2008-09-24 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 SOUTHLAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 2 Southlake Public Library 3 1400 Main Street, Suite 130 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 September 24, 2008 7 8 MINUTES 9 10 Library Board Members Present - Brenda Flores, Vice Chair; June Koelker, Chair; Kim 11 Roberts, Wanda Schafer. 12 13 Library Board Members Absent - Lori Burr; C.D. Peebles. 14 15 Staff Members Present - Kerry McGeath, City Librarian; Nancy Roper, Administrative 16 Secretary. 17 18 Others Present - Jennifer Tucker, Technical Services Librarian. 19 20 REGULAR SESSION: 21 22 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. - Chair June Koelker called the meeting to order at 23 7:06 p.m. 24 25 REPORTS: 26 27 Agenda Item No. 2A -Administrative Comments. - Librarian's Report. 28 29 Mr. McGeath is using Lone Star Grant dollars to hire Julia Campbell to work twenty 30 hours per week beginning in November when the grant comes in. Until then she will 31 work 11 hours per week covering one night and Saturday. Mr. McGeath will ask FOSL 32 to give us $5,000 to pay for a nine hour per week person to pick up and deliver 33 materials at the virtual branches. These hours will be built into next year's budget. This 34 year we will be showing the City Administration that we need the positions. The City will 35 make an automobile available. The courier will also empty the remote bookdrops 36 scheduled for placement in strategic locations in the City. 37 38 The 2008-2009 budget has passed. We will be receiving an additional $15,000 in the 39 materials budget. The $70,000 request for new equipment for the RFID security system 40 did not get funded. 3M acquired Checkpoint and will at some future date stop servicing 41 Checkpoint equipment. Consequently, we need to obtain new equipment and tags. 42 The additional materials budget will allow us to make more online resources available 43 and to accommodate price increases for materials. 44 45 46 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes -September 24, 2008 Page 1 of 3 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 Agenda Item No. 2B - Administrative Comments. - Statistics. 2 3 Circulation saw a 3% increase for August and traffic was up 3%. Storytime attendance 4 increased 7% for the year. All programming increased 68% for the year. Story time 5 attendance increased 33% for the year and youth programming increased 60%. We 6 have added more programs during the summer and crafts throughout the year. 7 8 Agenda Item No. 2B - Administrative Comments. - Joint Librarian Meetings. 9 10 The CISD librarians were invited to a dinner meeting with Southlake Public librarians on 11 September 15th to discuss Southlake Public Library's philosophy and to discuss other 12 issues pertaining to collaborative efforts with the schools. 13 14 Several school librarians from Decatur ISD and the Director from Decatur Public Library 15 came to visit and look at some of the innovative things being done here. 16 17 CONSENT AGENDA: 18 19 Agenda Item No. 3. - Approval of Minutes from August 27, 2008 Library Board Meeting. 20 21 A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes were 22 unanimously approved. 23 24 REGULAR AGENDA: 25 26 Agenda Item No. 4 - Public Forum. 27 28 Chair Koelker opened the public forum at 7:20 p.m. and closed it at 7:21 as there was 29 no one to speak. 30 31 Agenda Item No. 5, Consider- There is no item at this time. 32 33 Agenda Item No. 6A Discussion - Drive Up Bookdrop Information. 34 35 The parking garages have been turned over to the City. The easement agreement is 36 being drawn up. Parks staff will install the book drop as soon as the agreement is 37 complete. Mr. McGeath will ask for another book drop at the FOSL meeting next week 38 to be placed at a school, perhaps Carroll Elementary. We will be adding additional book 39 drops as time and funding permit. 40 41 Agenda Item No. 6B Discussion - Staffing Considerations. 42 43 We will use the state grant to pay a temporary part time staff member. We will ask 44 FOSL to pay for a temporary courier. 45 46 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes -September 24, 2008 Page 2 of 3 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 Agenda Item No. 6C, Discussion - North Texas Tollway Authority. 2 3 Mr. McGeath has been in conversation to make toll tags available here. There is not a 4 lot of required effort on the part of the Library staff to make this service available to the 5 public. Other municipal entities are providing this service. 6 7 Agenda Item No. 6D Discussion - Interlibrary Loan Procedure Review. 8 9 Mr. McGeath requested input from the Board about what penalties to impose on 10 customers that do not follow interlibrary procedures. The Board recommended 11 establishing the criteria for imposing penalties. They suggested not allowing access to 12 the service for X months and imposing stiff surcharges for non-compliance. Mr. 13 McGeath will put a proposal together and email it to the Board members. 14 15 Agenda Item No. 7A Other Items - New Fiction Presentation by Jennifer Tucker. 16 17 Ms. Tucker discussed three new books. The titles included Hot, Flat and Crowded, One 18 Fifth Avenue, and Story of Edgar Sawtelle. 19 20 Agenda Item No. 7B Other Items -Friends of the Southlake Public Library. 21 22 The meeting is scheduled for September 30, 2008 at 6pm. Mr. McGeath will be 23 requesting funding for a bookdrop to be placed at a school, funds to help pay for a part 24 time staff member and partial funding for a new stock of library cards. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 7C Other Items - North Texas Regional Library System Update. 27 28 Elizabeth Beamon was named to be on the Awards Committee. Mr. Ephraim was 29 named to be on the Technology Committee. Mr. McGeath was named to be on the 30 Services Planning Committee. 31 32 Agenda Item No. 8 - Adjournment. 33 34 Mrs. Koelker adjourned the meeting at 7:49 pm. 35 36 37 38 39 Mrs. K er, Chair 40 41 Attest: 42 43 44 45 Kerry M Geath, Deputy Director of Community Services 46 A CASSETTE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 47 SECRETARY. Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes -September 24, 2008 Page 3 of 3