2001-10-03I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 October 3, 2001 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, Brent Burford, Vice -Chair, Karen 8 Cienki, Marge Zielke, Debbie Baynard, Peggy Firestone, and Linda Study 9 10 Board Members Absent: Marge Zielke 11 12 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services 13 14 REGULAR SESSION 15 16 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 17 18 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 19 20 REPORTS 21 22 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments 23 24 Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek advised the Board that as of today 25 there were 7,068 books on the shelves in the Library and that 600 library cards had been 26 handed out to patrons. 27 28 Ms. Cienki asked what the dollar amount was of the books that had been ordered thus 29 far? Mr. Polasek said cumulative figures are maintained in his office computer and he 30 would get that exact amount to Ms. Cienki later. He did say that about one-third of the 31 budgeted amount had been spent thus far and that the library had received about 15,000+ 32 items, which would mean the library will end up with over 30,000 in its collection. He 33 commented that they were doing much better than was originally projected. 34 35 CONSENT AGENDA 36 37 Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the minutes of the August 15 2001 meeting 38 39 Agenda Item No. 3-B, Approval of the minutes of the August 22 2001 meeting 40 41 Agenda Item No. 3-C, Acceptance of donation from Libra -Tech Corporation 42 43 Agenda Item No. 6-B, Consider: Amendments to Library Loan Lengths Policy 44 45 Agenda Item No. 6-C, Consider: Amendments to Library Borrower Privileges and 46 Responsibilities Policy October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A motion was made to approve consent agenda items 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 6-11, and 6-C as amended. Motion: Cienki Second: Firestone Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Study Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 6-0 Motion carried. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of August t 15 2001. Ms. Cienki requested the following change to the minutes: Delete "Vice Chair" after Marge 7ielke's name on page 1 and insert after Brent Burford's name. Agenda Item No. 3-B, Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of August t 22 2001. Ms. Cienki requested the following change to the minutes: Page 6, Public Forum, did not have the citizen's name and address in the text. "Pamela Chin, 405 Jackson Square, Southlake" will be added to the Public Forum text. Ms. Cienki suggested having sign -in sheets at future meetings. Agenda Item No. 3-C, Acceptance of donation from Libra -Tech Corporation This item was the acceptance of a donation of a study carrel from Libra -Tech Corporation. Libra -Tech was the contractor for the library furnishings. During the ordering and installation process, an extra study carrel was provided. As a result, the Libra -Tech Corporation graciously donated the additional carrel to the library. The approximate value of the donation is $1,550. The Library Board voted unanimously during the consent agenda to accept the donation. Agenda Item No. 6-B, Consider: Amendments to Library Loan Lengths Policy The purpose of the Library Loan Lengths Policy is to provide consistent guidance for the Southlake Public Library staff in lending of collection materials to patrons. This policy was amended to change the 7-day loan length for periodicals to "do not circulate." The October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Library Board voted unanimously during the consent agenda to approve the amended Library Loan Lengths Policy and proceed with their recommendation to City Council. Agenda Item No. 6-C, Consider: Amendments to Library Borrower Privileges and Responsibilities Policy The purpose of the Borrower Privileges and Responsibilities Policy is to provide guidance for the Southlake Public Library staff in borrower privileges and responsibilities. This policy was amended to include the provision, "Videocassette and DVD checkout will be limited to person's eighteen years and older." The Library Board voted unanimously during the consent agenda to approve the amended Library Borrower Privileges and Responsibilities Policy and their recommendation to the City Council. REGULAR AGENDA Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address the Library Board at this meeting. Agenda Item No. 5-A, Discussion: Librarian's Report In her absence, Library Administrator Laura Highlander provided the Librarian's Report in the meeting packet. Highlights were: Resource Materials — The Library had approximately 5,000 materials on the shelves for the ribbon -cutting ceremony on September 26, 2001. Between September 26 and September 28, 1,400 more items were added. New items are being added on a daily basis. In the past week, the Library received over 100 boxes of books from Baker & Taylor. Staff and volunteers continue to catalog, process, and shelve the books. Audio/visual materials are expected to arrive soon. Phase II of the ordering process is being implemented by Baker & Taylor. This phase will involve lists being sent via "First Look," a subscription service that is being provided free of charge. Furniture and Equipment — Libra -Tech donated a study carrel to the Southlake Public Library. Libra -Tech is expected to have one more site visit to handle minor scratch repairs and make desk adjustments. An adult -size puppet stage, an atlas case and a card catalog for the application cards were recently delivered to the library. Automation System — The circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, and serials modules are operational. On -site training is being scheduled for the acquisitions, serials and iPac modules. Ms. Highlander will attend workshops for SQL, Horizon Administration and EasyAsk. The online catalog is ready for use when October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 the images for the public machines are loaded by the Southlake Technical Services Department. As of September 28, 2001, 383 patron cards had been issued. 210 cards were issued on September 26, 2001 (ribbon -cutting). Personnel — During the month, several library staff members attended a workshop sponsored by NTRLS on providing general reference services to the public. Elizabeth Beamon attended a storyteller conference in Canyon, Texas. New staff members are Dennis Archambeau, part-time library clerk and Jimi Davis, Adult Services/Reference Librarian (expected to start October 22). On September 27, 2001, Maria Cameron, Karen Cienki and Laura Highlander attended the NTRLS Assembly Meeting in Wichita Falls, Texas. On September 29, 2001, Sandy Shrout entertained 42 children and 34 adults with a puppet show in the meeting room at Town Hall. This was the first Library -sponsored event for the children. Ms. Cienki questioned when the security system would be installed in the library. The order was placed October 1 and is expected to be installed in six weeks. Ms. Highlander is working with the contractor and will respond to Ms. Cienki when she returns to the office on Friday. Agenda Item No. 5-B, Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library Update Ms. Baynard reminded members of the "Author's Luncheon" on October 24, 2001 at the Speedway. Bookbags are now available for purchase. Anyone interested in attending should contact Ms. Baynard so that a table can be arranged. Agenda Item No. 5-C, Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update Ms. Firestone, liaison to the Southlake Library Foundation, said there was nothing new to report at this meeting, however, at her next meeting with Mr. Morin she would present suggested projects to the Foundation. Ms. Cameron suggested having a gala event in the library. Mr. Polasek will meet with Laura Highlander and provide a suggestion list of ideas for the library that was drafted by Ms. Cameron, Al Morin and Steve Polasek. Ms. Highlander will meet with Ms. Firestone to come up with some suggested projects that the Foundation can work on. Agenda Item No. 5-D, Discussion: NTRLS Update Ms. Cienki reported that she, Maria Cameron, Laura Highlander, Janis Roberson had a wonderful time at the recent conference. She noted that the Southlake Public Library is October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 8 I the 72nd member of NTRLS. She said the conference was an eye-opener and very 2 interesting. 3 4 On October 17, 2001, NTRLS will hold an orientation program for new members at 5 Haltom City. Ms. Cienki and Ms. Firestone will attend. 6 7 Ms. Cienki may not be able to attend the following NTRLS program scheduled for 8 Friday, November 2, at The Colony library, due to the possible election that week. Mr. 9 Burford said he would be happy to go in their absence if his calendar was free. Members 10 will confer after the October 17 NTRLS meeting and make necessary arrangements. 11 12 Ms. Cienki obtained a number of Wichita Falls Public Library handouts for examples and 13 information about their operations. She received bookmarks, names of software programs 14 they use, information about how they set up their leasing books, their Oprah books, etc. 15 16 Ms. Cienki said that the Southlake Public Library does not have a notice on the front door 17 or the circulation desk about the code of conduct or policy about unattended children and 18 said she believes that it is necessary to display that information. 19 20 Agenda Item No. 5-E, Discussion: Holiday Meeting Schedule 21 22 Members checked their calendars and determined that the next Library Board meeting 23 would be held November 14 followed by a meeting December 19. If a meeting is needed 24 in October, staff will notify members. 25 26 Information pertaining to the library grand opening activities will be dispensed to Library 27 Board members as soon as the details are available. 28 29 Agenda Item No. 5-F, Discussion: Loan Star Libraries 30 31 This item was placed on the agenda to discuss the participation in the TexShare Program 32 for this year. 33 34 Ms. Cameron shared information about the Program with the group. She said Loan Star 35 Libraries is a new program that offers direct aid to libraries from the State. Ms. Cameron 36 explained the fund allocation requirements. 37 38 Mr. Polasek provided an explanation of the program in a memo to the Board in their 39 packets. The 771h Legislature has appropriated $2.9 million in each year of the 2002-2003 40 biennium for the Loan Star Libraries Program of direct state aid to Texas public libraries. 41 The Loan Star Libraries Program funds will be distributed based on the following 42 formula: one -quarter of the $2.9 million appropriation constitutes a Base Grant and will 43 be divided equally among the eligible public libraries that: 44 45 • do not have a non-resident fee 46 • eliminate an existing non-resident fees by November 30, 2001, or October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 5 of 8 1 • are already TexShare Card Program participants or plan to join the Tex 2 Share Card Program by November 30, 2001. 3 4 Libraries that continue to assess non-resident fees after November 30, 2001, will not be 5 eligible for a Base Grant in FY 2002. 6 7 The remaining three-quarters of the $2.9 million appropriation constitute a Matching 8 Grant and will be distributed as a match on Total Direct Operating Expenditures. 9 10 Library Board members expressed their concerns with the limited number of books in the 11 library collection, their desire to meet the needs of Southlake citizens. Library board 12 members agreed they would rather accept the penalty imposed by Lone Star Libraries and 13 continue to have a non-resident fee at this time. 14 15 Agenda Item No. 6-A, Consider: Library Meeting Room Use Policy 16 17 The Library Policy Committee and library staff recently reviewed the Meeting Room Use 18 Policy. The Policy includes elements of the Town Hall Use Policy, but is specific to the 19 library. 20 21 Ms. Cienki commented on the proposed policy, which is attached to the official set of 22 these minutes for future reference. Amendments are indicated by italics. 23 24 It was clarified that the library meeting room could be used by established not -for -profit 25 groups based in Southlake, but that it could not be used for commercial purposes of any 26 kind. 27 28 The board agreed to: 29 30 • change the last sentence in the second paragraph of the policy under Policy 31 Statement, to omit non city -related -- and to read, Meetings must be ... 32 • to omit paragraphs A, B and C under Individual and Group Responsibilities 33 and add the last two sentences found in paragraph C, beginning with "In 34 addition, the City... reservation requests," into the third paragraph on Page 1, 35 following the first sentence. 36 37 Ms. Baynard asked for clarity on the section on Page 2, first paragraph, referencing that 38 no money could be collected. If FOSL had a sale of the book bags it would be permitted 39 since FOSL, Library Foundation and Library Board are allowed to meet after hours 40 because there is a library staff member present. Mr. Polasek responded to Ms. Baynard 41 and said it would be permitted because it would be done in conjunction with the City of 42 Southlake. 43 44 A motion was made to accept the Library Meeting Room Use Policy as amended. 45 Motion: Cienki 46 Second: Firestone October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Study Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 6-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 6-D, Consider: Amendments to Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy A copy of the proposed Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy is attached to the official minutes of this meeting for reference. Amendments are italicized. Ms. Cienki suggested that a proctor fee of $5.00 per exam be added, however, staff had previously discussed this issue and felt that the Library was not ready to proctor exams at this time and that if a $5.00 fee was shown, people would expect that service. Staff agreed that a proctor test fee did not need to be added, but their recommendation was that it be added at a future date. Staff feels it may be 2002 before it can be added. Ms. Cienki asked if there was going to be a grace period allowed to patrons prior to charging of a late fee? Mr. Burford commented that the materials would be due on the date they were due and counted late thereafter. A motion was made to accept the Library Fees and Extended discussed. Motion: Firestone Second: Baynard Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Study Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 6-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 6-E, Consider: Amendments to Computer Use Policy Fees Policy as Ms. Cienki asked how the Library would inform parents of the policy and stressed the need to display the computer policy, as well as a statement about unattended children and conduct. Mr. Polasek said her suggestion would be passed on to the Library Administrator to discuss with library staff the best method to dispense the policies to the public. The information could be laminated or displayed by on a plaque. October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 7 of 8 1 2 Ms. Cameron asked Mr. Polasek to check to see if patrons were receiving a copy of the 3 computer lab agreement and computer use policy with their patron card application? 4 5 Mr. Burford asked for clarification on item number 2, under the criteria section. 6 7 A motion was made to accept the amendments to the Computer Use Policy as 8 presented. 9 Motion: Burford 10 Second: Cameron 11 Ayes: Baynard, Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, and Study 12 Nays: None 13 Abstention: None 14 Vote: 6-0 15 Motion carried. 16 17 Agenda Item No. 7, Other Items 18 19 Ms. Cienki asked Mr. Polasek if Library Board members could get a copy of last year's 20 Financial Management Budget in the next meeting packet. 21 22 Plans for the Library Grand Opening in November are underway. Everyone will be 23 contacted about hosting a reception for the Board, Foundation, FOSL and City Council to 24 determine the date of the reception and to work on the details of the events. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 8, Adjournment 27 28 The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 29 30 , 31 32 Maria Cameron 33 Library Board Chair 34 35 6 3 a High and 38 Library Administrator 39 40 41 Attachments: Item 6A, Library Meeting Room Use Policy 43 Item 61), Amendments to the Fees and Extended Fees Policy October 3, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 8 of 8 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 1, 2001 TO: Library Board FROM: Laura Highlander, Library Administrator SUBJECT: Approval of Library Meeting Room Use Policy Action Requested: Review and adopt the library meeting room use policy. Background Information: The Library Policy Committee and library staff have recently reviewed the meeting room use policy. The proposed policy includes elements of the Town Hall policy, yet is specifically defined for the library. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Developed by Library Policy Committee. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: The Library Board may ask for further changes or additions to the policy. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include: - Proposed Library Meeting Room Use Policy Staff Recommendation: Library Board approval and recommendation to City Council the proposed library meeting room use policy. Southlake Public Library Board Policies and Procedures Manual Policy: Meeting Room Use Policy Source: Library Board Category: Administration Effective Date: TBD Statement of Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide consistent guidance for the Southlake Public Library staff in Meeting Room Use. Policy Statement A meeting room is available in the Southlake Public Library primarily to support library programs and function which further the goals of the library. When not being used by the library, the room is available to established not for profit groups based in the City of Southlake. Except for library and City -related programs, groups may not use the meeting room more than twice each year. The room accommodates up to ten people. The meeting room may be reserved up to ninety days in advance. Rules and procedures for use of the meeting room are established by the Southlake Public Library Board and are reviewed annually. A completed and signed application must be returned to the Library Administrator within one week before the requested usage date or the reservation may be subject to cancellation. Reservation requests shall only be accepted from persons over eighteen (18) years of age. Non city -related meetings must be scheduled for use during library hours only. Groups using the meeting room are required to set up for their meeting, return furniture and equipment to its original location, and leave the room clean and in good condition. No physical changes to the meeting room are alloiveJ Materials of any kind shall not be attached to the walls or furniture. No additional furniture or equipment other than that provided by the library shall be utilized without prior approval. The librar- *de consumable supplies (pens, paper}. The library does not supply flip charts, chalk or marker boards, pens, paper, or other supplies. Use of the meeting room does not imply endorsement, support, or co-sponsorship by the Southlake Public Library of the activities that take place in the meeting room or of the beliefs of the group using the meeting room. Groups or individuals using the meeting room may not imply that the event or program is sponsored, co -sponsored, or endorsed by the library in any advertising or publicity. . No selling, solicitation, of: taking of E)FdeFS may E)eeuF Library Administrat The meeting room may not be used for commercial purposes, including City of Southlake — Library Meeting Room Use Policy Page I of 4 F\—r'�_ but not limited to promotion or sale of products. No admission may be charged, donations solicited, or money collected, Ne admission may be eharged fbr- programs held in the meeting room. Groups failing to comply with any part of this policy of the established procedures will be denied further use of the meeting room. A library staff member may be present at any time during the meeting. Individual and Group Responsibilities A. Facility Setup — The responsibility for setting up tables and chairs (if applicable) shall remain with the individuals or organizations making the reservation. The City does not provide staffing or material(s) to aid in the setup or cleanup of the facility. B. Facility Cleanup — If applicable, tables, chairs, and any provided equipment must be returned to the original arrangement when the use of the facility is complete. Individuals and organizations must remove all trash, equipment, and decorations at the end of the reservation time. Facilities must be left in good, clean condition when the activity is complete. Individuals and/or organizations making the reservation shall be responsible for turning off all lights and securing the facility. C. Responsibility for Damages — Individuals or groups making reservations are responsible for any damage to the facility during the reservation period, and cleanup fees may be retained by the City for damages beyond normal wear and tear. In addition, the City reserves the right to assess additional charges for damages as warranted, and that individuals and/or groups are subject to applicable criminal and/or civil penalties. Finally, damages to the facility by individuals or groups may result in the denial of future reservation requests. Compliance with applicable procedures, policies, and pertinent ordinances A. Required Compliance — Users must comply with procedures, policies, restrictions, and all pertinent ordinances of the City of Southlake. Any questions arising about items not specifically addressed in this policy should be referred to the City Manager's Office. Non Discrimination A. Intent of Non Discrimination — The City will not discriminate against any person or persons because of their age, sex, race, religion, color, or natural origin, nor will the City permit the individuals or organizations making the reservations to engage in such discrimination. Release of Liability A. Indemnification — With submittal of the use application, the petitioner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Southlake, its officers, agents, servants, and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage (including, without limitation, City of Southlake — Library Meeting Room Use Polio Page 2 of 4 C reasonable fees and expenses of attorney, expert witnesses and other consultants) arising out of any negligent act or omission committed by the petitioner, its officers, employees, agents, guests, and invitees, in connection with the activities conducted under this agreement. This indemnification shall specifically include any claims arising from the negligence of the City, its agents, officials, and employees. B. Responsibility for Property - The City assumes no responsibility for property placed in the facility in connection with the use of the facility. City of Southlake — Library Meeting Room Use Policy G R Page 3 of 4 City of Southlake Policies and Procedures Please return this form to the Library Administrator at: 1400 Main Street, Suite 130 — Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone (817) 481-5718 - Fax (817) 481-5725 Organization: Request submitted by: Date of Event: Time of Event: From: Facility Requested: Contact Person: Home Phone: Address: AM / PM To: Work Phone: Mobile Phone: Date: AM/PM City State Zip Email Address (If applicable) WITH SUBMITTAL OF THIS APPLICATION, THE PETITIONER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR BODILY INJURY, ILLNESS, DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEY, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS) ARISING OUT OF ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION COMMITTED BY THE PETITIONER, ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, GUESTS, AND INVITEES, IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS INDEMNIFICATION SHALL SPECIFICALLY INCLUDE ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY, ITS AGENTS, OFFICIALS, AND EMPLOYEES. Upon approval, this signed petition entitles the scheduled user to full use of the requested facilities herein. This reservation takes priority over any first -come users or non -reserved parties. Signature of Responsible Person Date Library Administrator Date City of Southlake — Library Meeting Room Use Policy II Page 4 of 4 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 1, 2001 TO: Library Board FROM: Laura Highlander, Library Administrator SUBJECT: Amendments to the Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy Action Requested: Library Board review and recommendation to City Council amendments to the Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy. Background Information: The library staff has reviewed the previously approved Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy and would like to submit to the Library Board the following amendments for review and recommendation to City Council. Amendment No. 1: Retail replacement cost of any item which is lost or damaged and for which a current price can be found. Replacement cost plus $10 processing fee. Amendment No. 2: Average replacement cost for any item which is lost or damaged beyond repair and for which a current price cannot be found. Replacement cost plus $10 processing fee. Amendment No. 3: If the replacement cost of an item is less than $10.00, the replacement cost plus a processing fee of $5.00 will be charged. Amendment No. 5: Damaged book jackets $2.00, damaged media containers $2.00, security labels, $1.00, barcodes, $1.00. Amendment No. 6: If a fine is owed on lost or damaged items, it will be waived when it is declared lost or damaged, and the replacement cost + processing fee is paid in full. Amendment No. 7: If lost items are found and returned with a library receipt within three months (of payment), a refund minus the processing fee will be issued. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not Applicable Legal Review: Not Applicable Cl�' --- \ Library Board October 1, 2001 Wage 2 Alternatives: Supporting Documents: Staff Recommendation: The Library Board may ask for further changes in the policy. Copy of the proposed amendments to the Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy. Library Board recommendation to City Council to approve the amended Library Fees and Extended Fees Policy. �0n-a Southlake Public Library Board Policies and Procedures Manual Policy: Fees and Extended Fees Source: Library Board Category: Administration Effective Date: January 2, 2001 Statement of Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide consistent guidance for the Southlake Public Library staff in fees and extended fees. Policy Statement The Southlake Public Library has established the following schedule for overdue materials as well as fees for lost and/or damaged materials and for other services provided by the Southlake Public Library. Materials extended use fees Fees Books fees as established by current City fee schedule. Books on Cassette fees as established by current City fee schedule. CD fees as established by current City fee schedule. CD-ROM fees as established by current City fee schedule. Magazines fees as established by current City fee schedule. Videocassettes/DVD fees as established by current City fee schedule. Copies fees as established by current City fee schedule. Computer printout fees as established by current City fee schedule. Lost card fees as established by current City fee schedule. Non-resident Card fees as established by current City fee schedule. ,*., Lost or damaged materials Borrowed materials are the responsibility of the library cardholder. In the case of children under the age of 18, it is the parents/ guardian's responsibility to pay for the lost or damaged items in accordance with the following schedule of terms: 1. Retail replacement cost of any item which is lost or damaged beyond repair and for which a current price can be found. Double feplaeement costs areplaeement east plus $20 preeessing fee (whieheveF is less), will be levie any item less than 12 months old. Replacement cost plus $10 processing fee. 2. Average replacement cost for any item which is lost or damaged beyond repair and for which a current price cannot be found. Double average less), ill be levied an any item loss than 12 months old. Replacement cost plus $10 processing fee. 3. If the replacement cost of an item is less than $10.00, the replacement cost plus $S processing fee will be charged 4. Repair costs for damaged items will be conveyed to the patron from the library staff after the damage is evaluated. 5. Damaged book jackets $2.00 Damaged media containers $2.00 Security labels $1.00 Barcodes $1.00 6. If a fine is owed on lost or damaged items, it will be waived )Phen it is declared lost or damaged, and the replacement cost + processing fee is paid in full. 7. If lost items are found and returned with a library receipt within 3 months (of payment), a refund minus the processing fee will be issued