2001-08-15 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 August 15, 2001 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Maria Cameron, Chair; Brent Burford, Vice Chair; Marge 8 Zielke, Karen Cienki, and Peggy Firestone 9 10 Board Members Absent: Debbie Baynard and Linda Study 11 12 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Laura 13 Highlander, Library Administrator 14 15 REGULAR SESSION: 16 17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 18 19 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 20 21 REPORTS: 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments 24 25 Deputy Director Steve Polasek announced that Library Board member Linda Study had 26 an accident and had broken both of her legs. He said that he would relate all the well- 27 wishes from the Board to Ms. Study and will keep the Board posted on her recovery. 28 29 CONSENT AGENDA 30 31 No items this meeting. 32 33 REGULAR AGENDA 34 35 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum 36 37 Chairman Cameron opened the Public Forum and asked if anyone in the audience wished 38 to speak. Hearing no response, Chairman Cameron closed the Public Forum. 39 40 Agenda Item No. 5-A, Discussion: 41 42 No items this meeting. 43 44 45 46 August 15, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 1 of 4 I Agenda Item No. 6-A, Consider: Selection of security system for the Southlake Library 2 3 Mr. Polasek briefly explained that the city was considering the purchase of a security 4 system for the library and discussed funding issues. 5 6 The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system has been recommended, which is the 7 same system used by the City of Grapevine. Thus, it would allow the Southlake library to 8 be compatible with their security system. The RFID system will cost approximately 9 $64,000. $13,000 is available in the FY 2000-01 General Fund library budget and 10 $15,000 has been identified in savings in the General Fund budget, which results in a 11 shortfall of $36,000 to purchase the system. Mr. Polasek said the $36,000 shortfall could 12 be taken out of the TIF funds, however, it would reduce the amount ($788,000) in the TIF 13 Resource Materials budget. 14 15 $9,000 is allocated in the General Fund for Resource Materials for this year and there is a 16 possibility that there will be $30,000 in the General Fund for Resource Materials in the 17 2001-02 budget. 18 19 Staff's recommendation is to move forward with the purchase of the security system at 20 the approximate cost of $64,000. 21 22 Mr. Polasek stated that staff has struggled with this issue and had concerns about using 23 Resource Materials money, however, that account was a more easily replenished source 24 as opposed to a capital item purchase. 25 26 Ms. Cienki asked about the status of the library card payment to Grapevine. Ms. Polasek 27 said that would be addressed in the upcoming budget workshop planned for August 28. 28 29 Ms. Zielke said it was her opinion that the compatibility issue was not a primary concern, 30 but that the RFID system would be a big savings to Southlake in terms of labor. 31 32 Library Administrator Laura Highlander referenced the memo dated August 10, 2001, 33 which is attached to the minutes of this meeting to provide a detailed comparison of both 34 security systems, and pointed out a few of the differences in the Radio Frequency (RF) 35 and the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems. 36 37 Mr. Burford asked if the issue of being compatible with the Grapevine Library was the 38 underlying impetus for the push for the RFID system? Mr. Polasek responded that 39 consideration was part of the reason, and was a piece of the puzzle. He said there are 40 other components also, including staff time savings, add-on features for future growth, 41 and that this system is the future technology as opposed to purchasing old technology. 42 43 Mr. Polasek said the purpose in bringing this item before the Library Board was to 44 receive their input, because there was a cost difference and their choice may affect the 45 Resource Materials budget. 46 August 15, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 4 I Ms. Zielke commented that the RF system was the one budgeted for originally and asked 2 if that was because the newer RFID system was not available at that time? Mr. Polasek 3 said it was relatively new on the market and that the City of Grapevine was the only 4 library that had the system in this area. Grapevine purchased the RFID system as part of 5 their new library construction package. 6 7 Members asked questions about add-on features, which were explained by Ms. 8 Highlander. The add-ons could possibly be funded through donations. 9 10 Mr. Polasek said this issue was discussed with the City Manager and he had concerns too, 11 but after reviewing the information and talking to Grapevine, he advised staff to bring the 12 item forward to the Library Board and then, based on the Library Board's 13 recommendation, to City Council for consideration. 14 15 Mr. Polasek was asked to speculate on what the City Council's response would be to the 16 request. He declined speculation and said that he relied on the City Manager to guide 17 staff in that aspect. 18 19 Ms. Cienki said her concern was to protect the City's investment and said that if the 20 Board sticks with the RE system, and doesn't take advantage of the newer system with 21 the enhanced theft protection feature, they stand to lose some of the new books that are 22 being bought. She said that loss would be a "big time loss when our budget is stretched to 23 the maximum." She recommended the purchase of the RFID system. 24 25 This item is placed on the August 21, 2001 City Council agenda for consideration. If the 26 Library Board makes a recommendation and Council approves, an order can be placed 27 and installation will be in approximately six weeks. 28 29 A motion was made that the Library Board make a recommendation to City 30 Council to purchase the RFID system. 31 Motion: Burford 32 Second: Firestone 33 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Zielke 34 Nays: None 35 Vote: 5-0 36 Motion carried. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 6-B, Consider: Appoint Library Board member as an alternate 39 representative to North Texas Regional Library System (NTRLS) Council 40 41 A motion was made to nominate Peggy Firestone as the alternate representative to 42 the North Texas Regional Library System Council. 43 Motion: Zielke 44 Second: Burford 45 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Zielke 46 Nays: None August 15, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 4 1 Vote: 5-0 2 Motion carried. 3 4 Agenda Item No. 7, Other Items 5 6 Ms. Cienki asked about the status of the library cards. The templates are being reviewed 7 by staff and final corrections are being made. Staff will check with the vendor on the 8 expected delivery date and report back to the Board. 9 10 The applications for library cards are now at the printer. 11 12 Agenda Item No. 8, Adjournment 13 14 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. 15 Motion: Burford 16 Second: Firestone 17 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Zielke 18 Nays: None 19 Vote: 5-0 20 Motion c ried. 21 22 ' 23 24 Maria ameron 25 Library Board Chair 26 27 28 29 aura Hig ande 30 Library Administrator 31 32 33 Attachment: Memo dated August 10, 2001 from Laura Highlander regarding "Selection 34 of Security System for the Southlake Library 35 36 37 N:\Library Services\Minutes\2001\072501.doc August 15, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 4