2002-12-04 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE LIBRARY BOARD 1 SOUTHLAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 2 Southlake Public Library 3 1400 Main Street, Suite 130 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 December 4, 2002 7 MINUTES 8 9 Board Members Present: Maria Cameron, Chair; Brent Burford, Vice-Chair; Peggy 10 Firestone; Angelique York. 11 12 Board Members Absent: CD Peebles; Andrea Curreri; Linda Study. 13 14 Staff Members Present: John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager; Laura Highlander, 15 Library Administrator. 16 17 REGULAR SESSION 18 19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 20 21 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 22 23 REPORTS 24 25 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments 26 27 Mr. Eaglen thanked the staff and Board for their cooperation and patience in helping him get up 28 to speed as far as becoming familiar with how things are run in the library. 29 30 CONSENT AGENDA 31 32 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the September 25, 2002 meeting minutes. 33 34 A motion was made to accept the minutes with changes as stated. 35 Motion: Firestone 36 Second: York 37 Ayes: 4 38 Nays: None 39 Abstention: None 40 Vote: 4-0 41 42 Motion carried. 43 44 45 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 46 Library Board Meeting - December 4, 2002 Page I of 3 1 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the September 25. 2002 meeting minutes. Minutes were 2 approved (4-0) with two corrections presented by Vice-Chair Burford and Library Administrator, 3 Laura Highlander. One on page 1, lines 7 and 12, and a second on page 2 line 10. 4 5 6 REGULAR AGENDA 7 8 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum 9 10 Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address the 11 Library Board at this meeting. 12 13 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: Librarian's Report 14 15 Library Administrator Laura Highlander presented the Librarian's Report. In addition to the 16 Library statistics and items contained in the report in the packet, Ms. Highlander reported: 17 18 On November 16 the Library hosted the "Food for Fines" event along with the FOSL 19 kickoff which collected 167 food items and waived close to $500 in fines. 20 21 The Library now has a direct web link which can access the Library's portion of the 22 City's web page. Also Ms. Priour and Ms. Davis are working with Economic 23 Development Specialist Betsy Boyett to reorganize and customize the web page. 24 25 Later this month the Library will be updating the online card catalog, and in January there 26 will be an upgrade of the Horizon automation system. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library (FOSL) Update 29 30 Ms. York briefed the Board on the following FOSL items: 31 32 FOSL recently participated in the Harvest Fest Special Event held at Bicentennial Park 33 and did not make very much money, but did do a lot of good Public Relations handing 34 out membership materials. 35 36 Board members are now FOSL members and will be receiving their Kroger Share card in 37 their November newsletter. 38 39 FOSL is also selling Krispy Kreme cards to raise funds for the "Together We Grow" 40 Campaign. 41 42 FOSL has two new board members. Andrea Curreri is now the Fundraising Chairman, 43 and Kimberley Bower has become the historian, also doing some community relations. 44 45 FOSL has produced 1,000 bookmarks and is distributing them through the schools. They 46 will also be distributed through children oriented businesses, as well as in the water bills. Library Board Meeting - December 4, 2002 Page 2 of 3 1 2 Andrea Curreri has worked very hard with civic groups and other organizations to raise 3 close to $5,000 for fundraising. 4 5 Ms. York thanked everyone for their work in the "Together We Grow" campaign. 6 7 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update 8 9 There was nothing new to report at this time. 10 11 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Discussion: NTRLS Update 12 13 There was not a report at this meeting. 14 15 Agenda Item No. 6. Consider Items - No items this agenda. 16 17 Agenda Item No. 7. Other Items 18 19 Mr. Eaglen mentioned to the Board the City Council's wish to stream line council meetings, and 20 explained City Staff's idea of having all reports given on one night. Ms. Cameron asked if the 21 Library Board could submit a written report versus 22 23 Ms. Cameron shared the idea of approaching the foundation to see if they would raise an 24 endowment. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 27 28 The Library Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. 29 30 31 32 ATTEST: 33 34 35 36 37 Maria Cameron, Chair Library Board Meeting - December 4, 2002 Page 3 of 3