2001-07-25 I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 July 25, 2001 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Maria Cameron, Chair; Marge Zielke, Vice Chair; Brent 8 Burford, Debbie Baynard, Karen Cienki, Peggy Firestone and Linda Study 9 10 Board Members Absent: None 11 12 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Laura 13 Highlander, Interim Library Administrator and Technical Services Librarian 14 15 Regular Session: 16 17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 18 19 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 20 21 Reports: 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments 24 25 Deputy Director Steve Polasek introduced newly appointed Library Board member Linda 26 Study and welcomed her to the meeting. 27 28 The City Council will hold budget workshops on August 14 and August 28, 2001. 29 Library Board members are invited to attend and the exact time and location of those 30 meetings will be emailed to the Board. 31 32 CONSENT AGENDA 33 34 Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of June 27, 2001. 35 36 A motion was made to approve the Library Board meeting minutes of June 27, 2001 37 as corrected. 38 Motion: Firestone 39 Second: Cienki 40 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cienki, Firestone, and Zielke 41 Nays: None 42 Abstention: Cameron, Study (was not present at the June 27, 2001 meeting) 43 Vote: 5-0-2 44 Motion carried. 45 July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page I of 7 I ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 2 3 Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of June 27, 2001. 4 5 The spelling for Ms. Highlander's last name on page 5, line 2 was corrected. 6 7 REGULAR AGENDA 8 9 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum 10 11 Chairman Cameron opened the Public Forum and asked if anyone in the audience wished 12 to speak. Hearing no response, Chairman Cameron closed the Public Forum. 13 14 Agenda Item No. 5-A, Discussion: Librarian's Report 15 16 Laura Highlander, Interim Library Administrator, presented the Librarian's Report. 17 18 Resource Materials: Of the $788,108 budgeted for resource materials, $359,017 19 worth of materials have been ordered to date from Baker & Taylor. The actual 20 number of books and audio-visual items is 20,379. Shipments are to arrive on a 21 weekly basis via UPS until the complete order is filled. 22 23 Ms. Highlander announced the arrival of the first shipment of library books 24 (young adult books) and invited members to attend a photo shoot with the Fort 25 Worth Star-Telegram newspaper on June 28, at 10:00 a.m. 26 27 Furniture and Equipment: Libra Tech was in last week, repairing the noted 28 scuffs, scratches, etc. on the furniture. All of the tables, desks, and wood chairs 29 have been repaired. The computer workstation on the third floor will have to be 30 replaced. 31 32 Automation System: Three replacement servers from Epixtech arrived Monday, 33 July 16, 2001. Currently, Technical Services personnel are installing them. The 34 transfer of data is scheduled to occur the week of July 23, 2001. After data has 35 been transferred and the software components installed, specific configurations 36 for the Southlake Public Library (templates and administrative files) will be 37 entered. Then the books will be entered into the Horizon system. 38 39 Agenda Item No. 5-13, Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library Update 40 41 Ms. Baynard reported about the "Author's Book Luncheon," on October 24, 2001, 12:00 42 - 1:00 p.m., at the Texas Motor Speedway. 43 44 Ms. Baynard met with Janis Roberson at the Grapevine Library along with a 45 representative from the Friends of the Colleyville Library to work on obtaining a 46 $15,000 sponsorship grant from Verizon to help underwrite the Author's July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 7 1 Luncheon on October 24, 2001. Tickets cost $40 per person for the luncheon with 2 sponsorships available at a higher cost. Tickets are also available to attend the 3 reception at a cost of $35 per person, which will be held 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 4 to meet the two authors prior to the luncheon. Credit cards will be accepted. The 5 authors are: Tony Hillerman and Richard Paul Evans (The Christmas Box). Mr. 6 Evan's new book will be the feature book for the luncheon - it will have its 7 inaugural release, six days prior to worldwide distribution, at the October 24 8 Author's Luncheon. 9 10 Peter Straub, co-author with Stephen King in a sequel to King's book 11 "Talisman," is a new author that will participate in the luncheon. Ms. Baynard 12 said there is a slim possibility that Stephen King may show up at the luncheon. 13 14 Other local authors participating in the luncheon are: Max Leal (a Texas 15 historian), Dan Jenkins (golf writer), and Amanda Dunbar (child prodigy in art) 16 with a coffee table book. Ms. Dunbar has appeared on Oprah Winfrey Show. 17 18 Ms. Baynard asked if a proclamation could be produced proclaiming October 24 19 "Book Day in Southlake" and if some type of gifts could be given to the authors? 20 The city of Colleyville is doing a proclamation and giving a "key to the city" by 21 the president of the Friends to the authors. Mr. Polasek said he will contact the 22 city's Public Information Officer James Kunke about the gifts and the 23 proclamation. 24 25 Sponsors are needed for this event, as well as volunteers to decorate and serve as 26 hostesses. Please contact Debbie Baynard for more information or to volunteer. 27 28 Mr. Polasek offered to have City park maintenance workers pick up and deliver 29 the 1,000 books from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram which will be used for table 30 centerpiece decorations. Ms. Baynard will contact Mr. Polasek to arrange for the 31 pick up and delivery. 32 33 Invitations will be mailed shortly after August 25 to FOSL members, board 34 members, city councils, Women's Club, GSWS, Newcomers, etc. Contact Ms. 35 Baynard if you have additional names for the list. 36 37 Mr. Polasek asked if the Friends of the Library (FOSL) were interested in participating in 38 the fall Harvest Fest with a book sale? Ms. Baynard said she would contact the new 39 FOSL fundraising person and respond back to Mr. Polasek so that Steve Moore could be 40 notified as soon as possible. 41 42 Ms. Baynard asked about the Library's Grand Opening celebration and said that FOSL 43 would like to participate and asked Mr. Polasek for suggestions. Details of the celebration 44 are being developed and information will be given to the members as soon as possible. 45 46 July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 7 I Agenda Item No. 5-C, Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update 2 3 Ms. Firestone, liaison to the Southlake Library Foundation, reported she talked with Al 4 Morin recently. A meeting is being arranged with Mr. Morin, who said that the 5 Foundation had not held any meetings recently because there was no action being taken. 6 He said the Foundation would like to continue and will arrange a meeting in the near 7 future, probably in the fall. 8 9 Ms. Baynard asked Ms. Firestone to provide her with a current list of Library Foundation 10 members to send invitations out for the Author's Luncheon. 11 12 Agenda Item No. 5-D, Update on Library Status 13 14 Ms. Highlander reported that library staff had recently conducted a tour of the library for 15 a group of special needs students from the Carroll ISD summer program. The tour 16 concluded with Elizabeth Beamon giving her first storytelling performance to the group. 17 18 Library staff has been very busy making preparations for the library's opening day. In 19 addition, staff has been working on development of the children's story time programs, 20 finalizing the security systems, removing labels from the Grapevine books to process into 21 the Southlake Library system, creating lists of additional supplementals, researching new 22 sources, and working on the volunteer brochure. Ms. Highlander said they are currently 23 accepting applications for library volunteers. 24 25 Ms. Cienki suggested displaying the volunteer flyers at the Town Hall Information Desk 26 for added exposure. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 6-A, Consider: Amendments to Library Code of Conduct Policy 29 30 Ms. Highlander presented the amendments to the Library Code of Conduct Policy. 31 Library staff has reviewed the previously approved Policy and was seeking a Library 32 Board recommendation to the City Council on the following amendments: 33 34 Amendment No. 1: Shirts and shoes, sandals, or other appropriate footwear must 35 be worn in the building for health and safety reasons. 36 37 Amendment No. 2: The use of cell phones is not permitted in the library. 38 39 Ms. Cienki commented on Amendment No. 2, and suggested the wording be changed to 40 read, "The use of electronic equipment or devices (i.e., cell phones, pagers, electronic 41 games, etc.) are not permitted in the library." 42 43 Ms. Cameron suggested removing the wording in Amendment No. 1 referring to "for 44 health and safety reasons." 45 46 Mr. Polasek restated the revised amendments as: July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 7 1 2 Amendment No. 1, Shirts and appropriate footwear must be worn in the 3 library." 4 Amendment No.2, The use of electronic devices (i.e., cell phones, pagers, 5 electronic games, etc.) are not permitted in the library. 6 7 A motion was made to approve the Code of Conduct Policy as amended. 8 Motion: Zielke 9 Second: Firestone 10 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, Study and Zielke 11 Nays: None 12 Abstention: None 13 Vote: 7-0 14 Motion carried. 15 16 Agenda Item No. 6-B, Consider: Appoint Library Board member as representative to 17 NTRLS Council 18 19 Chairman Cameron led the consideration of this item by nominating Karen Cienki as the 20 new NTRLS Council representative. 21 22 Ms. Cienki congratulated Ms. Cameron on her recent appointment to the NTRLS 23 Executive Board, jokingly saying "that was pretty good for a rookie to be elevated to an 24 executive board!" 25 26 A motion was made to appoint Karen Cienki as the Southlake Library Board 27 member representative to the North Texas Regional Library System (NTRLS) 28 Council. 29 Motion: Zielke 30 Second: Firestone 31 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, Study and Zielke 32 Nays: None 33 Abstention: None 34 Vote: 7-0 35 Motion carried. 36 37 Agenda Item No. 7, Other Items 38 39 Notebooks - Mr. Polasek agreed to bring additional notebooks for the Library Board at 40 the next meeting. 41 42 TIF LD7 Grants - Ms. Cameron mentioned the grants are supposed to be submitted by 43 August 1 St. To be eligible for TIF grants, the library must have a Technology Committee, 44 which has been put on hold for a while. Ms. Cameron asked Ms. Highlander about the 45 procedures for the TIF grants, and how the due dates for applications related to when the 46 Technology Committee should be formulated. July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 5 of 7 1 2 Ms. Highlander explained that her prior experience with TIF grants was through 3 the public school systems. First a letter of intent is sent by a due date stating the 4 Library's intention to submit an application. Having Technology Committee in 5 place was not a prerequisite for submitting an application, but was part of the 6 plan. Ms. Highlander recommended having the Technology Committee 7 established prior to the application process so that the Committee can provide 8 direction during the application process. 9 10 Mr. Polasek said the establishment of the Technology Committee would be on the 11 August agenda for the Library Board to consider. 12 13 Public Information on City-appointed board members - The information on the City's 14 website is public information and may be given out to citizens or citizens may be referred 15 directly to the Office of the City Secretary for contact information, however, written 16 inquiries made directly to members of the Library Board should be sent to either the 17 Deputy of Community Services or the Library Administrator, which will then be 18 forwarded to the members. 19 20 Library cards to city employees and school teachers - The Board previously discussed 21 providing library cards to city employees. A suggestion was made to also offer library 22 cards to school teachers. Ms. Baynard commented that giving out cards to all the teachers 23 might deplete the book inventory available to local residents. Ms. Cienki mentioned that 24 there were a number of non-resident schoolteachers whose children also go to school in 25 Southlake. There are several issues that still need to be addressed to find a solution. 26 27 Opening of the Library to meet NTRLS guidelines - Mr. Polasek said the library would 28 be open on or prior to August 31, 2001 in order to meet the requirements for this fiscal 29 year to get the certification from NTRLS for next year. 30 31 Status of application forms for library cards and library cards - Applications forms are 32 done and have been emailed to Mr. Polasek. The cards have been ordered and should be 33 received soon. 34 35 Status of Computer Use for Juveniles and Internet access forms - Those forms, along 36 with a list of forms to be reproduced for distribution, are being compiled and will be 37 copied. 38 39 Mr. Polasek reported that City Council approved the Collection Development Policy, 40 Information Policy and Computer Policy at a recent meeting. 41 42 Ms. Cienki said she and Ms. Cameron worked Monday and Tuesday and have finished all 43 the other policies; they have been forwarded to Mr. Polasek. 44 45 July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 6 of 7 1 Agenda Item No. 8, Adjournment 2 3 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. 4 Motion: Burford 5 Second: Zielke 6 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, Study and Zielke 7 Nays: None 8 Abstention: None 9 Vote: 7-0 10 11 Motion carried. 12 13 14 15 Maria Cameron 16 Library Board Chair 17 18 19 r 20 Laura ighlan er 21 Library Administrator 22 23 24 N:\Library Services\Minutes\2001\072501.doc July 25, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 7 of 7