2002-09-25 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 September 25, 2002 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, CD Peebles, Andrea Curreri, 8 Peggy Firestone, Linda Study and Angelique York 9 10 Board Members Absent: Vice-Chair Brent Burford 11 12 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Laura 13 Highlander, Library Administrator. 14 15 REGULAR SESSION 16 17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 18 19 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 20 21 REPORTS 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments 24 25 There were no administrative comments presented at this meeting. 26 27 CONSENT AGENDA 28 29 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the July 24, 2002 meeting, minutes. 30 31 A motion was made to accept the minutes with changes as stated. 32 Motion: Study 33 Second: Curren 34 Ayes: Cameron, Curren, Firestone, Peebles, Study and York 35 Nays: None 36 Abstention: None 37 Vote: 6-0 38 39 Motion carried. 40 41 42 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 43 September 25, 2002 Page I of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board 1 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the July 24, 2002 meeting minutes. Minutes were 2 approved (6:0) with two corrections presented by Chairman Cameron on page 4, lines 8 3 and 27. 4 5 REGULAR AGENDA 6 7 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum 8 9 Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address 10 the Library Board at this meeting. 11 12 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: Librarian's Report 13 14 Library Administrator Laura Highlander presented the Librarian's Report. In addition to 15 the Library statistics and items contained in the report in the packet, Ms. Highlander 16 reported: 17 18 Ms. Priour and Ms. Davis are working on an application for a $4,000 Grolier 19 Grant opportunity, offered specifically to promote the library; 20 21 Staff is planning to hold a "Library Anniversary" event on November 9 to 22 commemorate the library's first year in operation; and 23 24 Fifteen realtors from Abbey Holiday Realty volunteered at the library today, 25 providing forty-five man-hours of assistance, covering and shelving books, 26 shifting the collection and other tasks. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library (FOSL) Update 29 30 Ms. York reported FOSL has been very busy and briefed the Board about the following: 31 32 FOSL recently donated a shelf to the library, located just inside and to the left of 33 the entrance. One end cap of the shelf is serving as a FOSL bulletin board to 34 promote FOSL and provide literature and information about the organization; 35 36 FOSL has displayed books in the library that are available for the public to 37 purchase for a donation ($.50 softcover, $1.00 hardback); 38 39 FOSL received a $2,500 grant from the Southlake Women's Club, available from 40 proceeds from the Art in the Square event. (FOSL had only requested $2,200). 41 The money is specifically earmarked to purchase a die-cut machine with the 42 remainder being used to purchase books on their "wish" list; 43 44 FOSL will host a carnival game of some sort at the October 26 HarvestFest in 45 Bicentennial Park and is looking for volunteers; and 46 September 25, 2002 Page 2 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board 1 FOSL is seeking a new fundraising chair if anyone knows someone that might be 2 interested - contact Ms. York. 3 4 Agenda Item No. 5-C. Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update 5 6 Ms. Firestone said there was nothing new to report at this time. 7 8 Agenda Item No. 5-D. Discussion: NTRLS Update 9 10 There was not a report at this meeting. 11 12 Agenda Item No. 5-E. Discussion: Retreat Agenda 13 14 Director Hugman led the discussion and asked the Board to provide their ideas about 15 when and what format they would like for the retreat. 16 17 Library Board members suggested the retreat include a look at the long range 18 financial/funding information, a review of the Five-Seven-Ten Year Plan, the use of Post- 19 It Notes to gather ideas, and incorporate goal setting, team building, communication, and 20 planning into one session. They also felt it would be helpful to have several city staff 21 members present. Chairman Cameron suggested staff contact Florence Mason, facilitator 22 for NTRLS events, to obtain a list of questions that could be used to help formulate the 23 Board's goals. 24 25 The retreat will be held on Saturday, October 19, at the Senior Activity Center. Director 26 Hugman will email members with confirmation of the date and time. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 5-F. Hudson Foundation Grant 29 30 Director Hugman informed the Board that the M.R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation, a 31 private family foundation, has approved a matching grant up to $30,000 to benefit the 32 Southlake Public Library. The Hudson Foundation recently moved to Southlake and read 33 about the City budget situation that resulted in a loss of funding for resource materials for 34 the Library. The Foundation is interested in helping their new community and assisting 35 the Library with a matching grant to make up the shortfall in the budget, seemed 36 appropriate. The Foundation accepts grant requests by invitation only. 37 38 At the second reading of the FY 2002-03 Annual Budget, the City Council adopted the 39 proposed budget and restored $15,000 in funding to the Library as a partial match to the 40 Hudson Foundation's $30,000. The community will be approached to raise the remaining 41 $15,000 by private contributions. Director Hugman pointed out that if the Library 42 succeeded in raising the $60,000 in total funds, the Checkpoint Express Checkout Station 43 ($20,590) and the needed resource materials (bestsellers, Bluebonnet book list, 44 periodicals, etc. - estimated $33,000) could be purchased. 45 September 25, 2002 Page 3 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board 1 Staff presented a draft of the Strategic Plan for Hudson Foundation Grant for the Library 2 Board's discussion and input. A copy is attached to the minutes. The Plan identified 3 various strategies for communication to the community (via advertising, speaker 4 presentations to organizations, etc.), publicity strategies, and functions for Board and 5 elected officials, as well as staff. 6 7 Director Hugman commented on the collaboration needed from the Board, city officials, 8 and staff to market the Plan and emphasized FOSL's role in collecting the tax-deducted 9 donations. 10 11 Several board members had questions regarding restrictions on how the Foundation 12 would disperse the funds, which Director Hugman will investigate and report. Ms. 13 Firestone suggested that all of the women's organizations/clubs be contacted and also 14 suggested involving Al Morin in a consulting capacity. Chairman Cameron suggested the 15 formation of a subcommittee to address issues in the Plan and Ms. Firestone volunteered 16 to serve on it. 17 18 As the Board reviewed the Strategic Plan the following ideas were offered: 19 20 Public Knowledge 21 Item 2. Identify organization, businesses, etc. 22 Include women's groups/clubs/organizations (Southlake Women's Club, Greater 23 Southlake Women's Society, Newcomers, Supporters of the Shelter, Circle of 24 Friends), Northeast Tarrant County Physicians. Ms. Firestone will provide names 25 and addresses of these organizations to staff to produce a database. Staff will draft 26 a donation letter for the Library Board. 27 28 Approach the PTO's with a "One for the Library" program where every student 29 would donate $1.00 to the project. 30 31 Contact Al Morin to help develop prospect list. 32 33 Item 3. Develop presentation format. 34 Develop both a PowerPoint presentation and handouts with a return envelop for 35 donations. 36 37 Invite different clubs/organizations to hold their board meetings in the library. 38 39 Place contact information on the City's web page. 40 41 Item 4. Public speaking opportunities. 42 Contact the identified groups/clubs/organizations to get on their speaker's list and 43 determine their meeting dates. Ms. Firestone said she would handle. 44 45 Do the same with the PTO's. 46 September 25, 2002 Page 4 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board 1 Establish Donation Procedure 2 Item 1. Establish FOSL as collection organization 3 Item 2. Establish a contractual relationship 4 Ms. York did not foresee any problem with these two action items. 5 6 Publicity 7 Item 1. Schedule PR opportunities 8 Have a FOSL representative at the next Library Board meeting or City Council 9 meeting and invite Debbie Baynard for the photo opportunity. 10 11 Item 2. Publicize major contributors. 12 Item 3. Publicize goal - track progress. 13 Have a pile/stack of books displaying the progression of donations. 14 15 Completion of Campaign 16 Item 1. Public thank you and acknowledgement 17 A banner with the names of contributors. 18 19 Recruit an author or high profile public figure as an "ambassador" for the project 20 to do a reading or some event to draw the public, such as Pat Summeral, Don 21 Henry (with the Eagle), or David Lieber. 22 23 Contact Mr. Lieber about doing a cartoon strip for the metropolex. 24 25 Hugh ad in newspaper 26 27 Have "big" community event - or tie into July 4t' celebration, or another event. 28 29 Item 2. Acknowledge Hudson Foundation 30 Do something permanent in the Library such as a nice plaque. 31 32 Item 3. Fiscal planning for following year 33 34 Administration of the Grant 35 Item 1. Reporting requirements 36 Item 2. Obtain funds and order materials. 37 Item 3. Report progress to City Council, City Manager and FOSL. 38 Staff would handle these aspects. 39 40 Board members offered ideas about having different contribution levels, offering bricks 41 with names inscribed, artist's drawing of tree with small books hanging open with 42 donor's name shown, or having a shelf display of books with the donor's name imprinted 43 on the spine of each. 44 45 Agenda Item No. 6. Consider Items - No items this agenda. 46 September 25, 2002 Page 5 of 6 ***Official Minutes*** Approved by the Library Board 1 Agenda Item No. 7. Other Items - No items this agenda. 2 3 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 4 5 The Library Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Maria Cameron 12 Library Board Chair 13 14 15 Attachments: Item 5F, Hudson Foundation Grant Plan September 25, 2002 Page 6 of 6