2002-01-23 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 January 23, 2002 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, Brent Burford, Vice-Chair, Karen 8 Cienki, Linda Study, Debbie Baynard and Marge Zielke 9 10 Board Members Absent: Peggy Firestone 11 12 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; and Laura 13 Highlander, Library Administrator 14 15 REGULAR SESSION 16 17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 18 19 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 20 21 REPORTS 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2 Administrative Comments 24 25 Director Kevin Hugman gave the administrative comments. 26 27 Resignation of part-time library clerk Dennis Archambeau - Mr. Hugman 28 presented a letter of resignation from Mr. Archambeau and commented that he 29 was definitely over-qualified for the position in that he possessed a Ph.D. and was 30 a former director of human resources for a large corporation. Mr. Hugman 31 commended Mr. Archambeau's work with the Southlake library and wanted to 32 share his letter with the Board because of Mr. Archambeau's positive comments 33 about his experience in the library. Mr. Archambeau took the position with the 34 City because of his interest in our library, but resigned due to conflicts with his 35 consulting job. 36 37 CONSENT AGENDA 38 39 Agenda Item No 3-A Approval of the minutes of the November 14, 2001 meeting 40 41 A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended. 42 Motion: Cienki 43 Second: Burford 44 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Study and Zielke 45 Nays: None 46 Abstention: None 47 Vote: 6-0 January 23, 2002 Library Board Regular Meeting Page I of 6 1 Motion carried. 2 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 4 5 Agenda Item No 3-A Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of November 14, 6 2001. Ms. Cienki noted that she found an instance in the minutes where an "a" was used 7 instead of an "an." 8 9 REGULAR AGENDA 10 11 Agenda Item No. 4 Public Forum 12 13 Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address 14 the Library Board at this meeting. 15 16 Agenda Item No 5-A Discussion: Librarian's Report 17 18 Library Administrator Laura Highlander reviewed the Librarian's Report, which was 19 provided in the meeting packets. Highlights were: 20 21 Circulation/Volunteer Services - 444 library cards were issued during the month 22 of December, creating a year-to-date total of 2,917 cards issued as of December 23 31, 2001. The library received 13 volunteer applications during the month of 24 December. Total volunteer hours were 59.25 from December 1 - 31. There were 25 124 paperback books checked out during December. 26 27 Technical Services - Today Ms. Highlander received notification from Baker & 28 Taylor that 1,057 CD/DVD/VHS cassettes were being shipped. Another 2,500 29 titles will be entered into the system. Currently, Jimi Davis, Adult Services 30 Librarian, has selected an additional 10,416 titles. Baker & Taylor is still sending 31 selection lists and a last batch of selected titles will be mailed the week of 32 February 1St. The first shipment of Phase 2 collection order is expected to arrive 33 mid to late February. 34 35 The periodical shelving mentioned at the last meeting will be provided by Libra- 36 Tech free of charge. 37 38 The server software for the Checkpoint RFID security system has been ordered 39 from Epixtech. Upon installation, Checkpoint will complete the installation and 40 configuration. 41 42 Youth Services - The library continues to hold regular storytimes on Tuesday and 43 Thursday. A special storytime was held with various Southlake firemen on the 44 first three Mondays of the month. 45 46 The Winter Reading Club began on December 1, with a special storytime and a 47 craft, and ran through January 5. Children from the age of 2 through sixth grade January 23, 2002 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 6 1 signed up to read 5 books. When their reading logs are returned, they received a 2 coupon for a free mini-scoop of ice cream from Milwaukee Joe's and their name 3 was placed on a snowman to decorate the wall. During December, 129 kids 4 signed up and 34 turned in completed reading logs. 5 6 Staff is continuing to order more books and is already at work planning upcoming 7 programs. 8 9 Adult Services - The library will offer three programs on Israel in late January 10 and early February. 11 12 The adult book discussion group was publicized by placing fliers in the windows 13 of several businesses in Town Square as well as in the library. 14 15 A Women's Page column was submitted for publication in the December 21S` 16 issue of the Southlake Journal. 17 18 Jimi Davis is in charge of updating the library's web page with current programs, 19 the holiday closing and other information. 20 21 Ms. Cienki commented that the "Schedule B" IRS form was not on the shelf or in the IRS 22 form book and suggested that a place card be made for the IRS forms and that the IRS 23 binder be kept at either the circulation or reference desk. Ms. Highlander noted that Jimi 24 Davis has been assisting patrons with accessing the IRS website to help them find their 25 appropriate forms. Patrons pay $.15 per copy. Ms. Highlander also noted that four 26 companies are being considered for the leased public copier. She said they will test two 27 more demonstration copiers before making a final decision. 28 29 Ms. Cienki said she recently received the same comment she had heard previously from a 30 citizen about having the library open on Tuesday night. 31 32 Ms. Highlander addressed Ms. Cienki's comment about audio books and said they have 33 been ordered through Phase 2 with Baker & Taylor and are expected soon. 34 35 Ms. Cienki asked about the status of the donated books and books brought from the 36 Grapevine Library. Mr. Hugman responded to Ms. Cienki and explained the processing 37 and cataloging procedure. He said it is staff's desire to get those items on the shelves as 38 soon as possible and that staff will be processing them at the same time that the new 39 collection items from Baker & Taylor are received. He said it may slow the processing of 40 the Baker & Taylor items, but it was imperative that the donated items be made available 41 to the patrons. Ms. Highlander said several computer books that were in the Grapevine 42 collection would be given priority as far as processing. 43 44 Mr. Burford asked Ms. Highlander how many items were on the shelves or checked out 45 at this time. There are over 16,000 on the shelves. 46 January 23, 2002 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 6 1 Ms. Cameron commented on the Comment Log Report in their packet and asked about 2 the 12-29-01 note, "Patron needed email access only. When presented with the policy, he 3 replied, `I've never seen any other public library like that' and walked away." Ms. 4 Highlander referenced the internet policy statement that says that e-mails, chat-rooms, 5 chat lines, and news groups will not be available. Mr. Hugman said this came about 6 because of the policy, but he felt it could be revised later. No one will be turned away if 7 they want to check their emails or send emails. That portion of the policy will not be 8 emphasized. He said that he believed the intent of the policy language was that the 9 Library would not establish email accounts for people in the library. 10 11 Another issue related to the email issue was the computer use/Internet policy, which was 12 discussed. The policy states that patrons must present either a library card or driver's 13 license to use the computers. The provision does not allow for the computers to be used 14 by visitors to Southlake that would not be library cardholders. Again, Mr. Hugman said 15 this was an area that would need to be revised. In the meantime, staff would keep notes 16 on the policies for future revisions. 17 18 Ms. Cienki said she noticed that there was still no place card about age 19 restriction/supervision in the youth department. Parents and children are required to sign 20 the computer use policy, which addresses those circumstances, prior to being allowed 21 computer access. 22 23 Library Board members commented about several points found in the "Summarized 24 Policies & Procedures" handout - provision number 5 under "Borrowers Privileges and 25 Responsibilities" and "Study Room Use." The handouts will be reviewed to insure that 26 there is not a discrepancy in the policy and the handout. 27 28 Mr. Hugman checked the library policy on use of the study rooms and said that the policy 29 did state that a current library card must be shown. He asked the Board if they would 30 prefer that provision be changed to say that the study rooms could be used with a valid 31 driver's license? Board members discussed the provision and agreed to apply the policy 32 liberally and overlook that requirement at this time, with the intent that the policy would 33 be revised at a future date. 34 35 Agenda Item No 5-13, Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library Update 36 37 Ms. Baynard gave a brief report stating that FOSL received over $6,000 from the 38 Author's Luncheon event; FOSL recently purchased Violetta for the puppet stage; and 39 that she brought the books that were purchased at the Author's Luncheon - one book 40 from each author. FOSL elections were held in January. 41 42 43 Agenda Item No 5-C Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update - Ms. 44 Firestone was not present to give a report. 45 46 47 January 23, 2002 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 6 I Agenda Item No. 5-D Discussion: NTRLS Update 2 3 Ms. Cienki reported she would attend a NTRLS meeting tomorrow. 4 5 Ms. Study reported on a Leslie Wolf marketing meeting she recently attended in Irving, 6 saying that it was a great meeting and very inspiring. She gathered many ideas and 7 handouts about ways of advertising the library and reviewed her notes for the Board. She 8 talked about the need to identify what the top five priorities for the library would be - 9 customer service, funding, staffing and volunteers, political support and inventory - and 10 talked about suggestions for each area, such as having a monthly events calendar 11 sponsored by businesses, soliciting needed funding from corporations/donors, the need to 12 have consumer and business support, and creating joint ventures with the local 13 bookstores to receive donations. Another area she received information on was about 14 identifying your top challenges and she provided many suggestions. Mr. Hugman asked 15 Ms. Study for a copy of her notes from the meeting. 16 17 Ms. Cienki asked if AARP did any programming for the seniors at the Senior Activities 18 Center? Mr. Hugman will check with Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator and 19 will report back to the Board. 20 21 Ms. Baynard suggested that a Library Board member contact the marketing firm that is 22 located in Town Square and see if there is some way they could provide marketing 23 services. 24 25 Agenda Item No 5-E Discussion: Crime Control District presentation 26 27 Crime Control and Prevention District Board member Craig Sturtevant and Police Chief 28 Marlin Price gave the Board a presentation on the %2-cent sales tax funding and upcoming 29 reauthorization election. At the November 26 City Council meeting, the Council 30 approved Resolution No. 01-067, calling the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention 31 District continuation election for February 2002. If approved by voters, the Crime 32 Control and Prevention District sales tax assessment would be re-authorized for an 33 additional 15 years. 34 35 Agenda Item No. 6, Consider No items this agenda. 36 37 Agenda Item No. 7, Other Items 38 39 Library Board members applauded Ms. Cienki when Ms. Cameron presented her with a 40 letter of appreciation for the generous donations the library received from Karen and her 41 husband John, and thanked her for their financial support. 42 43 Agenda Item No. 8, Adjournment 44 45 The board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. 46 47 January 23, 2002 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 5 of 6 e a 1 2 3- 4 Maria Cameron 5 Library Board Chair 6 8 aura Hig an er 9 Library Administrator 10 11 January 23, 2002 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 6 of 6