2002-07-24 r ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board September 25, 2002 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 July 24, 2002 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, Vice-Chair Brent Burford, CD 8 Peebles, Andrea Curreri, Peggy Firestone and Linda Study 9 10 Board Members Absent: Angelique York 11 12 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, and 13 Chere' Bradford, Technical Librarian. 14 15 16 REGULAR SESSION 17 18 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 19 20 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 21 22 23 REPORTS 24 25 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments 26 27 Director Hugman reported September 21, 2002 is the tentative date set for the Library 28 Board retreat. Information will be provided later. 29 30 31 CONSENT AGENDA 32 33 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the May 22 and June 26, 2002 meetings minutes 34 35 A motion was made to approve the May 22, 2002 and June 26, 2002 meeting 36 minutes. 37 Motion: Burford 38 Second: Peebles 39 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and Study 40 Nays: None 41 Abstention: None 42 Vote: 6-0 43 44 Motion carried. 45 July 24, 2002 Page 1 of 5 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board September 25, 2002 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 3 4 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the May 22 and June 26, 2002 meetings minutes 5 Both sets of minutes were approved (6-0) as presented. 6 7 REGULAR AGENDA 8 9 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum 10 11 Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address 12 the Library Board at this meeting. 13 14 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: Librarian's Report 15 16 Director Hugman presented the Librarian's Report in Ms. Highlander's absence. 17 18 Mr. Burford commented the statistical report showed a large increase in checked-out 19 materials during June, which was attributed to the Summer Reading Program. 20 21 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library (FOSL) Update 22 23 Mr. Peebles provided an update in Ms. York's absence. He reported that Library 24 Administrator Laura Highlander had discussed with him the possibility of FOSL funding 25 the purchase amount above the City's $5,000 match for additional library furniture that 26 will be purchased with a $50,000 matching grant. Because the cost of the furniture will 27 likely exceed the $5,000 City matched funds, FOSL may be able to participate by paying 28 the cost above $5,000. 29 30 Director Hugman said staff was hoping to find furniture that would match or compliment 31 the existing furniture style since the cost would be higher if purchased from the original 32 company. 33 34 Agenda Item No. 5-C. Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update 35 36 Ms. Firestone said there would not be a report available until the fall. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 5-D. Discussion: NTRLS Update 39 40 There was not a report at this meeting; Mr. Peebles is still awaiting information on 41 upcoming NTRLS meetings. 42 43 Agenda Item No. 6-A. Consider: Proposed Library Budget for 2002-03 44 45 Director Hugman reviewed the proposed draft budget provided in the packet and 46 highlighted several issues. July 24, 2002 Page 2 of 5 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board September 25, 2002 1 2 At this time the City has a general idea of what revenues will be from ad valorem 3 property taxes and also an estimation of what the sales tax revenues will be, both of 4 which are the City's two major sources for revenue. Other sources of revenue are various 5 fees, permits, etc. Due to declining residential growth in Southlake and a downturn in 6 economy, the City's sales tax revenues are below the projections for this year. The sales 7 tax revenues are still above what the City made last year, however, below what the City 8 projected. Therefore, approximately $800,000 in budget amendments was made at mid- 9 year for this current year, cutting expenditures in many departments City wide. No cuts 10 were made in the Library budget for this current year. In fact, $4,000 was added to the 11 budget to fund the Epixtech Checkpoint System. 12 13 Mr. Hugman said staff is exploring ideas to cut costs for FY2002-03 budget year. The 14 proposed budget supports the current level of service. 15 16 Some of the proposed budget highlights mentioned were: 17 18 Computer Maintenance line item increased to continue the Epixtech System 19 maintenance agreement. ($18,000) 20 21 Resource Materials line item slightly increased since the TIF funds, which has 22 funded all materials purchased to date, will be depleted by the end of this year and 23 additional collection items will be funded through the general budget. The 24 proposed budget includes funding for replacement materials, best sellers, etc. 25 26 $5,000 for the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund grant was included in 27 Support Services budget. 28 29 Director Hugman asked the Board to review the proposed budget and to a make 30 recommendation, which will go to the City Council for their consideration. 31 32 City Council budget work sessions will be held August 13 and August 27, 2002. 33 34 Discussion: 35 36 Mr. Peebles asked Director Hugman specific questions about current line item balances 37 for resource materials, computer maintenance, and replacement materials. Director 38 Hugman explained the fluctuation of specific line items that may either exceed or fall 39 below the budgeted amount, however, the budget as a whole should not go over the 40 budgeted total. 41 42 Director Hugman talked about the City's current and projected reserve fund and how that 43 is critical to the City's budget. 44 45 Ms. Firestone had a question about the budget line item regarding periodicals. Director 46 Hugman said staff has worked on several ways to increase periodical donations - sent July 24, 2002 Page 3 of 5 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board September 25, 2002 1 letters and made phone calls to previous donors - but the response has not been very 2 good with only 20% of the current publications renewed by donations. Staff will continue 3 to push for more donations, however, the budget should reflect the possibility that those 4 donations may not come. 5 6 A suggestion was made by Chairman Cameron and Ms. Study to ask FOSL to advertise 7 to its members that the City is seeking new sponsors for periodical subscriptions and also 8 to email a list of the periodicals not currently sponsored to all the Library Board 9 members. Ms. Curreri suggested that obtaining subscriptions could be a good Girls Scout 10 troop or a community service project. 11 12 A motion was made to recommend to the City Council the approval of the proposed 13 Library budget for FY2002-03. 14 Motion: Burford 15 Second: Firestone 16 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and Study 17 Nays: None 18 Abstention: None 19 Vote: 6-0 20 21 Motion carried. 22 23 Agenda Item No. 6-B. Recommendation of policies and procedures for the TexShare 24 Card Programs 25 26 Director Hugman presented the item stating that based upon the Library Board's 27 recommendation and City Council's approval, Southlake Public Library would 28 participate in the Loan Star Library Program for fiscal year 2003 at Level 2, which 29 obligated the Library to adopt the TexShare Card Program policies and procedures. 30 31 Discussion: 32 33 Chere' Bradford, Adult Services Librarian, and Director Hugman answered questions 34 from Library Board members about eligibility of a citizen to receive a TexShare Card, 35 returned book procedures, and other policies found in the document. 36 37 Chairman Cameron felt that it would be helpful to have the loan period clearly delineated 38 in the TexShare Card policies document. 39 40 A motion was made to recommend the policies and procedures for the TexShare 41 Card program be approved by the City Council. 42 Motion: Burford 43 Second: Study 44 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and Study 45 Nays: None 46 Abstention: None July 24, 2002 Page 4 of 5 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board September 25, 2002 1 Vote: 6-0 2 3 Motion carried. 4 5 Agenda Item No. 7. Other Items 6 7 FY2002-03 Budget - At this time, Mr. Burford reverted the discussion back to the budget 8 item considered earlier. He was concerned that the replacement dollar amount in the 9 budget might be unusually high. Ms. Bradford assured him it was not and related that 10 Southlake has a very high volume of damaged/unreturned materials. Ms. Bradford I I compared Southlake's numbers with the amount she was acquainted with while working 12 at Watauga Public Library. 13 14 Ms. Study asked if this information could be given to patrons to make citizens more 15 aware of what a significant problem this is for the Library. 16 17 Director Hugman said the City Attorney's were drafting an ordinance that would provide 18 a basis for unreturned materials to be treated as a theft to be handled by the court. 19 20 Ms. Cameron recommended a positive approach to bringing awareness of the problem to 21 citizens by having an "Amnesty Day" on the Library's anniversary, whereby patrons 22 could return their unreturned library materials without a penalty. 23 24 Library Report - Mr. Burford is scheduled to present the Library Board Report to City 25 Council at their meeting on August 6, 2002. 26 27 Agenda Item No. 8. Adj ournment 28 29 A motion was made to move to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. 30 Motion: Burford 31 Second: Firestone 32 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Curreri, Firestone, Peebles and Study 33 Nays: None 34 Abstention: None 35 Vote: 7-0 36 37 Motion carried. 38 39 , 40 41 Maria Cameron 42 Library Board Chair 43 44 45 Laura Highlan er 46 Library Admin trator July 24, 2002 Page 5 of 5