 180 _ _ 0 1 Officer Oliv er 1104 11 5 1 612 0 fi er Pew 1105 21 2 -3 _ 1444 0fU gr-- L11 6 20 2 2 1863 -Office 1- I~1oo 1) 7 L) f RFSERVF OFFICERS OFFICER CITATIONS ARRES'rS CALLS ACC. WORKED Capt. Anderson 1500 5 1 10 0 16.5 Officer_Scott 1302 3 2 26 1 21..5 -Officer Paul 1303 3, 2 1 0 Chaplain/ Officer ---Marrs . 1504 ~ 1 ► 4 0 i RespectfuIIv suhmitted, o~ 'Fed Phi lI ihs,ri,i~ i of Pal ic-P 10: HONORABLF MAYOR A01r) CITY COUNCII. PFRSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly keport for Lhe M ntl, of Wirr:h A. Responses: dumber of calls 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 1 2. Grass Fires--.-------------------------------------------------------- 3 3. Auto 6 Truck Fires--------------------------------------------------- 1 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire A Rescue Unit) 3 5. Mutual-Aid for City of (Crapevine------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual Aid for City of iolleyville----------------------------------- 1 7. Mutual-Aid for City of i<el 1 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities r? 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) = 8 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 2 ll. False Alarms in City------------------------------------------------- 1 12. Rescue Unit ralls 6 A. Subject fell out of bed-hit head 2815 Ridgecrest B. Subject shot in finger in fight-came to Police Dept. C. Lady alone got sick in vehicle 114/11ighland D. Subject had complications after surnary 2509 Rolling Ln. E. Subject too'; ove c'a r' 1981, E.Highland F. Child burned hand in p ic►otlavp l14/C, rrol 1 13. Miscellaneous------------------------------------------------------- 4 A. Gasoline wash down Gun Barrel B. Dempster smoldering Butcher Boy Meat C. Gas leak 3274 Lake Dr. D. Checked Northside of town after Funnel cloud touched down 14. Trophy Cluh Calls -------------0 B. Total Emeroenc.y Calls for the Month of _-MarC6 31 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 296 1. On Emergency Calls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 2. Meetings (A for Month) Average Men Per Meeting 144 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills 50 11. Any Extra Mc-n 1 rs .era Kmintevencrk (other 9iari wDYI a1 Maint. tia'e) 0 U. Total Man Hours Expended for Munth---------- E. Firetighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----- Chief Steele 20 Asst.Chief Bradley 12 Capt.J.Brown 19 Capt.G.Fuller 19 Capt.D.Barnes 14 Lt.Buddy Tanner 7 Lt. Randy Stacy 21 J.Stapleton 16 . B.Hudsor 18 B.Daltml 9 D.Brown 16 J.Walsh 28 R.Stacy 13 J.Sullivan 8 T.Bock 5 R.Black 17 M.Thomas 3 G.Dalton 7 I.Haynes 10 B.Jones 7 S.Irving 6 B,Roe YP ul - submitted; Steele, Fire Chief SOUT11LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT M~~:v7'II UCH_ 1984___- - CI"f'Y C~i SOOTHLAKI BUILDING DEPARTh11:N1' MONTHLY LI1 I S MONTII 339 '95 ' . PI;IZMI'I_i ISSUIiD _ THIS FEE LAST MONK I_ MONTH F E I'. S l NGLF I EMI I,y' 30 $14,891.00 16 $7,736.00 (:(~P•it•1f:IZC l A1, 1 313.00 3 2,319.00 0 - i:ON f'i,1" (i! 98tt ) 1, S 140 _ $20,049.00 t s 1. f; € I S 0 2 r, 3 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR UI'AI, .`i1,692.OU / hIP I i.17 i ~~i I'I.I,hi L. . 30 - t~IlI l:(l.(Ni; CI ,?I> 1-co~ufllc c i -1 60 , 000.00 S-Pools + 1 :5,000.00 1-Barn `00.00 2-Garages 1',500 00 42 Total $3, ,4,~I20.00 WATF" UI ArTMENT RFP0k'I ?iUk It OV March 1984 !,,I I Iim,. l'uillp d I'reviolts Month 11,814,800 ',(,I d Prev i ou,, Month New Wit ttr TepS Instal led 1" (13 3/4" r i tY t i rl5 M h'i ri'l e (1 i t i,tl tit' Ot hf~ r l,~~~ta i r~. 1-,eaks (5) Material: $3,629.41 Ntimbe r of Work Orders Processed : 121 Wa er Sup ntenciarn t 4. i B i l l s for _Aa p r o v_a-1- ---City Council Meeting r 4875.00 J.D. Bainc,, Coot i mental Office Supply 111.11 Dallas Morning News 228.70 Ft. Worth Star Telegram G^norri? nffice supply v 292.8 !ro- HeJ:X11 1 1 no Iii:; t Prime Data A-ipp i i 47.0 - - Sho twe l l O i l 1'e,k:a vC3"r c 5051 :rip c ,"q cvf Texas Munic,ipa! ,ns Crabtree Q Powers Southwest Marine 188.85 Electra Motive ?82.00 Ladd Uniform 84'70 Tarrant County Firefighters 0sociation 30.0 Texas Advisory Council on Arson 10.0(1 Aqua- Utility, Inc. 948.02 Atlas Utility Supply 2502.61 n A L Move.rk! C9. 1200.011 Circle R _~c oric 314.19 r ,t~ahcrec 1'c?wa~r, 278. 0e;aring n9"Lowot,ive 9 .l t NrM-r v; L l i t i i r ,i Texas Indust rla1 r io 59 1 Teas Power 6 Light. Wheat Lumber Company of Grapevine Sal W` ,J . D. Baines 4 817 S-.--v TOTAL , W 00 W ~ x ~ E- O V1 U W O E- H U] O U z E- H O U w a ~ z x o ~ H H ~ H U W H U U E- E- O O O 00 U U ~ w ..a a as a a co U U H H r~ z z z ~ x } s ~ E~ U W O W EO rx ~ ~ H w cn q i i i I H O a w x .-a x z rw 0 0 x ~ H cz z O :T U a; a H U O 1---1 O T O Q0 N O co co co LO 00 CO M (D L N O O N r1 z H H Q H O C~ z U W ✓7 f~ W w ~ Q x cn a V) H Ca Q Q C~ ~ U c~ H cn W F a W C4 O a H C1] W W ~7 w V] H -c ~ a ~ w Q v1 w w H v~ v~ a w w w z z x Q E- x o 0 z Q Czl H cn Cn Cn --J~ -r2; 07 U1 U) F ~w~ w w,n x w w W h w r ^ ✓ x/ v) rn 4) w rz v ~n I v ~!1 J vl v♦ v r^ l F-+ < ~ ~ rC -c -4 U U UI 1 U U a U U U Bills for Approval - City Council Meeting April 17, 1984 J.D. Baines 4875.00 Continental Office Supply 144.45 Dallas Morning News 228.76 Ft. Worth Star Telegram 635.91 General Office Supply 292.85 Group Life & Health 14.00 Prime Data Supplies 47.50 Shotwell Oil 1347.50 Texas Power & Light 1267.17 Al Brake Shop $ Garage 5.25 Dearing & Son Texaco 6.00 M & C Photography 17.84 Texas Municipal Law 22.50 Crabtree & Powers 155.75 Southwest Marine 188.85 Electra Motive 282.00 Ladd Uniform 84.70 Tarrant County Firefighters Association 30.43 Texas Advisory Council on Arson 10.00 Aqua Utility, Inc. 948.02 Atlas Utility Supply 2502.64 B & L Material Co. 1200.00 Circle R Electric 314.19 Crabtree & Powers 278.35 Dearing Automotive 322.33 Edd's Garage $ Wrecker 54.30 Joe Hughes Enterprises 320.00 Millican Well Service 450.00 Talem 37.10 Texas Industrial Services 69.15 Texas Power & Light 3623.51 Wheat Lumber Company of Grapevine 554.46 J.D. Baines 4875.00 TOTAL $25,205.51