2003-12-03 r * `OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 SOUTHAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 2 Southlake Public Library 3 1400 Main Street, Suite 130 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 December 3, 2003 7 8 MINUTES 9 10 Library Board Members Present - Angelique York, Chair; Jean Ann Hamm, Vice Chair, 11 Peggy Firestone, C D. Peebles; Penny Pannell. 12 13 Library Board Members Absent - None. 14 15 Staff Members Present -Kerry McGeath, Library Administrator; Maria Cameron, Public 16 Services Librarian. 17 18 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order - Chair, Angelique York, called the meeting to order at 7:05 19 p.m. 20 21 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments - Mr. McGeath introduced the new librarians, 22 Maria Cameron and Jesse Ephraim, although Mr. Ephraim was ill. 23 24 Mr. McGeath continued by describing the increased web presence of the library, being handled 25 primarily by Mr. Ephraim. The improvements include the new web log (blog) that is used to 26 announce library events, materials, and services; the addition of RefUSA, a business database; 27 and remote access to World Book Online via the library website. Mr. Peebles will pursue the 28 purchase of the SouthlakeLibrary.org URL by Friends of Southlake Library (FOSL) to be used 29 as a redirect to the current city/library URL. 30 31 Circulation statistics are improving; it is believed that the increase is primarily attributable to the 32 DVD collection instituted by FOSL. Use is up 351/o for the first two months of this fiscal year 3 3 compared to the same two months last year. 34 35 Mr. McGeath suggested that the library board might want to be thinking about arranging an 36 inter-local agreement with the Colleyville Public Library for reciprocal borrowing privileges. 37 38 Finally, Mr. McGeath asked the board if they would be interested in going to paperless board 39 packets, sent by email to their homes, rather than the printed packets that are the current practice. 40 The board members all felt that the move paperless packets presented an improvement in 41 efficacy and efficiency. 42 43 CONSENT AGENDA: 44 45 Age nda_Iteiu No. 3, Approval of the Minutes from the September 24, 2003 Library Board 46 Meeting - Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2003 Page I of'1 F * `OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 2 3 Motion to approve the minutes. 4 5 Motion: Firestone 6 Second: Pannell 7 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 8 Nayes: None 9 10 Motion was approved 5-0. 11 12 13 Agenda Item No. 4, Approval of the Minutes from the November 12, 2003 Library Board 14 Meeting with the Public Art Committee - 15 16 17 Motion to approve the minutes. 18 19 Motion: Firestone 20 Second: Pannell 21 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 22 Nayes: None 23 24 Motion was approved 5-0. 25 26 27 REGULAR AGENDA: 28 29 Agenda Item No. 5, Public Forum - Chair York opened the public forum at 7:10 p.m. As there 30 were no requests to speak, Chair York closed the public forum at 7:11 p.m. 31 32 Agenda Item No. 6A, Election of Library Board Chair - There was very little discussion, the 33 board all felt that Angelique was doing a great job. 34 35 Motion to elect Angeliyue York Board Chair. 36 37 Motion: Firestone 38 Second: Pannell 39 Ayes Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 40 Nayes: None 41 42 Motion was approved 44. 43 44 45 Agenda Item No. 6B, Election of Library Board Vice-Chair - There was very little discussion. 46 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2003 Page 2 of '2 * `OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 Motion to elect Jean Ann Hamm Board Vice-Chair. 2 3 Motion: Pannell 4 Second: Firestone 5 Ayes York, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 6 Nayes: None 7 8 Motion was approved 4-0. 9 10 11 Agenda Item No. 6C, Election of Library Board Secretary - It was felt by the board that a 12 secretary is unnecessary. 13 14 Motion to not select a Board secretary. 15 16 Motion: Firestone 17 Second: Peebles 18 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 19 Nayes: None 20 21 Motion was approved 5-0. 22 23 24 Agenda Item No. 6D, Election of North Texas Regional Library System NTRLS) 25 Representative - Because there continue to be two board vacancies, it was felt that this item 26 should be tabled until the remaining seats are filled. 27 28 Motion to table the NTRLS representative election. 29 30 Motion: Pannell 31 Second: Firestone 32 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 33 Nayes: None 34 35 Motion was approved 5-0. 36 37 Agenda Item No. 6E, Recommendation to the City Council to revise the Southlake Public 38 Library's Computer Use Policy - Mr. Peebles wanted to discuss the staff proposed changes to 39 the policy. The changes are necessary primarily due to the installation of the new automated 40 reservation and print management system (Pharos). The new system will be able to perform 41 many of the functions now done by staff members, primarily obtaining an agreement to abide by 42 the SPL computer use and internet policies. 43 44 Mr. Peebles felt that items 1 and 4 of the criteria section are redundant and proposed that they be 45 combined into: " libr children under the age of ht elve (12), the parent or legal guardian must be 46 present acrd make evety reasonable effort to supervise use by the child(ren). " He also requested Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2003 Page 3 of *3 * 'OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 that criteria 3 be amended to read -]he Computer Lab Agreement must be agreed to by all 2 users. " Motion to change policy with amendments. 4 5 Motion: Peebles 6 Second: York 7 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 8 Nayes: None 9 10 Motion was approved 3-0. 11 12 13 Agenda Item No. 6F, Recommendation to the City Council to revise the Southlake Public 14 Library's Internet PoliU. Again, the changes being recommended by staff are needed in 15 response to the automation upgrade. Changes were made to delete the word "electronic " in line 16 3 and add "or valid Southlake Public Library card' at the end of the first paragraph. 17 18 Motion to change policy with amendments. 19 20 Motion: Peebles 21 Second: York 22 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 23 Nayes: None 24 25 Motion was approved 5-0. 26 27 28 29 Agenda Item No. 6G, Recommendation to the City Council to revise the Southlake Public 30 Library's Loan Lengths Policy regarding the maximum limit of items allowed per checkout on 31 each card. The board felt that this item was too trivial to be forwarded to the Council and so the 32 item became two votes. One to allow the Library Board discretion with respect to those >3 operational issues that do not have financial, legal, or political dimensions, and one to extend the 34 number of items that may be checked out to one library card. 35 36 Motion to present to the City Council a change to allow the Library Board discretion with 37 respect to operational issues and procedures. 38 39 Motion: Firestone 40 Second: Peebles 41 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 42 Nayes: None 43 44 Motion was approved 5-0. 45 46 Motion to extend the maximum number of items checked out per card to 18 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2003 Page 4 of 4 *OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD 1 2 Motion: Pannell 3 Second: Hamm 4 Ayes York, Hamm, Firestone, Peebles, Pannell 5 Nayes: None 6 7 Motion was approved 5-0. 8 9 10 11 Agenda Item No. 7H. Friends of the Southlake Public Library Update - Angelique reported that 12 there was no report at this time. 13 14 15 Agenda Item No. 71, North Texas Regional Library System Update - There was no report 16 provided on this agenda item. 17 18 19 Agenda Item No. 8, Other Items - Mr. Firestone reminded the staff and Library Board that the 20 women's clubs in Southlake are now planning their giving. These groups include the Southlake 21 Newcomers' Club, Greater Southlake Women's Society and Southlake Women's Club. Any 22 funding requests should be submitted soon to receive adequate consideration. 23 24 Mr. McGeath announced the TXU tree planting on Saturday and 9:00 at Chesapeake Park. 25 26 27 Agenda Item No. 9, Adjourn - Chair York adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. 28 29 30 ATTEST: 31 32 33 Angeliq e k, 'hai 34 35 \ 36 Southlake Library Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2003 Page 5 of * 5