2006-02-22 r * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 SOUTHAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 2 Southlake Public Library 3 1400 Main Street, Suite 130 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 February 22, 2006 7 8 MINUTES 9 10 Library Board Members Present - C. D. Peebles, Chair; Lori Burr, Vice Chair; Barbara 11 Jeppe, June Koelker, Cheri Lacy, Kim Roberts. 12 13 Library Board Members Absent -Peggy Firestone. 14 15 Staff Members Present -Kerry McGeath, Library Administrator, Jesse Ephraim, Adult 16 Services Librarian, Jennifer Tucker, Intern. 17 18 REGULAR SESSION: 19 20 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order - Chair, C.D. Peebles, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 21 The next meeting is scheduled for Wed. March 29, 2005 at 7pm. 22 23 Note: The Board meeting discussion topics are out of sequence from the regular agenda since a 24 Board member had to leave early. Consequently, priority topics were visited first. 25 26 REGULAR AGENDA: 27 28 Agenda Item No. 5A, Consider - Revising the Loans Policy - The Board discussed the necessity 29 of policy changes requiring approval by City Council through a resolution. Mr. McGeath 30 explained that since this procedure was the precedent that currently new policy must be approved 31 in this manner. The Board planned to discuss this issue further at the next meeting. The loan 32 lengths policy was evaluated first. The Board weighed the merits of having one check out period 33 for all materials. There was talk about potential changes for media loan lengths; however, since 34 the media collection receives such high usage, materials in this category will remain at a check 35 out length of seven days. In addition, media materials will be renewed if a patron makes this 36 request. The loan length policies were unanimously approved. For detailed information about 37 the loan length periods, please refer to that section of the updated policies and procedures 38 manual. Nest, the Board analyzed the materials extended use fees and other miscellaneous fees. 39 All of the materials extended use fees were approved. The Board talked about patrons' use of 40 the computer printers. Patrons currently prefer using the ink jet printers as opposed to the laser 41 printer; patrons prefer the convenience desk printing rather than using the print payment cards. 42 Board members conferred about the cost-effectiveness of this situation. There was also 43 discussion on making all printing fees the same, which was the eventual decision of the Board. 44 The card replacement fee was eliminated altogether. Finally, the charges of lost and damaged 45 materials were covered. The Board chose to eliminate much of the current policy, specifically Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - February 22, 2006 Page I of 3 i * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 that related to repair costs. In addition, the minimum replacement cost was decided at five 2 dollars. Additions to the policy include the following: 3 4 • If lost item is returned after a replacement fee is paid, then a refund will be issued. 5 • Patron has option to purchase a new duplicate of the lost/damaged item. Patron will 6 remain responsible for any accrued extended use fees. No refund will be available. 7 8 The Board unanimously approved these changes. 9 10 Agenda Item No. 513, Consider - Hours of Operation Change - The Board unanimously 11 approved the decision to add four hours total to the current hours the library is open. This results 12 in opening at 10 am on Wednesday and Friday instead of Noon. Since staff are already 13 scheduled to cover this shift, there would is no effect on the payroll or staff scheduling. Sunday 14 hours were also brought into question. Mr. McGeath explained that due to City of Southlake 15 operations, Sunday hours are not feasible at this point. The city requires that any city employee 16 working a weekend shift are then given two consecutive days off; due to these restrictions and 17 limited number of staff, Sunday hours may not be possible until next year. 18 19 Agenda Item, No. 6A, Discussion - Friends of the Southlake Library Update - Art in the Square 20 is scheduled for April 28, 29, and 30th. Mr. Peebles informed the Board that his wife would be 21 contacting them about volunteer opportunities. 22 23 Agenda Item, No.613, Discussion - North Texas Library Systems Update - The library has 24 received a four thousand dollar grant; typically a portion this money is used for storytellers; 25 however, this year, three thousand will be spent for a new display case. 26 27 CONSENT AGENDA: 28 29 Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of Minutes from January 2006 Board Meeting 30 The minutes were unanimously approved; however some minute errors were later discovered. 31 The minutes will be revised and brought for approval for the next Board meeting. 32 33 REPORTS: 34 35 Agenda Item, No. 2, Librarian's Report and Statistics 36 Mr. McGeath discussed this month's and year to date statistics. Circulation is up 14% for the 37 month and library traffic is up 12%. In addition, adult reference questions are up 3% and youth 38 reference questions are up 1% for the month, for a total increase of 2%. Computer usage is up 39 8% for the month. Programming is increased by 26% this month. As for volunteer hours, 40 although there was a decrease for this year, there is a 60% increase for this month. The library 41 automation system was also discussed. Currently, there are bids in process for a new automation 42 system. This upcoming Wednesday, the Horizon catalog will be shut down for the entire day in 43 order for updates to be uploaded. Results of the city survey were also discussed. Those 44 surveyed rated the library as follows: 32% found the library excellent, 28% good, 7% fair, and 45 32% had no experience with the library. There were only 3% who had a problem with the 46 library as a city service. The most frequently encountered city workers were police workers, Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - February 22, 2006 Page 2 of 3 * *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 followed by library workers. Finally, 8% indicated they were willing to trade increased taxes for 2 increased services from the library. 3 4 REGULAR AGENDA 5 6 Agenda Item No. 7, Other Items - Adjournment - Mr. Peebles adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm. 7 8 9 Attested By: r' Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - February 22, 2006 Page 3 of 3