2002-06-264 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 June 26, 2002 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, Vice -Chair Brent Burford, CD 8 Peebles, Andrea Curreri, Peggy Firestone, and Angelique York 9 10 Board Members Absent: Linda Study 11 12 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, Laura 13 Highland, Library Administrator, and Senior Park Planner Chris Carpenter 14 15 REGULAR SESSION 16 17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 18 19 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 20 21 REPORTS 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments 24 25 Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman handed out example copies of the 26 customer satisfaction cards received from library patrons this week. The cards will be 27 compiled and a statistical average produced to help gauge the success of the library 28 programs and identify areas where improvement may be needed. Mr. Hugman will check 29 with the City's Public Information Officer about having the survey card accessible on the 30 City's website. Ms. Cameron raised an issue about having non -patrons complete the 31 cards; although the City may want to know why those people do not use our Library, we 32 may not want them to gauge the library without being active participants. 33 34 CONSENT AGENDA 35 36 Agenda Item No 3-A Appointment of Library Board member to Technology Committee 37 38 A motion was made to appoint CD Peebles to the Technology Committee. 39 Motion: Firestone 40 Second: Burford 41 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and York 42 Nays: None 43 Abstention: None 44 Vote: 6-0 45 46 Motion carried. June 26, 2002 Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS Agenda Item No. 3-A. Appointment of Library Board member to Technology Committee The Technology Committee consists of the Library Administrator, a representative from the City's Technical Services Department and two Library Board members. The two board members were Brent Burford and Marjorie Zielke. Mr. Burford agreed to continue serving on the Technology Committee, however a vacancy was created by Marjorie Zielke's term ending with the Library Board. CD Peebles offered to serve on the committee. His interest and knowledge of technology issues will benefit the library. REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address the Library Board at this meeting. Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: Librarian's Report Library Administrator Laura Highlander noted the Librarian's Report, which was provided in the meeting packet and highlighted several aspects of the report. Agenda Item No. 5-B. Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library pdate Ms. York reported that there is not much occurring with FOSL due to summer vacations. FOSL is looking at participation in the Octoberfest celebration in October. She said all their board positions have been filled and they have been working on building their committees and team building exercises. Agenda Item No. 5-C. Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update Ms. Firestone said there would not be a report available until the fall. Agenda Item No. 5-D. Discussion: NTRLS Update There was not report at this meeting. Agenda Item No. 6-A. Consider: Election of Board officers A motion was made to elect Maria Cameron as Chair and Brent Burford as Vice Chair. Motion: Peebles Second: York Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and York June 26, 2002 Page 2 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002 1 Nays: None 2 Abstention: None 3 Vote: 6-0 4 5 Motion carried. 6 7 Agenda Item No 6-B Appointment of Board member to serve as representative to North 8 Texas Regional Library stem (NTRLS) 9 10 A motion was made to appoint CD Peebles as the library's representative to 11 NTRLS. 12 Motion: Burford 13 Second: Firestone 14 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curren, Firestone, Peebles and York 15 Nays: None 16 Abstention: None 17 Vote: 6-0 18 19 Motion carried. 20 21 Agenda Item No. 6-C. Exhibition agreement for rotating sculpture display to be located 22 in the Southlake Public Library by Sculpture Works, Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas 23 24 Senior Parks Planner Chris Carpenter, the staff liaison to the Public Art Advisory 25 Commission (PAAC), presented this item and asked the Board to approve a 26 recommendation to City Council to enter into an agreement with Sculpture Works, Inc. as 27 outlined in the attached cover memo. 28 29 The Public Arts Advisory Commission and staff believe this is a wonderful opportunity 30 at little or no cost to the City to place art works in the Library. Mr. Carpenter said this 31 would be the first step in our public art program. Staff recommended that the Board 32 approve a recommendation to City Council to enter into an agreement with Sculpture 33 Works, Inc. 34 35 Discussion: 36 37 Mr. Burford asked if Sculpture Works would be limited to placing displays only in the 38 library area or if exhibits could be expanded to other area in the Town Hall building? Mr. 39 Carpenter responded that PAAC is seeking a different vendor than Sculpture Works to 40 place an exhibit in the second floor lobby of Town Hall since Sculpture Works does limit 41 their artwork to the library. 42 43 Mr. Carpenter asked the Board to please send their suggestions or any information 44 regarding other possible sculpture artists to him as the PAAC is looking into many 45 different artist selections. 46 June 26, 2002 Page 3 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002 1 2 Board members talked about some of the benefits that the artists would receive from 3 exhibiting their sculptures in the library. 4 5 A motion was made that the Council hire Sculpture Works, Inc. to work with staff 6 and the Public Art Advisory Committee as necessary, to make sure that we sign an 7 agreement with Sculpture Works, Inc. 8 9 Motion: Peebles 10 Second: York 11 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and York 12 Nays: None 13 Abstention: None 14 Vote: 6-0 15 16 Motion carried. 17 18 Agenda Item No. 6-D. Recommendation to authorize staff to apply for 19 Telecommunication Infrastructure Fund (TIF) grant 20 21 Library Administrator Laura Highlander presented this item and explained that the grant 22 is a 10% match by the City (a request grant funding of $50,000 with a City match of 23 $5,000). Ms. Highlander said the grant funds would be used to increase the public's 24 access to computers and the Internet. This item was before the Library Board to make a 25 recommendation to City Council to authorize staff to apply for the TIF grant. 26 27 Discussion: 28 29 Ms. Highlander said the $5,000 grant can be applied toward any purchase related to the 30 grant and cited the equipment the Library is proposing to fund through the grant. 31 32 Mr. Burford asked if the $5,000 City portion of the matching fund request was already 33 available in the Library budget? Mr. Hugman said it would be included in the next fiscal 34 year's budget. 35 36 A motion was made to move to authorize staff to apply for the TIF. 37 Motion: Burford 38 Second: Firestone 39 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and York 40 Nays: None 41 Abstention: None 42 Vote: 6-0 43 44 Motion carried. 45 June 26, 2002 Page 4 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002 Mr. Peebles asked about maximum allowable expenses and the number of workstations to which Ms. Highlander explained what equipment would be purchased and how it could be used only for the library. Mr. Peebles noted he would like to see more handicapped accessible workstations be purchased as a part of the matching grant funds. Ms. Highlander said the equipment list is now at almost $40,000 for just the standard equipment. Agenda Item No. 6-E. City participation in the Loan Star Library program Library Administrator Laura Highlander presented this agenda item and asked the Board to give staff direction regarding their choice of the appropriate participation level in the Loan Star Library Program for fiscal year 2003. Ms. Highlander said the 77th Texas Legislature approved and funded the Loan Star Libraries for $2.9 million per year for the first two years, state fiscal year 2001-2002. The funding of the Loan Star Libraries is whatever the Legislature decides. There are three levels of funding, with the highest level of funding for libraries that do not have non- resident fees (Level 1). Level 2 allows a non-resident fee to be charged but the library must participate in the TexShare Card Program, which is an interlocal agreement with other TexShare Card libraries. Level 3 allows a library to charge a non-resident fee and not participate in the TexShare Card program. Southlake Public Library is currently at Level 3, receiving the lowest level of funding ($341 for fiscal year 2002). Ms. Highlander discussed the calculations of the grant for each of the three levels and if the City had participated in Level 1, they would have received $2,065 and $1,920 at Level 2. The Southlake Public Library needs to submit the application by July 15 whether or not it will continue charging non-resident fees and not participate in the TexShare Card Program. Ms. Highlander reviewed the attached packet documents and described the Board's options. Discussion: Ms. Firestone asked how much revenue the Library had received in non-resident fees? Ms. Highlander said as of June 20, the Library had collected $1,650. With that amount projected throughout the year, the estimated revenue for the year would be $2,199. The current fee for a non-resident library card is $25 per person per year. The reason that the Board chose to continue to charge the non-resident fees last year was concern about ensuring adequate materials for Southlake residents. The Library Board discussed various issues and concerns regarding assessment of fees for non-resident cards, procedures followed as a TexShare Card Program members, reciprocal agreement benefits and limitations, and scenarios for each level of June 26, 2002 Page 5 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board July 24, 2002 1 participation, the administrative procedures that may be involved, and the uncertainty of 2 the future funding for the Loan Star Libraries program. 3 4 Mr. Hugman reminded the Board that they were looking at last year's data, which is not 5 related to this year's because it depends upon how much funding is available and how 6 many libraries are in each of the categories. 7 8 A motion was made that the Library Board recommend that the Southlake Public 9 Library participate in the Loan Star Library Program for fiscal year 2003 at the 10 Level 2, which is the TexShare Card and charging a non-resident fee. 11 12 Motion: Burford 13 Second: Peebles 14 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and York 15 Nays: None 16 Abstention: None 17 Vote: 6-0 18 19 Motion carried. 20 21 Agenda Item No. 7-A. Annual Board Retreat 22 23 The Board discussed the content and timing issues related to holding a Board Retreat. 24 Members suggested 9:00 — 1:00 on a Saturday, perhaps September 14. Staff will send 25 members an email reminder. 26 27 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 28 29 A motion was made to move to adjourn at 8:01 p.m. 30 Motion: Burford 31 Second: Firestone 32 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and York 33 Nays: None 34 Abstention: None 35 Vote: 7-0 36 Motion ca ried. 37 38 � 39 Maria Cameron 40 Library Board Chair 41 42 43 aura Hi hla er 44 Library Administrator 45 46 Attachments: Agenda Item No. 6-C, Sculpture exhibition agreement w/Sculpture Works — cover memo packet 47 documents June 26, 2002 Page 6 of 6 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 21, 2002 TO: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services FROM: Chris Carpenter, Senior Park Planner (x1585) SUBJECT: Recommendation of Exhibition Agreement for Rotating Sculpture Exhibit in the Southlake Public Library by SculptureWorks, Inc. of Fort Worth Action Requested: Library Board recommendation of exhibition agreement for SculptureWorks, Inc. Background Information: At their meeting on May 28, 2002, the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) was presented with a verbal proposal by SculptureWorks Inc., to place a rotating sculpture exhibit in the Southlake Public Library. The PAAC was very enthusiastic about the proposition and recommended that staff (1) work through the language of the proposed new "Exhibition Agreement" forms with PAAC Co-chair and attorney Susan Bruning and (2) make sure the exhibits will meet spatial and logistic requirements of the Library. Staff is continuing to revise the language of the Exhibition Agreement with Ms. Bruning, and when completed, will forward the forms to our City Attorneys for review prior to City Council consideration of the Exhibition Agreement for SculptureWorks. At this time, staff would like to take the opportunity early in the process to review the proposal with the Library Board and seek a recommendation to City Council for approval of the exhibition. The details of the proposal are as follows: • SculptureWorks, Inc. is a reputable non-profit organization consisting of talented sculptors of a variety 'of styles whose goal is to simply place subject sculptures from member artists for the exposure. SculptureWorks specializes in library exhibits. (See information attached from their web page). • No modifications to the floors, walls, ceilings, etc., of the Library are necessary • The City assumes no cost for the installation or exhibition of the sculpture. • The City assumes no liability for damage, etc., to the sculpture. • It is SculptureWorks' responsibility to install and remove the sculpture, under City supervision. SculptureWorks will rotate sculpture on a pre- determined basis to add variety to the exhibit. • As contained in the City's Public Art Policy, no piece of art can be directly advertised for sale. Informational brochures containing contact information for the artists is allowed to be placed separately from the art, but is the sole responsibility of the artists. Financial Considerations: No financial considerations are considered specifically with this agenda item. Any and all costs associated with the rotating sculpture exhibit will be borne by SculptureWorks, Inc. Citizen Input/ Board Review: PAAC recommended modifications to the standard Exhibition Agreement and approval from Library Board prior to final consideration in July. Legal Review: Exhibition Agreement under legal review. Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: • Approve Exhibition Agreement with SculptureWorks Inc., pending finalization of Exhibition Agreement fonns • Other recommendations as desired Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Information on SculptureWorks Inc., from their web site Staff Recommendation: Library Board recommendation of rotating sculpture exhibit in the Southlake Public Library. (fC- Z Sculptureworks, Inc. Page 1 of 1 About Sculptureworks Sculptureworks is a nonprofit organization working in cooperation with the art sculpture community to make sculpture available to the public through public library displays, shows and sales, and in local business such as Barnes and Noble Booksellers. Sculptureworks is committed to teaching both children and adults the rich culture of sculpture art. Some of the cooperative programs held have been workshops and seminars in public schools and libraries. Sculptureworks is also committed to the preservation of important historical pieces. It is important to take advantage of these artistic gifts so that they will be available for the next generation to learn from and enjoy. Sculptureworks is facilitating the conservatory work on a 1942 sculpture of Will Rogers by Electra Wagonner Biggs for the Fort Worth Public Library. Sculptureworks wishes to thank the great resource of volunteers from our 0- participating libraries, along with their Friends and Patrons groups. http://www.nationwide.net/—david/ (0 C -3 6/21 /2002 Sculptureworks, Inc. Page 1 of 1 . c--'1 � of 1� s h 1c FIDOU11 us aCulpreurb LIDVary ¢xmoics 5hOWS and SaleS contact us -ren Archer Kroeger Beckner Bond r Brooke it Buswell salind Cook ren Crain rrell Davis bert Deurloo nna Dobberfuhl yne Doyle nnis Farris Sculptureworks, Inc. features many talented sculptors from around the country. Their works represent many different sculpture techniques, cultures and artistic styles. If you are a sculptor interested in becoming a part of the juried Sculptureworks family of distinguished artists, please contact us for more information. GC- 4 http://www.nationwide.net/—david/sculptors.html 6/21/2002 .Sculptureworks, Inc. Page I of 1 't1► 1t� c 11. 1rs' 11Ic National Library Exhibits In the years since Sculptureworks, Inc. began, it has remained devoted to the promotion of libraries through sculpture. Library patrons across the country have been exposed to fi,A �artwork from dozens of sculptors at no cost to the libraries. lar *: Many libraries currently display artwork from Sculptureworks' artists. If you are interested in having sculpture on display at 4 your public library, please contact us for more information. (9C- S http://www.nationwide.net/—david/library.html 6/21/2002 ' (11111)II 11 •e l t tag ks 11 Sculptureworks holds National Shows and Sales participating libraries throughout the year. Belot taken at "The Garden of Eden" Show and Sale it Tennessee which was held from June to Septem (CI- Sculptureworks, Inc. Page 1 of 2 w Imo: (1l/1-ciof-k ,111c is11/�� .. Narren Archer loy Kroeger Beckner 3ill Bond peter Brooke Rosalind Cook Caren Crain carrell Davis (Robert Deurloo Donna Dobberfuhl Elayne Doyle Dennis Farris Bobbe Gentry Joy Kroeger Beckner A Good Life http://www.nationwide.net/—david/artists/beckner/agoodlife.html 6/21/2002 Scplptureworks, Inc. Page 1 of 2 About Us Sculptors Library Exhibits Shows and Sates Contact Us Warren Archer :- )y Kroeger Beckner ill Bond eter Brooke osalind Cook aren Crain arrell Davis obert Deurloo onna Dobberfuhl layne Doyle ennis Farris obbe Gentry (OC 0 S http://www.nationwide.net/—david/artists/bond/benchwarmers.html 6/21/2002 . Sci;lptureworks, Inc. Page 1 of 2 V.. Warren Archer loy Kroeger Beckner Bill Bond Peter Brooke Rosalind Cook Karen Crain Darrell Davis Robert Deurloo Donna Dobberfuhl Elayne Doyle Dennis Farris Bobbe Gentry Rosalind Cook Summer Dancer http://www.nationwide.net/—david/artists/cook/summer.html 6/21 /2002 Sculptureworks, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Contact Sculptureworks For more information about a Sculptureworks' artist or program, purchasing a sculpture, or for information on how to bring an exhibit to your local library or business, write or call: Sculptureworks, Inc. P.O. Box 331084 Fort Worth, Texas 76163 fax: 817.263.4337 or email David at: david@gobronze.org http://www.nationwide.net/—david/contact.html 6/21/2002