***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002
4 May 22, 2002
7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, Vice-Chair Brent Burford, CD
8 Peebles, Andrea Curreri, Peggy Firestone, and Linda Study
10 Board Members Absent: Angelique York
12 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, Laura
13 Highland, Library Administrator, and Youth Services Librarian Amy Priour
17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
19 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
23 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments
25 Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek said Kevin Hugman asked him to
26 relay his apologies for not being present at this meeting as his family was celebrating his
27 son's 18cn birthday and high school graduation this evening.
29 Mr. Polasek welcomed new Library Board members: CD Peebles, Angelique York,
30 Peggy Firestone (re-appointed) and Andrea Curreri. He said staff would contact new
31 Board members about an orientation in the near future.
33 A copy of the resignation letter from Karen Cienki was handed out. Mr. Polasek said the
34 City appreciated all of Karen's hard work on behalf of the Library and was sorry to see
35 her go.
37 Officers will be appointed at the next Library Board meeting in June. In addition, the
38 Library Board will need to appoint a replacement for Karen Cienki to represent the
39 library at NTRLS.
41 Library Administrator Laura Highlander announced that the Telecommunications
42 Infrastructure Fund Board announced the availability of approximately $1.5 million in
43 non-competitive grants for Texas libraries that have never benefited from a TIF grant.
44 The library plans to submit an application for the TIF grant. Ms. Highlander said the
45 primary purpose of the grant is to enhance public Internet access. Allowable items for the
46 grant include telecommunications installation/configuration, system software,
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002
1 workstations, cabling, digital cameras, scanners and servers. The grant will be submitted
2 to the Board for review at the June 26, 2002 Library Board meeting, before its due date of
3 July 30, 2002. Ms. Highlander handed out a draft of the proposed grant application and
4 responded to Mr. Peebles that the matching funds would be provided by the City.
6 Youth Services Librarian Amy Priour made a brief presentation on current events and
7 activities and reviewed highlights about the library's programming. She said that since
8 the library opened in September, children's programming and services have remained a
9 high priority. This summer marks the first summer reading club program for the
10 Southlake Public Library. She said the twice-weekly story times have had high
11 attendance and that staff is excited about this summer's programs bringing more children
12 into the library. Some of the programs offered this summer are: "Read Across Texas"
13 reading program, puppet shows, "Texas Tuesday," reading club for six graders and up,
14 and special storytellers (Granny G, "The Law," Randy Irwin). Ms. Priour passed out
15 flyers about the various programs. The following merchants are sponsoring these events:
16 Milwaukee Joe's Ice Cream, FOSL, Chick-Fil-A, and Cici's Pizza.
20 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the minutes of the May 22, 2002 meeting.
22 A motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected.
23 Motion: Burford
24 Second: Firestone
25 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Firestone, and Study
26 Nays: None
27 Abstention: None
28 Vote: 4-0 (Ms. Curreri and Mr. Peebles were not present at the March 27
29 meeting and could not vote.)
30 Motion carried.
34 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of January 23,
35 2002. Ms. Cameron recommended the bullet points in the minutes on page 3A-2, lines
36 19-31 be deleted and that Ms. Cienki's complaint about the NTRLS meeting (Agenda
37 Item 5-E on page 3A-3, line 41) was that Ms. Mason was only given thirty minutes to
38 talk out of two hours.
42 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
44 Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address
45 the Library Board at this meeting.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002
1 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: Librarian's Report
3 Library Administrator Laura Highlander noted the Librarian's Report, which was
4 provided in the meeting packets and added the following:
6 • The new Checkpoint installation staff card reader purchased with
7 Newcomer's grant will be installed June 11.
9 • Technical Services representative Andy Burt, Laura Highlander and a
10 representative from Epixtech had a teleconference call to set up the
11 Teleserve, computer that gives automatic reminder calls to patrons with
12 materials overdue and other services. A few technical difficulties need to
13 be worked out. The number will be advertised and patrons will be
14 requested to set up a PIN number to access the account information. Mr.
15 Peebles shared his concerns about requiring two assigned login codes and
16 suggested that the system not require the library patron's library card
17 number, but be a number/data that the patron selects.
19 • Adult Services Librarian Jimi Davis sent out 65 letters requesting that
20 people that had donated previous subscriptions renew their donations. To-
21 date, 10 responses have been received. Ms. Firestone suggested that
22 donors be contacted with a phone call as a reminder. Mr. Polasek added
23 that money is being included in the budget to cover the cost of the
24 periodical subscriptions should the donations not be adequate. He said
25 they were looking at enlisting the help of FOSL to set up a "phone bank"
26 and make calls to encourage citizens and businesses to donate periodical
27 subscriptions.
29 Mr. Peebles asked if a note could be included in a patron's checkout notice
30 in a "notes" field; Ms. Highlander said it could be added as a "block"
31 feature. Ms. Cameron asked that tax deduction information be included in
32 any literature or notice requesting a donation. Mr. Polasek said he would
33 check with the City's Finance Department regarding tax deduction. Ms.
34 Study suggested an "I'm a Special Patron" system for reminding donors of
35 their previous subscriptions, which the Library Board thought was a
36 wonderful idea. Ms. Study also suggested that there be some type of
37 incentive award for sponsors/donors. Members thought it would be a good
38 idea to have some type of recognition boards for sponsors displayed in
39 various locations in the library, such as a Sponsor of the Month.
41 Ms. Cameron commented that Jimi Davis did a very good job in sending
42 out the reminder cards and sending "thank you" notes.
44 • Statistic Reports - The Southlake Public Library Statistics Report in the
45 packets has been re-vamped again as a result of Horizon becoming more
46 familiar with the system. There were several areas on the report that are
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002
1 being counted by Horizon and those figures are shown on the report
2 whereas staff manually counted those figures. Ms. Highlander explained
3 the changes in the current format and the line items.
5 Mr. Peebles asked if income information was available and mentioned the
6 value of tracking income such as fines, etc. Mr. Polasek said income
7 information is provided in the monthly finance reports.
9 There was no further discussion of this item.
11 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library Update
13 Ms. Cameron said a new representative for the Friends of Southlake Library (FOSL) will
14 be selected at the next Library Board meeting to replace Ms. Baynard. She said Mr.
15 Peebles would be a natural to serve on the Tech Committee with Mr. Burford and Ms.
16 Highlander.
18 Mr. Peebles gave a brief update to the Board on the highlights. He said some of the things
19 FOSL is currently working on and would like to do inside the library, are to add
20 sculptures, artwork, and foliage.
22 Mr. Peebles asked if the City had any storage space available. Mr. Polasek said the only
23 area is in the City's building off of Continental Boulevard, but it would not be suitable
24 for many reasons.
26 Agenda Item No. 5-C. Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update
28 Ms. Firestone said there was nothing to report at this meeting.
30 Agenda Item No. 5-D. Discussion: NTRLS Update
32 A Library Board representative will be selected at the next meeting. Ms. Highlander said
33 there was nothing new to report at this time.
35 Agenda Item No. 6-A. Consider - No items this agenda
37 Agenda Item No. 7. Other Items
39 Mr. Polasek commented on the nice letter recently received from FOSL regarding the
40 book sale, the most successful book sale to date.
42 Ms. Curreri informed the Board about local artists sales and suggested that the Southlake
43 Library investigate hosting such events.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002
1 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment
3 A motion was made to move to adjourn.
4 Motion: Burford
5 Second: Firestone
6 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curren, Firestone, Peebles and Study
7 Nays: None
8 Abstention: None
9 Vote: 6-0
11 Motion carried.
14 ,
16 Maria Cameron
17 Library Board Chair
2_ aura Highl der
21 Library Administrator
25 Attachments: Agenda Item No. 5-13, Librarian's Report
26 Agenda Item No. 6-A, Proposed Fee Schedule Changes for Library Services memo
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