2008-04-23 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 SOUTHLAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 2 Southlake Public Library 3 1400 Main Street, Suite 130 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 April 23, 2008 7 8 MINUTES 9 10 Library Board Members Present - Lori Burr, Chair; Brenda Flores; C.D. Peebles; Wanda 11 Schafer (wearing her name tag). 12 13 Library Board Members Absent - Barbara Jeppe; June Koelker; Kim Roberts, Vice-Chair. 14 15 Staff Members Present - Kerry McGeath, City Librarian; Nancy Roper, Administrative 16 Secretary. 17 18 Others Present - None. 19 20 REGULAR SESSION: 21 22 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. -Chair Lori Burr called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 23 24 REPORTS: 25 26 Agenda Item No. 2 - Administrative Comments. 27 28 A. City Librarian's Report - 29 30 1. City Librarian's Report. 31 32 a. Sabre has a robotics expert coming from MIT to speak to their staff. 33 We have an arrangement with Sabre to have the speakers also come to the Library and speak. 34 Travelocity and KERA are also sponsors for this program. Carroll ISD members and UNT 35 Engineering faculty have been notified about the program on May Stn 36 May 7th a speaker that previously spoke to SPARKS will speak at an 37 evening program about CP80, an internet porn deterrent software. 38 39 b. Mr. McGeath presented a program with a manager from Nordstrom 40 entitled "Customer Service, the Nordstrom's Way". Key ideas included hiring staff that are 41 friendly, don't make policies based upon exceptions, the customer is always right even if they 42 are wrong, and writing thank you notes to customers. We will start writing thank you post cards 43 to new customers who get library cards. 44 45 c. Our new part time staff member is Kristin Cormier. Kristin has a 46 marketing degree from SMU. She works full time elsewhere, but is helping to put her husband Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes April 23, 2008 Page 1 of 4 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 through law school We have hired Julia Campbell as an ongoing but temporary clerk paying her 2 with unused clerk hours from a staff vacancy. Julia is a librarian for CISD during the regular 3 school year. Kenneth Alford has volunteered to be an, unpaid intern. He is working on an MLS 4 from Univ. of North Carolina. 5 6 2. Library Statistics - 7 8 a. Library statistics have increased. 9 10 b. Sabre is having their volunteer day on Friday April 25th. We will have 11 40 volunteers working on a preplanned list of jobs to be accomplished. 12 13 c. Toastmasters meets in the Library on Monday nights. We have 14 previously counted attendance at Masterworks programs, but have not had the turnout we 15 expected. Next Spring Community Services will take over the programs and we will be a co- 16 sponsor. 17 18 d. The Summer Reading Club kick off program is Saturday, May 31St from 19 loam to 12 Noon. We have book club kits available for book clubs to check out for 6 weeks. 20 Book talks continue at the Senior Center every month. A request was made to make the book 21 club kit info on the web site. 22 23 e. A decision to drop the Dewey Decimal System was explained more 24 fully. We will be using subject headings to find materials. 25 26 27 CONSENT AGENDA: 28 29 Agenda Item No 3 -Approval of Minutes from March 26, 2008 Library Board Meetings. 30 31 Mrs. Schafer moved that the February minutes be approved. Mrs. Flores seconded the motion 32 and the minutes were unanimously approved. 33 34 REGULAR AGENDA: 35 36 Agenda Item No. 4 - Public Forum. 37 38 Chair Burr opened the public forum at 7:25 p.m. and closed it at 7:26 as there was no one to 39 speak. 40 41 Agenda Item No. 5, Consider- There are no items this month. 42 43 Agenda Item No 6A Discussion - Grant Opportunities - help develop a process to help find and 44 write grants. 45 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes April 23, 2008 Page 2 of 4 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 There was discussion about various local grants and for what purposes the library might use an 2 award. We are collecting information for next year to apply for grants in timel 3 4 Agenda Item No. 6B, Discussion - New Program Review. 5 6 a. Mr. McGeath explained about the previously mentioned Adult Lecture 7 series. Grouping with organizations like the Chamber, Sparks, Southlake Historical Society, and 8 Bob Jones Nature Center will ensure that the programs are well attended since those groups will 9 bring their own crowds. 10 11 b. We will be opening a virtual branch at the Bob Jones Nature Center 12 which will work like the Senior Center and Sabre. The difference at this virtual branch is that 13 the general public can use the facility, whereas the other branches have limited clientele. 14 Mr. Peebles suggested getting a nature collection that could be checked out at that location. 15 16 c. We are still waiting on an initial contract in order to place the drive up 17 book drop. Mr. McGeath has a meeting with Public Works Department concerning this issue. 18 19 d. We will be buying miniature computers to run looped PowerPoint 20 presentations and other software. One will be available at the Nature Center as well as the main 21 Library. 22 23 Agenda Item No. 6C, Discussion - Opportunities for the Future. 24 25 a. 3M bought out Checkpoint and at some point in the not too distant 26 future will stop supporting the that system. We will have to buy new equipment and tags and 27 will be asking for a substantial sum in the next budget to get started on the conversion. 28 29 Agenda Item No. 7A, Other Items - FOSL Report. 30 31 a. There is nothing to report at this time. 32 33 Agenda Item No. 7B, Other Items - North Texas Regional Library System. 34 35 Mr. McGeath will be receiving the Library Leadership Award on April 24th 36 37 Adjournment. 38 39 Mrs. Burr adjourned the meeting at 7:42 pm. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes April 23, 2008 Page 3 of 4 n * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 2 3 4 6 7 Mrs. Burr, Chair 8 9 Attest: 10 11 12 13 14 Kerry McGeath, Deputy Director of Community Services 15 A CASSETTE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF 16 THE CITY SECRETARY. Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes April 23, 2008 Page 4 of 4