4 November 14, 2001
7 Board Members Present: Chairman Maria Cameron, Brent Burford, Vice -Chair, Karen
8 Cienki, Peggy Firestone, Linda Study and Marge Zielke
10 Board Members Absent: Debbie Baynard
12 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Laura
13 Highlander, Library Administrator and Jimi Davis, Adult Services Librarian
15 Guests: Penny Schmitz, representative from Libra -Tech
19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
21 Chair Maria Cameron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments
27 Library Administrator Laura Highlander and Deputy Director Steve Polasek gave the
28 administrative comments.
30 • The last round of policy amendments were approved by City Council on
31 November 5, 2001. All of the library policies will be bound in a notebook,
32 which will be available to the public at the circulation desk. Pamphlet size
33 condensations of the policies will also be developed for distribution to the
34 public.
36 • Upcoming events include: the Library's Grand Opening during the week
37 of November 10-16, and the kick-off of the Winter Reading Club on
38 December 1.
40 • Ms. Highlander introduced and welcomed Jimi Davis, the new Adult
41 Services Librarian, to the Library Board.
43 • Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek announced that
44 staff is currently working with the Public Works Street Department for the
45 placement of directional library signage on the roadways.
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page I of 10
1 • Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas informed Mr. Polasek
2 that Beck Construction plans to have the corners around the columns in
3 the library sanded down within two weeks. This has been an item of
4 concern to the Library Board.
6 The other concern that the Library Board has had regarding marking the
7 steps will be looked at again. Mr. Polasek said he believed the problem
8 had been addressed, however he would look into it again to ensure that
9 there is a clear definition of the steps for citizen safety.
11 • Mr. Polasek complimented Laura Highlander on a job well done for the
12 tasks she has handled over the last several months. She has been involved
13 in Beginning SQL, Advanced SQL and a workshop for Easy Ask, Systems
14 Administration program for Horizon, works behind the scenes as a
15 technical services librarian and serves as a librarian as well. He said that
16 Ms. Highlander has been working extremely hard and has accomplished a
17 great deal. Mr. Polasek said that all of the library staff have contributed
18 significantly to the operation of the library and that although there is still a
19 long way to go, there has been a great deal accomplished due to their
20 diligence. He said he appreciated all the help and support from the Board
21 as well.
23 9 Recognition of Libra -Tech -- Ms. Cameron recognized Penny Schmitz,
24 representative from Libra -Tech, who was present to receive a letter of
25 appreciation from the Board for a study carrel that Libra -Tech had donated
26 to the Southlake Public Library. Ms. Cameron thanked Ms. Schmitz for
27 the study carrel and said she was sure it would get a lot of use. Ms.
28 Schmitz commented that it was a pleasure for Libra -Tech to provide the
29 study carrel and that the library was a beautiful facility. The Board
30 applauded Ms. Schmitz and thanked Libra -Tech for their generous
31 donation. Ms. Schmitz left several business cards with members in case
32 they had any questions and noted that Libra -Tech has a website,
33 Libraryfumiture.com, and will probably include the Southlake Public
34 Library.
38 Agenda Item No 3-A Approval of the minutes of the October 3, 2001 meeting
40 Ms. Cameron had several revisions to the minutes.
42 A motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected.
43 Motion: Burford
44 Second: Firestone and Cienki
45 Ayes: Burford, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, Study and Zielke
46 Nays: None
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 10
I Abstention: None
2 Vote: 6-0
3 Motion carried.
7 Agenda Item No. 3-A Approval of the Library Board meeting minutes of October 3,
8 2001.
10 Ms. Cameron requested the following corrections be made to the minutes:
12 Page 1, line 31, change $30,000 to 30,000 items
14 Page 4, lines 37-41, change "Ms. Cameron suggested working with the Library
15 Foundation..." to "Ms. Cameron suggested having a gala event..."
17 Page 5, lines 38-44, rewrite to read: "Ms Cameron shared information about the
18 Lone Star Libraries program with the group. She said Lone Star Libraries is a new
19 program that offers direct aid to libraries from the state. Ms. Cameron explained
20 the fund allocation requirements."
22 Page 6, lines 19-21, rewrite to read: "Library Board members expressed their
23 concerns with the limited number of books in the library collection and their
24 desire to meet the needs of Southlake citizens. Library board members agreed
25 they would accept the penalty imposed by Lone Star Libraries and maintain a
26 non-resident fee at this time."
30 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum
32 Chairman Cameron opened and closed the Public Forum. No one was present to address
33 the Library Board at this meeting.
35 Agenda Item No. 5-A Discussion: Librarian's Report
37 Library Administrator Laura Highlander reviewed the Librarian's Report, which was
38 provided in the meeting packets. Highlights were:
40 Resource Materials — The size of the library's collection has more than doubled
41 since the ribbon cutting on September 26, 2001. Currently, there are over 13,500
42 items that have been fully processed and are on the shelves. There are still several
43 thousand books in the cataloging/processing stage. More items are being added
44 daily.
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 10
I Approximately half of the TIF monies allotted for materials have been spent with
2 Baker & Taylor. Staff is currently working with Baker & Taylor to complete the
3 project by late spring. Ms. Highlander explained the process for phase two of the
4 collection ordering. Mr. Polasek commented in response to Ms. Cameron's
5 question about using Baker & Taylor exclusively, that should Baker & Taylor not
6 have the items that the Library wants, the City would order those items from
7 another vendor through "sole source" or soliciting quotes if needed. Association
8 with NTRLS also allows the City to use other vendors in their system.
10 Ms. Highlander commented about using McNaughton for lease books. She said
11 the City would not use their service at this time.
13 Ms. Study asked if there was a problem with categorizing some of the books and
14 getting them out on the shelves, noting that there were many books still in the
15 work area. Ms. Highlander addressed her concern and reviewed the categorizing
16 process and the system staff members are using to get the books catalogued and
17 on the shelves.
19 The library's periodical collection is quite impressive. Jimi Davis, Adult Services
20 Librarian, has done and outstanding job of organizing and quickly processing
21 periodicals so that the public can enjoy the current issues. Kim Bush, City
22 Manager's secretary, is helping to make magazine labels for the covers which will
23 identify the magazine and who it was donated by.
25 Due to the lack of storage space, the library has put a "hold" on accepting used,
26 donated books until late spring. The FOSL storage space is full as well. Ms.
27 Cameron asked if FOSL was given a choice? Ms. Highlander said that it was
28 discussed with FOSL about having a fall book sale and they said they would have
29 a book sale in the spring. Mr. Polasek said he recalled that there was never a
30 conversation that we would not accept any more books, but that it was agreed that
31 they were out of storage space at this time. He said they had hoped that a fall book
32 sale would have been held, but unfortunately, it was not, thus there is little space
33 to accept donations at this time. Ms. Cienki said she had heard during Early
34 Voting from a family wishing to make a book donation that the library was not
35 accepting any donations and wanted to know why. Ms. Highlander said the
36 Library's practice of not accepting donations until late spring due to limited
37 storage space had been posted at the circulation desk for the circulation staff to
38 see and tell the patrons.
40 Furniture and Equipment — The RFID system has been ordered. Phase I, the tags
41 and programmers are expected to arrive November 27. Phase II, the rest of the
42 equipment (antennas) is expected mid -December. The cover labels with the
43 Southlake logo and "Southlake Public Library" printed beneath have been
44 received. Ms. Highlander showed members sample "safer -cases" which will be
45 used in the library.
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 10
I Automation System — On -site training will be held the week of December 17 for
2 the acquisitions and serials modules of Horizon. Ms. Highlander attended training
3 for Beginning SQL, Advanced SQL, System Administration, and Easy Ask. In
4 addition to on -site training, there are two workshop credits to be used with
5 Epixtech. These credits will probably be used to attend the Sybase and iPac
6 sessions.
8 The online catalog and public access machines are operable. Southlake's
9 Information Services Department had developed an "image" for each machine
10 that allows access to the resources without compromising the city's computer
11 network. The filtering software is part of the firewall, and will affect all machines
12 that use the City's T-1 line for outside access. Thus, staff machines will be filtered
13 also. The filtering options are configured at the local level, Andrew Burt of the
14 Information Services Department is assisting the library in that regard.
16 Gary Gregg, Information Services, will be working with Thurman Smith of
17 Epixtech to set up the TeleCirc system.
19 Ms. Cienki expressed her concern about unsupervised young children using the
20 computers in the children's section of the library and suggested that a place card
21 be put at the computer locations either advising parents of the age children must
22 be to use the computers or that a parent must be present to supervise their use. She
23 also said that she thought the library staff should be more diligent in monitoring
24 the library and related that she had witnessed two young children, about 10 and
25 12, roughhousing on the furniture while holding a Jamba Juice. Mr. Polasek said
26 that the computer use policy information would be available to patrons and would
27 be placed so that visitors to the library would see it. He said Ms. Cienki's
28 concerns were duly noted.
30 Ms. Cienki said that when she and Maria were drafting the policies, they "were
31 afraid of parents dropping their children off at the library and then going to
32 Starbucks" and were fearful of there being unattended children at the library. Mr.
33 Polasek said there is an unattended children policy in place that talks about the
34 City's staff role and the parental role. He said that will be reviewed again with the
35 library staff and make sure everyone understands the policy and works toward
36 enforcing and monitoring the situations. Ms. Cienki said the policy also needs to
37 be posted so that the parents can be aware of it. Ms. Polasek agreed with Ms.
38 Cienki but cautioned that care needs to be taken when deciding just how many
39 things need to be posted because too many posted items would cause the patrons
40 not to read any of the information posted. Ms. Cameron said that she recalled that
41 they had wanted it set up so that when a patron signed up for a library card, the
42 patron agreed they had read the policies and would abide by them, yet that has not
43 been accomplished. Some of the policies had been amended and had to be
44 approved by City Council. Mr. Polasek offered that a solution is being worked on
45 to provide patrons the policies. Linda Carpenter is compiling all the approved
46 library policies into a notebook which will be kept at the front desk of the library.
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 5 of 10
I Another suggestion was to go ahead and make copies of the polices that can be
2 handed out to individuals when they make application for a library card. He said
3 pertinent sections of the polices could be posted in different areas of the library.
4 Ms. Highlander suggested that on Monday evenings a part-time library employee
5 or a volunteer could be stationed to monitor the area. Ms. Polasek and Mr.
6 Burford stressed that library staff should be more diligent about enforcing library
7 policies.
9 Ms. Cameron said she had concerns that the desk was unmanned at times. Ms.
10 Highlander explained that shortage of personnel was an issue. The suggestion was
11 made to station a volunteer at that desk as a monitor. Mr. Polasek added that it
12 was very important that staff have visual contact with all areas of the library and
13 that they would look at manning that desk with either current library staff or a
14 volunteer.
16 Personnel — Ms. Highlander attended Epixtech workshops in Wichita Falls and
17 Round Rock during the month. Both she and Amy Priour were featured at the
18 Metroport's Rotary Club meeting October 19. They had a wonderful time
19 promoting the library and make new contacts within the community. On October
20 24, Ms. Highlander attended the Author's Luncheon sponsored by the Friends
21 organization of Southlake, Colleyville and Grapevine.
23 As of today, the interview process to select a technical services clerk to replace
24 Patty Hendrix who resigned on October 10, 2001 has been completed and an job
25 offer will be extended.
27 Grand Opening Week — Ms. Highlander thanked everyone for their assistance.
28 The Grand Opening Week is scheduled for November 10-16 and members were
29 provided a schedule of events in their packets. The Friends of the Southlake
30 Library are sponsoring activities and guests on November 10. A tremendous
31 amount of gratitude and thanks goes to Debbie Baynard for coordinating this
32 showcase.
34 Monday through Friday will feature readings and activities sponsored by the
35 library. Prize drawings include many items from area vendors. A special thank-
36 you is due to Karen Cienki and husband, John, who donated several gift
37 certificates from Barnes & Noble and Zainy Brainy to the prize drawing.
39 Ms. Highlander said magnets with library information and nametags for library
40 personnel will be ordered and are expected to arrive in the coming weeks.
42 Agenda Item No 5-B Discussion: Friends of Southlake Library Update
44 Ms. Cameron noted that although Ms. Baynard was not present to give an update report,
45 she had been very busy with the Grand Opening, promoting the library and Friends to the
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 6 of 10
I visitors. Ms. Cameron said Ms. Baynard did an outstanding job and that her hard work
2 was very appreciated.
4 Agenda Item No. 5-C Discussion: Southlake Library Foundation Update
6 Ms. Firestone, liaison to the Southlake Library Foundation, said she was still waiting to
7 meet with Mr. Morin. Mr. Polasek and Ms. Firestone agreed they will meet with Ms.
8 Highlander on November 27 at 9:30 a.m. in the Library to discuss the list of suggested
9 projects to present to the Foundation. He said two areas of the list, business resources and
10 self -checkout, need to be revised and would be the two big areas of concentration.
12 Ms. Cameron stated that she was hopeful that the Foundation could help in acquiring
13 additional materials for the Library, such as the Value Line Investment Survey,
14 Morningstar Mutual Funds, Barron's Financial Weekly, and Wall Street Journal. She said
15 she would like to present this collection area to the Foundation as a possible project they
16 could do, which would be of great benefit to the Library.
18 Ms. Study asked about allowing patrons use of the library staff's fax machine as a
19 business service provided by the library and suggested that a public fax machine could be
20 put on the list of items to be suggested to the Foundation.
22 Agenda Item No. 5-D, Discussion: NTRLS Update
24 Ms. Cienki reported she bad received a notice of workshops on January 7 (Fort Worth) or
25 January 8 (Irving) about marketing the library and asked if anyone from the Library
26 Board would be interested in attending. The workshops are free events. Ms. Cienki said
27 she would not be able to attend, however, Ms. Cameron said she would attend. Contact
28 Laura Highlander if you are interested in attending either workshop.
30 Ms. Cienki will attend a NTRLS regional meeting this Friday in Roanoke.
32 Agenda Item No. 5-E Discussion: Board Retreat
34 This item was on the agenda to allow the Library Board to discuss a date, meeting
35 location and an agenda for a proposed annual retreat.
37 Once a year the Library Board and staff meet in a relaxed setting to discuss
38 accomplishments, goals, objectives and areas of improvement. In January 2001, the
39 Board held a retreat and developed a Ten Year Strategic Plan for the library. This plan is
40 the tool to help measure the progress of the library and set a path for future
41 improvements. The Library Ten Year Strategic Plan is a working document and should
42 be reviewed and updated annually.
44 The following topics were proposed for the retreat.
46 • Current state of the library (Library Administration)
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 7 of 10
1 • Current state of the City (Director/Deputy Director of Community
2 Services)
3 • Review/update of the Library Ten Year Strategic Plan (Library
4 Board/staff)
5 • Open discussion (Library Board/staff)
7 Proposed locations of the Retreat are in Town Hall (third floor meeting room), Senior
8 Activity Center, or at the Lodge in Bicentennial Park. Last year's Retreat was held 9:00
9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center.
11 Mr. Polasek encouraged Library Board members to let staff know of their ideas about the
12 topics they want to discuss at the Retreat and asked if January was a good time frame
13 with everyone for the Retreat?
15 Ms. Cameron suggested having a team -building format instead of the usual retreat that
16 would include the library professional staff, Mr. Polasek and Mr. Hugman. The agenda
17 could be slanted more toward communication building, although some of the items
18 proposed for the agenda could be addressed — such as the Ten Year Plan could be briefly
19 reviewed. Ms. Zielke concurred with Ms. Cameron.
21 Ms. Firestone said she would not be available on January 19 or 20 and Ms. Cienki said
22 she would not be available January 14 — February 9.
24 Members discussed several dates and time options and decided to set the Retreat for
25 January 12, at the Senior Center. Mr. Polasek will contact Kathryn Brown to see about
26 being the facilitator. Ms. Brown worked recently with the City of Lewisville on their
27 Library Board's retreat and was highly recommended to Ms. Cameron. The time is
28 tentatively set for 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. but will be confirmed once Ms. Brown's
29 schedule known. The details of the Retreat will be brought back to the Library Board at
30 the December meeting.
32 Agenda Item No. 6, Consider --- No items this agenda.
34 Agenda Item No. 7, Other Items
36 Statistical Data Reports — Ms. Highlander reviewed the "Circulation Statistical
37 Report for September, October and November (to date)" sheet and answered
38 questions from the Board. She explained that in the "Circulation by Bstat"
39 division there is some duplication in figures in the Adults 18-55 and in the City
40 Employee columns and cited herself as being counted twice because she falls into
41 both categories.
43 Ms. Highlander said that the "Youth Services Statistical Report" provides
44 attendance information on the various events by date and event and is separated
45 by participation of adults and children.
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 8 of 10
I Ms. Cienki commented about the high number (101) of Storytime Attendance in
2 October in the "Statistical Report for September, October and November." Ms.
3 Highlander directed attention to the detail report compiled by Amy Priour, Youth
4 Services Librarian, and explained that October 23 saw a high volume of children
5 and adults that day — 22 kids, 14 adults. Ms. Cameron commented that attendance
6 was steadily increasing.
8 Comment Cards Report -- Ms. Highlander told the group that staff received
9 several comments about the wonderful reading program presented by Elizabeth
10 Beamon, which were not included in the Comment Log Report.
12 Jimi Davis, Adult Services Librarian, is working on setting up an email reference
13 desk to respond to citizen's requests by email.
15 Ms. Cameron asked about the possibility of having the security system do an
16 electronic count of the number of people entering the library. There are electronic
17 counters that can be installed in the doorways, however, Southlake does not have
18 that at this time but will look into it and determine whether it can be added now or
19 if it needs to be budgeted for next year.
21 Publicizing Library Programs/Events -- Library programming and events
22 information is dispensed to the public in a number of ways -- through press
23 releases sent to the media from the City's Public Information Officer as well as
24 advertised by flyers, and in-house (website), marquee at Bicentennial Park, etc.
25 Mr. Polasek said staff will look into having local merchants advertise events by
26 putting flyers in their business windows, such as Milwaukee Joe's or Starbucks.
28 Another suggestion to advertise the library events was to purchase a portable,
29 glass encased type bulletin board that could be set outside the library door every
30 morning with the current events posted and brought inside the library at closing.
32 Board members talked about the possibility of working out some kind of
33 arrangement with Starbucks to regularly co-sponsor a poetry night or to hand out
34 an "events list" with every purchase to advertise library events. If Starbucks
35 agreed to allow the city a certain amount of counter top space, flyers could be
36 regularly stocked by library personnel in a Plexiglas holder on their counter to
37 publicize programs.
39 Mr. Polasek thanked the Board members for their suggestions and said he would
40 pursue these with the City's Public Information Officer.
42 Ms. Cienki talked about tapping into the home school market since there are many
43 children in that category in Southlake.
45 In an effort to draw more library attendance, it was suggested that the various
46 womens' groups in Southlake be contacted and to let them know about the
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 9 of 10
"Poetry and Coffee" events, which would draw a lot of people to the library. Ms.
Firestone said she would work with Jimi Davis on informing the Southlake
Women's Club of the next poetry night program.
A suggestion was made that the statistical report should indicate the number of
new library cards being issued to patrons each month.
Budget to Actual Report — Mr. Polasek commented on the budget sheet stating
that it showed year end figures, however, a lot of funds that were encumbered and
carried over for 2000-01 do not show up on this report --- more money was spent
for the year than the report shows.
Volunteers Needed — In order to get more books on the shelves, the library needs
volunteers who can regularly work several days a week for 6-8 weeks at a time, to
process the books. Suggestions on how to recruit volunteers were given. Packets
of volunteer materials could be distributed to various civic organizations, such as
National Charity League (NCL). Perhaps Chere' Bradford could attend their next
meeting and promote the library's need for volunteers. Contact Rose Hampshire,
president of NCL, about being put on their next meeting agenda. This
arrangement could be done with any of the local civic organizations, such as the
girl scouts leaders group meetings, etc.
Comment Card Issue -- Ms. Cameron mentioned the comments found in the
report about allowing non-resident local schoolteachers to use the library and
asked if members would like to re -visit that issue and have it put on a future
agenda? Ms. Cienki expressed that she still disagrees with it and stated how it
could impact the number of books that could be available to Southlake citizens.
Board members agreed that this issue could be re -visited in 6-9 months when the
library is more fully equipped.
Hours of Operation -- Ms. Cienki said she had requests from citizens for the
library to be open until 9:00 p.m. in the evenings and a request that the library be
open on Tuesday night.
The next Library Board meeting is set for December 19, 2001.
Agenda Item No. 8, Adjournment
The board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Maria Cameron aura Highlknder
Library Board Chair Library Admi istrator
CAWINNT\Temporary Internet Files\OLK270111401.doc
November 14, 2001 Library Board Regular Meeting
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City of Southlake, Texas
November 9, 2001
TO: Library Board
FROM: Laura Highlander, Library Administrator
SUBJECT: Librarian's Report
The size of the library's collection has more than doubled since the ribbon -cutting on September
26, 2001. Currently, there are over 13,500 items that have been fully processed and are on the
shelves. There are still several thousand books in the cataloging / processing stage. More items
are being added to the shelves on a daily basis.
Approximately half of the TIF monies allotted for materials have been spent with Baker &
Taylor. The staff is currently working with Baker & Taylor to complete the' project by late
The periodical collection is quite impressive. Jimi Davis, Adult Services Librarian, has done a
exemplary job of organizing and quickly processing them so the public may enjoy the current
Also, the library has received several boxes of new books from the Fort Worth Star -Telegram.
The variety of titles will surely complement our existing collection.
Due to the lack of storage space, the library is not accepting used, donated books until late
The RFID system has been ordered. The tags and programmers are expected to arrive November
27. The rest of the equipment has an arrival date of mid -December. We have already received
the cover labels with the Southlake logo and "Southlake Public Library" printed beneath.
On -site training will be held the week of December 17 for the acquisitions and serials modules of
Horizon. I have attended trainings for Beginning SQL, Advanced SQL, System Administration,
and Easy Ask. In addition to the on -site training, we still have two workshop credits to be used
with Epixtech. These credits will probably be used to attend the Sybase and iPac sessions.
Library Board
November 9, 2001
Page 2
The online catalog and public access machines are operable. Southlake's Information Services
department has developed an "image" for each machine that allows access to the resources
without compromising the city's computer network. The filtering software is part of the firewall,
and will affect all machines that use our T-1 line for outside access (so, staff machines will be
filtered as well). The filtering options are configurable at the local level, so Andrew Burt of the
IS department is assisting the library in that regard.
Gary Gregg, Information Services, will be working with Thurman Smith, Epixtech, to set-up the
TeleCirc system.
This past month, I attended the prior -mentioned Epixtech workshops in Wichita Falls and Round
Rock. Amy Priour and I were also the featured program at the Metroport's Rotary Club Meeting
October 19. We had a wonderful time promoting the library and making new contacts within the
community. Coincidentally, the Rotary Club's mission this year is adult literacy, so we will be
discussing joint ventures and opportunities.
October 24, I attended the Author's Luncheon sponsored by the Friends organization of
Southlake, Colleyville, and Grapevine. I enjoyed the opportunity to listen to so many authors in
one sitting. Peter Straub did a fine tribute to libraries he has frequented as a child and as an
We are currently interviewing for a technical services clerk. Patty Hendrix resigned on October
10, 2001.
Enclosed in the packet is a schedule of events for the Grand Opening. The activities and guests
on Saturday, November 10, are being sponsored by the Friends of the Southlake Library. A
tremendous amount of gratitude and thanks goes to Debbie Baynard for coordinating this
Monday through Friday will feature readings and activities sponsored by the library. In addition
to the prize drawings, there will be book bags and bookmarks for the public. In the coming
weeks, we will have magnets with our library information and name tags identifying the library
The prize drawings include many items from area vendors. However, a special thank -you is due
to Karen Cienki, who generously donated several gift certificates from Barnes & Noble and
Zainy Brainy to the prize drawing.
City of Southlake, Texas
November 9, 2001
TO: Library Board
FROM: Laura Highlander, Library Administrator
SUBJECT: Discussion of proposed Library Board Retreat
Action Requested: Library Board discussion of date, meeting location, and agenda for proposed
annual retreat.
Information: Annually, the Library Board and staff meet in a more relaxed setting to
discuss accomplishments, goals, objectives, and areas for improvement. In
January of 2001, the Board and staff held a retreat and developed a Ten Year
Strategic Plan for the library. This plan is the base tool to help gauge the
progress of the library, as well as set forth a path by which future
improvements can be made. The Library Ten Year Strategic Plan is a
working document and should be reviewed and updated annually.
Below, please find a list of proposed topics for the retreat. This list can be
easily modified to cover subject matter that you would like to discuss.
1. The current state of the library (Library Administrator)
2. The current state of the City (Director/Deputy Director of Community
3. Review and update of the Library Ten Year Strategic Plan (Library
4. Open discussion (Library Board/staff)
Proposed locations of the meeting are in Town Hall (third floor training
room), the Senior Activity Center, or at the Lodge in Bicentennial Park.
Last year the meeting was held on a Saturday from approximately 9:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. at the Senior Center. This same schedule could be arranged or
a night meeting setup if that would be more convenient.
Considerations: Not Applicable.
Citizen Input/
Board Review: Not Applicable.
Legal Review: Not Applicable.
.1 Library Board
November 9, 2001
Page 2
The Library Board will provide direction on a meeting date, location, and
subject matter for discussion at the retreat.
Documents: Not Applicable.
Recommendation: Library Board discussion of date, meeting location, and agenda for proposed
annual retreat.
Agenda Item No. 7 — Other Items
• Circulation Statistical Report
• Youth Services Librarian Statistical Report
• Financial Management "Budget to Actual" Report
• November Comment Log
• Southlake Public Library Grand Opening flyer
• FOSL flyer
N:\Library Services\Memos\2001\11-01\Other Items.doc
City of Southlake, Texas
November 8, 2001
TO: Library Board
FROM: Cher'e Bradford, Circulation Assistant
SUBJECT: Statistical Report for September, October, and November (to date)
# Materials Checked Out
Sept. 586 + 25 paperbacks = 611
Oct. 3,051 + 109 paperbacks = 3,160
Nov. 787 + 11 paperbacks = 798
Total 4,424 4,569 (with paperbacks incl.)
Circulation by Bstat
Adults 18-55
Birth — 17 yrs
Seniors,56 +
City Employee
Circulation by Btype
Library Staff
Storytime Attendance
Toddler Time
Special Programs
City of Southlake, Texas
November 8, 2001
TO: Library Board
FROM: Amy Priour, Youth Services Librarian
SUBJECT: Youth Services Statistical Report for September, October, and November (to date)
Teen Poetry Night Thurs. Oct. 18 — 17 teens
Library Tour and Storytelling for Brownie Troop Mon. Oct. 29 — 8 lst graders, 3 moms, 2
Pumpkin Party Mon. Oct. 29 — 45 kids, 23 adults, 3 teen volunteers
For the month of October, we had a nine teen volunteers put in a total of 37 hours.
Library Tour and Storytelling for Brownie Troop Mon. Nov. 5 — 20 15t & 2°d graders, 6 moms
* *Since Oct. 27 — stats at the Youth Services Desk have been 406 in -person and 39 over the
phone. We're keeping a tally of reference questions we answer — whether it's about programs,
help finding a book, etc.
Storytime Counts
Thursday, Sept. 27 5 kids, 5 adults
Sandy Shrout Puppet Show
Sat. Sept. 29 42 kids, 34 adults
Tue. Oct. 2 4 kids, 4 adults
Th. Oct. 4 9 kids, 7 adults
Tue. Oct. 9 9 kids, 6 adults
Th. Oct. 11 13 kids, 12 adults
Tue. Oct. 16 13 kids, 9 adults
Th. Oct. 18 7 kids, 7 adults
Tue. Oct. 23 22 kids, 14 adults
Th. Oct. 25 13 kids, 13 adults
Pumpkin Party Mon. Oct. 29 `
Library Board
November 8, 2001
Page 2 of 2
45 kids, 23 adults
Tue. Oct. 30
10 kids, 7 adults
Thurs. Nov. 1
15 kids, 10 adults
Tue. Nov. 6
16 kids, 14 adults
Thurs. Nov. 8
14 kids, 11 adults
Turkey Time Thurs. Nov. 8
7 kids, 4 parents, 2 teen volunteers
"The statistics for the Adult Services desk (Oct. 24 — Nov. 8) are 86 in -person and 6 by phone.
City of Southlake, Texas
November 8, 2001
TO: Library Board
FROM: Laura Highlander, Library Administrator
SUBJECT: Comment Logs
Listed below are typed comments that were taken from the notebooks kept at the circulation
desk, the youth services desk, and the adult services desk. Comments from the public, whether
they are complementary in nature, constructive criticism, or stated needs, are noted by the library
staff. We hope the notebooks will serve as a means of communication between the public and
the library board.
• Patron said the library was "pitiful," disappointed with so few books, says he pays taxes
but sees no benefit.
o RESPONSE: As of today, there are 13,500 items on the shelves (up from 5,000
items on opening day) with more in processing. The library has only spent half of
the money allotted for materials with Baker & Taylor, with the next phase
currently being planned. When the project is complete, the library will have over
35,000 items on its shelves. This will include materials in all formats —
periodicals, newspapers, DVD, CD, VHS, print, and online resources. When
completely full, the library will house approximately 50,000 to 55,000 items.
• Complaint about the .25 overdue charge.
• Patron felt .25 per day on overdues was high.
o RESPONSE: This is current library policy and it is concurrent with overdue
charges in other cities.
• A lot of positive comments on the library.
• Patron came in expecting to have to use ILL to get what she needed. She was very
pleased that we actually had the item here!
• "Pretty nice!"
• "Wonderful library! This is beautiful!"
• "The library turned out really nice."
• "It's great, this is wonderful."
• "Beautiful facility."
• "It's beautiful, a gorgeous building."
• Very warm, cozy feel compared to the new Grapevine Library.
• We have more chapter books and nicer chapter books than Grapevine.
• In the Juvenile Fiction section, even though there aren't many books in yet, the ones we
have are great books — good selection, award winners, etc.
Library Board
November 8, 2001
Page 2
• Questions on why the limited hours.
• Several comments about when our hours were increasing (from 30 to 44).
• Questions about hours increasing.
• Comments about wanting later hours for students and those adults who drive home from
the metroplex.
o RESPONSE: Many of the questions were regarding our modified 30 hour
schedule. This was explained as time was needed to continue to get materials on
the shelves. However, with the 44-hour schedule, we will be open 6 days a week,
including two evenings until 8:00 p.m. and four hours on Saturday.
• Several patrons asked when we would start getting reference materials on the shelves.
• Questions about reference materials.
• Several asked when we would be getting videos, DVDs, and reference materials.
o. RESPONSE: Reference materials are currently on the shelves, with more in
processing and more to be ordered from Baker & Taylor (among other vendors).
• Several asked if the limit of 6 items per checkout would increase when more materials
are on the shelves.
o RESPONSE: At this time, our policy currently limits checkouts to 6 items. The
effects of the policy will be monitored and a future recommendation to the board
to increase the number of items will be brought forward at a later date if
• Need more copies of "Garfield."
• Could we get another copy of United States of America State by State Guide to circulate
(we have one in reference)
o RESPONSE: We are currently taking item requests, and they will be considered
in conjunction with our collection development policy by the. librarians.
• 4 or 5 patrons asked if they were going to be able to continue using the Grapevine
Library "free."
• Woman called in expressing concern over the cancellation of the Grapevine interlocal
agreement and its affects on students who cannot afford the $25 non-resident fee.
• 4-5 patrons asking if they would still be able to use the Grapevine Library.
o REPONSE: As you are aware, the city no longer has an interlocal agreement with
Grapevine Library. However, citizens may continue to use the Grapevine Library
until their library card expires, at which time they must pay the $25 non-resident
fee to renew.
• A few people asked about Colleyville residents being able to use this library and whether
or not we have reciprocal agreements with other libraries.
o RESPONSE: This is a high priority for the library in the upcoming year to
explore interlocal agreements with area libraries.
0 Teen Networking United Way
Library Board
November S, 2001
Page 3
• Voter registration cards
o RESPONSE: We will investigate getting blank voter registration cards available
in the library for patrons.
• Would like afternoon story time session, e.g., 2:30 Thursday is best.
• Wednesday storytime (or another day that is not Tuesday or Thursday)
o RESPONSE: Youth Services will review these requests and explore the
possibility of an additional storytime session.
• I SEE catalog for younger students (51h grade)
o RESPONSE: Staff will explore
• Computers with Word.
o RESPONSE: They are currently in place.
• Pay phone needs.
o RESPONSE: Will pass request on to the appropriate department in Town Hall for
a pay phone in the lobby area. However, children may use library phones at the
youth services, circulation, and reference desks to contact their parents or
responsible parties.
• 4 or 5 patrons have asked about fax service.
• Patron asked for fax service..
o RESPONSE: The library will explore the addition of this service.
• Questions about the use of a copy machine.
o RESPONSE: Money has been budgeted and the library staff is working with the
IS Department to secure a copier through the City's lease program.
• Teachers in the area should be able to use the Southlake Library.
• Library should offer free cards to teachers that teach in Southlake but don't live in
o RESPONSE: Will explore what other area libraries offer regarding this service
and bring this information to the Board at a future meeting.
• Does the storyteller do birthdays?
o RESPONSE: Elizabeth currently does not perform at private engagements.
Signage /Directions
• Patron suggested that we do more to advertise the library. For example, signs on 1709
stating library is open with arrows.
• Patron suggested that we have more signs outside of the Town Hall that give directions to
the library, e.g., which door to use, especially for those who visit the library on
• 2 ladies commented on having a hard time finding us.
• Several patrons commented on us needing a sign (library sign). They had no idea where
we were and had to ask
o RESPONSE: The Director of Community Services is currently exploring this
possibility with the appropriate officials.
• Patron called directory assistance and they have no listing for us. He said he had to call
Grapevine Library to get our number.
Library Board
November 8, 2001
Page 4
o RESPONSE: Staff will address this issue.
Shana Yelverton
November 8, 2001
TO: Library Board Members
FROM: Laura Highlander, Library Administrator
SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for Library Board
meeting for November 8, 2001.
Please note the location of the meeting will be in the library. Dinner will be available at 6:30
1. Administrative Comments. The last round of policy amendments were approved by
City Council on November 5, 2001. Upcoming events include: the Library's Grand
Opening during the week of November 10 - 16, and the kick-off to the Winter Reading
Club on Saturday, December 1.
Libra -Tech has generously donated a study carrel to Southlake Public Library and will
be presented with a letter of appreciation.
2. Agenda Item No. 3A. Approval of Minutes for the October 3, 2001 meeting. If you
have any corrections to the meeting minutes, please let Linda Carpenter know in
advance or make it part of the motion for consideration. Linda can be reached via e-
mail at larpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us, or by calling 817-481-1542.
3. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM. This is the public's opportunity to address the
Board about non -agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not
deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this
time. The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and
respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to
the Board, or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to
discuss or consider.
4. Agenda Item No. 5A. Librarian's Report This will cover the materials sent to you in
this packet and some of the items received during the month by the Library
5. Agenda Item No. 5B. Friends of the Southlake Library Update. This is a standing item
on the agenda that will provide the Library Board liaison an opportunity to update the
Board on the progress and activities of the Friends of the Southlake Library.
Library Board Members
Board Meeting - November 8, 2001
Page 2
6. Agenda Item No. 5C. Southlake Library Foundation Update. This is a standing item on
the agenda to enable the Library Foundation liaison to report on the activities of the
Foundation to the Board.
7. Agenda Item No. 5D. North Texas Regional Library System Update. This is a new
item on the agenda to enable the NTRLS representative to report of the activities of the
North Texas Regional Library System.
8. Agenda Item No. 5E. Board Retreat. This is to discuss the date, location, and topics for
the annual Library Board retreat.
9. Agenda Item No. 7. Other Items. This is the chance to bring up items that the Board
would like to see on future agendas. As a reminder, the Board cannot discuss in detail
and/or deliberate on items that are not on the agenda under the "Other Items" category.
Items included in your packet are:
• Comment Card Log
• Statistical Reports
�Uw • Grand Opening information
• Etc.
Again, thank you for your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions
regarding the agenda or supporting materials, please contact me at 817-481-5727.
Sponsored By:
Thomas Stephen & Co., UP
Certified Public Accountants
(friends of Me 8outAlahe cratatu
Volume I,Issue 1 I
Who's Who...
Librarg 1ldministratcr
6aura filighland¢r
youth §S zrvieft.5 librarian &
T¢Qn Volunt¢er Coord.
ggmg priour
,9dult Voluntegr Coord.
Chizr'Q Bradford
elizab0h by-amon
,Idult S¢rvieu & %zf¢r¢ne¢
Jim Vavis
Library Phone Listings:
Circulation (817) 481-5718
Adult Services (817) 481-5732
Youth Services (817) 481-5733
Library floury
of fgctivv_Nov. 12th
Mondag 10-9
Tuvsdag 10-6
W¢dn"dag 12-6
Thursdag 10-8
f'ridag 12-6
Saturdag 10-2
<5-undag Closed
Join M66!
-Ingsdiquv, York
Email: moM5-Vg5z-
M�zmbvzrship Chair
Library Grand Opening! NOVEMBER 2001
Get ready for some new alike. Here are some • Milwaukee loe's Winter
and exciting events com- of the programs it has Reading Club
ing your way as the South- in store for the com- Adult Book or Poetry
lake Public Library pre- munity: Groups ...
pares for its grand open- -
•. After school pro-
ing! grams grades 4-6
On Saturday, Nov. I Oth Toddler Storytime join FOSL and be informed!
from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm,
there will be non-stop ac-
tivities for the whole fam-
ily. Special programs,
prize drawings and special
guests will be on hand to
assist with the festivities.
As the season continues -'�
there will be lots of activi- '
ties for old and young
Schedule of -Events
November Activities:
Mon., Nov. 12th 4-4:45 PM
"Get Acquainted w/ the Library"
Scavenger Hunt for Grades 3-5
Wed., Nov. 14th 4-5:30 PM
"My Favorite Book" Celebrate
Children's Book Week. Friends and
Neighbors from the community will share
their favorite books.
Thurs., Nov. 15th 6:30-7:30 PM
Adult Poetry Night
Adults may read their own poetry or that
of a favorite poet. Refreshments will be
Fri., Nov. 16th 4:30-4:50 PM
PUPPET SHOW. Local Teens will
be performing with Elizabeth
Thurs., Nov. 29th 4-4:45 PM
After school Book Group Gr: 46
Share your favorite book and find
new books to read. (3rd Floor Town
Hall, Mtg. Rm. C)
December Activities:
Winter Reading Club
Dec. 1- Jan. 5 2 yrs. - 6th Grade
Sat.. Dec. 1st - Storytime for all ages
10:30-10:50 PNI
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Dana Stewf eid atut euigPltm
F051- extends a special thanks to the fellows at McNor Group, MNL
Construction Services, and Mc Nor Custom }forces, Who generously
volunteered their time and resourceS to help move books after the last
book sale. We appreciate you.
Quest teacher Marilyn Lawrence and her Corro►llntermediate.School class
collected donations of cash and used books, and distributed F051-
membership forms. Through their efforts, F05L gained serveral new
members and was able to purchase materials for the library. Way to go,
QUE5T students! Thank you.
Cameron Baynard and 5tephen York ran the f urkey 5hoot booth for F05L at
the 5outhlake Harvest Fest. The booth raised more than 3250 for F051L.
Thank you, 5tephen and Cameron
Friends of the Southlake Library Contributors
Benefactor ($1,000) 1 Associate ($100)
The Tuggey Family
Patron ($500)
The Baynard Family
Residential Funding Corporation
Sponsor ($250)
Broder, Pineider & Ford, LLP
Just for Kids Dentistry, Drs. Hoffman & Davis
Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Southwestern Information Publishing
Maria Scott ($150)
Audrey's Accents & Gifts
Maxine Chappell, Personal Trainer
Frost National Bank
Groves Orthodontics
Theresa B. Lyons, Attorney at Law
Marsh Eye Center
The Miltenberger Family
Robert -N. and Louise B. Oliver
The Pike Family
Dr. Steven D. Sanders & Mary C. Henslee
The Savage Family
The Schwartzstein Family
The Sternfeld Family
The York Family
Left to Riyhr. Tom 51ephen, Tina Xauipodi,;. ,Michael Jfar.,m
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Southlake Public Library on its Grand Opening!
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