2000-01-26 * *OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 January 26, 2000 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Chair Maria Cameron, Debbie Baynard, Marjorie Zielke, Wanda 9 Poe, C.D. Peebles, Karen Cienki 10 11 Board Members Absent: Scott MacLeod 12 13 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Judy 14 Russeau, Administrative Secretary 15 16 Regular Session: 17 18 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Maria 19 Cameron at 7:03 PM. 20 21 Reports: 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments. 24 25 Mr. Polasek reported to the Board that at the December City Council meeting the terms of the 26 Library Board members were extended from December to May of the year following each 27 term expiration date (ie. 2000 or 2001) in order to coincide with the other City Boards and 28 Commissions. This information was included in the packet material as part of the attendance 29 log for 1999. 30 31 Ms. Cameron requested that the attendance log be modified to include shading all of the mid- 32 month meetings. Ms. Cienki asked that the attendance log reflect not only her appointment 33 to the Board in October of 1999, but her attendance at the October meeting as well. 34 35 Mr. Peebles asked the purpose of providing the attendance log for the Board members. Mr. 36 Polasek stated that the end of the year report was given to the Board members for their 37 information. 38 39 Consent Agenda: 40 41 Agenda Item No. 3.A., Approval of the minutes of the October 20, 1999 meeting. 42 43 Mr. Peebles made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 20, 1999 meeting with 44 corrections as noted. 45 46 Motion: C. D. Peebles 47 Second: Wanda Poe Library Board Regular Meeting Page I of 4 n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\minutes\2000\012600.doc * *OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ayes: Ms. Cameron, Ms. Cienki, Ms. Baynard, Ms. Poe, Ms. Zielke, Mr. Peebles 2 Nayes: 0 3 Approved: 6-0 4 5 Regular Agenda: 6 7 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. No issues were presented for Public Forum. Public 8 Forum was closed at 7:07 PM by Chair Maria Cameron. 9 10 Consider: 11 12 Agenda Item No. SA., Selection of a representative to serve on the Southlake Library 13 Foundation Board of Directors 14 15 Mr. Polasek indicated that the Library Board approved resolution No. 99-02 supporting the 16 establishment of a Southlake Library Foundation for the purpose of securing funds to support 17 the development of the permanent library facility and other improvements and made a 18 recommendation to the City Council. The City Council approved Resolution No. 99-75 19 supporting the formation of the Foundation and appointed Ms. Debbie Edmondson to serve 20 on the Board of Directors. Mr. Polasek explained that this item was placed on the agenda in 21 order to allow for the selection of a Library Board representative to serve on the Southlake 22 Library Foundation Board of Directors. 23 24 Ms. Zielke nominated Ms. Debbie Baynard to serve on the Southlake Library Foundation 25 Board of Directors. 26 27 There being no further discussion or nominations, Chair Maria Cameron closed the floor and 28 asked the Board to vote on the appointment of Ms. Debbie Baynard to serve as the Library 29 Board representative on the Southlake Library Foundation Board of Directors. 30 31 Ayes: Ms. Cameron, Ms. Cienki, Ms. Baynard, Ms. Poe, Ms. Zielke, Mr. Peebles 32 Nayes: 0 33 Approved: 6-0 34 35 Discussion: 36 37 Agenda Item No. 6A., Library Administrator position. 38 39 This item was moved up in the agenda. 40 41 Mr. Polasek indicated that he and Ms. Cameron attended the American Library 42 Association Conference in San Antonio for the purpose of recruiting a Library 43 Administrator. As a result, Ms. Cameron and Mr. Polasek interviewed two well-qualified 44 candidates interested in the Library Administrator position. 45 Library Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 4 n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\minutes\2000\012600.doc * *OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Mr. Polasek reported to the Board that Mr. Terry McLaughlin has been selected as the 2 Library Administrator. Mr. McLaughlin is currently serving as the State Librarian and 3 Director of Library Services in the Marianas Island on the island of Saipan. Mr. 4 McLaughlin has twenty-five (25) years experience in various locations as a library 5 director. Mr. Polasek outlined Mr. McLaughlin's experience. Mr. McLaughlin has been 6 highly recommended from various sources in the library field. An approximate start date 7 is scheduled for March 15, 2000, after which time the Board will have an opportunity to 8 meet Mr. McLaughlin. 9 1o Ms. Cameron said that the procedures for procuring the Library Administrator were not 11 followed as previously outlined to the Board because both of the candidates' current 12 locations prohibited extending the interview process, Mr. McLaughlin being from Saipan 13 and the second candidate was from London, Ontario in Canada. Both candidates were in 14 attendance at the conference and were available for interviews at very little cost to the 15 City. Both candidates spent a day in the City of Southlake and were given a tour of the 16 City along with the opportunity to meet with different City officials. 17 18 Ms. Zielke asked if the selection of a Library Administrator is on schedule with the 19 timeline. Mr. Polasek said that it is a little behind the original schedule, however this 20 should not hinder the process of implementing the new library. Mr. Polasek has 21 instructed Hidell and Associates to begin the process of recommending furnishings for 22 the library and Mr. McLaughlin will be involved in this process as soon as he arrives. 23 24 Ms. Cameron said that there were no previous applicants as qualified as Mr. McLaughlin 25 and she feels that he can accomplish a great deal. Ms. Cienki asked how many 26 applications were received. Mr. Polasek said there were approximately twenty (20) 27 applicants. Most of the applicants were from Texas, however, there were some from 28 other locations. 29 30 Ms. Baynard requested background information on Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Polasek that he 31 would forward appropriate information to the Board. 32 33 Mr. Polasek said that he was looking forward to Mr. McLaughlin joining the City of 34 Southlake staff as the Library Administrator and that he will be a great asset to the City. 35 36 Consider: 37 38 Agenda Item No. 5B. Library Facility interior paint and carpet selection. 39 40 Mr. Polasek said that at the December Library Board meeting samples of the proposed paint 41 and carpet were available for review. However, there was not a quorum at the meeting and a 42 recommendation was unable to be made. 43 44 Mr. Polasek provided the Board with samples of paint and carpet and reviewed with them 45 their use throughout the facility. Mr. Polasek said that the carpet and paint recommendations Library Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 4 n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\minutes\2000\012600.doc * *OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 are scheduled to be presented to the City Council on February 15, 2000. Several variations 2 and combinations were discussed by the Board and it was determined that a consensus on the 3 color choices presented could not be reached. 4 5 Mr. Peebles made a motion to form a subcommittee consisting of Wanda Poe, Debbie 6 Baynard and Maria Cameron, granting them the authority to make a final recommendation on 7 behalf of the Board regarding the approval of the paint, carpet and countertops for the library 8 facility. 9 10 Motion: C. D. Peebles 11 Second: Marjorie Zielke 12 Ayes: Ms. Cameron, Ms. Baynard, Ms. Cienki, Mr. Peebles, Ms. Poe, Ms. Zielke. 13 Nayes: 0 14 Approved: 6-0 15 16 Mr. Polasek said that he would arrange with Aaron Babcock of Hidell and Associates to put 17 together all of the samples of carpet, paint and countertops and then meet with the 18 subcommittee within the next week. The final selection will be presented to the Library 19 Board as an informational item at the next meeting. 20 21 Ms. Baynard reported that the Greater Southlake Women's Society is having an auction of 22 fine art at the Timarron Country Club on February 12, 2000. All proceeds will be given to 23 the Library. Board members were invited to attend. Ms. Baynard said that part of the mission 24 of the Greater Federation of Women's Clubs is Library 2000. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 8., Adjournment. The meeting was called for adjournment by Chair Maria 27 Cameron at 7:53 PM. 28 29 Motion: Wanda Poe 30 Second: Marjorie Zielke 31 Ayes: Ms. Cameron, Ms. Baynard, Ms. Cienki, Ms. Poe, Ms. Zielke, Mr. Peebles. 32 Nayes: 0 33 Approved: 6-0 34 35 36 37 Chair, na Cameron 38 39 Attest: 40 41 42 43 44 Steve P asek 45 Deputy Director of Community Services Library Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 4 n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\rninutes\2000\012600.doc